Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1514 The Change in the Jiangs

C1514 The Change in the Jiangs

Time flew by, and three days passed in a flash!    


In these three days, both Fengxiang City and the capital seemed very peaceful. Nothing happened. It was as if Master Zui and the dean's death was like a drop of rain falling into the sea. There was no ripple at all.    


Of course, this was also the same. Few people knew who Master Zui and the dean were. At the same time, Master Zui had launched a secret attack. There were very few people who knew about it. That was why it did not cause any commotion. Otherwise, if outsiders knew about it, it would definitely cause a huge commotion.    


However, it wasn't as if no outsiders knew about it. The yard master knew about it.    


However, he did not care too much about it. Originally, he had saved Master Zui just to treat him as a dog. Now that the dog he had just raised was dead, would he be sad?    


Furthermore, a man who stood at the top of the pyramid like the manor owner would die because of a subordinate. And be tempted?    


Although the yard master didn't show any reaction to Master Zui's death, the man who escaped from Xue Chen had piqued his interest.    


Who exactly was that man? He didn't have any news about him, and he didn't even find out who he was.    


Even so, the yard master knew that this man was definitely a better knife than Master Zui. At the same time, he was also a very good dog.    


But how to find this dog gave him a headache!    


At the same time, the yard master also knew that Shih Dahai was Shih Chengyi. Furthermore, he was now a Unification Stage. This made him pay attention to him.    


One was Martial God, and the other was Shih Dahai. The former was Xue Chen's uncle, and the latter was Xue Chen's father-in-law. If it was a life-and-death situation, none of these two great figures would be able to sit still.    


Including Xue Chen, they were three Unification Stage warriors. This gave the yard master a headache.    


However, there was nothing he could do, because even if he attacked, he couldn't guarantee that he could kill Shih Dahai.    


If he couldn't kill Shih Dahai and was forced to escape, he might be forced out very soon. This wasn't what he wanted. That was why he wanted to wait!    


Furthermore, Besides, there should be someone who was more interested in Shih Dahai than him, such as Zuo Cheng'ao.    


Furthermore, the lama beside Zuo Cheng'ao was not someone to be trifled with.    


If Zuo Cheng'ao found out that Shih Dahai was Shih Chengyi, he wondered what would happen. Also, there was the Ba Clan. They would probably be interested as well.    


Just as the manor master was enjoying the beautiful scenery outside on the balcony of a hotel suite in the Ancient North Water Town, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps behind him.    


"What happened?" The manor owner asked without turning his head, as if he already knew who it was.    


"Master, there is news in Beijing!"    


The man, who was completely wrapped in a black robe and looked like a ghost in the night, said softly.    




"Yim Wudao has taken action. Jiang Zhanyi is seriously ill. He doesn't have much time left," the man said.    


"Sure enough, he has made his move." The yard master smiled. "Can you find out how long he can live?"    


"At most two days!" The man said confidently, "A hundred million poison is almost unsolvable!"    


"Two days?" The yard master nodded. "So the Jiang Family is going to fall into chaos?"    


"That's right!" "If our guess is right, Yim Wudao wants to help Jiang Ruloong get to the top. The next person to die will be Jiang Ruhu and his father, Jiang Xuxian."    


"Help him!" The yard master said lightly.    


"Master, do you mean we helped him kill Jiang Ruhu and Jiang Xuxian?" the yard master asked.    


"No!" "No," the man said. "Ask them to kill Jiang Ruhu. If they fail, you will kill him. As for Jiang Xuxian, spare his life. But let him spend his entire life in a wheelchair, understand? "    


"Master, Jiang Xuyao won't kill him?"    


"He's still useful!" The yard master said calmly, "Watch Xue Chen while you're at it. Don't let him come back before the Jiang Family is in chaos. Even if he comes back, try to hold him back for me. Do you understand?"    


"This subordinate will do it now!"    


As soon as he said that, the man left the place like a ghost.    


After the man left, the yard master let out a breath. "Xue Chen, when you return to the capital, the Jiang Family will be in Yim Wudao's hands. I wonder what will happen to you."    


At this moment, the yard master began to look forward to it.    


He was afraid that Yim Wudao would never dream that the yard master would help him.    


But was the yard master really that kind to help Yim Wudao without any other selfish motives?    


At the same time, Yim Wudao would never have dreamed that he thought that he had hidden himself well, but in fact, his whereabouts were completely under the control of the yard master.    


If Yim Wudao knew about this, he was afraid that he would never be able to remain calm.    


At the same time, in the military hospital in Jing City.    


Jiang Zhanyi would lie on the bed at any time. His aged and wrinkled face was pale. At the same time, his eyes were tightly shut. He even breathed with the help of the oxygen mask. His chest rose and fell without any strength. It was as if he would die immediately if he took the oxygen mask off Jiang Zhanyi's face.    


In fact, it was the same. Jiang Zhanyi was beyond cure. All the doctors could do nothing about it. More importantly, the hospital had yet to figure out what was going on with Jiang Zhanyi. They were still researching and analyzing him.    


At this moment, a lot of people had gathered in front of Jiang Zhanyi's bed.    


The two brothers, Jiang Xuxian and Jiang Xuyang, were the leaders. At the same time, Chu Xinyue, who had never spoken much to Jiang Zhanyi since her husband's death and had never stepped into the Jiang Family's Old Residence, had also come to the hospital and stood in front of Jiang Zhanyi's bed.    


Currently, Jiang Xuyao was already half dead. If something happened to Jiang Zhanyi now, the Jiang Family would be like collapsing half of the sky!    


Looking at Jiang Zhanyi's current state, Everyone's faces were grim.    


As the saying goes, a treasure in a family is inferior to a treasure in a family!    


Jiang Zhanyi was a treasure in the Jiang Family. He was the stabilizing needle of the sea. As long as Jiang Zhanyi was alive, the Jiang Family would be able to stand tall even if something big happened.    


However, if Jiang Zhanyi died, there would probably be a new round of cleansing in the system.    


This was the structure and structure of the system.    


As for whether the structure of the system would be changed, Jiang Xuyang didn't really care. So what if it was changing?    


Xue Chen was still here, so what if the others tried to attack the Jiang Family?    


But even so, he didn't want anything to happen to Jiang Zhanyi!    


Furthermore, Jiang Zhanyi's illness this time was too strange. There was no sign of it. Moreover, it was when he was playing chess with Xuanyuan Yidao that he suddenly fainted.    


This completely caught everyone off guard. At the same time, Jiang Zhanyi did not wake up after he fainted.    


This sudden change made everyone completely defenseless.    


At the same time, everyone suspected that Jiang Zhanyi's strange accident might have been plotted against, but who could plot against Jiang Zhanyi?    


After Jiang Zhanyi returned, he looked at Jiang Xuyao. The rest of the time, he was in Jiang Family's Old Residence, protected by Xuanyuan Yidao and many guards.    


It was not easy to hurt him.    


However, Jiang Zhanyi still fell down.    


Was it done by Xuanyuan Yidao?    


Obviously, it was impossible. Everyone knew the relationship between Xuanyuan Yidao and Jiang Zhanyi. At the same time, if Xuanyuan Yidao wanted to harm Jiang Zhanyi, would he need to wait until now?    


No one could figure out what the problem was.    


The atmosphere in the ward was very depressing, as if it was a sign before the storm in June. It was depressing and depressing!    


After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Xuyang suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Ehuang, have you told your brother about your grandfather's situation?"    


After hearing Jiang Xuyang's words, Jiang Ehuang's face was filled with sadness and bitterness as she said, "No, Third Uncle said that my brother must have something important in Fengxiang City. It would not be good to disturb him at this time..."    


Jiang Ehuang originally wanted to tell Xue Chen, but after thinking about it, Jiang Xuxian's words were not without reason. If Xue Chen had something important in Fengxiang City and told Xue Chen to come back now, it would not be unreasonable. Wouldn't that be a waste of time?    


Furthermore, Jiang Zhanyi knew that he was in a coma.    


Of course, Jiang Ehuang also knew that Jiang Xuxian didn't want her to tell Xue Chen because he had his own selfish motives. What if Jiang Zhanyi couldn't do it?    


In that case, the position of the master of Jiang Family couldn't be left empty. Jiang Xuxian would definitely try to get the position and let his son, Jiang Ruhu, take over.    


Although he knew, there was nothing he could do.    


After Jiang Xuyang heard Jiang Ehuang's words, he immediately turned his eyes to Jiang Xuxian. "Mo, what do you mean?"    


"Fourth brother, I know what you mean, but is what I said wrong? "You and I know Xue Chen well," Jiang Xuxian said. "If there is nothing wrong with him, he will leave."    


"He hasn't come back yet, and he hasn't contacted any of us. It must be because of something important. If we suddenly disturb him, the old master will be fine. Do you think it's worth it?"    


"Besides, I think even the old master doesn't want to delay Xue Chen's matter. Let Xue Chen come back at this time."    


Jiang Xuyang's brows slowly knitted together. Although he knew that what Jiang Xuxian said made sense, he also knew that Jiang Xuxian had other thoughts.    


"Tomorrow, if the old master's condition doesn't improve, I will ask Xue Chen to come back." Jiang Xuyang said firmly, "At the same time, read the old master's will."    


At this moment, Jiang Xuyang had no choice but to prepare for the worst.    


He knew that if Xue Chen did not come back and Jiang Xuyao was still in a coma, Jiang Xuxian would definitely use all means to suppress him. If he lost, the Jiang Family would completely belong to Jiang Xuxian when Xue Chen returned.    


This wasn't what he wanted to see, nor was it something he allowed.    


As soon as Jiang Xuyang said this, everyone's facial expression changed.    




Jiang Zhanyi had already written his will?    


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