Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1549 The Martial God's Plan

C1549 The Martial God's Plan

Xue Chen's expression changed slightly when he heard Martial God's words.    


"Could it be..."    


"Since ancient times, there has always been a storm behind the calm. Look at the calm surroundings. There is actually a hidden killing intent." Martial God let out a breath of anger and continued, "At the same time, since ancient times, there have been many people who like to sit quietly and reap the benefits of the fisherman."    


"If we let you attack, the two of us will fight with them. Even if we can kill them, we will definitely suffer heavy injuries. At that time, if a group of people suddenly appear, what will our situation be like?"    


Cold sweat broke out all over Xue Chen's body.    


If that was really the case, the consequences would be unimaginable. They might become fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered by them.    


"Even if no one shows up, Zuo Cheng'ao and the others are here. Won't they kick us when we are injured?" Martial God said again, "At that time, who will stop them?"    


Xue Chen was silent.    


He did not think about this. He just thought about how to kill Ba Yong and the other two so that he would not leave any trouble for himself. However, he ignored Zuo Cheng'ao and the others. He also ignored whether there were people waiting to reap the benefits.    


If there really were people, then each and every one of them would most likely become fish on the chopping board. They could be slaughtered at will.    


"I'm not afraid. Even if there are people, I can still retreat safely. But what about your two friends?"    


Martial God slowly turned his eyes to Lu Tianci and Loong Yu. "They might suffer. You don't want to see them die, do you?"    


It had to be said that Martial God's vision was very comprehensive and the situation was very big. He had calculated all of his worst plans and the most likely things to happen.    


At the same time, this was also the reason why he fought Ba Yong and the other two by himself.    


This way, Xue Chen did not make a move. Even if there were people with evil intentions, they wouldn't dare to act rashly. At the same time, if Martial God and the other two were to suffer heavy losses, perhaps no one would dare to act rashly. After all, Xue Chen's strength was still there.    


After hearing Martial God's words, Lu Tianci and Loong Yu finally understood that Martial God didn't let Xue Chen attack because he wanted to protect them.    


For a moment, their hearts were filled with emotion.    


"Alright!" Xue Chen really didn't want anything to happen to Lu Tianci and Loong Yu. Otherwise, he would not have come here.    


As soon as he finished speaking, before Martial God could say anything, Xue Chen said again, "Since you are here, why don't you bring some people with you? Won't this avoid everything?"    


"Do I have to go somewhere with a group of people behind me?" Martial God asked.    


Xue Chen's mouth twitched.    


At this moment, Xue Chen felt that his question was actually quite childish.    


Who was Martial God? He was the number one person in Huaxia. With his strength, he didn't need to worry about anyone plotting against him.    


In addition, his whereabouts were elusive and difficult to figure out. He didn't need to bring anyone.    


"But it's also my fault that I didn't think so much back then." Martial God sighed slightly and said helplessly, "At that time, I didn't think that the yard master would actually appear."    


"Otherwise, how could I not bring my men?"    


Martial God had been hiding behind the scenes and watching quietly. Martial God did not want to see Xue Chen fight for his life alone. He didn't care about anything else.    


He had been waiting for the master of the manor to appear.    


The yard master was like a time bomb. It was hard to say when it would explode. What Martial God did was to prevent it.    


However, Martial God did not know where the yard master was or who it was. He could only wait in the dark for the other party to show up.    


Otherwise, if he showed up and the yard master didn't show up, he would still be playing tricks on you. There was nothing you could do.    


One must know that an unknown enemy is the most dangerous.    


Therefore, Martial God had been waiting quietly for the yard master to show up.    


"Now that things have come to this, it's useless to say anything now. Old man, what should we do now?"    




"Don't tell me you're not going to ask me anything," Xue Chen said.    


"Then what do you think I should do?" Martial God asked plainly. "The three of them have escaped. Based on the current situation, it is impossible for them to appear again."    


"The manor's yard master is like a mole, living in the dark underground. Now that Ba Yong has been exposed, he must know that if he returns, I will kill my way to my door. Jia Cuo will be even more careful. With the injuries on his body, it is impossible for him to appear again in a short period of time."    


"Tell me, where should I find them and kill them one by one?"    


After hearing Martial God's words, Xue Chen didn't know what to say for a moment.    


What Martial God said was right. Now that Ba Yong and the others had suffered serious injuries, it was impossible for them to come out and jump around.    


Finding them was definitely not an easy task.    


Seeing Xue Chen's silence, Martial God said again, "And they can't die now. I need to take back all the Bronzemans one by one!"    


Hearing Martial God's words, Xue Chen was stunned. "You want to take back all the Bronzemans?"    


"Yes!" Martial God said heavily and said, "How can the things left behind by the old ancestor fall into the hands of outsiders?"    


"But it won't be so easy to get the Bronzeman back, will it?"    


Ba Yong had spent a lot of effort to find the Bronzeman. If he was asked to give it to Martial God, it would definitely not be an easy task. It could even be said that it was impossible.    


"No matter how hard it is, I must get it!" Martial God said firmly.    


Xue Chen looked at Martial God's determined face and looked back and forth. "Why?"    


For some reason, Xue Chen had a strange feeling that Martial God did not only want the Bronzeman in his hand, but also seemed to have other uses for it.    


Martial God did not open his mouth immediately. Instead, he looked at Xue Chen and said slowly, "I am useful!"    


"You have to unlock the secrets of the Qin Imperial Seal too!"    


"That's right!" Martial God said without hesitation.    


"Why?" Xue Chen stared at Martial God and asked again, "Do you want the things in the Qin Imperial Seal, or secrets?"    




"Why did you get all these things?" Xue Chen asked. Xue Chen asked.    


Martial God did not answer immediately. He fell into silence. At the same time, a struggling expression slowly appeared on his calm face.    


It was as if he was struggling in his heart.    


Xue Chen saw the subtle changes on Martial God's face. Then, he slowly spat out a mouthful of sulk. He slowly said, "I'm afraid that I won't be able to hide it from you anymore. Even if I want to hide it from you, I won't be able to hide it for too long."    


Xue Chen did not say anything. He knew that Martial God would continue speaking without him asking.    


The next moment, Martial God took a deep breath. "Your mother is not dead yet..."    




After Martial God said that, It was like a bolt from the blue, exploding in Xue Chen's mind. He was completely dumbfounded, like a statue. He stood there motionlessly, staring at Martial God with a face full of disbelief.    


Xue Chen wasn't the only one who was stunned. Lu Tianci and Loong Yu were also dumbfounded.    


Xue Jianing wasn't dead?    


How could she not be dead?    


If Xue Jianing did not die back then, then why did Martial God appear?    


Could it be because Jiang Xuyao had betrayed Xue Jianing and he wanted to stand up for his sister?    


But even so, For so many years, it was impossible for Xue Chen not to know.    


Everyone knew that Xue Chen had never seen his mother before.    


After a long time, Xue Chen slowly came back to his senses. He looked at Martial God and asked in a somewhat hoarse voice, "What did you say?"    


"Your mother is not dead yet!" Martial God knew what kind of impact his words would have on Xue Chen, so he repeated it again. "Although your mother is not dead, she is not much different from a living corpse."    


"When your mother gave birth to you, she suffered from depression and became ill. She was about to die soon, so I used the acupuncture technique to seal all the acupuncture points on your mother's body. I left her with her last breath and let her live until now."    


"If I take out all the acupuncture needles in your mother's body now, your mother will only have one day at most!"    


As he spoke, a look of pain and sadness appeared on Martial God's face.    


"I need medicinal Bronzemans. Twelve medicinal Bronzemans, I need to hold them in my hands. The medicinal Qin Imperial Seals might be the only hope that can save your mother!" Martial God said heavily, "As long as you gather all the Twelve Bronzemens and open up the secrets of the Qin Imperial Seals. Then your mother might be able to survive!"    


"So I must obtain all the Twelve Bronzemens, not one less!"    


At this moment, Xue Chen seemed to be muddleheaded. His face was filled with complicated emotions.    


His mother wasn't dead?    


Was she still alive?    


However, he had never seen it before. The only impression he had was that the picture had already started to turn yellow. Other than that picture, he no longer had any memories.    


Martial God could also understand Xue Chen's current heart. He did not urge Xue Chen to do anything. He continued to say to Xue Chen, "It is very difficult for me to gather Twelve Bronzemen alone. These things are scattered all over the world. I might not be able to find them even if I spend my entire life. I can only borrow the strength of others!"    


s. " I'll go get them back and open the secret of the Qin Imperial Seal. " Find a way to save your mother. " Martial God took a deep breath and said, "I have waited for this day for more than 20 years. Now that the Twelve Bronzemen is finally gathering, I will not allow any accidents to happen."    


"I will also not allow the Twelve Bronzemen to be in other people's hands. I must obtain all of these things. No one can stop me!"    


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