Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C694 My Wife Doesn't Want Me Anymore

C694 My Wife Doesn't Want Me Anymore

They also wanted to take revenge for Scorpion and the others, but they also knew that it was impossible for them to be a match for the three kings, so they held it in.    


Waiting for Xue Chen, waiting for Eternal Night Great Emperor, waiting for their spiritual leaders to appear, leading them to trample the three kings and avenge Scorpion and the others.    


"Boss, you must take revenge for them!"    


Rat King and Bat King clenched their fists tightly at this moment. Their bodies were covered in countless corpses and blood, and their killing intent was unrestrained.    


For a moment, the entire rooftop was shrouded in a murderous aura. It was filled with an unprecedented silence.    


"Third King, if I, Xue Chen, don't kill all of you, I swear I won't be human!" Xue Chen was like a tiger that was about to explode. He threw his head back and roared.    


Bodhi Lady looked at Xue Chen's somewhat crazy look and sighed in her heart.    


She did not understand the relationship between men, but she knew that the eighteen kings under Xue Chen had great respect for Xue Chen. As long as it was Xue Chen, they would obey him.    


Of course, if Xue Chen's decision was wrong, some of them would stand up and criticize Xue Chen.    


It could be said that although they seemed to be emperors and courtiers, they were still brothers. They were brothers who were not blood brothers. They were more like blood brothers. They crossed the border and crossed the skin color!    


Now that nine of his eighteen brothers had gone, not to mention a huge blow to Xue Chen, it was a huge blow to anyone.    


Xue Chen's face was full of ferociousness, and his killing intent was overflowing. He looked like he wanted to find the three kings immediately and tear them all into pieces to pay tribute to the souls of his brothers in heaven!    


Xue Chen had never thought that nine of his brothers would die. He thought that he had run away and the three kings were injured. They would not attack and chase after him, but who would have thought that they would kill his nine brothers.    


For a moment, Xue Chen felt as if nine blades had been stabbed into his heart. Each blade was his brother's life. These nine blades had pierced through his heart and were broken into pieces. The pain made him feel as if he was suffocating.    


Bodhi Lady was like a loyal listener, quietly listening to the three men's words and the anger and killing intent in her heart.    


The three of them drank a lot and also talked a lot. They laughed when they were happy and cried when they were sad. They wantonly squandered the joy and joy that had been accumulated for a long time on the rooftop of the building, venting the sorrow that they had nowhere to complain about.    


Life was so wonderful. Fortunately, they had each other. Fortunately, they were willing to share their sorrow and happiness, and they were willing to bear it.    


Brothers, friends, they were like a pair of hands. They were like a road!    


However, Bodhi Lady, who was a listener, knew that these three men cried more and laughed less.    


Especially when they cried, they cried until their hearts were broken. When they talked about Scorpion and the other deceased brothers, they cried even more heartbreakingly and in extreme pain.    


Perhaps it was because she was infected by this sad atmosphere, Bodhi Lady's heart was also filled with sadness.    


No one knew how much they had said that night.    


In the end, Rat King and Bat King were already drunk and could not hold on anymore. Xue Chen laughed and supported one with each hand, helping them down the stairs. Then, he called a taxi and asked Bodhi Lady to take them to the hotel.    


He himself went back to the balcony. He did not drink enough and planned to drink by himself.    


However, after he came back, Xue Chen did not drink directly. Instead, he knelt on the ground with a plop. Then, he picked up a bottle of wine and slowly landed on the balcony.    


"Scorpion, Tiger..." Xue Chen told the nine dead brothers in detail. "I have let you down. I have caused your deaths. If it were not for me, you would not have died. If it was not for me being afraid of death and fighting with them, how could you have died..."    


After saying that, Xue Chen started to wail in pain. A strong sense of sadness spread out with Xue Chen's body as the center.    


"I'm afraid of death. I'm the one who killed all of you. I'm sorry..."    


At this moment, Xue Chen was like a lone wolf, licking his wounds silently. In the dark night, he revealed his weak side.    


"Don't worry, I will avenge you. I will kill the three kings. I will chop them into minced meat..." Xue Chen gritted his teeth and said with bloodshot eyes, "You guys watch from the sky. I will definitely wash them with blood..."    


"Even if they are poor for the rest of their lives, I will kill them!" Xue Chen roared like a wild beast. "Scorpion, I know you like women with big butts. Don't worry, I will cook more for you in the future. Tiger, you like money. Don't worry, I will not let you have no money to spend..."    


Xue Chen told his brother everything he liked.    


"I will take care of your descendants. Don't worry, don't worry..."    


Xue Chen seemed to have thought of something as he spoke. A stern look flashed across his eyes. "Descendants, the three kings, if you dare to kill my brothers, I will cut off all of your descendants!"    


Xue Chen drank an unknown amount of wine. In the end, he powerlessly fell onto the balcony. He looked at the dark night sky in a daze and muttered, "I will definitely avenge you all. I will definitely avenge you..."    


In the end, Xue Chen fell asleep with tears streaming down his face.    




Early in the morning, the sun did not appear from the eastern horizon. It tore through the clouds and illuminated tens of thousands of rays of light. The entire world seemed very dull. It was a sign that a storm was coming.    


Suddenly, bean-sized raindrops slowly fell from the sky. The sleeping Xue Chen was woken up by the rain. He yawned and opened his eyes. He found himself still lying on the rooftop while his body was drenched by the rain.    


A hangover was painful, and he had a headache. It was as if there were countless clubs pounding on his head. Xue Chen held his head and couldn't help but let out a cry of beer. His face was full of pain.    


Suddenly, Xue Chen realized that there was a group of people gathered downstairs. They were all looking at him with umbrellas. They were even shouting anxiously. The sound was loud and chaotic.    


Since the place Xue Chen found was a civilian residence, the floor was not very high. There were only seven floors. He could clearly see everything below.    


Xue Chen was stunned when he saw this scene. What the hell was going on?    


After a long time, Xue Chen realized that these people seemed to be looking at him. They looked like they were looking at monkeys.    


Damn, what does a man want to see? He wants to see monkeys. You guys go to the zoo. What are you guys doing here?    


Before Xue Chen could react, the small door leading to the balcony was knocked open. A young man in police uniform looked at him nervously and approached him step by step.    


What was going on?    


Suddenly, Xue Chen realized that there was a fire brigade downstairs, and they were making air bags.    


Xue Chen was dumbfounded. He was completely dumbfounded!    


This group of people wouldn't think that he was going to jump off the building, would they?    


For a moment, Xue Chen felt as if ten thousand horses were galloping in his heart. That bastard called the police and actually said that he was going to jump off the building.    


At this moment, Xue Chen really wanted to slap the person who called the police. F * ck, he was living comfortably. This beautiful life had just begun. How could he want to die?    


In an instant, Xue Chen was completely at a loss. His mind was in a mess.    


Although Xue Chen had been through hundreds of battles, he had never encountered such a situation. Especially since there were so many people surrounding him.    


At this moment, the policeman who came up suddenly said, "Sir, Sir, don't be impulsive. Listen to me!"    


"There is no hurdle in life. There will always be adversity. No one's life will be smooth. We should treat adversity as a test from the heavens for us. We should treat it as a seasoning for our success..."    


Xue Chen wanted to cry after hearing what the police officer said. He had only been drinking on the rooftop for one night and then had a broken movie. He had only slept on the rooftop for one night. How did this have anything to do with jumping off a building?    


Only a bastard wanted to jump off a building!    


Besides, it was only a few floors. It was only seven floors!    


It would be good if he jumped down and died, but... What if he didn't die from the fall?    


Even if he jumped off the building, I would at least find a 20-30 story building. That way, he would be able to show what it was like to fly and end his life quickly.    


For a moment, Xue Chen did not know what to say, especially when the policeman advised him. If he told him that he did not want to jump off the building, it would be a waste of his feelings.    


Besides, there were so many people watching downstairs. If he said that it was a misunderstanding, what would others think of him?    


If this got out, how would he survive?    


Damn it, Xue Chen really wanted to kill this kind-hearted person who called the police and told them that he had jumped off the building!    


F * ck you, I haven't left any descendants yet. I'm still waiting to reconcile with my wife!    


At this moment, Xue Chen finally understood what it meant to cry but not to cry.    


"Sir, don't be impulsive. Don't be impulsive. Let's have a good talk. Let's have a good talk." The policeman said carefully, "May I ask your name?"    


"No need to be surnamed Xue!" Xue Chen looked a little dull and dull.    


At this moment, Xue Chen suddenly realized that the reporters had rushed over with cameras.    


For a moment, Xue Chen was dumbfounded. 'I seem to have become famous?'    


That's right. Xue Chen thought he had become famous.    


These reporters did not come for nothing. They would definitely broadcast the news. Then, when the time came, this scene would appear in front of everyone.    


Xue Chen licked his dry lips. This time, he was really going to get angry.    


In the future, perhaps everyone in Fengxiang City would recognize him. Everyone knew that he was going to jump off a building.    


"Sir, is there something wrong recently?" The policeman seemed to be advising people. He looked at Xue Chen calmly and asked.    


"What's wrong with me?" Xue Chen asked. "I've been fine lately. I really didn't want to jump off the building.    


But now Xue Chen knew that it was too late for him to say that.    


Xue Chen finally knew what it meant to drive a duck onto a shelf. Now he was being driven onto a shelf!    


"I... I..." Xue Chen stammered.    


"Sir, don't be nervous. Don't be nervous. You can talk slowly if you have something to say..."    


Xue Chen really wanted to cry. Am I nervous?    


I don't know what to say.    


"I... My wife doesn't want me anymore!" Xue Chen finally found a lame excuse!    


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