Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C451 Xue Chen and Shayna Had a Deep Conversation

C451 Xue Chen and Shayna Had a Deep Conversation

That light and beautiful face suddenly appeared in Xue Chen's mind, and he could no longer use it!    


Thinking of this light and beautiful face, Xue Chen's expression slowly became unnatural.    


He did not know the real name of the woman who turned him from a boy to a man. He only knew that her name was Rakshasa Lady!    


It was a sword in his hand, an incomparably sharp sword!    


That's right, Rakshasa Lady was a sword in Xue Chen's hand. It was a sword that could cut through all obstacles and remove all obstacles for him!    


If Xue Chen had been besieged by the three kings of Europe, Rakshasa Lady would not have been in such a sorry state if she had been by his side.    


She was very strong and cold at the same time.    


That indifferent and beautiful face was covered with frost all year round. It was even colder than Shen Xuening. That coldness was cold to the bones, cold to the blood. It was as if she would never smile.    


At least Xue Chen had never seen her smile before.    


Even if she was injured, her face that was covered with frost all year round had never changed. It was as if she had reached the realm of neither joy nor sorrow nor pain.    


Xue Chen did not know Rakshasa Lady's real name, nor did he know where Rakshasa Lady came from. The only thing he knew was that Martial God had sent her to her side when he was sixteen.    


At the same time, Xue Chen also knew that everything about Rakshasa Lady was created by Martial God. Her martial arts were all made by the Martial God. Even if Xue Chen faced Rakshasa Lady, he did not dare to say that he would win. It could be said that she and Xue Chen had inherited the true skills of Martial God.    


However, Martial God was still a little selfish. Xue Chen knew it, Rakshasa Lady did not know it, and Rakshasa Lady did not know it. Xue Chen knew it as well.    


Furthermore, Rakshasa Lady was like Xue Chen's shadow, forever living in the darkness, always clearing away all obstacles and dangers for Xue Chen.    


It was as if this was her mission!    


Her existence seemed to be for Xue Chen. She was prepared for Xue Chen. This was the only meaning of her existence.    


Now that Xia Yina mentioned the first woman, Xue Chen immediately thought of Rakshasa Lady. Counting the time, Xue Chen realized that he had not seen Rakshasa Lady for a year or two.    


If Xia Yina did not mention this, Xue Chen probably would not have remembered it at the moment. That Rakshasa Lady who was like a shadow behind him, cutting through all obstacles for him, that Rakshasa Lady who made him transform from a boy to a man!    


Now that he thought about it, he also began to miss Rakshasa Lady in his heart.    


He did not know if she was doing well there right now.    


After that, Xue Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He couldn't forget his first woman, let alone a woman like Xia Yina.    


China was a very traditional country with five thousand years of civilization. Although many people didn't care about these things after the baptism of the modern bronze stench, But there are still some women who care.    


Xia Yina did not know if other men had already forgotten their first woman, but she could tell from Xue Chen's face that he had not forgotten.    


"Women are harder to forget their first time than men. They forget their first man." Xia Yina looked at Xue Chen, who looked a little sad and silent, and continued, "You and I have a relationship, just like I said before. I want to take revenge on you, that's all."    


"But as I came into contact with you later on, this kind of revenge mentality seems to have slowly deteriorated." Xia Yina's voice was a little hoarse and low, as if she was muttering to herself, "Xue Chen, We had a relationship, but we had very little contact, and almost every time we were on the opposite side of each other. I despise you, despise you, and we have never had a deep conversation! "    


"That's right!    


Although Xue Chen knew Xia Yina's depth and Xia Yina knew Xue Chen's length, the two of them had never talked about it deeply. They were like enemies.    


"Even so, you have still shocked me and moved me!"    


"Back then, on the way back from discussing business with Faang Tianhao, I was kidnapped and wanted you to come. At that time, I already scolded you in my heart and even thought about it. " Did you hook up with someone's wife and let others know about it? That's why you made such a big scene... "    


Xue Chen felt ashamed in his heart. Was he that bad?    


Although money was good for others and the wife was good for him, it was easy for Xue Chen to not let the other party know what he wanted to do with someone's wife.    


"At that time, I thought that you would not come. You would not care about me, because I could see that you disliked me before. Now that someone could help you get rid of me, how could you come?"    


As she spoke, Xia Yina revealed a self-deprecating smile. "But you came. Only then did I know that it was me who judged the heart of a gentleman with a small heart."    


"Although you are frivolous and lecherous, at least you are a responsible man. Your own matters do not implicate others."    


"But when I thought you were a responsible man, your perverted skills deeply shocked me and let me see the other side of you!"    


"That's so scary, really scary!" Xia Yina's face slowly revealed a trace of fear. The way she looked at Xue Chen also became a little unnatural. "That you, is just like that. A malicious spirit that crawled out of hell, bloodthirsty, lives are like grass in your eyes!"    


"Especially after you used some unknown thing to deal with all the corpses of those people, I found that you are even more terrifying. I even thought that you might be one of those people that I have heard of in the legends who kill people, and who specializes in killing people to make a living!"    


Xue Chen sat on the chair and quietly smoked a cigarette as he listened to Xia Yina's story.    


She did not think wrong. She was indeed a person who killed people to make a living.    


"At that time, I was extremely afraid. I thought you would kill me as well. After all, I was a witness. The only witness. As long as I am alive, it is a danger to you. But you did not kill me, nor did you hurt me. I am very surprised!"    


"At that time, I even thought of calling the police and asking them to arrest you and bring you to justice. " And that was also the best opportunity for me to take revenge on you. " Xia Yina took a deep breath and continued, "But what you said made me give up."    


Until now, Xue Chen's words did not kill them. I came to kill them. The heavens could not kill them, so I have been doing justice for the heavens in Xia Yina's mind.    


"At that moment, although I was still full of fear towards you, I felt like you were a hero, a hero who did justice for the heavens, full of domineering and intoxicating aura..."    


"Later on, in the Bidding Convention, you risked everything to save President Shen, which shocked me even more. At that time, the scene of you risking your life to save President Shen with those criminals immediately touched the heartstrings in my heart."    


"A man who risked his life to save President Shen despite his own safety, even if he was bad, how bad could he be?"    


Xia Yina did not know when her eyes had slowly turned red. "At that time, I saw you risking your life. When I was risking my life against the bandits, it was as if something had slammed into my heart. I cheered for your bravery at the time, and my heart ached for your tragedy at the time."    


"At that moment, a voice also appeared in my mind. This voice kept telling me that this is a different man. This is an extraordinary man. I want to understand him, to understand everything about him..."    


"So after returning to the company, I went to look for you. I wanted to see if there was anything wrong with you but you were hugging Shee Xueyan." Xia Yina took a deep breath and tried her best to control the tears in her eyes as she said, "When I saw that scene, I felt as if a sharp knife had suddenly stabbed into my heart. It was painful and angry!"    


"At that time, I wanted to kill you two." Xia Yina's voice changed slightly. "But in the end, reason overcame the anger in my heart. I turned around and left!"    


"I originally thought that you would chase after me and catch up to me. Explain to me." Xia Yina stared straight and looked at Xue Chen with tears in her eyes. "I even thought about it. No matter what you told me, I would believe you."    


"But you didn't. You didn't chase after me." Xia Yina's face was full of bitterness and self-mockery. "At that moment, I hated you to the extreme in my heart."    


"In my heart, the desire to take revenge on you slowly became stronger and stronger, especially in the elevator. I was clearly standing by your side, but when you saw Shee Xueyan and wanted to squeeze past her, the anger in my heart was on the verge of erupting. I wanted to stop you, but you did not care at all. That was why the rest of the things happened."    


Xia Yina was a woman, and a woman who had a relationship with Xue Chen. The feelings she had for Xue Chen were very complicated. At that time, the situation was completely overwhelmed by anger. She did not care about the price and acted on her own.    


This was what women were like. Sometimes, possessiveness was stronger and more terrifying than men. They could even do anything to achieve their goals.    


This could be seen from the television series of the harem TV series.    


"After doing all of this, I was still a little smug. I even thought about it. When you come to me, I'll threaten you and tie you to my side. I'll tell everyone that you're my boyfriend and we're fighting each other." Xia Yina smiled bitterly. "But you did not come to me. You would rather bear all the blame and not come to me!"    


Xue Chen took out a cigarette from his body again and lit it for himself. If he went to find Xia Yina, then the matter might be even more serious. Shen Xuening might very well kill him.    


"Later on, you left. I began to feel some regret in my heart and thought that I was wrong. " But what could I do? " Xia Yina said weakly, "I have done it. I can't go back."    


Maybe this is a mistake that will bring endless hatred. If I look back, I will be a hundred years old. I want to explain all of this and tell everyone that I have wronged you. " But I don't dare. My life will be ruined if I do that. "    


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