Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C344 A Picture of Life

C344 A Picture of Life

Xue Chen didn't say anything immediately. Instead, he took out a cigarette and lit it for himself. The look in his eyes slowly became deeper and deeper. At the same time, there was a complicated look in his eyes.    


At this moment, Xue Chen's temperament had completely changed. It was as if he had become a different person.    


This made Shen Xuening slightly stunned. She could not help but guess in her heart. Could it be that this guy was going to use her acting skills to act for her again?    


But it did not seem like it.    


Actually, Shen Xuening couldn't be blamed for thinking like this. The main reason was that when Xue Chen was with Shen Xuening in the past, his ability to lie without batting an eye could completely confuse the truth. It made you have no choice but to believe every word Xue Chen said was true.    


Actually, Xue Chen was not acting this time. He was wondering if he should tell Shen Xuening the truth.    


Xue Chen did not speak, and Shen Xuening did not ask. She wanted to see what this guy was going to do. Was he going to act or was he going to tell the truth?    


After a while, Xue Chen slowly spat out a thick smoke from his mouth and said slowly, "Actually, I don't know whether my father is dead or not. I don't even know who my father is."    


At this moment, Xue Chen intended to tell Shen Xuening the truth and not lie to Shen Xuening. To know a lie required countless lies to make up for it. Moreover, with his relationship with Shen Xuening, Shen Xuening would sooner or later know about these things. He might as well tell her the truth.    


When Shen Xuening heard Xue Chen's words, she was stunned. She looked at Xue Chen in disbelief. "You... you have never seen your father?"    


Shen Xuening's voice was filled with disbelief.    


In Shen Xuening's heart, Who doesn't know who their parents are? Of course, other than orphans.    


But could Xue Chen be an orphan?    


If Xue Chen was an orphan, then why would Bu Qianjun help Xue Chen? Because of Zhang Hui, why did Hee Buyu come to him?    


Furthermore, even Simone, who had a high chance of becoming the patriarch of the Wittgenstein, treated Xue Chen with great respect.    


How could such a person be an ordinary person? How could he not have a father?    


All kinds of signs made Shen Xuening think that Xue Chen was someone with a great background.    


Shen Xuening was not the only one who thought so. Anyone who knew about these things would probably think so.    


"En!" Xue Chen nodded. "I have never seen my father. I don't even know if he is alive or dead."    


Shen Xuening was afraid that Xue Chen would use Oscar's acting skills to trick her when she saw Xue Chen's serious and solemn expression. However, she heard a voice in her heart.    


What he said was true. He did not lie to her this time.    


These words kept appearing in Shen Xuening's mind like a curse, causing Shen Xuening to slowly believe that Xue Chen was telling the truth and not lying to her.    


"Then... are you an orphan?"    


After Shen Xuening asked this question, she wanted to give herself a mouth. How could Xue Chen be an orphan? If Xue Chen was an orphan, then how did her parents get engaged to Xue Chen?    


Xue Chen first shook his head lightly and then nodded.    


Seeing Xue Chen shake his head and nod, Shen Xuening was confused by Xue Chen. What did this mean?    


"Strictly speaking, I am not an orphan."    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, Shen Xuening let out a long sigh of relief. She thought Xue Chen was going to say that she was an orphan.    


Shen Xuening was about to ask Xue Chen what he meant by shaking his head and nodding his head when Xue Chen's voice entered Shen Xuening's ears again.    


"It's just that my mother passed away not long after I was left." Xue Chen's voice slowly became a little low and hoarse. At the same time, his face revealed a look of grief.    


However, it was soon covered up.    


Although this look of grief came and went quickly, it was still caught by Shen Xuening, who had sharp eyes.    


For a moment, huge waves rose in Shen Xuening's heart and she was unable to calm down for a long time. She never dreamed that Xue Chen's background would be like this.    


Originally, Shen Xuening thought that Xue Chen's wanton and unruly behavior should have something to do with her background, but now it seemed that she was wrong.    


The reason Xue Chen was so uninhibited was probably to disguise himself.    


In this world, everyone liked to put a mask on themselves and would disguise themselves.    


Because in this cruel and realistic society, we don't know who to show weakness to, so we can only disguise ourselves like a hedgehog.    


When we encounter danger, we will curl up together and stab whoever touches us.    


Everyone knows how to disguise because this is a necessary skill to live in this society. Xue Chen knows it, and so does Shen Xuening.    


It was just that the way to disguise was different.    


He had such a cheap mouth. His venomous tongue was probably because of his background.    


Shen Xuening secretly told herself in her heart.    


"Then you..."    


Just as Shen Xuening opened her mouth, Xue Chen seemed to know what Shen Xuening wanted to ask and immediately interrupted her. "After my mother gave birth to me, she died in depression. I was raised by my master."    


"The piece of jade engraved with Martial God that I gave you last time was my master's." Xue Chen said softly, "He raised me up."    


Shen Xuening looked at Xue Chen in a daze. She looked like she wanted to ask something, but she did not know how to say it.    


Xue Chen saw the meaning on Shen Xuening's face with a glance and said softly, "Ask what you want to ask!"    


Hearing Xue Chen say so, Shen Xuening did not hold back and asked, "What do you want to ask? "You said your mother died of depression..."    


Before Shen Xuening could finish her sentence, Xue Chen already knew what Shen Xuening wanted to ask. He took a deep breath and his face was full of bitterness. His voice was low and hoarse as he said, "I also heard it from my master. He told me that we were abandoned by my father. My mother died not long after giving birth to me because she was too sad."    


Shen Xuening was stunned.    


Xue Chen's father abandoned Xue Chen and his mother. Xue Chen's mother died because of a word of love.    


Shen Xuening would not have guessed this even if she was beaten to death.    


At the same time, Shen Xuening also understood why Xue Chen would be so calm after Xue Chen's father died.    


He had never seen his father, and his father had abandoned their mold. His mother died not long after giving birth to him. He was brought up by his master.    


What kind of concept could he have of his father?    


Xue Chen was afraid that not only did he not know, but he also hated his father.    


It was not just Xue Chen. He was afraid that this would happen to anyone.    


Shen Xuening never thought that saying "your father is dead" would attract so much attention. Xue Chen's background was actually so cruel!    


This society was like this. Sometimes, a sentence could inadvertently lead to a lot of topics.    


However, this time, Shen Xuening had a deeper understanding of Xue Chen.    


At the same time, she could not help but rejoice in her heart.    


Although her parents had divorced and Shen Baichuan had married another woman, at least he did not abandon her, nor did he abandon her mother.    


Shen Xuening was happier than Xue Chen on this point.    


At least Shen Xuening had enjoyed motherly love and fatherly love in her childhood.    


But what about Xue Chen?    


He had never enjoyed anything. He did not know what fatherly love and motherly love were. He did not know what it felt like.    


For a moment, Shen Xuening felt that Xue Chen's father was nothing compared to Shen Baichuan. Shen Baichuan was also thousands of times stronger than Xue Chen's father.    


But in conclusion, neither of these two men were good.    


One was abandoning his wife and son, and the other was having an affair!    


Neither of them were good people.    


Shen Xuening quietly looked at Xue Chen. For a moment, she did not know what she should say.    


Xue Chen lit another cigarette for himself and slowly adjusted his emotions.    


For a moment, the atmosphere in the office was somewhat gloomy.    


After a while, Xue Chen took a deep breath and said to Shen Xuening, "You are happier than me. At least you still have a father. But I have nothing."    


"Maybe your father divorced your mother and left a shadow in your heart, but did something happen between them instead of your father wanting to divorce your mother?"    


Shen Xuening opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she did not say anything.    


She found that she really did not know anything.    


Could it be that she hated it wrongly?    


Shen Xuening had always questioned herself about her parents' divorce and Shen Baichuan's search for a woman outside. She began to doubt her actions in the past.    


Although she had started to doubt herself in her heart, Shen Xuening did not admit it. Instead, she changed the topic to Xue Chen. "Do you have a picture of your mother?"    


"Yes!" Xue Chen nodded.    


He had a picture of his mother, which Martial God had given him.    


Xue Chen had never left his mother ever since he got the picture. He always kept it on his body. Whenever he was upset or hurt, he would take out the picture of his mother and talk to her.    


To be exact, he would tell her about the picture.    


This way, Xue Chen would feel much better. At the same time, he would bring his mother's picture with him. It would make Xue Chen feel that his mother had always been by his side and accompanying him.    


"Can I see auntie?" Shen Xuening asked carefully.    


Although Shen Xuening and Xue Chen were married and should call Xue Chen's mother mother, Shen Xuening did not admit Xue Chen was her husband in her heart.    


At this moment, Xue Chen was only his legal husband. They were in love after marriage.    


After hearing Shen Xuening's request, Xue Chen's face revealed a trace of hesitation.    


After a moment, Xue Chen nodded. "Sure, but don't break it!"    


As he spoke, Xue Chen carefully took out a picture from his body. It looked like he was holding a priceless treasure. It was more like his life was going to be handed over to someone else. He looked very careful and cautious.    


Shen Xuening also very carefully took the picture after seeing Xue Chen's protective appearance.    


When Shen Xuening saw the person on the photo, her expression suddenly changed.    


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