Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C270 What If It Doesn't Work

C270 What If It Doesn't Work

Shih Xueyan's thoughts were very simple. No matter what she said, she was a senior member of the company. They were all the capable subordinates of Shen Xuening. Even if they were to bear this lightning, even if it ended in failure, so what?    


Who would dare to say anything to her?    


Come if you have the ability. Go and expand the market.    


However, Xue Chen was different. He had just arrived in the Mingzhu Group not long ago, and he was the vice president of the Public Relations Department as soon as he took office. Countless people were eyeing him from behind.    


He wanted to say something. However, they didn't know what to say. After all, Xue Chen was the first person to skip the Human Resources Department and was directly placed into the Human Resources Department by Shen Xuening.    


If Xue Chen did not succeed, then there would definitely be people who would gossip.    


One had to know that the higher one praised, the more vicious the fall!    


At the same time, if Shen Xuening said that she wanted Xue Chen to expand the fragrant water market, then it would be very easy for people to fantasize.    


After all, the perfume market was very mature, and the Mingzhu Group took the high-end route. It was not easy to compete with foreign top international brands for the market. It could even be said that it was difficult to get to the top.    


Because of this, many people would think that Shen Xuening wanted to take care of Xue Chen and chase him out of the Mingzhu Group.    


After all, everyone knew that it was almost impossible to develop the Fragrant Water Market.    


If she didn't want to take care of Xue Chen and chase him away, why would Shen Xuening do that?    


Shih Xueyan wanted to help Xue Chen take this blow, but would Shen Xuening let it go?    


Shen Xuening did not agree nor disagree. She just kept silent and quietly looked at Shih Xueyan, but her eyes became sharp.    


Her sharp eyes seemed to see the most real thoughts in Shih Xueyan's heart.    


Shih Xueyan suddenly stood out. It was completely out of Shen Xuening's expectations.    


She had once asked Shih Xueyan to try and explore the Fragrant Water Market, but in the end, she failed and was completely defeated.    


Now that Shih Xueyan stood out again, how could Shen Xuening not be surprised?    


After that, Shen Xuening could not help looking at Xue Chen.    


Xue Chen was a member of the Public Relations Department. At the same time, many people were spreading the ambiguous relationship between Xue Chen and Shih Xueyan.    


Could it be that Shih Xueyan took the initiative to stand up because of Xue Chen? Were those rumors true?    


Immediately, Shen Xuening could not help looking at Xue Chen out of the corner of her eye.    


But Xue Chen's expression was calm as if nothing had happened.    


In fact, Xue Chen was very touched. He knew Shih Xueyan did this because of him. She volunteered for him.    


But Xue Chen could not reveal any clues. If Shen Xuening found out, it would not be a joke!    


Therefore, even though his heart was full of gratitude, Xue Chen had to pretend that nothing had happened.    


At the same time, when Shih Xueyan stood out and volunteered, Yu Fei already knew that Shih Xueyan might have stood up for Xue Chen. Although she did not know what the relationship between Xue Chen and Shih Xueyan was like, she felt that it should exceed the relationship between ordinary friends and colleagues.    


On the other hand, when Xia Yina saw Shih Xueyan stand up, her heart was full of dissatisfaction. She could not help but curse. "Sly a man, dirty a woman!"    


After a while, Shen Xuening slowly opened her mouth and said, "I know that President Shih wants to open up a market for the company but President Shih has already failed once..."    


When they heard this, everyone already knew what Shen Xuening meant in their hearts. This meant that they did not want Shih Xueyan to take action.    


At the same time, everyone's hearts once again rose to their throats. If Shen Xuening did not let Shih Xueyan go, then who would she let go? Was it him?    


For a moment, everyone began to feel threatened, afraid that Shen Xuening would let them go.    


Many of the people present were not as high as Shih Xueyan's position in Mingzhu Group. Shih Xueyan did not succeed, so there was nothing for her to do. However, if it was them, it would be hard to say.    


"There is no need for President Shih this time!"    


Hearing Shen Xuening say that she did not want her to go, Shih Xueyan became a little anxious. If she did not go, then Xue Chen would go!    


"President Shen..."    


"Alright, President Shih does not need to say anymore!" Shen Xuening coldly interrupted Shih Xueyan's words. "This time, I want Xue Chen, Vice President Xue, to give it a try."    


Shen Xuening's words were like a bomb falling from the sky onto the ground and instantly exploded with a bang.    


For a moment, the meeting room was completely in an uproar. Each and every one of them could not help but start discussing.    


Letting Xue Chen go, wasn't this cheating!    


At the same time, it was the same as what Shih Xueyan thought. Quite a number of people had figured out Shen Xuening's intention.    


Was it because of Xue Chen's relationship that Shen Xuening had no choice but to let them become the Vice President of the Public Relations Department in the Mingzhu Group, and now she wanted to kick them away?    


Yu Fei and Shih Xueyan felt a chill in their hearts when they heard Shen Xuening's decision. It was over. Shen Xuening's words were basically a matter of course.    


On the other hand, Xia Yina coldly snorted in her heart and secretly said, "Shih Xueyan, do you think that you can block this disaster for Xue Chen just by standing up?"    


In the next moment, Shen Xuening lightly coughed.    


Hearing Shen Xuening's cough, the other people in the meeting room seemed to have received some kind of signal and immediately became quiet. The entire meeting room returned to its previous silence.    


Xue Chen's face was still as calm as before. There was no emotion on his face. He was like a meditating old monk.    


"I wonder if any of you think that other than Xue Chen, there is anyone else who can do it?" Shen Xuening slowly glanced at everyone.    


Everyone hurriedly shook their heads like a rattle drum to express their thoughts.    


If anyone said that they were more suitable than Xue Chen, then the others would definitely silently say something stupid in their hearts.    


That's right, they were idiots.    


Only idiots would stand up at this time.    


"Since no one has any objections, Alright, I'll leave the perfume market to Xue Chen..."    


Before Shen Xuening could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Xue Chen. "You have not asked for my opinion."    


"Your opinion?" Shen Xuening lightly said, "Didn't I ask for your opinion before? And you also agreed!"    


The corner of Xue Chen's mouth couldn't help twitching. When did he agree?    


F * ck, it was you who forced me to agree, okay?    


After hearing Shen Xuening's words, everyone's faces immediately revealed a look of understanding. It seemed that Shen Xuening had spoken to Xue Chen before this, and judging from Xue Chen's meaning, he didn't agree. It was just that he was driven up by Shen Xuening.    


This made many people think that Shen Xuening wanted to teach Xue Chen a lesson and kick him out of the Mingzhu Group.    


It seemed like he had to stay away from Xue Chen in the future to avoid suffering.    


Regardless of whether they wanted to get closer to Xue Chen or never thought about it, at this moment, they all thought that they should stay away from Xue Chen and love life!    


"Can I go back on my word now?"    


Shen Xuening's beautiful brows slightly knitted. Just as she wanted to say something, Xia Yina immediately said, "Xue Chen, you are still not a man. You actually don't count your words. You spit out your own saliva and still want to swallow it back."    


"What does it matter if I do not consider my words!" Xue Chen did not hold back and said, "Who do you think you are? " I am not a man. Do you need me to show you? "    


Everyone was speechless. This guy dared to take it out for Xia Yina to see!    


Shen Xuening also had a face full of anger. This bastard actually teased other women in front of her. Moreover, the person he teased was her secretary and assistant.    


If Shen Xuening knew that Xue Chen and Xia Yina had just slapped each other before this, she did not know if she would strangle Xue Chen to death.    


Being stared at by Xue Chen like this, Xia Yina could not help but think about what had happened in the office before. Immediately, Xia Yina's pretty face slowly turned red.    




"What I said was to take out my identity card for you to see. This thing should be able to prove that I am a man, right?" After Xue Chen saw Xia Yina's blushing face, he knew that Xia Yina was thinking incorrectly. He could not help but quibble, "Can you be more pure in your thoughts?"    


At this moment, if Xia Yina did not know that she had been fooled by Xue Chen, Then she did not have to mingle!    


Xia Yina was so angry that she trembled all over and her teeth were chattering.    


"Xue Chen, this is the company. Please pay attention to your image!" Shen Xuening tried to smooth things over. "But Xia Yina is right. As a man, you must do what you say!"    


"That's right. What kind of man are you to go back on your words?" After Xia Yina saw Shen Xuening backing her up, she immediately said confidently, "If you are a man, don't go back on your words. Otherwise, everyone will look down on you!"    


Yu Fei who had been silent the whole time suddenly opened her mouth after Xia Yina's voice had just finished, "President Shen, let Xue Chen open up the market. Isn't it a bit inappropriate?"    




That's right. Xue Chen hasn't been in the company for long. He doesn't know a lot of things. Why don't we wait until he gets to know more about it?"    


"You don't know about President Yu, do you? Xue Chen is very capable!" Xia Yina immediately took over the conversation and said, "Isn't the cooperation with Wenren Xueji negotiated by Xue Chen?"    


"And the cooperation with Faang Tianhao is the same. All signs show that Xue Chen is a very capable person. As long as you give him a platform, he can give you a blue sky!" In order to refute Yu Fei, Xia Yina did not hesitate to put on a high hat for Xue Chen.    


Yu Fei opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, she did not know what to say. She did not know what to say.    


What Xia Yina said was completely the truth. Although she was also very curious, she did not know what to use to refute Xia Yina.    


Suddenly Xue Chen said, "Xia Yina, you don't need to provoke me, nor do you need to put on a high hat. It is because I have offended you and you do not like me that you deliberately bewitched President Shen and asked me to open up the Fragrant Water Market."    


When Xue Chen said that, everyone's eyes fell on Xia Yina. At this moment, they seemed to have understood something.    


"Xue Chen, you... you don't want to slander people..." Xia Yina said with some lack of confidence.    


"I'll take it!" Xue Chen said indifferently, "Isn't it just opening up the Fragrant Water Market? I will let you see how I succeed."    


Xia Yina, who was feeling guilty, heard Xue Chen's words and was delighted. She wanted Xue Chen to say this.    


"What if you can't succeed?"    


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