Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1631 The Final Transaction

C1631 The Final Transaction

It could be said that this giant python was chasing after Antonio, but now, Antonio was running towards him. If this giant python was lured out of the heavenly pond, Xue Chen would definitely suffer an unexpected disaster.    


For a moment, Xue Chen wanted to run away as well.    


He didn't have the hobby of sharing good fortune with his enemies, so Xue Chen wanted to run away. As for Antonio, f * ck him, you'd better be eaten by the python.    


After that, Xue Chen immediately ran to the side.    


Xue Chen's sudden appearance immediately attracted Antonio's attention.    


When Antonio saw Xue Chen, a surge of anger emerged in his heart. His eyes immediately shot out a ray of light.    


He initially thought that Xue Chen had left, but who would have thought that Xue Chen would return and hide in the dark to watch a joke?    


In other words, Xue Chen had already known that there was a giant python in the Heaven Basin. This fellow had even guessed that he would appear here. Therefore, he had done it on purpose so that the giant python could deal with him.    


At the same time, Xue Chen had appeared here to find an opportunity to kill him.    


Otherwise, why would Xue Chen appear here?    


Thinking of this, Antonio's heart was filled with indescribable anger and hatred.    


At this moment, he really wanted to tear Xue Chen into pieces.    


One must know that not only did he not obtain the Bronzeman, but he had also brought heavy losses to the people he brought with him. Each and every one of them hated that their parents did not give him two more legs.    


However, Antonio knew that Xue Chen did not know that there was such a terrifying existence in the Heaven Basin. He had also heard it from Ba Yong.    


Otherwise, even if Xue Chen came here, he wouldn't have brought Shen Xuening here. After all, this giant python was too terrifying and terrifying.    


Anger was anger. However, Antonio knew that this was not the time to argue with Xue Chen. He immediately shouted at Xue Chen, "Xue Chen, let's kill this python together..."    


"I will work with you!" Xue Chen shouted without turning his head, "This thing is so big. It is like a monster in a science fiction movie in Europe. It can swallow me in one bite. My head is stuck in the door, I will join forces with you... "    


Xue Chen also wanted to get the Bronzeman, but the problem was that it was not realistic. The python was too big. At the same time, Gong Shangyu was still in Antonio's hands. Even if Xue Chen and Antonio joined forces to kill the python, it would not be beneficial to him.    


Furthermore, the people attacking the python were all Antonio's. There was no way he could attract the python's attention.    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, ten thousand grass horses started galloping in Antonio's heart. However, he knew that what Xue Chen said was the truth.    


This giant python was too terrifying. It was better to hide than to hide.    


Moreover, this python did not hurt him at the moment. He did not need to compete with this python at all. He needed to fight with this python to the death!    


At this moment, not only was it impossible for Xue Chen to join forces with Antonio to deal with the python, he had even cursed Ba Yong's ancestors in his heart.    


One should know that Ba Yong only told Xue Chen that there was a giant python here, but he didn't say how terrifying it was. It was obvious that Ba Yong was hiding something.    


However, now wasn't the time for Xue Chen to care about this. The most important thing was to run as fast as possible.    


At this moment, the giant python was full of ferocity. Anyone who was targeted by it, or whoever it bumped into, would die!    




The gigantic body of the gigantic python was completely revealed from the Heaven Basin. It looked extremely huge. It was like a moving mountain. It was completely charging forward. In just an instant, countless people had died!    


Fortunately, Xue Chen had already escaped far away. Moreover, the python didn't seem to want to leave the Heaven Basin. Or rather, it was like a wild beast in the forest. After chasing away the intruders, it returned to the Heaven Basin.    


Although the python had returned to the Heaven Basin, almost all the people that Antonio had brought with him were dead. Even he himself was covered in cold sweat.    


Although he was strong, that was only for people. He was still unable to resist the gigantic python. It was too terrifying. It was not something that a human could resist.    


After escaping the calamity, Antonio did not return.    


To Antonio, the Heavenly Lake was now a land of great danger. Going there was a high chance that he would die.    


In front of the Bronzeman and survival, he still hoped that he could survive.    


After Xue Chen noticed that the giant python did not chase after him, he stopped. He looked at Antonio, who was in a sorry state, with a faint smile on his face. "Antonio, are you comfortable?"    


Antonio looked at Xue Chen, who was gloating, and asked with a gloomy face, "You knew it long ago, didn't you?"    


"I didn't know!" Xue Chen shook his head and said, "Ba Yong told me later!"    


"Do you think I will believe you?"    


In Antonio's opinion, Ba Yong was in Xue Chen's hands now. Xue Chen must know everything, and Ba Yong naturally knew as well. However, he did not have the chance to tell Xue Chen about it back then.    


After all, in Antonio's point of view, Ba Yong had no reason to collude with Xue Chen to harm him.    


One must know that Antonio was still alive, so how could he possibly save Ba Yong?    


In this world, no one would choose to die if they could survive, right?    


Therefore, Antonio didn't believe what Xue Chen said.    


Xue Chen didn't explain anything. He knew that if Antonio didn't believe him, no matter how he explained, it would be useless.    


"It's up to you whether you believe me or not!" "But now you have seen the Bronzeman. How do you get it? That's your problem. I still have to look for other Bronzemans, so I won't join in the fun with you."    


With that, Xue Chen turned around and was about to leave.    


Seeing that, Antonio hurriedly opened his mouth and said, "Wait a moment!"    


"What? Do you want me to join hands with you to kill the python?" Xue Chen snorted. "If you are, you don't have to say anything."    


"Xue Chen, let's talk about whether to kill this beast or not. As long as you help me fish up the medicinal Bronzeman, I'll give you Fu Yudieh's antidote!" Antonio said with a gloomy face, "The poison in Fu Yudieh's body was concocted by me with 600 million yuan. It was prepared for Martial God. How confident do you think you can cure it?"    


"I can also help you get rid of Yim Wudao and ensure the safety of the Lu family."    


After hearing Antonio's words, Xue Chen fell into silence. Clearly, he was thinking about joining forces with Antonio to get the Bronzeman.    


One should know that Antonio did not only need the Bronzeman, he also needed it. Moreover, he also needed the Bronzeman in Antonio's hands.    


"Xue Chen, how is it?" Antonio said heavily, "If you agree, I can help your father regain consciousness. I don't dare to say that he can be the same as before, but at least he can wake up."    


When Antonio mentioned Jiang Xuyao, Xue Chen's entire body shook. "These words are true!"    


"It is true!" Antonio said with a serious face. "I was the one who started the research of Berserk Potion in the beginning. The Wittgenstein family has the money too. You know it very well. Besides, I am the owner of the manor. I have control of many large financial groups."    


"It is just that this research was a failure, so I abandoned it. Later, King of Spirits and the others picked it up. Do you think I can do anything about it?"    


"Let him wake up first!" Xue Chen said seriously, "If you can do it, I will immediately help you take out the Bronzeman from the Heaven Pool!"    


"Okay!" Antonio agreed without hesitation. "But within these two days, you must send the rest of the Bronzeman over to me!"    


"Send all of them to Tian Chi. At that time, I will return Gong Shangyu to you at the same time!"    


"I promise you!" Xue Chen immediately agreed. "But I don't know where the Bronzeman is. My uncle..."    


"Martial God is dead!" Antonio said coldly, "Don't think it's just a pretense. He's dead. He died under the poison of 600 million yuan!"    


"And I believe Martial God will definitely leave clues for you. You will also be able to find the Bronzeman!"    


"Antonio, do you think I will believe your nonsense?"    


"Believe it or not, it's up to you!" Antonio snorted. "But when I open the Qin Imperial Seal, I will give you Martial God's body. You will believe me when the time comes. Did I lie to you? "    


Looking at Antonio's serious and serious expression, Xue Chen slowly had a bad feeling in his heart.    


Could it be that his uncle, Martial God, was really dead?    


He was really harmed by Antonio. Otherwise, why would Antonio be so calm, and why didn't Martial God appear at the same time?    


One must know that everything was ready now. Martial God had no reason to continue being behind the scenes.    


Looking at Xue Chen's increasingly ugly expression, Antonio knew very well that Xue Chen's heart had begun to shake Martial God's confidence that he was still alive.    


However, Antonio did not care about Xue Chen's performance. What he wanted now was the Bronzeman. As for the other things, they were all useless to him.    


"Xue Chen, this is Fu Yudieh's antidote!"    


Antonio flicked his right hand and a black porcelain bottle flew out of his hand.    


Xue Chen slowly came back to his senses and grabbed the black porcelain bottle.    


"This is my sincerity. I hope you keep your promise. Otherwise, Gong Shangyu will die." Antonio said coldly.    


"Antonio, if anything happens to my uncle, you will die!"    


Antonio just snorted and ignored Xue Chen's threat.    


The moment he opened the Qin Imperial Seal, he would send Xue Chen and the others to hell!    


At the same time, this transaction was the last transaction between Antonio and Xue Chen!    


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