Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1457 A Great Battle Is about to Break out

C1457 A Great Battle Is about to Break out

In the capital, due to Qin Hantian dealing with Xue Chen and Jiang Xuyao being hospitalized, countless people were in a panic.    


Everyone knew that Xue Chen would definitely have a fierce battle with the Qin Family.    


Xue Chen would definitely not let this matter go.    


After Qin Hantian, the instigator of all this, returned to the Qin Family, he immediately left the Qin Family and hid in a courtyard in an alley in the capital.    


At the same time, Qin Hantian also knew about Jiang Xuyao's coma.    


When Qin Hantian found out about this, he was very surprised.    


When he was in Qin City Prison, Jiang Xuyao had fought with him before. Although there was still a slight gap between their strength, However, Qin Hantian was one hundred percent sure that he didn't injure Jiang Xuyao as badly as he did.    


But what the hell was going on?    


Why did Jiang Xuyao suddenly fall into a coma?    


Qin Hantian couldn't figure it out.    


However, Qin Hantian knew that it was true. Xue Chen probably wanted to find him and kill him right now.    


Qin Hantian didn't care about Xue Chen at all. He wasn't worried at all. The only thing he was worried about was Martial God.    


Martial God hadn't appeared after such a big incident. What was he thinking? What was he trying to do?    


At the same time, there was also Qin Shou.    


Qin Shou was in Fengxiang City. Although he had contacted Master Zui and asked him to bring Qin Shou back, But until now, Master Zui still hadn't sent any news to him. He didn't know what was going on either!    


But no matter what the situation was, he, Qin Hantian, had to protect this grandson of his.    


This was his hope. He absolutely could not die.    


Now, the reason Qin Hantian hid here was to wait for Master Zui to send his grandson, Qin Shou, over.    


If it wasn't for Qin Shou, he wouldn't be staying here right now. He would do something else.    


While Qin Hantian was waiting for Qin Shou, Jiang Ruloong had already found Jiang Xuyang and told him everything that had happened.    


Although Jiang Xuyang was very angry about Yim Wudao's scheme, But in the end, he still followed Yim Wudao's instructions and went to guard the airport.    


It was still going on in secret. After all, alerting the enemy was not good. At the same time, Qin Shou seemed to have a very powerful expert by his side. He had to conceal himself well in order to do so.    


After Jiang Xuyang did this, Jiang Ruloong immediately became idle. However, just as he was about to go home, Jiang Ruloong's phone rang.    


When he took out his phone and saw that the caller ID was still Yim Wudao, Jiang Ruloong's pupils suddenly contracted.    


In the next moment, Jiang Ruloong picked up the phone!    


"Yim Wudao, what are you doing?"    


"Young Master Jiang, don't be angry. I'm not trying to help you." Yim Wudao went straight to the master. "Xue Chen and Qin Hantian are fighting to the death. They are dead. My revenge will be avenged. Besides, you can get what you want. Why not? "    


"Is that so?"    


"Young Master Jiang, I know you don't trust me, but you should know that no one else will help you get the position," Wang Yao said. Yim Wudao said casually, "With the current situation, your Jiang Family will definitely need a new patriarch. According to seniority, it can't be you."    


"What are you trying to say?"    


"I will help you. I have arranged everything. You will be the new patriarch of the Jiang family, but I need your cooperation."    


"Dream on!"    


Then go home and have a good chat with your mother! "    


"Yim Wudao, you..."    


Jiang Ruloong said. "Jiang Ruloong, I'm helping you. Why don't you appreciate it?" Yim Wudao said helplessly, "You believe that I won't die again. Besides, you won't lose anything, will you?"    


"Alright, I won't talk to you anymore. Get ready to talk to your mother now. Call me when we're done. Your mother knows my other number!"    


Yim Wudao hung up the phone without giving Jiang Ruloong a chance to speak.    


Jiang Ruloong's expression changed as he listened to the busy voice on the phone. He knew Yim Wudao had no good intentions.    


It seemed like it was true.    


He recalled what Yim Wudao said. Jiang Ruloong felt a headache coming, and at the same time, he did not want to go home.    


Chu Xinyue wanted him to be in charge of the Jiang Family, but it had never changed. She even wanted him to kill Jiang Xuyao and Xue Chen!    


Now that Yim Wudao had contacted Chu Xinyue, if he went home, Chu Xinyue...    


Thinking of this, Jiang Ruloong's heart was filled with helplessness and bitterness.    


Immediately after, Jiang Ruloong took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled a breath of sulk from his mouth. He appeared very lonely as he got into the car.    




Time flew by in a flash.    


Jiang Zhanyi and Xuanyuan Yidao flew back to the capital and met Jiang Xuyang.    


Jiang Xuyang was stunned when he saw Jiang Zhanyi and Xuanyuan Yidao. He was here to stop Qin Shou, but who would have thought that he would meet his father and uncle?    


After a few simple sentences, Jiang Zhanyi asked Jiang Xuyang to bring them to the hospital to see Jiang Xuyao.    


Jiang Xuyang naturally could not refuse this, so after instructing his subordinates, Jiang Xuyang brought Jiang Zhanyi and Xuanyuan Yidao to the hospital.    


When they arrived at the hospital and saw Jiang Xuyao's miserable appearance, Jiang Zhanyi's old body started shaking uncontrollably. At the same time, a sad and bitter aura slowly emerged from his body.    


For a moment, Jiang Zhanyi seemed to have aged dozens of years.    


"Dad..." Bai Yuqi immediately said when she saw Jiang Zhanyi.    


Jiang Zhanyi took a deep breath and calmed himself down. His eyes were red. "I know about Xuyao. Don't be too sad."    


"Dad, I know, but you..."    


"I'm fine," Wang Yao said. Jiang Zhanyi shook his head gently. "Yuqi, where is Xue Chen? Why didn't I see him?"    


"He went out to make a phone call." Bai Yuqi said truthfully, "He should be back soon."    


"Dad, you and uncle should sit down."    


After Jiang Zhanyi and Xuanyuan Yidao slowly sat down, Bai Yuqi said again, "Dad, Ehuang..."    


"Don't worry, Ehuang is fine. She will be fine after resting for a while." Jiang Zhanyi's tone was a little low as he said, "But Xuyao..."    


The bitterness on Jiang Zhanyi's face became stronger as he spoke. At the same time, his turbid eyes were filled with tears. In the blink of an eye, tears would flow out of his eyes.    


However, Jiang Zhanyi endured it. He did not let the tears fall from his eyes.    


"Dad, no matter what Xuyao looks like, I will always be by his side!" Bai Yuqi immediately said.    


Her voice was not loud, but it was forceful as if she was making a promise.    


After hearing Bai Yuqi's words, Jiang Zhanyi sighed slightly. "I know you are a good child. After all these years of suffering, Jiang Family has let you down."    


"This is voluntary!"    


At this moment, Xue Chen walked in from outside. When he saw Jiang Zhanyi, Xuanyuan Yidao, and Jiang Xuyang in the ward, a surprised look appeared on Xue Chen's face.    


"Old master, you..."    


"We just arrived!"    


[Oh, then you guys stay here for now. I have something urgent that I need to go out for a while.]    


"Xue Chen, are you going to look for Qin Hantian?" Bai Yuqi immediately asked.    


After hearing Bai Yuqi's words, Xue Chen thought for a while and then nodded.    


Xue Chen asked Jiang Ruloong to find Jiang Xuyang to guard the airport, but at the same time, he also asked Lu Tianci to go to the train station, the high-speed rail station, and all the other intersections.    


There was no news from Jiang Xuyang, but it was from Lu Tianci.    


He found Qin Shou and a man with white eyebrows at the high-speed rail station.    


After Xue Chen heard the news, his expression was immediately lifted. The killing intent on his body also spread out.    


Since Qin Shou had appeared, he would definitely look for Qin Hantian. As long as Lu Tianci didn't lose him, he would be able to find Qin Hantian.    


At the same time, the Lu Family had also sent out Sun Chasing Stage warriors to hide. Xue Chen had also mobilized all the people he could.    


He wanted to surround Qin Hantian, but of course, he wanted to prevent Qin Hantian from escaping.    


This time, Xue Chen was serious and wanted to kill Qin Hantian.    


Seeing Xue Chen nod, Bai Yuqi spoke again. "But Qin Hantian is not that easy to deal with. You..."    


"I have already asked the others to follow them. If I am not alone to deal with Qin Hantian, we will join forces." Xue Chen said heavily, "Don't worry."    


"Did you really find Qin Hantian?"    


"Yes, I found Qin Shou," Xue Chen said. Xue Chen looked at Jiang Xuyang and said, "Lu Tianci and Yinloong are following them. At the same time, there are other experts of Lu Family. The people of Long Family have also moved. My own people have also moved. This time, I will make sure that Qin Hantian can't escape even if he has wings."    


"Xue Chen, how confident are you in dealing with Qin Hantian?" Jiang Zhanyi was a little worried and said, "Qin Hantian has been hiding for so many years and has been planning for so long. He must not be underestimated."    


"I know." Xue Chen let out a breath of anger. "But if we miss this opportunity, we don't know where we will be next time."    


"Now I must take revenge. Qin Hantian must die!"    


Xue Chen did not give the others a chance to speak. He said again, "Alright, I will leave now."    


With that, Xue Chen turned around and left.    


At this moment, Xuanyuan Yidao suddenly opened his mouth and said, Xue Chen, I'll go with you!"    


After hearing Xuanyuan Yidao's words, Xue Chen's footsteps paused for a moment. "No need. You can stay here. I will handle Qin Hantian alone."    


After saying that, Xue Chen quickly walked out of the ward and headed downstairs.    


He wanted to follow the trail to find Qin Hantian and have a deathmatch with Qin Hantian.    


At this moment, Qin Hantian did not know that Xue Chen had already known that Qin Shou had entered the capital and was heading towards him.    


A battle was unavoidable!    


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