Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C307 Curiosity Kills the Cat

C307 Curiosity Kills the Cat

After Xue Chen had this thought, he immediately headed upstairs.    


It could not be helped. Xue Chen was really curious about Shen Xuening. He was curious why Feng Yuan, the spokesperson of Dragon Sect Master, was so afraid of Shen Xuening.    


Let alone Xue Chen, even if it was anyone else who saw Feng Yuan, the spokesperson of Dragon Sect Master, was so afraid of Shen Xuening, they would be extremely curious.    


It could be said that this was completely human love.    


Shen Xuening was just a businessman. Even if her family background was extraordinary and her parents were amazing, this could not be the reason Feng Yuan was afraid of Shen Xuening, right?    


One must know that Feng Yuan represented the Dragon Gate and Dragon Sect Master. Behind her stood a very violent giant.    


But such a person seemed to be very afraid of Shen Xuening.    


Could it not make people curious?    


Therefore, Xue Chen could not wait to look for Shen Xuening. It was completely human nature to want to find out.    


The second floor of the villa. This was the second time Xue Chen had come here since he had moved in.    


The first time was because Shen Mannni had drunk Shen Xuening and wanted to create a chance for Xue Chen. After all, if women were not drunk, men would not have the chance.    


However, the opportunity that Shen Mannni created was wasted by Xue Chen and did not do anything.    


So this was the second time Xue Chen came up.    


Although it was the second time, Xue Chen still appeared very familiar with Shen Xuening's bedroom.    


Xue Chen did not knock on the door when he came to Shen Xuening's room. Instead, he unlocked the door as if he was in Mingzhu Group.    




With a crisp sound, the door opened.    


As soon as the door opened, a faint fragrance assaulted Xue Chen's nose, causing his body to tremble. He couldn't help but sniff the fragrance. He greedily inhaled the fragrance.    


The big lamp in the bedroom was not turned on. It only turned on the wall lamp. A light purple glow enveloped the entire room, filling it with a romantic and warm atmosphere.    


It was like a castle in a fairytale world.    


In the bedroom, Shen Xuening was wearing a rose-red silk sexy nightgown. She was standing in front of the French window in the bedroom.    


The robe seemed to be tailor-made for Shen Xuening. The halo of the robe was bright and gentle, but it also seemed very close to her body. It outlined her beautiful and mesmerizing curves.    


Her black and shiny long hair was scattered on her shoulders like a waterfall, pouring down to her waist.    


The sleeves and necklines of the robe were embroidered with flowers, making people feel that Shen Xuening's robe was like the clothes worn by the concubines or queens in the palace dramas on the screen.    


It gave people a feeling of elegance and luxury.    


But it was this kind of robe that made Shen Xuening look like the queen in the palace dramas who was the mother of the world!    


Especially at this moment, Shen Xuening quietly stood in front of the French window, looking out of the window with a dazed and deep gaze, making her look more like a queen in a mother's presence! After hearing the sound of the door opening, Shen Xuening almost instinctively turned her head to look outside.    


When she saw Xue Chen at the door, Shen Xuening's face immediately turned cold. A pleasant yet cold voice suddenly sounded. "Who told you to go upstairs?"    


Shen Xuening's voice was not only filled with displeasure, but also her face.    


Xue Chen was not surprised by Shen Xuening's cold attitude. After such a long time of contact, he had almost figured out Shen Xuening's temper.    


This woman was as cold as ice to everyone. She was like a snow lotus that lived on an iceberg. She was proud and aloof in the cold.    


However, Shen Xuening's heart was not bad. She was a person who was cold on the outside and warm on the inside.    


Therefore, Xue Chen did not have any intention of bickering with Shen Xuening. Moreover, he wanted to ask Shen Xuening why Feng Yuan was so afraid of her!    


Xue Chen smiled and did not answer Shen Xuening's question. Instead, he changed the topic and said, "Wife, why did you open the window? Quick, close it. How cold is it? What if I catch a cold? I will feel heartache!"    


With that, Xue Chen walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window anxiously.    


He did not care if Shen Xuening agreed or not. He closed the window immediately.    


Seeing that Xue Chen not only skipped his question but also closed the window regardless of whether she agreed or not, Shen Xuening's heart was filled with dissatisfaction.    


"Xue Chen, you..."    


"Wife, you don't need to thank me!" Xue Chen looked at Shen Xuening with a faint smile and said, "It is my duty to care for you. It is my duty as a husband to care for my wife!"    


Shen Xuening's beautiful mouth could not help twitching.    


You clearly want to change the topic, okay?    


But you just had to put on a righteous hat for yourself.    


Shen Xuening had once again witnessed Xue Chen's thick skin.    


"What are you going upstairs for?" Shen Xuening did not give up questioning Xue Chen. "Could it be that you have forgotten our agreement? You can go downstairs as you wish, but you cannot go upstairs!"    


When Xue Chen had just arrived in Sandal Palace Villa, Shen Xuening and Xue Chen had signed a marriage contract. It said that Xue Chen was not allowed to go upstairs.    


Xue Chen was completely breaking the agreement of the marriage contract.    


Xue Chen smiled embarrassedly and argued. "I was worried about you. I was afraid that what happened before would cause you some shadow. So I wanted to come up and take a look!"    


"Is that so?" Shen Xuening's sharp eyes seemed to be able to see through Xue Chen's heart.    


Facing Shen Xuening's sharp eyes, Xue Chen did not have the slightest intention of backing off, let alone panicking. He said seriously and seriously, "Of course. Am I that kind of man who randomly breaks the agreement?"    


"I am a man who spits and turns into a nail!"    


Shen Xuening's sharp eyes continuously swept over Xue Chen's body. She wanted to see if Xue Chen was acting and lying to her again.    


Shen Xuening really admired Xue Chen's acting skills. If this guy was acting, he would definitely be a movie king. You could not tell if it was real or not.    


Shen Xuening looked at Xue Chen a few times and found that Xue Chen looked calm and composed. He did not say anything.    


"Now that you have seen it, I am very normal. You can go down now!" Shen Xuening did not hesitate to order Xue Chen to leave.    


When Xue Chen heard Shen Xuening ask him to leave, he was slightly stunned. This woman can't be, can she just drive me away like this?    


If you tell me to leave, I'll leave. It wasn't easy for me to come up here. I still have something to ask, how could I leave?!    


"Wife, I still have something to do..."    


"What do you want to talk about tomorrow? I'm tired and I want to rest!"    


"That's good. I'm tired too. We can talk slowly in bed!" Xue Chen sat on Shen Xuening's bed. "I promise I will warm you up."    


Shen Xuening's face turned cold when she saw Xue Chen sitting on her bed. "Get up!"    


Seeing Shen Xuening's sudden change in expression, Xue Chen was stunned. "What's wrong?"    


"I told you to stand up!"    


"I just can't stand up!" Xue Chen laid down on the bed and said with a comfortable and leisurely look, "It's not like I haven't been here before. That night, I don't know who was drunk. He dragged me and didn't let me go. He was still lying in my arms. He was still drooling. Not only did he not say water, his hands were also touching randomly..."    


After hearing Xue Chen mention this matter, Shen Xuening's cold and pretty face immediately turned red. She angrily glared at Xue Chen and said, "Shut up, you're not allowed to say anything!"    


"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it!" Xue Chen said lightly, "But I, Second Brother, feel very comfortable when you touch me."    


"Bastard, don't say it!" Shen Xuening's pretty face became even redder, as if she had drunk hard liquor.    


Under the purple light, Shen Xuening's pretty face revealed a kind of demonic charm.    


"What is the matter with you?"    


Shen Xuening clearly knew that if she did not let this bastard tell her about it, not only would he not leave, he would even lie here and sleep. Of course, that cheap mouth would not stop.    


"Actually, it's nothing!" Xue Chen leaned against the bed comfortably and said, "I am just curious about some things and want to ask you?"    


Shen Xuening was very smart. When Xue Chen asked, Shen Xuening immediately knew what Xue Chen wanted to ask. "You want to ask Feng Yuan why she is so afraid of me, right?"    


"As expected of my wife. She knows everything!" Xue Chen could not help but praise her.    


However, it seemed like he was praising himself.    


When Shen Xuening heard Xue Chen's shameless words, the corner of her mouth twitched again.    


"Wife, why is Feng Yuan so afraid of you?" Xue Chen sat up straight and asked seriously, "She is Dragon Sect Master's spokesperson. Why would she be afraid of you?"    


"That shouldn't be the case. Could it be that you are also a member of the Dragon Gate and have a higher status than Feng Yuan?"    


When she heard Xue Chen say that Feng Yuan was Dragon Sect Master's spokesperson, a look of surprise flashed across Shen Xuening's bright eyes but she did not ask anything.    


"I am not from the Dragon Gate!" Shen Xuening said heavily.    


"Then why is she so afraid of you?" Xue Chen asked in confusion.    


If Shen Xuening was from the Dragon Gate and had a higher status than Feng Yuan, Xue Chen could understand. But Shen Xuening actually said that she was not from the Dragon Gate.    


Then why was Feng Yuan so afraid of her?    


"Xue Chen, have I ever asked you who you are?" Shen Xuening asked softly, "Have I ever asked you what you did before?"    


"No." Xue Chen shook his head.    


"I don't want you to ask me anything." Shen Xuening said coldly, "Since you know Feng Yuan is Dragon Sect Master's spokesperson, then you should know that it is better to know less about some things."    


"The less you know, the safer it is."    


"I don't like safety. I like to challenge danger." Xue Chen immediately said, "Tell me."    


Shen Xuening did not say anything immediately. She just stared at Xue Chen.    


Facing Shen Xuening's straight eyes, Xue Chen felt a chill in his heart. Why did this woman's eyes become so fierce?    


"Don't you know that curiosity can kill a cat?"    


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