Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C112 How Should I Answer

C112 How Should I Answer

Yu Fei did not forget what Xia Yina said before she left. She originally wanted to ask if there was any misunderstanding between Xue Chen and Xia Yina, but Xue Chen changed the topic.    


Now that there was a chance, Yu Fei naturally asked.    


Of course, this was also because of the woman's gossiping heart.    


Xue Chen had not been in the Mingzhu Group for long, and Xia Yina was in a high position. How could there be a misunderstanding between Xue Chen and her?    


After hearing Yu Fei's words, Xue Chen said with a straight face, "Let me tell you, don't tell anyone else!"    




Xia Yina likes me and wants me to chase after her. I will not do it! "    


Yu Fei curled her lips. Clearly, she did not believe Xue Chen's words.    


"Xia Yina will like you?"    


"What's wrong with liking me? Is it embarrassing?" Xue Chen said unhappily, "What's wrong with me?"    


"I have both civil and military skills, and I can treat people." Xue Chen laughed as he spoke. His gaze was a little dirty as he looked at Yu Fei's sexy and curvy body. "The most important thing is that we have good skills. We will never forget the women we have used!"    


Yu Fei's pretty face turned red when she heard Xue Chen's bone-deep words. Clearly, she had thought of some kind of scene that was not suitable for children.    


"Dirty!" Yu Fei rolled her eyes at Xue Chen.    


"Beauty, your thoughts are too dirty!" Xue Chen's expression changed. He became very serious and serious. "I mean, the medical skills are good. All women who have been used are good!"    


"Didn't you just say that you want it too?"    




Yu Fei's originally ruddy face became even redder at this moment.    


At this moment, she wished that she could find a hole to hide in.    


At the same time, she also knew that she had been tricked by Xue Chen, but she had no way of refuting it.    


Looking at Yu Fei's red face, Xue Chen sighed slightly and said in an incomparably serious manner, "Beauty, your thoughts are not good!"    


"No matter what, you are also the vice president of Mingzhu Group. You are a highly educated person. Why are your thoughts so dirty? Why can't you be more pure?"    


Xue Chen shook his head as he spoke. His face was full of helplessness. "People nowadays really don't know what to say. How can they think so badly of people?"    


Those who were not familiar with Xue Chen would definitely think that Xue Chen was a gentleman and would be deceived by his appearance. However, Yu Fei absolutely did not believe it.    


Although she had not known Xue Chen for long, Yu Fei also knew that he was a gentleman. This guy was a glib talker.    


Yu Fei opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she did not know how to say it.    


She was speechless. This word was the most suitable to describe Yu Fei at this moment.    




Time was like sand in the palm of one's hand. It would always pass by quickly without one noticing it.    


In the blink of an eye, it was time for lunch.    


Xue Chen did not return to his office for the entire afternoon. Ever since he came out of Shen Xuening's office, Xue Chen had always been in Yu Fei's office. Now it was time for lunch. Xue Chen and Yu Fei left the office together and headed towards the dining room.    


The two of them chatted and laughed along the way to the dining room.    


Xue Chen originally wanted to line up with Yu Fei to have lunch, but before he walked to the dining room's window, Xue Chen saw Shee Xueyan sitting in the dining room. She was looking at Xue Chen with a smile on her face. At the same time, she raised her hand and beckoned to Xue Chen. Then, she pointed to an extra serving of food beside her, as if she was telling Xue Chen that she had prepared the food for him.    


Shee Xueyan saw Xue Chen and Yu Fei. Naturally, the other employees in the dining room also saw Xue Chen and Yu Fei. Immediately, their faces were filled with envy and hatred.    


Ever since Xue Chen came to the Mingzhu Group, the news had never stopped.    


First it was Shee Xueyan, then Xia Yina, and now Yu Fei was by Xue Chen's side. Could it be that this animal wanted to gather all the beauties in the Mingzhu Group to his side?    


While feeling envious and jealous, many people couldn't help but curse Xue Chen in their hearts.    


In the Mingzhu Group, Shee Xueyan was a famous socialite. She was charming and alluring. Every move she made could hook one's heart and soul. This kind of woman was not something any ordinary man would dare to have. It was something that could be subdued. It was fine to play with her, but Shen Xuening was a cold beauty. She was the undisputed beauty of the Mingzhu Group. Her cold aura and powerful aura made people not dare to approach her. She gave people a feeling that she could only be seen from afar. It was an inviolable thought, but what about Yu Fei?    


She was the most approachable person in the Mingzhu Group. Her body was filled with the gentle and virtuous women of Jiangnan like water. Her temperament was tranquil and natural. She was as graceful as jade. She was the common goddess in the hearts of countless people in the Mingzhu Group.    


But now that she was walking together with Xue Chen, how could they not curse him in their hearts?    


If looks could kill people, Xue Chen would have died hundreds of times in this moment.    


Seeing this, Xue Chen smiled awkwardly at Yu Fei. "President Yu, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't line up with you."    


Yu Fei also noticed Shee Xueyan. Now that she heard Xue Chen's words, Yu Fei smiled gently, "Not bad. You can actually get Shee Xueyan to line up for you to eat in the restaurant. Xue Chen, you are the first in Mingzhu Group!"    


Xue Chen laughed. "If you specially prepare food for me in the restaurant, it will be even better!"    


Yu Fei rolled her eyes and did not say anything.    


"I will wait for you there!"    


Xue Chen walked towards Shee Xueyan.    


In an instant, Xue Chen walked to Shee Xueyan's side. He looked at Shee Xueyan's butt, which was squeezed by the chair, and her slim waist. Under the cover of the tight suit, the impressive Saint Lady Peak was like a small hill. It was very eye-catching. The hip skirt and black stockings made her slender legs extremely attractive.    


The curves of her body could be said to be perfect. Her curves were curvaceous, the places that should be skinny were thin, and the places that should be fat were fat. The heavens were really touching her, especially her pair of peach blossom eyes that shone with a seductive light. In addition, her long hair was draped on the other side of her shoulders. She looked as charming as she could be, as alluring and alluring as she could be.    


Xue Chen had to admit that Shee Xueyan was the most attractive woman he had ever met in Fengxiang City.    


"Sure. In just a few short days, you have hooked up with Yu Fei again. I really didn't see that you are quite good at dealing with women." Shee Xueyan's lovely voice was lingering as she smiled at Xue Chen.    


"Aiyo, why do I smell jealousy from far away, and it's even old vinegar!" As she spoke, Xue Chen sniffed lightly.    


Shee Xueyan immediately understood the meaning of Xue Chen's words. She immediately rolled her eyes at Xue Chen and said, "I'm asking you a question. Be more serious!"    


Xue Chen directly sat beside Shee Xueyan and said very pretentiously, "I'm a beauty killer. There's no woman that I can't take down. There's nothing that I can't take down. There's nothing that I don't want to take down."    


"Including you!"    


Xue Chen winked at Shee Xueyan.    


"Not necessarily!" Shee Xueyan was not Yu Fei. She did not feel anything when faced with Xue Chen's exposed words. "I am not those little girls!"    


"Why not? Last time, if Xia Yina did not break my plans, "You're now the girl under the big underpants!"    


Shee Xueyan rolled her eyes at Xue Chen when she heard Xue Chen talk about what happened in the office. At the same time, her heart was moved.    


Xue Chen was right. If Xia Yina had not broken it the last time, what would have happened next would not have happened.    


It was hard to say, but the most primitive battle between men and women was going to happen on the sofa in the office.    


Xue Chen was a veteran of flowers, so he was very familiar with flirting with women.    


Although Shee Xueyan was very lewd, she was very lewd. She really did not have much practice. She was afraid that she would not be able to handle Xue Chen's skilled techniques and fall into the hands of Underpants.    


"Did Yu Fei arrange for you to come to the Mingzhu Group to work?" Shee Xueyan immediately changed the topic.    




"Guess if I guess!" Shee Xueyan winked at Xue Chen and asked playfully like a little girl.    


Xue Chen was speechless. This woman was good at anything. Her mouth was so good that ordinary people would not be able to handle her.    


However, this was understandable. Shee Xueyan was the manager of the Mingzhu Group's Public Relations Department, and she had the right to do so. If she did not know how to speak, then how would she survive?    


"How did you know that I came to work and even specially fed me?" Xue Chen took a bite of rice as he spoke.    


"I saw your car!" Shee Xueyan said lightly, "I just did not expect that you did not return to your office all afternoon. Tell me, is it where Yu Fei is and what she is doing?"    


"You want to know?"    


Yes! "    


"I will not tell you!"    


Xue Chen's smug words rang in his ears. Shee Xueyan was extremely speechless when she saw Xue Chen's annoying look in his eyes. However, she did not continue asking. "If you don't want to tell me, then forget it!"    


While the two of them were talking, Yu Fei had already finished her meal. She walked towards Xue Chen and Shee Xueyan.    


After Yu Fei came to Xue Chen and Shee Xueyan's side, she smiled sweetly and said, "I didn't disturb you guys, did I?"    


"No, President Yu quickly sit down!" Shee Xueyan said with a face full of enthusiasm.    


Yu Fei sat opposite Shee Xueyan calmly.    


Many people in the restaurant were paying attention to Yu Fei's movements. When they saw Yu Fei and Xue Chen sitting together again, they were instantly filled with anger. They immediately lowered their heads and started to eat. It was as if they were using lunch to vent the anger in their hearts.    


After Xue Chen sat down, he said lightly, "Master and Xue Chen are very close. Even the food was prepared for him."    


Yu Fei's question did not have any other meaning, but in Shee Xueyan's ears, there was another meaning.    


Immediately after, Shee Xueyan secretly winked at Xue Chen twice. That feeling was as if she asked again, "How should I answer?"    


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