Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C652 Tell Jiang E the Truth

C652 Tell Jiang E the Truth



Jiang Ehuang's body trembled uncontrollably as if she had been electrocuted. At the same time, her face turned as pale as paper.    


She was not a fool. On the contrary, she was very smart. She could guess the meaning behind Bai Yuqi's words in an instant.    


Jiang Ehuang's eyes were round and her voice was full of unconcealable trembling. "Mom... you... You mean... it was my brother who did it?"    


Bai Yuqi was silent.    


Was it Xue Chen who did it?    


She was not 100% sure, but it was most likely Xue Chen.    


Except for Xue Chen, who would dare to be so crazy? Who would dare to do such a cruel thing to the Bai family?    


Seeing Bai Yuqi remain silent, Jiang Ehuang had already gotten the answer in her heart. Her originally bright and beautiful eyes immediately became dim, like a dark cloud that covered the bright moonlight. Her world instantly turned black.    


At the same time, her delicate body shook even more violently!    


She could not believe, or rather she could not accept, that this matter was actually done by her brother Xue Chen.    


Whether it was Xue Chen or Bai Guiqi, they were both close relatives of hers. But now, these two close relatives had turned against each other. Furthermore, they had reached a point where they could not tolerate each other and would not rest until they died!    


"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible..." Jiang Ehuang desperately shook her head and kept on narrating. It was as if she was talking to Bai Yuqi, but also as if she was trying hard to convince herself.    


"Mom, you are lying to me. You are lying to me, right..."    


"You must be lying to me!"    


Seeing Jiang Ehuang's face that was about to collapse, a trace of unwillingness slowly surfaced on Bai Yuqi's face. She could not help but sigh.    


She was also unwilling to believe that this was true but the reality made her have no choice but to accept that all of this was most likely true.    


"Ehuang, Mom also did not want this to be true. But you saw how Xue Chen treated Bai Di in Lingnan." Bai Yuqi sighed again. "He dared to kill Bai Di in front of everyone. Is there anything he doesn't dare to do?"    


When Bai Yuqi said that, the scene in Lingnan immediately surfaced in her mind, especially when Xue Chen said, "All the people of Bai Family deserve to die." It was like a demonic sound from hell, echoing in her mind continuously, unable to disappear.    


"Mom, why is all of this happening? Why?" Jiang Ehuang asked hysterically.    


Seeing Jiang Ehuang's almost crazy look, Bai Yuqi sighed slightly, "Ehuang, there are some things Mom does not want to tell you. But now it seems that it is impossible not to tell you!"    


"Xue Chen is your aunty's son. You already know this point..."    


"Is it because you stole my aunty's seat?"    


Bai Yuqi's face was full of bitterness. "If only it was that simple."    


As she spoke, Bai Yuqi sighed again with some melancholy. "Your grandfather once planned to kill your aunty..."    




Bai Yuqi's words were no different from a bomb that had a huge destructive power. It exploded in front of Jiang Ehuang, making her mind go blank. At the same time, her delicate body was on the verge of collapse. She looked like she could fall down at any time.    


"Impossible, impossible, how is this possible..."    


"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. What I said is the truth." Bai Yuqi smiled bitterly and said, "Could it be that as a daughter, I want to splash dirty water on my father?"    


Jiang Ehuang was silent.    


Yes, Bai Yuqi was Bai Guiqi's daughter. Why did she want to splash dirty water on her father? What good would this do her?    


"Your grandfather once planned to kill your aunty, and I am just a chess piece in your grandfather's hand to deal with your aunty." Bai Yuqi's face was full of pain.    


Other parents all wanted to make their children happy, but their father just treated them as chess pieces, a chess piece to deal with people.    


It had to be said that this was a kind of sorrow, a kind of pain, a kind of great irony.    


This was the misfortune of being born in a wealthy family!    


In the eyes of many people, Wealthy Class was the place they yearned for. They hated themselves for not being born into a Wealthy Class. They hated their parents for not being born into a Wealthy Class. Why were they not from the Wealthy Class?    


However, in the true Wealthy Class, who would know that the idea of cheating and deception, the idea of benefits being the most important, had already been deeply ingrained in the hearts of the people. It was impossible to pull it out.    


In the real Wealthy Class, the happiness of the children could not be compared to the so-called benefits. The marriage of the children was just a bargaining chip for the benefits.    


Furthermore, in a wealthy family, every word and action had to be feared. Because you are a member of a wealthy family, you represent not only yourself, but also the family behind you.    


Especially women, there are even more taboos in the Wealthy Class.    


Once they entered the Hou Clan, they were as deep as the sea. From this sentence, it could be seen that the hearts of the Wealthy Class were filled with helplessness and sorrow.    


Others envied the Wealthy Class, but at this moment, Bai Yuqi was envious of the ordinary family. She hated herself for not being born in an ordinary family. Why was she the Eldest Miss of the Bai Family?    


Otherwise, how could she be a chess piece?    


"Mom, could it be... could it be that you married my father..."    


"I do like your father." Bai Yuqi saw through Jiang Ehuang's thoughts with a glance and slowly said, "So when your grandfather wanted me to marry your father back then, my heart was filled with joy. But later on, I found out that all of this was nothing. It's just a setup, a setup you set up outside!"    


"Your grandfather wanted to get something from your aunt, but if your aunt became the wife of the Jiang Family, your grandfather would have to consider the consequences even if he wanted to take action!"    


"So your grandfather set up this trap and discussed the marriage between your father and me with your grandfather." Bai Yuqi said with a bitter face, "You should know your grandfather too. Or it should be said that the elders of their generation all care about the right family!"    


"Although your aunt is not bad, her background is very different from mine. Marrying to the Jiang Family is like turning a sparrow into a phoenix."    


"Your grandfather was unhappy, but he didn't say anything back then. After your grandfather and your grandfather made the marriage between me and your father, your grandfather's attitude became clear!"    


As she spoke, Bai Yuqi could not help but sigh again, just like the sentimental little sister Lin in the dream of the Red Chamber.    


"There are many people in Jiang Family who disagree with the marriage between your father and your aunty. After all, your father is the eldest son and the future leader of the Jiang Family. Therefore, when many people know that I want to marry your father, they blame your father one by one." Bai Yuqi's eyes slowly became deep. Her eyes slightly turned to the upper left corner and she was completely immersed in her memories.    


A famous psychologist once said that when a person recalled the past, his eyes would be more inclined to the upper left corner. If it was a fantasy, he would turn to the upper right corner and turn left and right. That was to recall while fantasizing. This kind of situation could basically be a lie.    


But now, Bai Yuqi's eyes looked up to the left. She should have completely fallen into memory and what she said was almost true.    


"They want your father to marry a woman who can help your father in the future and the Jiang Family. I'm obviously that woman." Bai Yuqi paused for a moment and said, "The Jiang Family tried to stop us. Your grandfather planned everything carefully. Your aunt was successfully rejected from the Jiang Family!"    


"Your grandfather saw the situation and knew that the time was right. He attacked your aunt and wanted to snatch something from her. However, your grandfather did not expect that your aunt knew martial arts. Moreover, she was an expert. " After all, your aunty managed to escape... "    


However, when your father and I were about to get married, your aunty appeared again. She wanted to ask your father for clarification. She wanted to give up, but how could she have the chance to meet your father? Your grandfather had already predicted that she would definitely appear, so the moment she appeared, she fell into the heavenly net laid down by your grandfather, Su. "    


"Because your grandfather knew that your aunt was very powerful, he sent many experts this time. Originally, he thought that he would be able to catch your aunt just like that. But in the end, human calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. Gong Shangyu appeared and she and your aunt escaped together. Since then, your aunt has not received any news."    


"And your father is also depressed all day long. I have seen all of this. I know that what he likes is not me, but your aunty, but I just happened to become his wife. His heart is in pain, he feels guilty for your aunty..."    


"Later on, because of the marriage between the Jiang and Bai families, both Jiang Family and Bai Family received great benefits. Because of this, your father's career has been smooth and smooth. He has risen to the top!"    


"But the good days did not last long. Gong Shangyu appeared with a man. This man carried a child in his hand. He is your father's son, the current Xue Chen!"    


"His appearance caused an uproar in the entire capital because he was too crazy. One man and one sword wreaked havoc in the forbidden city, killing the entire capital in a river of blood. The Bai Family was almost killed by him, and it was also because of him that the Bai Family became so weak.    


"After the incident, when all the Wealthy Class people mentioned him, their expressions changed drastically!"    


"His appearance made the whole of China boil with excitement. He single-handedly fought the nine Wealthy Class families of China, plus your master Dragon Sect Master, but he is undefeatable!" Bai Yuqi said with admiration, "He is a legend, a legend!"    


Bai Yuqi did not talk too much about Martial God's matter, but chose to skip it directly. "Later, I found out that not long after your aunt gave birth to Xue Chen, she died in depression. Whether it was because she was too sad or because she was not cured, I do not know."    


"That man is your aunt's brother. He came to take revenge for his sister. I don't know what his name is, but I know that everyone calls him Martial God."    


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