Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C586 You're the One Who's Staying Here Tonight Right

C586 You're the One Who's Staying Here Tonight Right

Xue Chen had thought that there might be a chance to turn the situation around, but who would have thought that Shen Xuening would suddenly change her tone.    


Xue Chen said with a heavy expression, "Even if you have a problem with her, we should at least give her face, right?"    


"After all, she is your mother. She came all the way here and saved you at the critical moment. Tell me. "Shouldn't we speak nicely to them?"    


"Don't you think she's hypocritical?" Shen Xuening coldly said, "I clearly hate it in my heart, but I have to pretend that I am happy to go over and say good things to each other..."    


The corner of Xue Chen's mouth slightly twitched. At this moment, he began to have some words to say. He, who had always been a good talker, didn't know what to say for a moment.    


"If that's the case, I'm sorry, but I still can't do it." Shen Xuening said coldly.    


"Then what can you do?"    


"Do whatever you want!"    


"Are you the same in the business world?" Xue Chen snorted. "I don't believe you. You are the same in the business world. You don't have a different opinion."    


"This is two different things." Shen Xuening said coldly, "Just because I am wearing a fake mask outside is enough. I am already very tired. So I do not want to be like that when I return home!"    


"So you are saying that the reason why you treat your mother like this is because you have her in your heart and not because you do not have her?" The corner of Xue Chen's mouth slowly formed a playful expression.    


Shen Xuening was slightly stunned. "I..."    


"You don't have to deny it. You have her in your heart. Admit that she is your mother. Otherwise, why would you reveal your true self in front of her instead of wearing a fake mask?" Xue Chen said slowly, "Because you have her in your heart and you admit that she is your mother, you do not want to be like other people."    


"You want to remove all your disguise in front of her. You can say whatever you want in your heart without any hesitation. Because you know that she is your mother. No matter what you do to her, she will not be angry. She will not blame you because she is your mother."    


Shen Xuening opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she did not know how to say it.    


What Xue Chen said was right. Because Gong Shangyu was her mother, because no matter how she treated Gong Shangyu, Gong Shangyu would not anger her and would not be angry. Instead, she would treat her like calm water. Instead, she would use that boundless maternal love to embrace everything Shen Xuening did to her.    


Everything was because Gong Shangyu pointed at her mother, and she was a woman!    


Xue Chen took in all of Shen Xuening's subtle changes and immediately said, "Yes, she is your mother, but she does not owe you anything!"    


"She allowed you to be willful, allowed you to act unscrupulously in front of her, allowed you to throw a tantrum in front of her, and allowed you to put on a bad face for her because she is your mother."    


"But this is not the capital for you to act unscrupulously in front of him."    


"She gave birth to you not because she wanted you to anger her, nor because she wanted you to show her face. You are not young anymore. When you have a child in the future, change your position and think about how you will feel if your children treat you this way."    


"That feeling is what your mother is feeling right now!"    


"She gave birth to you. You are her daughter, but she doesn't owe you anything." Xue Chen said heavily, "Even if she divorced, she does not owe you anything."    


"Because that was her life. She had the right to choose."    


"Shen Xuening, you still have time now while your mother is still here. Don't wait until your mother is gone or when she is seriously ill before you know how to cherish it." Xue Chen said with mixed feelings, "It is already too late by then."    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, a sentence immediately appeared in Shen Xuening's mind. She wanted to raise her son but did not wait for him to be kissed.    


Although she knew all kinds of principles, she could not get over the hurdle in her heart!    


Taking a deep breath, Shen Xuening looked at Xue Chen and said, "Do you think I want to do this to her?"    


"I don't want to, but do you know how she treated me these years?"    


"Since the divorce, the number of times she came to see me can be counted on one hand. Every year I celebrate my birthday, did she spend a birthday with me like other mothers did? Did she call me?"    


"During my coming of age ceremony, did she come to my side and look at me?"    


"I was hunted abroad. When I was negotiating with Dragon Gate, did she appear to help me?"    




Shen Xuening's voice slowly became hoarse. At the same time, her face was full of grievance and her eyes began to turn red.    


Looking at Shen Xuening's face full of grievance, Xue Chen wanted to say something. But he didn't know what to say.    


He never thought that things would turn out like this. He never thought that Shen Xuening seemed to have a mother, but she was actually similar to her mother. It was like he had an awesome father. But what was the difference?    


But comparatively speaking, Shen Xuening was much better than him. After all, she had once enjoyed complete fatherly love.    


But he, Xue Chen, had never!    


"I'm sorry, I don't know about this." Xue Chen looked at Shen Xuening apologetically.    


At this moment, Xue Chen's name was comparing why Shen Xuening would treat Gong Shangyu like this. It turned out that it was not only because of the divorce between her and Shen Baichuan. At the same time, there was also Gong Shangyu's indifference towards her for so many years.    


Shen Xuening took a deep breath. "I also do not want to treat her like this. After all, she is my mother, but I really do not know how to face her..."    


Tears began to roll in Shen Xuening's eyes, but she forcefully endured it and did not fall.    


"Why do other people's parents get divorced and their parents always care for their children, but why can't it fall on me?" Shen Xuening was like a wounded beast. Her voice was hoarse and trembling as she said, "Am I not their daughter?"    


"Maybe your mother has something to hide." Xue Chen could not help but speak up for Gong Shangyu.    


Although he had only met Gong Shangyu once, his intuition told Xue Chen that Gong Shangyu was not as bad as Shen Xuening said.    


"Can't you tell me if you have something to hide?" Shen Xuening's eyes were red as she stared at Xue Chen and asked, "I am her daughter!"    


"If you can say it, then it is still difficult to say."    


Shen Xuening was speechless and did not know what to say for a moment.    


"You are much happier than me. How should I say it? Your mother and your father have been by your side for so many years but I only have my master." Xue Chen's face was bitter. He began to persuade Shen Xuening with his own words." Yes, now Jiang Xuyao has appeared. He wanted to acknowledge me, but he had once betrayed my mother. He married another woman, and my mother died because of it."    


"But your father didn't. Your mother is still alive and well." Xue Chen took a deep breath and said, "When I faced Jiang Xuyao, I could still calm down for a while and talk to him. Why can't you talk to your mother peacefully?"    


"Think about me. Think about you. You will feel much luckier and happier at the same time."    




Although today is only the first day I see my mother, I feel that she is definitely not as terrible as you say. " Xue Chen said softly, "Maybe she is willing to give up silently behind your back."    


"Besides, she has not seen you for so many years. It is not that she does not want to see you. 'But for other reasons?'    


"If you can calm down and face her with a kind of tolerant heart, perhaps you will discover that your world will be beautiful."    


Xue Chen's tone was just right. His words sounded very emotional.    


"What about you?" Shen Xuening suddenly asked.    


Xue Chen was stunned. "What happened to me?"    


"Can you look at Jiang Xuyao with a calm attitude and listen to him?"    


Xue Chen was silent.    


He did not know what to say.    


Humans were complicated animals. When they tried to persuade others, what they said was a set of words. They were very reasonable, but when things happened to them, it could be a different result.    


"Our situation is different. We can't talk about it together." Xue Chen took a deep breath and said.    


Shen Xuening wanted to say something, but before she could, Xue Chen's voice sounded again, "It's getting late. Let's get some rest."    


As soon as he said that, Xue Chen pretended to leave.    


After seeing this scene, Shen Xuening suddenly said, "Wait a moment."    


After hearing Shen Xuening's words, Xue Chen slowly stopped and slowly turned around to look at Shen Xuening and said, "Is there anything else?"    


Seeing Xue Chen turn around, Shen Xuening slowly lowered her head. Her face slowly revealed a red color, like the sound of a mosquito humming beside her ear. "Tonight, you will stay here."    


Xue Chen was stunned when he heard Shen Xuening's words. He looked at Shen Xuening with shock and disbelief.    


"What... what did you say?" Xue Chen thought he was hallucinating and could not help but ask.    


It had been several months since he came to Fengxiang City and lived in Sandal Palace Villa. The number of times he came to Shen Xuening's room could be counted on one hand. Now that Shen Xuening suddenly asked Xue Chen to stay and live here, Xue Chen thought he had misheard and had hallucinated.    


Shen Xuening lowered her head and the blush on her face became even thicker. "Tonight, stay here!"    


Shen Xuening's delicate voice was like a mosquito buzzing in her ears. It was like mumbling in her sleep. It was very small and at the same time, it carried the shyness of a young woman.    


Looking at Shen Xuening's shy and shy appearance, Xue Chen's previous gloomy mood was instantly swept away. At the same time, his tiger body trembled. Could it be that Shen Xuening wanted to consummate her marriage with him?    


Thinking of this, Xue Chen's heart was filled with unprecedented excitement.    


F * ck, I finally made it!    


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