Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C565 I Want to Meet Him

C565 I Want to Meet Him

"And do you think your father and I have a chance now?"    


Bai Yuqi's body shook when she heard Jiang Xuyao's words. Her expression changed drastically. "You... What do you mean?"    


"You can even imagine that Bai Zhongyuan might have been attacked by me. Would your father, this scheming fox, not think of it?" Jiang Xuyao could not help lighting a cigarette for himself. "If I'm not wrong, he's already on guard against me."    


"It's just that without any evidence, he can't do anything to me. Even if he has evidence, he won't dare to touch me now."    


Bai Yuqi's face immediately turned gloomy.    


What Jiang Xuyao said was right. His father, Bai Guiqi, was known for being an old ghost. He was good at scheming and analyzing people's minds. How could he not think that Xue Chen was Jiang Xuyao's son? How could he not think that Jiang Xuyao had already made a move?    


"By the way, didn't you always want to know what happened to the wound on my chest?"    


Bai Yuqi's heart skipped a beat when she heard this. A bad feeling rose from her heart. "Could it be my father..."    


"What else do you think?" Jiang Xuyao said with a smile that was not a smile, "The wound on my chest was caused by him. It almost took my life!"    


"Impossible, impossible. You must be lying to me. How could my father do such a cruel thing to you..."    


For a moment, Bai Yuqi felt as if her world had collapsed.    


Her father actually wanted to kill his son-in-law and let her daughter take in a widow!    


"Do you think I need to lie to you?"    


Bai Yuqi was momentarily at a loss for words and her heart was filled with unprecedented pain.    


Her father wanted to kill her husband. Jiang Xuyao looked like he wanted to continue playing with Bai Guiqi. He wanted to fight to the death.    


A father and a husband!    


The two most important people in their lives were now going to fight to the death.    


In this world... Was there anything more painful than this in this world?    


"Your father has never let go of me." "He has been holding a grudge against me for so many years. I think you know that."    


"After all, he caused my family to be ruined and my son to be homeless for more than 20 years. I, Jiang Xuyao, have always carried the name of a heartless man, Chen Shimei." Jiang Xuyao seemed to have said something insignificant again. He said something that had nothing to do with him. His tone was very relaxed.    


"For so many years, although no one has said anything on the surface, someone is poking my back."    


"Xuyao, if I ask my dad to let Xue Chen go, can you guys..."    


Before Bai Yuqi could finish her sentence, Jiang Xuyao interrupted her. "Do you think it is possible?"    


"Your father wanted that thing back then. Now that my son has appeared, it is very likely that it is on my son. Even if it is not on my son, as long as he catches my son, his uncle will still be at your father's mercy. Whatever he wants, he will have it!"    


Bai Yuqi was like a frosted eggplant and immediately wilted.    


What Jiang Xuyao said was right.    


If the Qin Imperial Seal was in Xue Chen's body, Bai Guiqi would definitely snatch it at all costs. Even if it wasn't in Xue Chen's body, he would still attack Xue Chendong.    


The first reason was because he had almost reached a demonic state with the Qin Imperial Seal. The second reason was because he, Bai Guiqi, had once planned to ambush Xue Chen's mother and almost killed her.    


Would he watch his enemy's son grow up bit by bit and become stronger?    


Moreover, Xue Chen had yet to return to the capital and the Jiang Family. Martial God's old subordinates did not know that Xue Chen was their young lord and that their young lord had appeared.    


If they knew that the Bai Family wanted to deal with Xue Chen, it wouldn't be as simple as it was now.    


Therefore, while Xue Chen's identity was still in a hazy state, Bai Guiqi would seize the opportunity and aim his blade at Xue Chen.    


"You know better than anyone else that he won't give up." Jiang Xuyao said lightly, "You must know that the Qin Imperial Seal may be the last catalyst for immortality medicine. Your father will never let it go so easily."    


"There is no such thing as immortality medicine in this world..."    


"Yes, no. You know I know. Your father knows it in his heart, but do you think he would believe it?" Jiang Xuyao took a deep breath. "Moreover, the Qin Imperial Seals' secrets and other secrets are hidden in the Twelve Bronzemens. Even if there is no immortality medicine, he will not give up!"    


"His ambition is too great!"    


Bai Yuqi was once again at a loss for words by Jiang Xuyao.    


Bai Yuqi, as a daughter, knew her father's ambition better than anyone else.    


Even though she knew it, she had no other choice.    


In the end, Bai Yuqi helplessly sighed, "When do you plan to let him come back?"    


"As long as he is willing, at any time!"    


"I want to see him!"    


Jiang Xuyao's expression changed. "What do you want?" he asked.    


"Don't worry," Jiang Xuyao said. "I won't hurt him. It doesn't matter if you believe him or not. If he comes back, I will love him as much as my son." Bai Yuqi said solemnly.    


"If I know what you do to her, don't blame me for being ruthless."    


Jiang Xuyao stood up and left the place.    


Bai Yuqi's eyes were filled with tears as she looked at Jiang Xuyao's determined back.    


She was powerless to stop her husband from starting a war with her father, so she could only do her best to make up for the mistake that Bai Family had committed back then.    


Just like what Qin Hantian had told her in the past, do not fall into it, or else you will never be able to free yourself for the rest of your life.    


The Bai Family was not calm, the Jiang Family was like this, and so was the Qin Family!    


In the backyard of the Qin Family, Old Man Qin was sitting on a rattan chair under a grape rack. He looked at the sky full of stars with a thoughtful expression.    


Qin Shou was sitting on a stone bench by the side with his legs crossed. He looked like a hooligan!    


"Grandpa, this Xue Chen is really fierce..."    


"Martial God's nephew, what do you think?"    


"But the face of the Bai Family..."    


"The Bai Family isn't scary. I'm afraid that Bai Guiqi will go crazy and join forces with some people." Qin Hantian said with a worried expression.    


"What do you mean?"    


"The Bai Family will kill Xue Chen at all costs!"    


"What the hell? Doesn't that mean Xue Chen is in danger?"    


Qin Hantian nodded. "Yes, he is, but the Bai Family is not safe either. Jiang Xuyao, a beast that knows how to hide, will definitely come out and bite."    


The corner of Qin Shou's mouth twitched slightly. The Bai Family wanted to kill Jiang Xuyao's son. As the son-in-law of the Bai Family, Jiang Xuyao wanted to deal with his wife's family.    


This relationship was really complicated!    


"Grandpa, what's going on?" Qin Shou asked curiously, "You should tell me now, right?"    


Qin Hantian told Qin Shou everything that had happened for more than 20 years, but he hid most of it.    


After hearing Qin Hantian's explanation, Qin Shou's eyes widened. "Oh my god, so it's so complicated!"    


"The Bai Family is too stupid. They don't want to marry your daughter, but you ruined their happiness. This is insane!" Qin Shou said, "I have always felt that I am a bastard, but at least I have never been an expert in breaking up a marriage."    


"You are competing with the Bai Family?" Qin Hantian could not help laughing. "You are still too young. Bai Guiqi, that old fox, can leave you eighteen streets as if he was playing with you."    


"Grandpa, I feel like you're not telling me the truth!" Qin Shou said seriously, "Even if Bai Yuqi had taken a fancy to Uncle Jiang, Bai Family would not have done so. Furthermore, Bai Yuqi might not have allowed it."    


Qin Hantian looked at Qin Shou with appreciation. "You only need to know the general situation. There are some things that are not beneficial to you if you know too much."    


"Even if you are my grandson, if you participate, it will be a matter of life and death."    


Although Qin Shou was extremely curious, since Qin Hantian had said so, Qin Shou did not continue asking.    


Although it was popular nowadays to cheat people, Qin Shou believed that his grandfather would never cheat his grandson, so it was fine if he did not know. Anyway, he already had a rough idea of what was going on.    


"Grandpa, wouldn't the Zhang Family collude with the Bai Family if the Bai Family makes a move like this?"    


"The enemy of the enemy is a friend. It's understandable for them to join forces. Not only will they join forces, I'm afraid even more people will join forces."    


"Then, Grandpa, what about us?"    


"Let's wait and see. Keep a distance from the Bai Family!" Qin Hantian had already gotten involved in the mess more than 20 years ago and was almost killed by Bai Guiqi. He did not want to get involved now.    


He only wanted to move a small stool and sit by the side to watch a fierce fight between the two of them.    


But could Qin Hantian really be alone?    


Actually, Qin Hantian himself did not know this.    


"Then Xue Chen and I?"    


"Keep a good distance from each other," Xue Chen said. Qin Hantian said in a serious tone, "This is a very important time. Everything is about to happen."    


"Oh." Qin Shou nodded.    


However, he still wanted to befriend Xue Chen in his heart. In his opinion, Xue Chen was very sensitive to his temper. He was not as hypocritical as the others. He would say something and do something behind his back.    


Furthermore, Qin Shou felt that if he could establish a good relationship with Xue Chen, he might be able to use him in the future.    


After all, Xue Chen's skills were still there.    


If Qin Hantian knew what his grandson was thinking, he wondered if he would slap him to death. He was thinking about how to be a good person, but this guy wanted to go inside!    


However, Qin Shou was only thinking about it. If he really knew how to go in, it would be hard to say.    


After all, who could say for sure what would happen in the future?    


Just like how Qin Hantian wanted to be alone and not get involved in this dispute, who could guarantee that he would not get involved in this dispute?    


"Then Grandpa, I won't tell you anymore. I'll go and see how Sister Ehuang's legs are doing!"    


"Go!" Qin Hantian waved his hand and said.    


After Qin Shou left, Qin Hantian slowly stood up from the rattan chair. He looked at the dark sky and took a deep breath. "What should come is finally back!"    


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