Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C357 I'll Grant You Death

C357 I'll Grant You Death

For a moment, all the hair on Xue Chen's body stood up. A shadow of death instantly shrouded his heart. All the muscles on his body tensed up.    


Jiang Ehuang's face turned pale when she saw the trajectory of the bullets. In her opinion, Xue Chen and Shen Xuening would undoubtedly die. There was absolutely no chance of survival!    




A heart-wrenching roar came from Jiang Ehuang's mouth.    


At this moment, Jiang Ehuang could no longer control her heart and could no longer bear it.    


She could not watch her brother fall into a crisis of death and remain calm like water.    


Immediately after, Jiang Ehuang rushed towards Xue Chen without caring about anything else.    


She wanted to reach Xue Chen as fast as possible and block the bullet for him.    


Although she could see the trajectory of the bullet, it was not as fast as the bullet.    


Qin Shou also noticed the change in Xue Chen's direction. His heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant. The scene of Jiang Xuyao getting angry appeared in his mind.    


If Xue Chen was really his brother like Jiang Ehuang said, then he was Jiang Xuyao's son, his only son. If his only son died and Jiang Xuyao didn't get angry, Qin Shou would immediately die!    


He was finished!    


This was the most real thought in Qin Shou's mind.    


When Lu Tianci saw this scene, he couldn't help but sigh. He sighed for the death of such a powerful figure like Xue Chen.    


Wenren Xueji had a complicated expression. She wanted to use Lu Tianci to force Xue Chen to use his trump card, but she didn't expect that Xue Chen would die before Lu Tianci could make a move.    


Xia Yina's face turned as pale as Jiang Ehuang's when she saw this scene. At the same time, she felt as if all the strength in her body had been sucked dry by something all of a sudden. She also felt as if her most beloved thing was going to leave her forever.    


This made Xia Yina's heart feel as if something had stabbed into her heart. It was extremely painful and it was difficult to breathe!    


Even Xia Yina did not know why she felt this way and why her heart was so painful when she saw Xue Chen in danger.    


Was it love?    


She did not know!    


Some people were worried and some were happy.    


At this moment, Huang Feilei and Lui Hongjiu's faces were filled with excitement. At this moment, they seemed to have seen the death of Xue Chen. They could already see the miserable look of Xue Chen lying in a pool of blood.    


Although Shen Xuening could not see the trajectory of the bullet, she could see the afterimage of the bullet.    


For a moment, Shen Xuening's heart was filled with despair.    


Was she going to die?    


Was she going to die with Xue Chen?    


It was not bad to die together with him. Although this bastard often bullied him, he was willing to sacrifice his life to protect him in times of danger. It should be a blessing to die together with him, right?    


Thinking about it, Shen Xuening slowly closed her eyes. She was already in despair. She was already waiting for death!    


But at this moment, Xue Chen's voice suddenly sounded in Shen Xuening's ear. "If I don't want you to die, who in the heavens would dare to take it?"    


Shen Xuening, who had already closed her eyes and was waiting for death, was stunned when she heard Xue Chen's domineering and confident words. Her body suddenly shook and she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Xue Chen.    


There was not a trace of despair on Xue Chen's resolute face. His eyes were bright and filled with coldness. They were filled with tenacity. They were filled with unwillingness to accept their fate. They were not willing to compromise!    


If he wanted Xue Chen to accept his fate and wait for him to die, he would definitely not wait for death unless he cut off his head with a knife. Otherwise, he would not wait for death just like that!    


Perhaps it was because Shen Xuening was influenced by Xue Chen's domineering and confident words. Perhaps it was because of the determination on Xue Chen's face and the spirit that dared to fight against the god of death that infected her, causing a life force to slowly rise in her eyes, a desire to live!    


At this moment, the twelve bullets were about to arrive in front of Xue Chen.    


Facing the twelve bullets coming from all directions, Xue Chen did not choose to wait for death. He chose to wait for death.    


He held Shen Xuening in his arms and stepped on the ground.    




With one step, the entire ground shook violently. It was as if thousands of horses and horses were galloping, but also as if an earthquake was coming. It made everyone's blood boil. Not only that, the brick under Xue Chen's feet also shattered.    


"Go!" Xue Chen held Shen Xuening in his arms and roared. Then, he squatted down and swept his body with his right foot towards the broken bricks on the ground.    








The shattered pieces of the floor swiftly flew towards the incoming bullets.    








A series of muffled sounds rang out in the surroundings. At the same time, the crisp sound of bullets hitting the ground rang out.    


One, two...    


Nine of the bullets were all shot down by Xue Chen with the broken tiles on the ground. The remaining three continued to attack Xue Chen with a whistling sound.    


Facing the three bullets that were not shot down, Xue Chen held Shen Xuening in his arms and grabbed the ground with both his feet. He held Shen Xuening in his arms and leaned backwards.    




The bullets whistled past Xue Chen's waist. Xue Chen quickly got up and held Shen Xuening in one hand. He opened his other hand and laid down on the ground.    




Xue Chen held Shen Xuening in one hand and supported her with the other, causing the bullet to fly above his head.    


Immediately after, Xue Chen slammed the ground and jumped up. At the same time, he kicked forward with his left leg and leaned back.    




The last bullet grazed Xue Chen's shoulder.    


Of the twelve bullets, only one managed to hurt Xue Chen. The remaining eleven were all dodged by Xue Chen.    


When Lu Tianci and the others saw this scene, they immediately widened their eyes as if they had encountered an alien. Their faces were filled with disbelief.    


In their opinion, Xue Chen was going to die for sure. However, he was still alive and basically didn't suffer any injuries.    


Was he still a human?    


For a moment, Lu Tianci's heart was in turmoil. Where did Shen Xuening find this kind of monster from?    


Lu Tianci's heart was in turmoil. Wasn't Wenren Xueji the same as well?    


She knew that Xue Chen was very powerful, but she never thought that Xue Chen would be so ridiculously strong. He was actually able to survive under such a perilous situation. Moreover, it was under the circumstances of bringing Shen Xuening along.    


Was he still human?    


The most shocked one was Shen Xuening. Shen Xuening was ready to die just now, but because of Xue Chen's words, Xue Chen's obsession with life infected her and gave her hope to live.    


And now, Xue Chen had indeed done what he said. He did not want Shen Xuening to die. Who in the heavens would dare to accept it?    


At the same time, Xue Chen said, "If I do not want you to die, who in the heavens would dare to take it?" It was as if there was some kind of magic that kept echoing in Shen Xuening's mind.    


At this moment, Xue Chen's figure expanded in Shen Xuening's heart. It was like a towering mountain. No matter what storm or danger there was, as long as he was here, she would be safe.    


Everyone was shocked, except for Hee Buyu.    


Because he knew that Xue Chen was Martial God's disciple, Martial God's disciple. How could Martial God's disciple be killed by anyone?    


At the same time, while everyone was still in shock, Qin Shou, who had a strong heart, had regained his senses. He couldn't help but say, "Damn, is he still a human? He won't die even if he doesn't die!"    


If it was normal, Qin Shou's words would have attracted a lot of people, but no one had noticed it yet.    


Not to mention him, not many people had even noticed Jiang Ehuang's reaction before.    


After dodging the bullets, Xue Chen looked at Shen Xuening, then raised his head and slowly scanned the crowd. "Today, all of you will die!"    


Eternal Night Great Emperor's power was not to be messed with. Anyone who offended him would die!    


At this moment, Xue Chen sentenced these assassins to death!    


In the next moment, Xue Chen picked up Shen Xuening with one hand and rushed towards the east.    


He started to fight back and started to kill.    


Although the twelve bullets had forced Xue Chen into danger, it also allowed him to find the traces of these assassins.    




Xue Chen's speed was not affected at all as he held Shen Xuening in his arms. He appeared in front of the man in a flash like a phantom and kicked out with his whip leg.    




Before this person could react, his head was smashed by Xue Chen's kick and he died on the spot.    


After killing the assassin, Xue Chen did not stop. He brought Shen Xuening with him and disappeared in a flash. Then, a muffled groan was heard. Then, a woman on the north side fell to the ground. She was twitching all over, looking like she had more air and less air.    


However, no one saw Xue Chen's figure. It was as if Xue Chen had never appeared before. However, the truth was that Xue Chen had already appeared and left.    


At this moment, the banquet hall seemed to have become Xue Chen's exclusive venue. It had become the venue for Xue Chen to perform alone.    


Wherever he went, people would fall. It was unknown if he was an assassin or not, but he was killed by Xue Chen anyway.    


Xue Chen was like a wild beast whose eyes had turned red. As long as it was his target, no matter who he was, there would only be one outcome - death!    


Looking at the people lying in pools of blood, everyone was filled with fear for Xue Chen. They felt that there was a devil beside them, a devil that crawled out of hell and could sentence them to death.    


After about five or six minutes, Xue Chen finally stopped killing.    


Although he stopped killing, the killing intent on Xue Chen's body did not decrease at all. He coldly swept his gaze over these people who were still alive. "Who else wants to kill me? Stand out! I will grant you death! "    


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