Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C394 Subtlety

C394 Subtlety

Xue Chen is Jiang Ehuang's brother?    


Shen Xuening was petrified when she heard this. Her face was full of surprise and disbelief as she looked at Jiang Xuyao in a daze.    


"Xue Chen is my son!" Jiang Xuyao seemed to be afraid that Shen Xuening would think of something else and could not help but add another sentence.    


For a moment, Shen Xuening's heart was in chaos.    


How could Xue Chen be Jiang Xuyao's son? How could he be Jiang Ehuang's brother?    


As everyone knew, Jiang Xuyao only had one daughter, he had never heard of Jiang Xuyao having a son.    


Moreover, one of them was surnamed Xue and the other was surnamed Jiang.    


This... what was going on?    


At this moment, Shen Xuening was completely dumbfounded.    


Jiang Xuyao also knew that this matter would create a huge impact on Shen Xuening, so he did not continue speaking but waited for Shen Xuening to digest it.    


The reason Jiang Xuyao chose to tell Shen Xuening all this at this time was because he could tell that Shen Xuening did not have any intention of chatting with him about Xue Chen.    


But he wanted to talk and know how his son was now, so Jiang Xuyao told Shen Xuening all this.    


Furthermore, Shen Xuening would know about this sooner or later. He had only told Shen Xuening in advance.    


About five minutes later, Shen Xuening slowly recovered from her shock.    


At this moment, Shen Xuening still could not believe what Jiang Xuyao said. She could not believe that Xue Chen was Jiang Xuyao's son. She could not accept the man in front of her. This man who covered the sky in Huaxia was actually her father-in-law!    


"Is Xue Chen really your son?" Shen Xuening asked in a trembling voice.    


Jiang Xuyao nodded. "Can I have a cigarette?"    


"Do as you wish."    


Jiang Xuyao slowly lit a cigarette for himself. He took a light puff and said slowly, "Both your father and your mother know about this. If you don't believe me, you can ask them and you will know if I am telling the truth."    


Shen Xuening was stunned again. "My parents also know?"    


Shen Xuening did not know what kind of person Xue Chen was, nor did she ask her parents.    


This was the first time she had heard of him.    


"Look at you. Your parents did not tell you!" A bitter look slowly appeared on Jiang Xuyao's face. "But that's right. How could they tell you that Xue Chen is my son? They won't tell you."    


Jiang Xuyao sighed helplessly. The bitterness on his face slowly turned into grief.    


But it was soon concealed.    


Jiang Xuyao's words sounded in his ears. His eyes revealed Jiang Xuyao's somewhat sorrowful expression. A woman's intuition told Shen Xuening that there was a story behind this. There was an unknown story.    


"So you came to find him this time?"    


"More accurately, you want to recognize him!"    


Shen Xuening had calmed down slowly. She was not surprised this time. She had heard from Xue Chen that he did not know who his father was. Now it seemed that Xue Chen did not lie to her. Everything he said was the truth.    


However, Shen Xuening did not expect Xue Chen's father to be Jiang Xuyao and No. 2 Chief of Huaxia.    


For a moment, Shen Xuening did not know what to say.    


Jiang Xuyao gently smoked a cigarette and continued, "He left me when he was very young. He was not by my side. I have not seen him for more than 20 years. I do not even know if he is alive or dead. If I did not hear that you are married to a man, I am afraid I would not have seen him..."    


"Marry me and you can find him?"    


Jiang Xuyao nodded. "Yes, this is the only clue that can find him. I still know that the two of you are engaged. Besides, I have been paying attention to you. "    


Although Jiang Xuyao was looking for Xue Chen, he was not blindly looking for him. He was paying close attention to Shen Xuening. He knew about the engagement between Xue Chen and Shen Xuening. He knew about the relationship between Xue Chen's mother and Shen Xuening's mother. He also knew about the engagement between the two of them.    


Although Xue Chen's mother was no longer around, Shen Xuening's parents would never break the engagement because of this. They would still let Shen Xuening marry Xue Chen.    


Moreover, Xue Chen's uncle, Martial God, would definitely let Xue Chen marry Shen Xuening to complete the engagement his mother made for him when she was still alive.    


That was why Jiang Xuyao had been keeping an eye on Shen Xuening.    


As long as Shen Xuening married, that man would be his son. Only his son would marry Shen Xuening. As for other men, even if Shen Xuening liked them, Shen Xuening's parents would definitely not agree and would not let Shen Xuening marry either.    


Shen Xuening's face revealed a look of understanding. So it was this situation.    


"Then you already knew Xue Chen and I..."    


Jiang Xuyao nodded. "That's right. I already knew Xue Chen's existence long ago. You guys just got married. After the marriage certificate is processed, I knew it!"    


Jiang Xuyao was the second in command of Huaxia. If he wanted to pay attention to someone, he would have to give the order. If there were any signs of trouble, someone would definitely inform Jiang Xuyao immediately. After all, this was the best opportunity to establish a relationship with Jiang Xuyao. No one wanted to miss it.    


Jiang Xuyao knew about Xue Chen?    


If Qin Hantian and Bai Yuqi knew about this, their hearts would definitely be in turmoil.    


They thought that they were the first to know about this. Jiang Xuyao did not know about Xue Chen's matter, but now it seemed that they were all wrong. Jiang Xuyao had known about it long ago, but he had never revealed it to anyone. Even if Bai Yuqi knew about Xue Chen's existence and asked Jiang Ehuang to come to Fengxiang City, Jiang Xuyao did not show any signs of knowing beforehand.    


He had been hiding it all this time. If Jiang Ehuang had not come to Fengxiang City, he would not have known about it. If Bai Yuqi did not know about Xue Chen's existence, Jiang Xuyao would not have appeared and would not have come to see Xue Chen.    


It was not that Jiang Xuyao did not want to see Xue Chen and did not want to acknowledge Xue Chen, but that he had some concerns.    


Life was like a play. It all depended on one's acting skills.    


It had to be said that Jiang Xuyao's acting skills had already reached the level of being as fiery as fire. No one had actually noticed anything wrong with him. Jiang Xuyao had already known about Xue Chen's existence. His attitude towards Bai Yuqi and Jiang Ehuang's call to tell him all this, in addition to the angry words he said to Qin Shou today, were just acting.    


Including what he said to his daughter, Jiang Ehuang. The words to ask Jiang Ehuang to take good care of Xue Chen were all acting.    


Acting was really important.    


Jiang Xuyao lied to everyone, making them think that he did not know about Xue Chen. If it wasn't for Jiang Ehuang, he would still need some time to know.    


But thinking about it, it made sense. Since Jiang Xuyao knew that Xue Chen and Shen Xuening were engaged, he had been paying attention to Shen Xuening. After Shen Xuening and Xue Chen received the marriage certificate, how could he not know?    


If Qin Hantian knew that Jiang Xuyao already knew about Xue Chen's existence, he wondered if he would regret not telling Jiang Xuyao in advance and telling Bai Yuqi.    


Of course, if Bai Yuqi knew that Jiang Xuyao already knew about Xue Chen, she didn't know if she would regret not telling Jiang Xuyao right away.    


Everything was unknown.    


However, judging from Jiang Xuyao's current state, he didn't intend to let Qin Hantian and Bai Yuqi know.    


It could be said that Jiang Xuyao came to Fengxiang City to see Xue Chen because of Qin Hantian. If it wasn't for Qin Hantian telling Bai Yuqi about Xue Chen, he probably wouldn't have come.    


It wasn't because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't!    


Xue Chen was his son. If he didn't have a good uncle more than 20 years ago, he would have died. Now that Xue Chen had appeared, he needed to be prepared. He needed to be fully prepared.    


He didn't want any evil people to hurt his son.    


However, Qin Hantian and Bai Yuqi had messed up his plan. He had no choice but to rush over now.    


"Are you living well with him?"    


"I think so." Shen Xuening said faintly.    


"That's good." Jiang Xuyao was very gratified and said, "When I saw the information about your marriage, I was a little worried. After you two get married, can you two get along well?"    


"After all, you two have never met before. You are about to get married when you two just met. You do not have any feelings for each other. " And you are a very proud person. I was afraid that the two of you would not get along! "    


Although Shen Xuening was picky about Xue Chen at the beginning, as time passed and they got to know each other, Shen Xuening felt that Xue Chen was not bad.    


At least he was not as hypocritical as other men, and he was more responsible.    


"He is very good and easy to get along with."    


"Then I'm relieved!" A small stone in Jiang Xuyao's heart finally fell to the ground. "I already know that you and Xue Chen had a quarrel the day before yesterday. Don't blame him. Men have a temper."    


"And this concerns his reputation. If you don't believe him, he will feel uncomfortable. But he will be fine in two days. He will go back." Jiang Xuyao started to say good things for Xue Chen. "You should understand him too. Don't lower yourself to his level."    


"You said he would come back?"    


"Yes, he will." Jiang Xuyao said confidently, "Don't worry. You don't have to think too much. You don't have to think that there is anything between Xue Chen and Ehuang. They are brother and sister. There can't be anything between them."    


Seeing Jiang Xuyao so confident and confident, Shen Xuening had some doubts in her heart. Although she was curious why Jiang Xuyao was so sure, she did not ask anything.    


"After he comes back, can you bring him to see me and we can have a meal together?" Jiang Xuyao looked at Shen Xuening with a pleading look and said.    


He wanted to see Xue Chen, but he did not know how to do it.    


That was why he looked for Shen Xuening. This was the only way he could see Xue Chen more easily. He could sit together with Xue Chen and have a good chat with him. It was not like there would be a tense atmosphere when they met.    


"As long as he comes back, I will tell you and invite you to dinner!" Shen Xuening said confidently.    


Seeing Shen Xuening agree, Jiang Xuyao let out a long sigh and said gratefully, "Thank you!"    


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