Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C163 How Many Moves Can I Kill You

C163 How Many Moves Can I Kill You

This sudden change caused everyone's hearts to tremble. Before anyone could react, the black chopsticks in Xue Chen's hand were like a bolt of black lightning, and like a black arrow, it flew towards the wall opposite of Xue Chen at an unstoppable speed.    




A crisp sound rang out in the quiet room. The thick wall was pierced through by Xue Chen's chopsticks and shot into the room.    


For a moment, everyone was stunned.    


Shih Xueyan looked at Xue Chen as if she was looking at a monster. He... He actually pierced through the wall with a chopstick?    


Is he still human?    


Although Shih Xueyan had seen Xue Chen's terrifying combat strength and could block a hundred with one strike, she never thought that Xue Chen would be so terrifying.    


Shih Xueyan was shocked by Xue Chen's scariness. Wasn't Hee Buyu the same as well?    


Xue Chen was really too terrifying and too terrifying.    


He... He actually found out that the wall was fake. He actually found that there was someone hiding behind the wall. He... how did he find out?    


For a moment, a huge wave surged in Hee Buyu's heart. It was unable to calm down for a long time.    


One should know that Xue Chen had been sitting here ever since he entered the room. He did not move at all. Hee Buyu had been talking to Xue Chen the whole time.    


How did he find out?    


Su Yi's forehead was covered in cold sweat. Xue Chen's terrifying speed and extraordinary perception had once again refreshed his understanding of Xue Chen.    


He was much more terrifying than Su Yi thought.    


At this moment, in Su Yi's heart, Xue Chen was as terrifying as a devil.    


Under everyone's stunned state, Xue Chen slowly spat out a cigarette from his mouth and said indifferently, "If you still don't come out, the chopsticks will pierce your throat the next time. Don't doubt my words. I will do as I say."    


"Young Master Xue is indeed Young Master Xue. Today, I have broadened my horizons."    


A pleasant voice immediately came from behind the wall.    


Immediately after, the wall slowly opened, and a clear and elegant fragrance assailed the nostrils. Then, a beautiful figure walked out from within.    


Shih Xueyan was stunned when she saw this scene. This was not a real wall. It's fake.    


It was just that because of the renovation, it made people look like a wall. In fact, there was an independent space behind it.    


Under the illumination of the lights, one could clearly see the appearance of this person. His exquisite oval face was snow white and absolutely beautiful, his brows were not a bit green, his peach blossom eyes flickered with an alluring charm, and his thin and small cherry lips were suffused with a charming color, making people want to go and taste it.    


She wore a tight-fitting dress in a black windbreaker, perfectly accentuating the impressive Saint Lady Peak on her chest and her slender waist. The black skintight leather pants on her lower body made her pair of beautiful legs appear even more slender and alluring.    


Shih Xueyan was stunned when she saw this woman!    


Wenren Xueji?    


The person who walked out was actually Wenren Xueji.    


Didn't Wenren Xueji and Hee Buyu fight against each other?    


Why were the two of them together now?    


For a moment, countless doubts appeared in Shih Xueyan's mind.    


Xue Chen seemed to have guessed that the person behind the fake wall was Wenren Xueji. His face was calm without any expression.    


"Mr. Hee, shouldn't you tell me first that you are treating me to a meal to apologize? Why is she here? Shouldn't you explain to me?" Xue Chen did not look at Wenren Xueji and asked plainly.    


Although Xue Chen's voice was very soft, it gave people a cold feeling and gave people a dignified feeling. When it fell into their ears, they couldn't help but tremble in the depths of their hearts.    


Hee Buyu did not answer immediately. Instead, his actions were a little stiff as he looked at Wenren Xueji. Then, he slowly turned his eyes to Xue Chen again. "Young Master Xue..."    


"Explanate it!" Xue Chen immediately interrupted Hee Buyu." I don't like to listen to nonsense. I don't like people lying to me. "    


"Of course you can lie to me, but you have to pay a price!"    


As he spoke, Xue Chen extinguished the cigarette in his hand and lit another one for himself. His expression was calm.    


If anyone saw Xue Chen's attitude toward Hee Buyu and Wenren Xueji, they would definitely widen their eyes. They would be so shocked that they would not be able to close their mouths. Their faces were full of surprise.    


These were two of the three big shots of Fengxiang City. Anyone who saw them would treat them with respect, but what about Xue Chen?    


They didn't put these two people in their eyes at all. Not only did he not say anything, he even threatened them!    


Hee Buyu fell into silence for a moment.    


Seeing Hee Buyu remain silent, Xue Chen continued, "Since Mr. Hee doesn't want to say anything, then Miss Wenren, you go ahead and say it!"    


Wenren Xueji did not speak immediately, but fell into silence just like Hee Buyu did.    


Seeing that both of them were silent, Xue Chen said again, "My patience is limited. Don't challenge my patience."    


As soon as Xue Chen finished speaking, Hee Buyu's face showed signs of struggle. It was as if he was making a big decision in his heart.    


After a moment, Hee Buyu gritted his teeth and looked like he was going all out. He said to Xue Chen, "Alright, since Young Master Xue has found out, I won't hide it from you."    


"Miss Wenren and I have reached an agreement to deal with Lui Hongjiu first."    


"We both know you are very powerful. No one around us can stop you. You are a fierce dragon. We want to use you to help us get rid of Lui Hongjiu's door."    


"At the same time, Lui Hongjiu has been keeping an eye on Nightingale's bar, but he doesn't dare to force his way into it. After all, if the two of us fight, Miss Wenren will benefit. Lui Hongjiu is already old, and he wants his son to inherit his position, but Lui Hongjiu's subordinates won't accept it."    


"If he wants his son to inherit his position, he must do something. If he wants to kill me, taking down the Nightingale bar is the best way to convince the crowd!" Hee Buyu told Xue Chen everything in one breath without hiding anything.    


Xue Chen seemed to have guessed this long ago. His face was still calm, but Shih Xueyan's heart was in turmoil. At the same time, she was full of fear for Lui Hongjiu.    


This old fox was really scheming.    


It seemed that he had given the Nightingale Bar to Xue Chen, but in fact, he was completely asking for directions. He wanted to use the Nightingale Bar to make Xue Chen and Lui Hongjiu his enemy, and use Xue Chen to kill Lui Hongjiu's most powerful door.    


That way, he would be able to achieve his goal and swallow Lui Hongjiu whole.    


Who would have such a scheme and foresight?    


"Miss Wenren, what about you?" Xue Chen slowly looked at Wenren Xueji. "Don't you want to add something?"    


Wenren Xueji took a deep breath and looked at Xue Chen. "Young Master Xue, I think the same as Mr. Hee. I know Mr. Hee knows your skills and knows he will never provoke you. So I am also thinking of ways to make you and Lui Hongjiu enemies."    


"Qiao Zhijun is your chess piece, right?" Xue Chen asked plainly.    


Wenren Xueji's heart trembled when she heard Xue Chen's words. Her expression changed as well.    


Who is this guy?    


How could he be so smart and sharp?    


Xue Chen saw Wenren Xueji's change. The corner of her mouth slowly curved into a smile. "Not bad. Good plan. One used Nightingale's Bar to make Lui Hongjiu and me enemies. The other used Qiao Zhijun to drag Lui Hongjiu into the water and made me enemies with him."    


"He's quite capable." Xue Chen said indifferently, "He knows how to scheme."    


Suddenly, Xue Chen's voice changed. A stern look appeared in his eyes. "But do you know what I hate the most?"    


Without waiting for Hee Buyu and Wenren Xueji to speak, Xue Chen said again, "I hate it when people use me as a tool. I hate it when people scheme against me."    


"Those who schemed against me in the past are all dead. What do you think I should do to you?" Xue Chen said casually, "Don't think that you guys are dead. I can't kill you. Only three of the people that I, Xue Chen, want to kill are still alive. As for all of you, I don't know if you can survive or not. "    


As he spoke, Xue Chen kept looking at Hee Buyu and Wenren Xueji.    


When Xue Chen's cold words sounded in their ears, Hee Buyu and Wenren Xueji's facial expression changed. At the same time, their bodies shook violently.    


"Don't even think about attacking me." Xue Chen said again, "Su Yi, if I want him dead, it will be as easy as crushing an ant."    


"As for you, Hee Buyu?" Xue Chen's mouth curved into a cruel smile. "You are just like an ant. I can pinch you to death as I please."    


What was arrogance, what was arrogance, and what was arrogance. At this moment, Xue Chen vividly portrayed it.    


"As for you, Wenren Xueji..." Xue Chen slowly turned his eyes to Wenren Xueji. "You are stronger than the two of them, but you are only a little stronger. If I want you to die, you will not be able to live either!"    


"If you don't believe me, you can try and see how many moves I can kill you in!" Xue Chen slowly stood up from the chair and looked at Wenren Xueji coldly.    


At the same time, his body was covered with blood and killing intent. A terrifying killing intent immediately filled the entire room.    


At this moment, Xue Chen's Qi rose crazily, as if there was no limit to it.    


At this moment, Xue Chen was like a war god.    


In an instant, the entire room was enveloped by a terrifying killing intent.    


That terrifying killing intent was like a huge rock pressing on everyone's heart, making it difficult for them to breathe.    


Wenren Xueji's expression was extremely ugly for a moment. Her pink fists could not help but clench tightly at this moment. Her delicate face also became unusually cold at this moment. At the same time, her eyes narrowed at this moment.    


She looked as if she was facing a great enemy.    


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