Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1502 Work with Me Equal Status

C1502 Work with Me Equal Status

When Qin Shou heard the voice, he thought the yard master was looking for him again. He didn't even raise his head. "Then what should I look like?"    


"The young master of the Qin Family used to be the arrogant Qin Shou of the past. He is just a piece of meat. He was fearless. Now that his grandfather is dead, and his uncle is dead, he has turned into a drunkard. What a joke!"    


"I wonder what will happen if Qin Hantian and Qin Rulieh find out about the heir that they have personally trained."    


In the next moment, Qin Shou frowned slightly. This voice did not sound like the owner of the manor, and it sounded very familiar.    


Then, Qin Shou raised his head and looked towards the source of the voice.    


A middle-aged man was standing in front of Qin Shou. The man was dressed in gray cloth clothes. His black hair was neatly trimmed. He was tall and straight, and his entire body exuded an air of arrogance.    


When Qin Shou saw the person in front of him, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he was filled with disbelief.    


"Zuo Cheng'ao?"    


Zuo Cheng'ao looked at Qin Shou's shocked expression and said with a smile, "What? You don't know me after not seeing me for a few months?"    


"You dare to appear in the capital?" Qin Shou asked neither lightly nor heavily. "Aren't you afraid that Xue Chen will kill you if he finds out?"    


"Qin Shou, do you think I will be afraid if I show up here?" Zuo Cheng'ao said confidently. "Besides, do you think Xue Chen can find me in the capital?"    


"Jing City used to be my territory."    


In Jing City, Zuo Cheng'ao was far more familiar with it than Xue Chen. At the same time, he had worked hard in Jing City for so many years. If he could not even hide, then decades of hard work would be wasted.    


"It seems like you still have a lot of control over the intelligence organization of the Dragon Gate."    


"Are you trying to trick me?" Zuo Cheng'ao looked at Qin Shou with a faint smile.    


"If you want to talk, just say it. If you don't want to talk, just say it." Qin Shou said softly, "Anyway, I don't care. It's just that you should be careful. Xue Chen is now a Unification Stage. If you meet him, you will die for sure."    


"Thank you for your concern." Zuo Cheng'ao said lightly, "But you have surprised me. You have turned into a man who is neither human nor ghost."    


"Are you here to mock me?"    


"What's the point of laughing at you? Aren't I like a stray dog now?" Zuo Cheng'ao sighed. "Don't make fun of Second Brother."    


"So you're here to let me inherit the Qin Family and fight against Xue Chen?"    


"I'm here to drink with you." "Do you have time for dinner and wine?" Zuo Cheng'ao asked.    


Qin Shou knew Zuo Cheng'ao was not looking for him, but he agreed.    


These days, he had been drinking alone. He was drunk and needed someone to drink with him.    


Qin Shou didn't like ordinary people drinking with him. Zuo Cheng'ao was the best candidate now.    


"Alright, as long as you treat me, I'll do whatever you want!"    


"Then let's go!"    


Qin Shou did not hesitate. He stood up and left with Zuo Cheng'ao.    


However, when Qin Shou walked with Zuo Cheng'ao like this, he immediately attracted the attention of many people. After all, Qin Shou's appearance was too eye-catching.    


Zuo Cheng'ao, on the other hand, was dressed appropriately and had an extraordinary bearing.    


It was hard not to attract people when they walked together like this.    


Zuo Cheng'ao did not bring Qin Shou to any high-end place. Instead, he randomly found a restaurant and asked for a private room.    


Originally, the restaurant was not friendly to Qin Shou at all and even wanted to shut him out. However, when Zuo Cheng'ao took out two hundred yuan bills, it immediately changed its attitude towards him and appeared very enthusiastic.    


After entering the room, Zuo Cheng'ao ordered a few dishes and ordered a few bottles of Erguotou.    


The dishes were served very quickly.    


After the dishes were served, Qin Shou did not stand on ceremony and directly began to eat and drink.    


Seeing Qin Shou like this, Zuo Cheng'ao sighed and said, "It seems like you have been having a bad time these few days."    


"Not bad."    


Qin Shou took a sip of wine and smacked his lips.    


"Was the person who looked for you a friend of your grandfather's?"    


"Zuo Cheng'ao, I know what you want to ask."    


"Do you have cigarettes?" Qin Shou asked.    


Zuo Cheng'ao did not say anything. He took out the cigarettes he had prepared and handed them to Qin Shou.    


Qin Shou took the cigarette and lit it immediately. He took a light puff and spat out the thick smoke from his mouth. Then, he said slowly, "I don't mind telling you."    


"They are from the Ba Family. They are the main family of the Qin Family."    


Zuo Cheng'ao was stunned when he heard Qin Shou's words.    


He had heard a little about the Ba Family, but he had never seen it before. The old man just now was not only from the Ba Family, but also the main family of the Qin Family.    


The Qin Family and Ba family...    


Zuo Cheng'ao had no idea about the relationship between the Qin Family and Ba family. So far, there was no news from the outside.    


"You're right. The Qin Family is just a branch of the Ba family." Qin Shou said indifferently, "It's unbelievable, isn't it?"    


Qin Shou did not give Zuo Cheng'ao a chance to speak. He said again, "At that time, I was the same as you. I could not believe it, but this is the truth."    


"My grandfather told me personally, and the Ba clan also appeared."    


"Why don't you hide it from me, and make up a random one for me..."    


"Can you still hide this kind of thing now?" Qin Shou took another sip of wine and said, "You will find out sooner or later."    


"Actually, you have other selfish motives, don't you?" Zuo Cheng'ao stared at Qin Shou and said, "You know that I need a partner to deal with Xue Chen, and you also want to take revenge, but you can't pass the hurdle in your heart."    


"So you want to borrow a knife to kill someone and let me deal with Xue Chen. This can be considered revenge for you!"    


Qin Shou did not speak immediately and stared at Zuo Cheng'ao.    


Although he did not want to admit Zuo Cheng'ao's words, he had to admit that what Zuo Cheng'ao said was the truth.    


He did have this thought.    


"Do you know why I don't like dealing with smart people?" Qin Shou said slowly.    


"They can tell what you really think and will say it out loud. It's not good to talk about it."    


"That's right." Qin Shou admitted, "But you, a smart and sensitive person, are making a fool of yourself."    


"Qin Shou, of course I will deal with Xue Chen, and I am confident that even if Xue Chen enters the Unification realm, he will still be able to kill him!" Zuo Cheng'ao said confidently, "Even if I encounter Martial God, I will still have the strength to fight him!"    


"It seems like you have found a good partner."    


"That's right." Zuo Cheng'ao admitted without hesitation, "And my partner is stronger than everyone else."    


"Although I don't know where you got your confidence from, I still wish you success in your dreams!"    


As he spoke, Qin Shou raised the glass in front of him.    


Zuo Cheng'ao saw this and raised his glass as well. He lightly touched Qin Shou and took a symbolic sip.    


"Thank you for your blessing." Zuo Cheng'ao slowly put down his wine cup and said, "Since you want me to succeed, then why can't you cooperate with me?"    


"Take over the Qin Family and cooperate with you?" Qin Shou smiled. "That was what the Ba people thought just now, but I rejected them. Do you think you will succeed?"    


"Not necessarily!" Zuo Cheng'ao lit a cigarette for himself and said, "Ba family is looking for you to use. Although I have a reason to use you, at least we are equal. You do not have to cooperate with me."    


"You are very free and unrestrained. Even if we cooperate, you will still be like this."    


"If you agree to the Ba family's request, I am afraid it will not be equal or cooperation!" Zuo Cheng'ao said seriously, "You are their servant, so you should listen to their orders."    


"You look like you are almost certain that I will agree to your request."    


"I am not sure." Zuo Cheng'ao shook his head. "But I know you will think about me if you want to think about it."    


"After all, I am the most suitable candidate!"    


Qin Shou could not help but laugh, but his smile was a little strange.    


"If I told you that I don't have much time left, would you still tell me this?"    


After hearing Qin Shou's words, Zuo Cheng'ao's expression changed slightly. "What do you mean?"    


"Zuo Cheng'ao, you only know that the Ba family has appeared, but you don't know that another person has also appeared."    




"He said he is the yard master of the manor!" said Zuo Cheng'ao.    


Zuo Cheng'ao couldn't help shaking when he heard Qin Shou's words.    


Qin Shou's understanding of the manor was probably one-sided, but Zuo Cheng'ao knew it very well.    


This manor was made up of countless consortia. If one were to look back, this organization must have existed for a hundred years.    


Xue Chen had been looking for the other party, but there was no news of him in the end.    


Now that Qin Shou had told him that the owner of the manor had appeared, how could he not be surprised?    


"Is what you said true?"    


"I don't know if it's true or not, but my life is in the hands of the other party!" "He gave me poison and told me to submit to him. Otherwise, I will die."    


"Now I am waiting for death."    


Zuo Cheng'ao's expression changed slightly. "You are controlled by him?"    


"That's right." "But I would rather die than do anything. If he wants me to surrender to him, I will wait for my next life, or he can control my soul."    


"I can help you find someone to take a look..."    


"Who?" Qin Shou laughed softly and said, "Since the other party dared to do so, he must have full confidence that I can't cure the poison. You don't have to waste your time!"    


"That may not be the case!" Zuo Cheng'ao said confidently, "As long as you trust me, I may not be able to cure you of the poison."    


"Then I will cooperate with you, right?"    


"Think about it yourself. If you are willing, I am very happy. Also, think about Qin Family now. Think about your parents..."    


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