Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1641 On the Eve of the Great Battle

C1641 On the Eve of the Great Battle

Xue Chen did not stay much longer in Li Mountain. After obtaining the medicinal Bronzemans, Xue Chen immediately left this place, heading towards the northeast Changbai Heavenly Lake!    


Due to the huge size of the medicinal Bronzeman, Meng Qing completely got people to use trucks to load it up, thus letting Xue Chen take it away.    


The entire journey from Chang'an to Changbai Mountain was about 2,400 kilometers. Even taking a plane would take a long time, let alone driving.    


Xue Chen's driving skills were not bad, but using a truck to pull the Bronzeman was not fast at all. This caused Xue Chen to waste almost a day on the road.    


Fortunately, nothing happened along the way. When Xue Chen was heading to Changbai Mountain from Chang'an, Jiang Ruloong called Xue Chen and told him that Jiang Xuyao had regained some consciousness. He could say a few words from his mouth, but he still couldn't move.    


Upon hearing this news, Xue Chen's heart was filled with excitement.    


Antonio had kept his promise and did as he said.    


Although Antonio didn't care where Xue Chen went to get the Tai Chi Seal, he had been paying attention to the vicinity of Changbai Mountain. Now that Xue Chen had just driven to the vicinity of Changbai Mountain, Antonio immediately received the news.    


This made Antonio very excited.    


Now that Xue Chen had appeared, it meant that Xue Chen had brought the Bronzeman with him. When Xue Chen joined forces with him to get rid of the python or take out the Bronzeman, he would be able to completely open the Qin Imperial Seal.    


Antonio played with the Qin Imperial Seal in his hand. His eyes flickered with a bright light and greed.    


"I'm finally going to open you up. I want to see what's hidden inside you. I hope you won't disappoint me!"    


Antonio himself was not sure what was inside the Qin Imperial Seal. What he knew was completely hearsay.    


Right now, he was completely gambling that there was something in the Qin Imperial Seal that he wanted. He was betting that there must be a shocking mystery hidden in the things that countless emperors had fought over for thousands of years in China.    


Although Xue Chen had come here, Antonio did not contact Xue Chen immediately. It was night now, and he needed to recover his strength.    


He knew that even if Xue Chen gave all the Bronzemans to him, he would definitely attack him when the time came.    


Of course, it would be a good thing if Xue Chen could die when dealing with the giant python.    


But the question was, would Xue Chen die?    


Therefore, he needed to plan carefully. After dawn, it would be the time for him and Xue Chen to decide who was better and who was better.    


At the same time, it was also the time to decide who would be the final winner.    


When Xue Chen returned, Shen Xuening and the others naturally knew that Shen Xuening and the others who were resting immediately woke up after knowing that Xue Chen had returned.    


Xuanyuan Yinloong had already arrived. When he saw Xue Chen, he immediately asked, "Older Male Cousin, did you get the Bronzeman?"    


Xue Chen nodded. "I've got it. Antonio should contact me tomorrow."    


"It will be a tough battle. I am not sure if I can defeat him. If anyone wants to leave, I will not stop them."    


"Older Male Cousin, what are you saying? Am I a coward?"    


Beside him, Wuchang said expressionlessly, "As a brother, there is no future life in this life!"    


"I want to quit!" Shih Dahai smiled bitterly and said, "But if you die, I can't explain it to you when I go back. I can only risk this old bone to let you win!"    


The others were the same. No one chose to retreat in the face of the battle. Each and every one of them was full of fighting spirit.    


"Alright, since that's the case, let's do it tomorrow. Life and death are not important!" Xue Chen said heavily.    


After that, Xue Chen chatted with the others briefly and let them rest.    


Xue Chen naturally stayed with Shen Xuening.    


"Xue Chen, are you really not sure?" Shen Xuening asked Xue Chen uneasily.    


Xue Chen shook his head. Wife, although I really want to lie to you, you can see that Antonio is really strong. Furthermore, he came prepared this time. I don't know who will win!"    


"But I will try my best to survive. At the same time, I will save my mother." Xue Chen promised.    


Shen Xuening opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but before Shen Xuening could say anything, Xue Chen said, "Wife, it's late. Let's get some rest."    


Although Shen Xuening really wanted to say something, she knew that whatever she said now could only be nonsense. And it was already very late, so she did not say anything.    




The next morning, just as the sky had just brightened, Xue Chen had already woken up and washed up. Shen Xuening had also woken up very early, and so were the others.    


On the eve of the big battle, almost everyone had been tossing and turning restlessly last night.    


After waking up, everyone ate some breakfast and waited for Antonio's call.    


Everyone knew in their hearts that the matter of Xue Chen coming to Changbai Mountain could not be hidden from Antonio.    


Sure enough, at eight o'clock in the morning, Antonio called Xue Chen.    


Antonio did not waste any time talking nonsense with Xue Chen. He went straight to the point. Xue Chen did not waste any time on this. He admitted that he had obtained the Bronzeman and would find a way to bring it to the Heavenly Lake.    


Naturally, Antonio didn't have any objections to this. He agreed and agreed to meet him at the Heaven Pool.    


After hanging up the phone, Xue Chen and the others prepared to head towards the Changbai Mountain's Heavenly Lake.    


However, when they were about to leave, Shen Xuening and Fu Yudieh suddenly fainted. This caused everyone to be stunned.    


This... What is going on?    


At this moment, Xue Chen suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Wuchang, leave a few brothers behind to protect Xuening and Miss Fu!"    


Wuchang seemed to have thought of something when he heard Xue Chen's words and immediately nodded.    


"Older Male Cousin, you... you drugged Eldest Sister-in-law?" Xuanyuan Yinloong looked at Xue Chen with a face full of surprise.    


Xue Chen nodded. "This kind of thing is not suitable for them to participate."    


Xue Chen had indeed drugged Shen Xuening and Fu Yudieh. Moreover, it was during breakfast. It was just that Xue Chen's actions were very quick. Other than Shi Da Hai, no one else had noticed him.    


Although Shih Dahai had seen it, it was destined that he would not say it out loud. At the same time, he was very much in favor of Xue Chen's actions.    


Shen Xuening was just a girl. In the business world, she was indeed able to control the wind and clouds. However, in terms of killing, Shen Xuening was destined to be a burden and a burden.    


Furthermore, they did not know if they could return after this trip, so letting the two of them stay was the best choice!    


"Wuchang, let our brothers take him away while we're at it. Yinloong, you and the Diudiu will protect them as they leave this place." Xue Chen said heavily.    


"Older Male Cousin..."    


"Yinloong, I know what you want to say, but I hope you can listen to me and leave!" Xue Chen said seriously, "You are the hope of Xuanyuan Family, and also my hope!"    


"Take them away and send them to a safe place. If I can come back, you will find me. If I cannot come back, I will ask you to take care of Xuening for me."    


Xuanyuan Yinloong's expression began to change indeterminately.    


Yesterday, he had already prepared himself to follow Xue Chen to Changbai Mountain. But now, who would have thought that Xue Chen would suddenly change his mind?    


"Older Male Cousin, there are so many people, you can let the others go..."    


"Yinloong, you are the youngest among us, and also the one with the highest chance of breaking through to the Unification Stage!" Xue Chen said heavily, "You are the hope of all of us. Do you know that?"    


Looking at Xue Chen's serious and serious face, a bitter look slowly emerged on Xuanyuan Yinloong's face. "Do you want me to leave?"    


"Yes!" Xue Chen said with a tight face, "You have to go!"    


Xuanyuan Yinloong took a deep breath and said, "Alright, Older Male Cousin. I will listen to you. Don't worry. If you don't come back, I will take good care of you. I will take revenge for you in the future."    


Xue Chen heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Xuanyuan Yinloong say that. He patted Xuanyuan Yinloong on the shoulder and said, "Take care."    


As soon as he said that, Xue Chen looked at the Diudiu at the side. "Diudiu, I know you are a robot and have no feelings, but you must take good care of Xuening, understand?"    


Other than Shen Xuening, Xue Chen was the owner of the Diudiu, so when the Diudiu heard Xue Chen's words, it immediately nodded its head mechanically.    


"I know!"    


After that, Xue Chen got Wuchang to find a car and let Xuanyuan Yinloong, Diudiu, and a few other brothers leave this place.    


After Xuanyuan Yinloong left with Shen Xuening and Fu Yudieh, Xue Chen slowly let out a breath of anger and said in his heart, "Wife, I'm sorry. Forgive my selfishness!"    


There was nothing Xue Chen could do. He could not risk everyone's lives. He could not gamble everyone's lives.    


He could die, but Shen Xuening had to live. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to rest easy.    


Shih Dahai slowly walked to Xue Chen's side. He reached out his hand and gently patted Xue Chen.    


Xue Chen forced a smile on his face and said immediately, "Everyone, come with me to Changbai Mountain!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, Xue Chen brought his men and headed towards the Changbai Mountains Heavenly Lake. As for the Bronzeman, it was Xue Chen who asked Shih Dahai to bring his men to transport it with a machine.    


Xue Chen knew that Antonio wanted to open the Qin Imperial Seal above the Changbai Mountain.    


As soon as Xue Chen moved, Antonio immediately received the news.    


When Antonio found out that Xue Chen had finally entered the Changbai Mountain, his face immediately revealed an unconcealable excitement and excitement.    


He had finally gotten what he wanted today.    


"Xue Chen, when I open the Qin Imperial Seal, it will be the time of your death!" Antonio's eyes flickered with waves of light as he muttered.    


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