Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C620 She Wanted the Bai Family to Never Have a Chance to Rise Again

C620 She Wanted the Bai Family to Never Have a Chance to Rise Again

Xue Chen glanced at the man. "Do you want to die?"    


"Kill me, please, kill me..."    


"If you want to die, you can answer a few of my questions."    


As soon as he finished speaking, Xue Chen opened his mouth again and said, "Of course you don't have to say it, but you have already tried her methods."    


As he spoke, Xue Chen pointed at Rakshasa Lady and said again, "I have more methods than her. You can choose to try it once and see if it is your stubborn mouth or your bones that are hard."    


"Do you know that there is a kind of torture in China called Ling Chi?" Xue Chen said lightly, "Ling Chi is what we are talking about now."    


"This kind of criminal law first appeared during the fifth generation, and it was officially named Liao. After that, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing all set a legal sentence. The so-called Ling Chi requires a total of 3,600 knives. In other words, it requires 3,600 knives to cut a person's body, and it also requires the last knife to kill the criminal. Only then can the execution be considered successful."    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, the man's entire body immediately turned cold. A thick fear spread from his heart to his entire body. At the same time, he breathed. At this moment, his breathing became rapid.    


"And I happen to be proficient in Ling Chi." Xue Chen lit a cigarette for himself and said calmly, "Do you know Sato Yimu?"    


"He is the famous swordsman of Fusung. He seems to be from Wusheng Sect."    


"Do you know? He didn't believe it at the beginning. " I can cut 3,600 cuts on a person's body, but in the end, he believed it because he had to endure more than 3,900 cuts before he died... "    


Xue Chen's words sounded in his ears. The fear in the man's eyes slowly became stronger as he looked at Xue Chen.    


He did know about Sato Yimu. He was an expert of the Lifeless Sword Sect in Fusung, but it was said that he was killed by Eternal Night Great Emperor. His bones were made into fine art pieces by Eternal Night Great Emperor and placed in the Lifeless Sword Sect.    


The Wusheng Sword Sect was very angry about this, but they couldn't find Eternal Night Great Emperor.    


Now that Xue Chen had said so, this man immediately knew that Yimu Sato was given to Chi by Xue Chen, and Xue Chen was the Eternal Night Great Emperor who could shake the world in the Tiger Continent.    


"You... you are Eternal Night Great Emperor?"    


Xue Chen snapped his fingers. "Yes, I am Eternal Night Great Emperor. I am also Xue Chen."    


"Alright, I am going to start."    


As he spoke, Xue Chen extended his hand to Rakshasa Lady.    


In the next moment, Rakshasa Lady handed Xue Chen a cold dagger.    


"Sato Yimu died after enduring more than three thousand nine hundred strikes. I think you should be able to withstand about four thousand strikes!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, Xue Chen raised the dagger in his hand and slashed at the man's arm!    




Immediately, a very thin piece of meat was cut off by Xue Chen from the man's arm. Blood immediately gushed out.    


The intense pain made the man cry out in pain.    


Xue Chen acted as if he did not hear the man's cry. He swung his knife again!    




Just like before, the knife hit blood, and the knife cut flesh!    


"Swish, swish, swish..."    


Xue Chen swung his knife more than 20 times in a row. Every time he swung his knife, a piece of flesh would be cut off from the opponent's body, and it was very thin.    


The excruciating pain made this man cry out endlessly. He kept yelling and asking Xue Chen to kill him, but how could Xue Chen kill him?    


Before Xue Chen got what he wanted to know, he would never kill him.    


Rakshasa Lady stood quietly by the side. She looked at the cruel scene in front of her. There was no change in her cold face. There was not even a trace of expression on her face.    


To Rakshasa Lady, it was as if he was already used to it. It was as if she was already used to seeing this kind of scene.    


This man kept wailing while Xue Chen's knife cut through the man's body at lightning speed. Blood gushed out of this man's body as if it was free.    


Twenty minutes passed without anyone noticing. The man's arm was completely cut off by Xue Chen until only bones were left.    


The ghastly white bones were stained with blood. They looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.    


"More than five hundred cuts!" Xue Chen's face slowly revealed a bloodthirsty expression. "There are still more than three thousand blades..."    


"Kill me..."    


... "You haven't seen your own heart beat yet, have you?" Xue Chen was like a devil. He said in a gloomy voice, "Soon, I will let you see where your heart is. At the same time, I will let you see your heart beat..."    


"Kill me..." The man screamed hysterically.    


Xue Chen did not stop. Instead, he started to cut the man's thigh again.    


The intense pain made the man want to pass out, but every time he wanted to pass out, a bone-piercing pain would travel all over his body, forcing him to wake up.    


It could be said that at this moment, the man's mind, which had been completely tortured by Xue Chen, was on the verge of collapse.    


After an unknown amount of time, and who knew how many times Xue Chen had stabbed him, this man finally opened his mouth to beg for mercy. "I'll say, I'll say..."    


He really could not take it, and he also believed that Xue Chen would definitely not end his life after 3,600 cuts. He would even really have to endure more than 4,000 cuts before he died.    


That would definitely be a fate worse than death!    


He couldn't bear it.    


At this moment, he finally knew that death was something that people could only hope for at certain times!    


After hearing the other party's words, Xue Chen slowly stopped. "What, have you thought it through?"    


"I have thought it through..."    


... "Why don't you think about it, I still have more than 3000 blades..."    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, the man felt a boundless chill in his heart, filling his entire body. "I'll say it. I'll say anything. I beg you, please give me a quick death!"    


"Who sent you?"    


"Bai Guiqi," Bai Guiqi said. the man said without thinking.    


Bai Guiqi?    


Xue Chen's pupils contracted when he heard these words. A cold light shot out of his eyes. "Say it again?"    


"It's Bai Guiqi. Bai Guiqi asked me to kill Bai Yuqi."    




Xue Chen raised the dagger in his hand again and cut the man's body.    




The man screamed in pain and said, "I am telling the truth. Bai Guiqi sent me to kill Bai Yuqi."    


"Do you think I don't know anything?" Xue Chen said coldly, "Bai Guiqi is Bai Yuqi's father. How could he send someone to kill Bai Yuqi?"    


"Really, really!" The man was afraid that Xue Chen would stab him again. He hurriedly said, "It was really Bai Guiqi who asked me to kill Bai Yuqi!"    




Bai Yuqi thought that no one knew she came to Fengxiang City, but who didn't know that Bai Guiqi had been secretly watching her every move... "    


"Why does he want to spy on Bai Yuqi?"    


"He is worried that Bai Yuqi has already given birth to disloyalty when his married daughter spilled the water." The man hurriedly said, "Furthermore, Bai Yuqi has always liked your father, Jiang Xuyao..."    


"Bai Guiqi has always been worried that Bai Yuqi would do something that would harm Bai Family's interests for Jiang Xuyao. He has always secretly ordered people to monitor Bai Yuqi's every move."    


"This time Bai Yuqi and Jiang Ehuang left the capital. After Bai Guiqi heard the news, he immediately sent people to follow them and see where they are going."    


"When Bai Guiqi found out Bai Yuqi and Jiang Xuyao came to Fengxiang City, he immediately knew they were looking for you." The man's tone sounded urgent. "When Bai Guiqi heard about it, he knew his daughter might have had a second heart."    


"When Bai Guiqi found out that you and Bai Yuqi met at the Riskalton Hotel and had a conflict, he immediately sent me from Beijing to kill Bai Yuqi."    


"He wanted to frame you and create an illusion that everyone thought you killed Bai Yuqi and your stepmother."    


Xue Chen's expression became extremely gloomy following this man's words. It was as if water could drip out of his face!    


As the saying goes, a tiger does not eat its prey, but Xue Chen did not expect Bai Guiqi to be so ruthless. He even wanted to kill his daughter. Moreover, he wanted to frame Xue Chen.    


"If that is the case, you will be scolded by the world!" The man said heavily, "Similarly, if the Jiang Family knows about this, even if Jiang Xuyao wants you to join the Jiang Family, it is impossible."    


"The Jiang Family will never leave such an unfilial son behind."    


"Similarly, the Bai Family will deal with you more conveniently."    


Xue Chen's gloomy face slowly revealed a smile. His smile was very sinister, like a devil in hell. It gave people a creepy feeling.    


"What a good Bai Guiqi!" Xue Chen said in an incomparably deep voice, "To actually kill my own daughter in order to get rid of me!"    


"I already said it, I beg you, kill me, kill me!" The man looked at Xue Chen and begged.    


At this moment, he just wanted to die. He really wanted to die. He didn't want anything else.    




This time, Xue Chen had satisfied his life. With a single slash, he understood his life.    


Blood splashed in all directions. A smile slowly appeared on the man's face. There was a hint of relief in his smile.    


After that, Xue Chen threw the dagger in his hand onto the ground. He slowly stood up and turned to Rakshasa Lady. "Did you record it?"    


Rakshasa Lady nodded and took out something similar to a recording pen and handed it to Xue Chen.    


After Xue Chen took the thing, the corner of his mouth slowly revealed a sinister smile. "Bai Guiqi, if you dare to do it for the first time, I dare to do it for the fifteenth time!"    


"Get rid of him."    


Xue Chen took the recording pen and left the basement.    


Rakshasa Lady looked at Xue Chen's back and suddenly said, "What do we do next?"    


"Just pretend you don't know anything!" Xue Chen said word by word, "I want the Bai Family to never have a chance to rise again."    


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