Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C646 I'll Slaughter Your Entire Bai Family

C646 I'll Slaughter Your Entire Bai Family

The loud explosion caused by Xue Chen's continuous bombardment woke up countless people who were still sleeping, especially some of the residents who were closer to the Bai Family. They felt the ground shake as if an earthquake was coming.    


One by one, they got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows. When they saw the smoke and flames of the Bai Family rising to the sky, everyone's heart trembled violently.    


What the hell happened?    


Who was it that was bombarding the Bai Family?    


And who had the guts to bomb the Bai Family?    


Those who were slightly further away felt their hearts skip a beat when they saw that it was the Bai Family through the flames. At the same time, their faces were filled with unprecedented shock!    


At this moment, anyone who got up, as long as they could tell that something had happened to the Bai Family, their hearts would be in turmoil at this moment.    


The Bai Family was one of the nine great families in Huaxia. It was deeply rooted. The ancestor of the Bai Family had once fought alongside the great ancestor of the Bai Family. But now, he was bombarded by cannonballs.    


Who... who did this?    


Who was so crazy? And how much hatred did he have for the Bai Family to do such a crazy thing?    


The bombardment was not over yet. Just like during the anti-war period, the armed helicopters whistled and circled in the sky. From time to time, they would shoot out a cannonball and then explode on the ground. It was as if a muffled thunder had struck the ground. Its momentum was astonishing.    


The Bai Family had completely turned into ruins at this moment. The dignified and solemn old residence of the Bai Family had become the past. Now, there were only pieces of tiles left.    


The people who lived in the Bai Family were countless of death gods. Each of them seemed to have been baptized by war. They wailed endlessly and went crazy. They ran without any purpose.    


Every now and then, a cannonball would drop down and bring those people who ran around aimlessly to hell.    


In the air, Xue Chen, who was sitting on the helicopter, looked at the scene in front of him. There was no sign of pity on his face. There was not even a trace of expression on his face, as if he had long gotten used to it.    


Bodhi Lady was the same. Her face was calm.    


If you did something wrong, you had to pay the price. This was what Bodhi Lady thought.    


If Xue Chen was captured by Bai Guiqi today, Unfortunately, Bai Guiqi did not succeed. Now, it was Xue Chen's turn to fight back. Moreover, this way of fighting back was almost like a mad dog.    


Loong Nanxu looked at the completely ruined Bai Family. Her face was filled with a complicated emotion that she had never felt before.    


The once insufferably arrogant and gigantic Bai Family was destroyed by Xue Chen just like that?    


She just didn't know if Bai Guiqi was dead or not.    


Was Bai Guiqi dead?    


Bai Guiqi was not. He had been pulled out by Jin Mao and was hiding.    


They didn't dare to show their faces. They were also afraid of the bombardment of the cannonballs. They could only watch silently as the Bai Family was completely destroyed by Xue Chen. There was nothing they could do as they watched fresh lives disappear in front of them.    


At this moment, Bai Guiqi seemed to have aged dozens of years in an instant. His eye sockets were slightly sunken, and his eyes were so red that it was horrifying.    


A monstrous killing intent that could not be concealed spread out with his body as the center, causing the surroundings to be completely enveloped by an oppressive atmosphere.    


Jin Mao, who was standing beside Bai Guiqi, felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave after sensing the bone-piercing cold killing intent from Bai Guiqi. He felt a chill from head to toe, and all the hair on his body stood up at this moment.    


He looked at Bai Guiqi, who had gone berserk. "Master, please don't be impulsive. The people of Dragon Gate and the Rong Xu Army must be rushing towards us. Please don't be impulsive..."    


Jin Mao was right. At the moment, the Dragon Gate and the Rong Xu Army were on their way to the Bai Family.    


After all, the commotion caused by Xue Chen was too big. It was so big that it could alert anyone and even be recorded in history.    


After hearing what Jin Mao said, Bai Guiqi's expression changed indeterminately.    


He, Bai Guiqi, had never been in such a sorry state before. Even Martial God did not raze the Bai Family to the ground. But now, he had been razed to the ground by Xue Chen. This made Bai Guiqi's heart filled with anger and unprecedented anger.    


As the saying goes, a slap to the face is not a slap to the face.    


This was more than just slapping the face, it was almost the same as digging someone else's ancestral grave.    


The Bai Family's old residence had almost a hundred years of history. Even when they had broken through four old times, the Bai Family had not been shaken at all. Even when the ancestor of the Bai Family crossed the Bai Family's main gate with a saber in his hand, he was praised by the great ancestor.    


But now, he was blasted into flat ground by Xue Chen. This slap could be said to be a fierce slap on Bai Guiqi's face.    


There was no sound, but it was incomparably painful!    


An unprecedented hatred slowly grew in Bai Guiqi's heart, and slowly grew stronger.    


For a moment, Bai Guiqi's iron fist kept producing crisp sounds. From this, it could be seen how furious Bai Guiqi was at this moment.    


However, he also knew that he couldn't be impulsive and couldn't rush out. Otherwise, Xue Chen might get someone to give him a shell to taste.    


Right now, he could only hide here like a turtle. Otherwise, he might die if he went out.    


Loong Nanxu, who was sitting on the helicopter, could not help but say after witnessing Xue Chen razing the Bai Family to the ground, "Xue Chen, let's go quickly. Otherwise, it will be too late."    


Loong Nanxu did not believe that such a huge commotion would not alarm the army and the Dragon Gate.    


Moreover, this was the capital, and it was China's face. Now that Xue Chen was doing this, it was equivalent to slapping China's face.    


Xue Chen looked at the ruined Bai Family with a calm expression. "Don't worry, wait a moment!"    


Loong Nanxu was stunned when she heard Xue Chen's words. Wait a moment?    


What else did he want to do?    


Could it be that he wanted to fight with the army?    


For a moment, Loong Nanxu looked at Xue Chen with shock in her eyes.    


About ten minutes later, a buzzing sound came from the eastern horizon. At the same time, black dots slowly appeared in the air and rushed towards Xue Chen and the others.    


"Boss, Huaxia has deployed an armed helicopter. Sixteen..." Rat King immediately informed Xue Chen when he saw a helicopter coming through the telescope.    


Loong Nanxu's heart skipped a beat when she heard Rat King's words. At the same time, a sense of despair rose in her heart.    


It was over!    


It was over this time!    


Sixteen armed helicopters, how many people are down there?    


After Xue Chen heard Rat King's words, the corner of his mouth slowly formed a smile. "Blow the last round for me and then retreat!"    




Rat King then ordered his men to bombard the Bai family again. Muffled sounds lingered in the air.    


Xue Chen did not leave after the bombing. He slowly opened the cabin door and stood in front of the door. His dantian was like the king of beasts roaring. "Bai Guiqi, if you are not dead, listen well. I will wait for you to plot against me again and send people to kill me!"    


"However, if I am not dead..." Xue Chen took a deep breath and suddenly raised his voice, "I will slaughter the entire Bai Family!"    


I will slaughter your entire Bai Family!    


This sentence was like muffled thunder in the sky. It was also like the roar of a tiger, spreading wildly in all directions.    


Many people heard Xue Chen's words. After hearing this sentence, their hearts skipped a beat. At the same time, they all had the same thought at this moment.    


This man was crazy!    


That's right. In everyone's eyes, Xue Chen was a crazy man.    


After bombarding the Bai Family, he even said that he wanted to slaughter the entire Bai Family and even provoked them. If he wasn't a madman, then what was he?    


Could a normal person do such a thing?    


However, when they recalled Xue Chen's words, they couldn't help but fall into deep thought.    


Bai Guiqi had plotted against him and sent people to surround and kill him?    


Could it be that the other party had come for revenge?    


Moreover, even those with a little bit of brain would probably retreat immediately after bombarding the Bai Family. However, Xue Chen didn't do so. Instead, he provoked the Bai Family and let everyone know about him!    


When Bai Guiqi heard Xue Chen's words, his old face immediately twisted. His eyes were about to spew out flames.    


Loong Nanxu looked at Xue Chen with her mouth agape. This... Is this guy really not afraid of death?    


He actually exposed himself and told Bai Guiqi that I was the one who blasted the Bai Family!    


Is Xue Chen not afraid of death?    


Was he not afraid of exposing himself?    


No, he was also afraid. However, he knew that fear was useless. Taizu had once said that there was politics under the gun, and at the same time, there was power under the gun.    


If Xue Chen dared to tell Bai Guiqi, then it meant that if Bai Guiqi used his country to deal with me, then we will say it. Moreover, Xue Chen still had the recording of Bai Guiqi wanting to kill Bai Yuqi.    


If Bai Guiqi dared to play, Xue Chen wouldn't mind exposing this thing to the public. He wanted to see if his country could keep Bai Guiqi.    


At the same time, Xue Chen had another deeper meaning, which was to kill the chicken to warn the monkeys, and to tell all those who wanted to harm him, it was best for you to kill me at once. As long as you can't kill me, then I will make you pay ten times, or even a hundred times the price!    


In the next moment, under Loong Nanxu's stunned gaze, the helicopter slowly flew into the distance and then disappeared into the air.    


Not long after Xue Chen left, the army finally rushed over.    


When they saw the scene in front of them, their hearts couldn't help but tremble.    


The Bai Family had been turned into ruins?    


If they didn't see it with their own eyes, they would never believe that the scene before them was real.    


The Bai Family was the Bai Family, but now, it had become a pile of rubble and ruins.    


At this moment, Bai Guiqi slowly walked out. Looking at the ruins of the Bai Family in front of him, Bai Guiqi's aged body trembled uncontrollably. His eyes were red, and his voice was hoarse and deep. "Xue Chen, Xue Chen, we will not rest until we die!"    


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