Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1035 Xue Chen's New Sect Leader

C1035 Xue Chen's New Sect Leader

Xue Chen left while Jiang Ehuang was stunned on the spot. She did not come back to her senses for a long time.    


Zuo Cheng'ao had talked to her about the Dragon Gate and asked her to take over the Dragon Gate. He had also clearly told Jiang Ehuang to look for Xue Chen but was rejected by Xue Chen.    


At the same time, Jiang Ehuang called Xue Chen and asked him not to bother with Zuo Cheng'ao.    


Why did Xue Chen say he wanted to take over the Dragon Gate?    


Could it be that he agreed to Zuo Cheng'ao's request?    


Jiang Ehuang wanted to ask Xue Chen about it, but now that Xue Chen had left, she could only suppress all the doubts in her heart and wait for Xue Chen to come back to ask.    


Because Xue Chen and Zuo Cheng'ao had made an agreement, they were still in the clubhouse where they met for the first time.    


As a result, after Xue Chen left the Yu Family, he headed straight to his destination.    


As soon as he entered the club, Xue Chen met Feng Yuan.    


It was as if Feng Yuan had been waiting for Xue Chen to arrive.    


"Sect Chief is waiting for you."    


As soon as she finished speaking, Feng Yuan brought Xue Chen to the backyard of the clubhouse.    


It was the first time they had seen each other in that house.    


As soon as they entered the house, they immediately smelled a sweet fragrance. It made Xue Chen feel refreshed and refreshed. Under the smell of the fragrance, his fatigue seemed to have disappeared.    


In the room, Zuo Cheng'ao sat on a chair and drank tea. He looked very calm. Not far away from him was an incense burner. There was smoke coming from it. If one didn't look carefully, one wouldn't be able to tell.    


If his guess was right, this fragrance should be coming from this incense burner.    


Seeing Xue Chen come in from outside, Zuo Cheng'ao immediately said, "Sit!"    


Xue Chen did not show any courtesy and sat directly opposite of Zuo Cheng'ao.    


Seeing Xue Chen sit down, Zuo Cheng'ao poured Xue Chen a cup of tea and said, "Have a sip of tea first. I have asked Feng Yuan to inform all the higher-ups of Dragon Gate to gather together. It is not time yet. When we arrive, we will go over."    


"There is no hurry." Xue Chen said lightly, "The later we go, the better."    


Zuo Cheng'ao chuckled. "Does the finale always come later?"    


"What do you think?"    


"It should be like this. You are Dragon Sect Master from now on. You should let them wait for you!" said Wang Yao.    


"Are you really not afraid that I will destroy the Dragon Gate?" Xue Chen took a sip of tea and asked quietly.    


"You won't!" Zuo Cheng'ao said with certainty, "The Dragon Gate will only flourish in your hands."    


"I have a lot of enemies."    


"The Dragon Gate has been living a comfortable life these years. Some rotten wood has appeared. It is not an exaggeration to let your enemies see the vermin of the Dragon Gate clearly."    


"Looks like you really aren't afraid of anything!"    


"It's useless even if you're afraid. Without you, there's no use. There are still others. It's just that I personally believe that the Dragon Gate will become unprecedentedly powerful in your hands!"    


Xue Chen did not say much about this. He was speaking in circles with Zuo Cheng'ao now, and it was very troublesome. He spoke without revealing a single drop of water. He seemed very cautious, as if he was walking on thin ice.    


It was almost impossible for you to get anything out of his mouth.    


"Did you get anything out of Zhang Yunye's mouth?"    


Zuo Cheng'ao shook his head and said, "I didn't ask. After you take over the dragon gate, you can ask. After you ask, you can just destroy those things."    


"If you need any help, just call out to me!"    


Zuo Cheng'ao had made up his mind to let Xue Chen handle everything after he took over the Dragon Gate. He was going to be the elder of the Dragon Gate in peace.    


"However, I did release the news." Zuo Cheng'ao continued, "Bai Guiqi and the others must have caused a lot of trouble."    


"When the news of you taking over the Dragon Gate spreads, they will blow up. Your chance will come."    


Zhang Yunye being taken away by Zuo Cheng'ao would make people guess whether the people of the Dragon Gate were on the same side as the alliance.    


Of course, if Bai Guiqi spread rumors that the Dragon Gate was on the same side as them, then when Xue Chen became Dragon Sect Master, he would give Bai Guiqi a resounding slap, and at the same time, the entire Excluding Xue Alliance would explode.    


However, Zuo Cheng'ao also knew that Bai Guiqi would never do this. Ever since he took Zhang Yunye away, Bai Guiqi had been looking for him, wanting him to let Zhang Yunye go.    


However, Zuo Cheng'ao had completely avoided him, or rather, he was avoiding Bai Guiqi.    


He would face Bai Guiqi after Xue Chen took over the dragon gate.    


Xue Chen knew that Bai Guiqi would definitely look for Zuo Cheng'ao, so he didn't ask him.    


Time flew by like sand in his palm.    


In a flash, it was already half past five in the afternoon.    


"It's almost time. Shall I bring you there now?" Zuo Cheng'ao looked at Xue Chen and asked.    


"Let's go then."    


After that, Zuo Cheng'ao and Xue Chen left the place.    


Zuo Cheng'ao prepared everything immediately. After coming down from the stairs, he asked Feng Yuan to drive the two of them towards the western suburbs of the capital.    


The atmosphere in the carriage was a little gloomy. Xue Chen and Zuo Cheng'ao did not say anything. They just quietly watched the scenery outside the window.    


After an unknown amount of time, Feng Yuan drove the car out of the valley and stopped.    


At this moment, the sky was completely dark. There were only specks of starlight flickering in the sky. There were no street lamps around, making it seem empty and dark. The whistling north wind was like a knife, blowing on one's face like it was cut by a knife. It made one feel very uncomfortable.    


After getting out of the car, Xue Chen looked around.    


Is this the Dragon Gate's base?    


"Let's go. I'll take you there." Zuo Cheng'ao whispered to Xue Chen.    


Zuo Cheng'ao and Feng Yuan led them to the center of the valley.    


After walking for about ten minutes, the three of them came to a hill. Zuo Cheng'ao looked at Feng Yuan and said, "Open the door!"    


Feng Yuan heard Zuo Cheng'ao's words and immediately walked to the hill. She put her hand to the side and pressed down on the spot where she slightly vomited.    


"This is a fingerprint scan. Those who are not from Dragon Gate can't enter at all." Zuo Cheng'ao was afraid that Xue Chen did not understand and explained softly.    


After hearing Zuo Cheng'ao's words, there was no surprise on Xue Chen's face.    


With the development of advanced technology, fingerprint scanning was not a rare thing. Furthermore, since the headquarters of Dragon Gate was built in this deserted place, although it was very safe, it was inevitable that people would come here. Therefore, it was normal to do something about it!    


What surprised Xue Chen was that the headquarters of the Dragon Gate was placed in such a desolate place. It was not easy to find it.    


In the next moment, under Xue Chen's gaze, a crack appeared on the hill in front of him. Then, a hole slowly appeared as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking.    


"This used to be a bomb shelter. After our modification, it became the headquarters of the Dragon Gate." Zuo Cheng'ao continued to explain.    


Xue Chen was speechless. It really saved him a lot of trouble. He just needed to build a door.    


Regardless of whether it was a bomb shelter or something, Xue Chen and Zuo Cheng'ao had already walked in with Feng Yuan.    


Just as Zuo Cheng'ao had said, this place was indeed a bomb shelter in the past. It was very spacious inside.    


Although this place used to be an air-raid shelter, it was now the headquarters of the Dragon Gate. After construction, the tunnel inside seemed to be connected in all directions. It was like a maze. At the same time, the incandescent lamp hanging on it emitted a dazzling light.    


Under the lead of Zuo Cheng'ao and Feng Yuan, the three of them took turns and came to a very spacious place. It was like a huge meeting room, about 200 square meters. In the center, there was a huge oval conference table. The conference table was made of the highest quality mahogany and was quite luxurious.    


At this moment, there were many people sitting around the huge conference table.    


Originally, these people were discussing something very enthusiastically, but after seeing Zuo Cheng'ao, Xue Chen and Feng Yuan, they immediately became quiet.    


Each and every one of them looked at Xue Chen with unprecedented doubt in their eyes.    


Why did Zuo Cheng'ao bring Xue Chen here?    


Zuo Cheng'ao did not tell them about Xue Chen taking over the Dragon Gate. Or rather, Zuo Cheng'ao wanted to give them a huge surprise.    


Although they were very confused about why Zuo Cheng'ao brought Xue Chen here, they still greeted Zuo Cheng'ao respectfully and politely.    


No matter what they were thinking, they denied that Zuo Cheng'ao was the Sect Master. At least, he was the Sect Master on the surface, so they had to do the job on the surface.    


Zuo Cheng'ao didn't say anything in the face of everyone's respectful and polite greetings. He just nodded his head with a smile on his face.    


After that, under everyone's gaze, Zuo Cheng'ao sat at the head of the group. Xue Chen and Feng Yuan sat next to Zuo Cheng'ao respectively.    


After sitting down, Zuo Cheng'ao glanced back and forth between everyone, then slowly said, "I know everyone is very curious. Why did I gather all of you today?"    


"I'm also curious why I brought Xue Chen to the headquarters of the Dragon Gate." Zuo Cheng'ao's tone was low and dignified. The aura of a superior person was completely revealed at this moment.    


"Today, I have gathered all of you here because I have something to tell you all." Zuo Cheng'ao said unhurriedly, "You all should know that I am almost sixty. I am already old!"    


"But the next sect master of the Dragon Gate has not been booked yet."    


Hearing Zuo Cheng'ao's words, everyone's heart immediately became excited.    


Could it be that Zuo Cheng'ao was going to announce who the next Dragon Sect Master was today?    


For a moment, countless people's hearts were filled with anticipation. Could it be them?    


"I've thought about it for a long time. I've been thinking about it for a long time. I want to see which one of you is more suitable to sit in this seat." Zuo Cheng'ao's voice suddenly changed. "I've thought about it for a long time. I've thought about it for a long time, but I realized that none of you can take over my position."    


"That's why I had no choice but to find a more suitable candidate for the others outside!"    


When they heard Zuo Cheng'ao's words, everyone immediately went into an uproar.    


What did Zuo Cheng'ao mean by that?    


"That's right. None of you are wrong. Xue Chen will be the new Sect Master of the Dragon Gate from today onwards. I will go to the Elders Guild!"    


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