Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C453 Beauty I'm Sorry

C453 Beauty I'm Sorry

Meeting the right person at the right time was a kind of happiness, meeting the wrong person at the right time was a kind of sorrow, meeting the wrong person at the wrong time was a kind of helplessness, meeting the right person at the wrong time was a kind of bad fate!    


Zhang Ailing once said, "Meeting the right person among millions of people. In the wilderness of time, there was neither a step earlier nor a step later. It just happened to be in time!"    


But how could there be so many coincidental destinies in this world?    


Most of the time, we are constantly missing each other, missing the spring of the fluttering flowers, and the bleak autumn of the maple leaves. Until the sky was filled with snow...    


Xia Yina knew very well that she had missed Xue Chen. When she found out that she liked Xue Chen and that Shen Xuening and Xue Chen were married, she had already missed him. It was already too late.    


Perhaps it was more than a step too late!    


Xue Chen and Shen Xuening were already engaged. She was too late.    


"I'm sorry!" Xue Chen lowered his head and said.    


At this moment, Xue Chen did not know what to say except to apologize.    


Xia Yina shook her head and smiled. But her smile could not hide the heartbreak and divine injury.    


"You don't have to apologize to me. You can only blame fate for messing with people. You can only say that we are fated!"    


Xue Chen sighed silently. Yes, destined to die.    


There was indeed a trace of fate between him and Xia Yina.    


Looking at Xia Yina's injured appearance, Xue Chen wanted to open his mouth to comfort her, but he opened his mouth and did not say anything in the end.    


At this moment, no matter what Xue Chen said, he would appear so hypocritical.    


Just when the two of them were silent, Xue Chen's phone suddenly rang.    


Xue Chen did not immediately take the phone. Instead, he looked at Xia Yina and found that Xia Yina had poured him another glass of wine. Xue Chen sighed helplessly and took out his phone.    


When he saw the caller ID on the screen, Xue Chen found that it was an unfamiliar number.    


Although Xue Chen was not a big deal in Fengxiang City, there were not many people who knew his phone number. He picked up the phone and said, "Hello.    


A furious roar came from the phone and into Xue Chen's ears. "Son of a b * tch, how dare you blacklist me? Do you want to die or do you not want to live?"    


Xue Chen was stunned when he heard the tiger-like roar. A thought flashed through his mind. "You... you are Fu..."    


"Fu Peat!" On the other side of the phone, Fu Yudieh, who was sitting in the Audi, had a cold expression on her face. She said angrily, "Xue Chen, Do you feel like I really can't do anything to you?"    


"How dare you blacklist me? Do you believe that I will really crush your balls one day?"    


Fu Yudieh was really pissed off by Xue Chen this time. She hung up the phone yesterday and couldn't get through to Xue Chen today. It was either because she couldn't get through to him or because she was on the phone.    


Later on, the more Fu Yudieh thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. She found someone else's phone and dialed Xue Chen's number. She immediately got through.    


This immediately made Fu Yudieh understand that Xue Chen had blacklisted her. This bastard had blacklisted her number!    


Hearing Fu Yudieh's bold words, Xue Chen immediately felt ashamed. This woman was really shameless!    


"Well, why are you looking for me?" Xue Chen said guiltily.    


He had indeed blacklisted Fu Yudieh. Who asked this woman to threaten him and keep her number? He wondered if this woman would disturb him again or blacklist him more seriously.    




"What do you think I can find you for?" Fu Yudieh sounded like she had eaten gunpowder. "I am on the Golden Phoenix Road and the Golden Phoenix Road," she said. "Get over here right now."    


"Xue Chen, I'm warning you. If you don't come, I won't forgive you this time!" Fu Yudieh threatened again, "Hurry up!"    


As soon as she said that, Fu Yudieh did not give Xue Chen a chance to speak and hung up the phone.    


Listening to the beeping sound on the phone, Xue Chen let out a sigh. This Fu Yudieh...    


Looks like if I don't catch that perverted thief, Fu Yudieh will really pester me endlessly.    


Xia Yina was drunk. Her beautiful eyes looked at Xue Chen in a daze. "Did President Shen call?"    


Xue Chen shook his head. "No, a friend called. He asked me to help him."    


If it was in the past, Xue Chen might have rejected Fu Yudieh again this time and stood her up. However, Xue Chen did not have such thoughts now.    


He wanted to escape this place. He wanted to stay far away from Xia Yina. Seeing Xia Yina's sad and helpless face, Xue Chen really could not bear it. He was afraid that if he stayed, he might make a mistake. At that time, things that he had worked so hard to settle would become extremely troublesome.    


Moreover, Xue Chen wanted to find a way to vent his anger. Without a doubt, that flower thief was Xue Chen's last vent.    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, Xia Yina waved her hand. "Then hurry up and leave. Don't let your friend wait too much!"    


Xue Chen nodded. "Then you should rest early. Don't drink anymore."    


Xia Yina just nodded and did not say anything.    


Xue Chen did not say anything. He stood up and walked towards the door. Xia Yina followed behind Xue Chen calmly. When Xue Chen had just put on his shoes, Xia Yina had already taken off Xue Chen's jacket and skillfully put it on for Xue Chen.    


It was like a wife was tidying up her husband's clothes. It was delicate and gentle.    


Xue Chen originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw Xia Yina's devoted look, he did not say anything.    


After tidying up Xue Chen's clothes, Xia Yina said, "Be careful on the road."    


"I will!"    


As soon as she said that, Xue Chen did not dare to look into Xia Yina's gentle eyes again. He hurriedly turned around and walked out.    


But before he could take a few steps, Xia Yina suddenly opened her mouth and said, "Xue Chen..."    


After hearing Xia Yina's words in shock, Xue Chen slowly turned his head. "What is it?"    


"Are we still friends?"    


"Forget it!" Xue Chen said without hesitation, "You can contact me if you need anything."    


Xia Yina smiled when she heard Xue Chen's words. She looked like a red rose blooming in a flower basket.    


After that, Xue Chen turned around and walked towards the car. He opened the car door and quickly sat on it. Then, he skillfully started the car, hung up the car, and slowly left.    


Xia Yina looked at Xue Chen's back as he left. She smiled and smiled, but she did not know when her tears fell from her eyes.    


Her teary eyes were filled with helplessness and unwillingness.    


Xue Chen had left. He did not know that Xia Yina had started crying after he left.    


At this moment, Xue Chen was extremely complicated. It was so complicated that he did not know how to describe it.    


Xia Yina was a beautiful woman who had a relationship with Xue Chen. No one knew how much perseverance and determination it took to reject such a beautiful woman.    


Xue Chen even knew how he drove away from the villa.    


Sitting in the car, Xue Chen sighed and smiled without guilt.    


Let's just treat it as a dream. Everything will be fine tomorrow.    


Taking a deep breath, Xue Chen followed the Golden Phoenix Road and Golden Phoenix Road Fu Yudieh told him.    


Xue Chen drove very fast along the way, as if he was venting the pressure in his heart.    


Under the neon lights, the BMW was like a wild beast that had escaped its cage. It was driving at full speed. The hum of the engine sounded like the roar of a wild beast.    


Along the way, Xue Chen drove the BMW to the Golden Phoenix Road and Golden Phoenix Road.    


After arriving at the place, Xue Chen immediately stepped on the brakes.    


Because Xue Chen had driven the car at full speed earlier, It was very fast, and the fierce brake caused the car to glide a few meters forward, leaving a row of clearly visible tire marks on the ground.    


After stopping the car, Xue Chen took out his mobile phone and released Fu Yudieh's mobile number from the blacklist. Then, he dialed Fu Yudieh's number.    


The call was picked up in an instant. Without waiting for Xue Chen to speak, Fu Yudieh immediately asked, "Are you here?"    


"Yes!" Xue Chen took out a cigarette from his body as he spoke. He lit it for himself and gently smoked it. "Where are you now?"    


"You are there. I will go and find you."    


"I am in Golden Phoenix Road and Golden Phoenix Road..."    


"Sign!" Fu Yudieh immediately interrupted Xue Chen.    


However, at this moment, her voice was no longer as angry as before.    


"Oh, there's a bus stop sign next to it. By the way, there seems to be another one hundred meters ahead..."    


Before Xue Chen could finish his sentence, Fu Yudieh interrupted him again. "Alright, I know where you are. Wait for me, I will go over immediately..."    


As she spoke, Fu Yudieh seemed to have thought of something, "Wait for me by the side of the road!"    




After that, Xue Chen got out of the car and stood at the side quietly smoking a cigarette.    


About five minutes later, a wave of fragrance came along with the wind. Then, someone patted Xue Chen's shoulder gently.    


When Xue Chen saw the delicate and white fingers and the fragrance that came along with the wind, he knew that it was a woman.    


After that, Xue Chen slowly turned his head.    


He saw a very beautiful woman standing behind Xue Chen. She had big wavy hair and a pair of charming almond eyes. Her eyes were filled with peach blossoms, and it was unknown how many people's souls had been taken away. Her scarlet lips were slightly pouted, and it made people want to go up and pick the fragrance from their lips.    


Especially when the woman was wearing a black dress with a short V-neck lace dress. Under the neon lights on the roadside, one could even see through the woman's black lace dress that the woman was wearing. It was as smooth as silk and did not have the slightest bit of fat on her lower abdomen!    


It was extremely alluring, and her perfect body was revealed to the extreme. In addition, her jade-like arms and slender white and smooth legs were completely exposed. It was even more eye-catching!    


"Beauty, I'm sorry. I'm waiting for someone. I don't have time to play with you. Let's go find someone else!"    


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