Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C649 Is Lord Yongye Afraid of Sowing Discord

C649 Is Lord Yongye Afraid of Sowing Discord

The furnishings were simple, and the layout was simple.    


The entire room. There was only a tea table and four bamboo chairs in the room, and in the northeast corner of the room was an incense burner. The incense burner was filled with smoke, and the fragrance was very strong!    


When the fragrance entered one's nostrils, it made one feel refreshed. The fatigue on one's body slowly disappeared under the cleansing of the fragrance, making one feel very comfortable.    


And beside the incense burner, there was a flowered screen that separated the originally spacious room, making it impossible for one to peek behind the screen. What kind of world would it be?    


Xue Chen and Bodhi Lady had just walked in from the outside when a dignified voice came out from behind the screen, "Sit!"    


Xue Chen and Bodhi Lady did not immediately sit down. Instead, their eyes fell on the screen.    


"Is this how the Dragon Gate treats its guests?" Xue Chen snorted and said, "Master is hiding behind the screen. Is it shameful?"    


His words were full of sarcasm.    


Although Xue Chen's words were full of sarcasm, Dragon Sect Master did not get angry because of it. Instead, he laughed lightly. "You think that I am shameful? That is shameful!"    


Dragon Sect Master did not argue with Xue Chen. It was what you thought was what it was.    


He did not care about what others thought. In Dragon Sect Master's mind, what did other people's opinions have to do with him?    


"The tea on the table is ready. If you don't mind, you can sit down and talk." Dragon Sect Master said again.    


"Even if I don't like it, it won't work."    


"Since you already know it's useless, why ask so many times?" Dragon Sect Master said calmly. "If I were you, I would follow my master's wishes. Sit down, drink some tea, and talk to him."    


"Unfortunately, you are not me."    


"Yes, I am not you!" Dragon Sect Master sighed. "That's why I can't bomb the Bai Family!"    


A simple dialogue directly brought the topic onto the right track.    


"That's because you weren't forced into a corner."    


"The rebirth of the Phoenix and the rebirth of the flames, isn't it the same as bringing death back to life in a desperate situation?" Dragon Sect Master was like an eminent monk who had obtained something. His words were full of Zen opportunities. "Besides, aren't you fine?"    


"That's because I'm prepared. Otherwise, I'm afraid I would have been drinking tea with King Yama in the Yama Palace."    


"You said it yourself. I'm afraid." Dragon Sect Master said calmly.    


Xue Chen approached Dragon Sect Master and attacked him with his words. His face turned cold. "Are you here for the Bai Family?"    


As he spoke, a bone-chilling coldness radiated from Xue Chen's body.    


After Dragon Sect Master sensed the killing intent from Xue Chen, he smiled. "Young man, why are you so angry? Come and have a cup of tea to calm down the fire!"    


As soon as Dragon Sect Master finished speaking, the wooden screen made a cracking sound. Then, a teacup flew towards Xue Chen like a sharp weapon.    


Xue Chen's expression changed slightly when he saw this. He quickly reached out his right hand to grab it.    




The next moment, Xue Chen's right hand grabbed the teacup. His expression changed slightly. At the same time, his right hand shook uncontrollably.    


Dragon Sect Master seemed to have thrown the teacup out in an attempt to invite Xue Chen to tea. However, the impact of the teacup was tremendous. It was as if the small teacup had been filled with lead. It looked very heavy.    


The moment Xue Chen caught the teacup, he felt as if his right hand had grabbed something that weighed a thousand kilograms. Moreover, the cup of tea was extremely hot.    


If it wasn't for the fact that Xue Chen had some ability, the temperature of the teacup would have been enough for him to throw the teacup to the ground, let alone the strength contained in the teacup.    


Moreover, he could use the teacup to break the screen. Moreover, the tea in the teacup did not spill out at all. It only caused a slight ripple. What kind of degree did he need to control the strength? At the same time, how far did he need to master parallel?    


One must know that the tea leaves are in the cup. When we lift it up, the tea leaves will ripple. If it is too full, it might even spill out from within.    


However, Dragon Sect Master threw the entire cup of tea out and broke the screen. When it reached Xue Chen's hand, not a single drop spilled out. It only rippled a little.    


From this, one could imagine how terrifying Dragon Sect Master was.    


For a moment, Xue Chen's face was filled with unprecedented seriousness.    


He was testing him, and he wanted to show off his strength?    


The moment Xue Chen caught the teacup, Dragon Sect Master opened his mouth for the first time and said, "This is Mount Wuyi's red robe. How about you try it?"    


"They all said it's good, but I think it's bad!"    


Xue Chen looked at the tea in the teacup and did not drink it. He was not a fool. This cup of tea was still steaming hot. If he drank it, it would definitely burn his mouth.    


After that, Xue Chen gently blew a few mouthfuls of air into the cup.    


"Is it very hot?"    


"What do you think?"    


"I didn't drink it. I don't know." said Wang Yao. Dragon Sect Master said calmly, "But you look very hot."    


Xue Chen's mouth twitched. He did not believe Dragon Sect Master at all. He did not believe Dragon Sect Master did not know whether the tea was hot or not. The cup of tea was thrown from his hand.    


"But, not bad. You also know that tea can burn the mouth if it's too hot. You can't drink it. You need to cool the tea before drinking it." Dragon Sect Master suddenly praised.    


"What do you mean?" Xue Chen immediately understood what Dragon Sect Master meant.    


"Life is like this cup of tea. If you drink too much, you will be in a hurry. Not only can't you taste it, but it's also very likely to burn your mouth. " That way, it will not be worth it. " Dragon Sect Master was like an eminent monk who had comprehended the Great Dao and understood the mortal world. "Tea needs to be tasted carefully. It needs to be done step by step. We can't rush it. You can't be impatient. You can only calmly taste it. I have to taste it. Only then will I be able to tell whether it's bitter or sweet! "    


"Therefore, a person should walk step by step when walking. You can't be anxious, you can't be impatient. If you are impatient, it will make you fall down very painfully!"    


Xue Chen frowned slightly when he heard Dragon Sect Master's words. He felt that Dragon Sect Master's words were full of mystery, as if he was pointing at something else. However, Xue Chen could not tell exactly what he was referring to.    


However, Xue Chen was sure that Dragon Sect Master's words were related to his bombing of the Bai Family.    


"Do you think I'm right?"    


"Yes, you can't drink too fast, otherwise it will burn your mouth!"    


"Then give me a cup of steaming tea," Xue Chen said.    


Dragon Sect Master was stunned at first when he heard Xue Chen's words, but then he couldn't help but laugh.    


"Xue Chen, you are very interesting." Dragon Sect Master said softly, "After so many years, you are the most interesting person I have ever seen."    




"Of course!" Dragon Sect Master said confidently, "Not only are you interesting, but you are also very interesting!"    


As soon as he said that, Dragon Sect Master added another sentence. "Well, at least I think you are fun."    


"Do you think it's fun for me to bomb the Bai Family as well?" Xue Chen narrowed his eyes and asked.    


"It's not fun." Dragon Sect Master said honestly, "But other than this, you are still very fun."    


"Do you know what I like about you the most?"    


"I am not you. How would I know?"    


"I admire your arrogance. I admire your arrogance." Dragon Sect Master said slowly, "At the same time, I appreciate your skill."    


"But you have nothing to show me."    


"Do I need to show you?" Dragon Sect Master asked.    


Xue Chen was speechless. Did Dragon Sect Master need him to appreciate it?    


He was the boss of the Dragon Gate, the most mysterious department in Huaxia. Many people admired him and submitted to him. Did he need his own appreciation?    


Seeing Xue Chen remain silent, Dragon Sect Master suddenly said, "The tea is cold. Drink some tea first. I will chat with this little girl for a while."    


After Xue Chen heard what Dragon Sect Master said, he instinctively looked down. He found that the tea in his hand was no longer steaming and was not hot anymore.    


How did this guy know that the tea party was cold at this time?    


This was a great grasp of time, wasn't it?    


"You are Bodhi Lady, right?" Dragon Sect Master asked in a soft voice.    




"How is your master?"    


"Your master is very well. Thank you for your concern."    


"I've been separated from your master for fifteen years. I never thought that I would meet her descendant today." Dragon Sect Master said with a nostalgic tone.    


Bodhi Lady was not surprised at all because she knew that her master knew Dragon Sect Master.    


"You've known this kid for a long time, right?"    


Dragon Sect Master's words were completely out of tune. The first thing he said to you was something else, but the second thing he said was that if you did not pay attention, it was very likely that you would fall into his trap.    




"Do you like him?" Dragon Sect Master sounded happy.    


Dragon Sect Master's sudden question stunned Bodhi Lady. Her pretty face slowly turned red. She looked very shy.    


On the other hand, Xue Chen spat out the tea that he had just drunk into his mouth.    


F * ck, don't chat like this!    


"Do you know he's married?" Although Dragon Sect Master was behind the screen, he could see the changes on Bodhi Lady's face. "But I don't think you know either. You should have just seen him. He did not have time to tell you about this."    


Bodhi Lady's body trembled slightly when she heard Dragon Sect Master say that Xue Chen was married. Although it was very light, it did shake a little.    


Xue Chen's face turned cold when he heard this. "What do you mean?"    


"What can I mean?" "I'm just telling her one more thing," Dragon Sect Master said. "You're married."    


"You..." Xue Chen's face was extremely gloomy. "You want to drive a wedge between us?"    


"Why? Is Eternal Night Great Emperor afraid of others?"    


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