Eternal Son-in-law

C621 Negotiate

C621 Negotiate

"You are right. I am afraid of wasting time and energy. I am even afraid that you will continue to waste air while you are alive. Hsiao Hee smiled and said, "However, China is vast enough. It is not a waste of land to bury a wandering ghost in another country."    


"No, you can't do that. Violent Bear said, "I think they didn't tell you my real identity, right? If you kill me now, you will definitely regret it! "You don't know what the words' beast tamer killer 'means."    


Hsiao Hee finally understood. This fellow was actually thinking of bargaining with him.    


He was almost hasty.    


Hsiao Hee thought to himself.    


"Alright," he said. "Since you said so, tell me the truth. I don't want to waste my time. Hsiao Hee said, "There are two choices. Tell me who ordered you to kill me, or tell me that the head of a beast tamer killer was shot by a chopstick in China. I think this must be a glorious way to die."    


Violent Bear was silent.    


After a long time, he asked, "Do you think I can go to heaven?"    


"I don't know. Hsiao Hee said, "Maybe. You believe in Jesus so much. No, it's the Lord. "    


"But, I also killed a lot of people. Violent Bear said with a pained expression, "Can a merciful God accept a believer who doesn't abide by the rules like me?"    


" I'm neither God nor God, I'm not sure. "Hsiao Hee said with a smile.    


Was this guy crazy? No one knew the answer to this question before they died.    


God? God? Heaven or hell?    


Have you seen it before?    


Hsiao Hee had never seen it before, not even in the world of cultivation.    


Therefore, he could not answer Xiong Bao's question.    


"Because you can't see him, but you know him. Because he is always with you, he must also be among you. " Why don't you let go of the butcher's knife and believe in my Lord? Violent Bear recited the words skillfully and looked at Hsiao Hee expectantly.    


"Are you trying to persuade me to believe in God?"    


"That's right. If you believe him, then he's here. If you don't believe him, he will not be here. "Xiong Bao said seriously," If I persuade you to believe in my Lord before I die, he will definitely accept me into heaven. "    


..." "    


Hsiao Hee was really angered by this guy.    


Violent Bear thought that as long as he persuaded him to believe in God before he died, God would accept him to heaven.    


But was he that evil and evil?    


The moment he believed in God, God would let Violent Bear into heaven?    


This was as if he had influenced some evil person from all sides.    


Hsiao Hee naturally shook his head and refused. He said, "I'm sorry. I don't have any plans in this area for the time being."    


"Oh. Violent Bear sighed regretfully.    


"I don't want to waste any more time. "Hsiao Hee said," If you don't want to give me what I want, I'll do it. If you are lucky enough to meet God and greet him on my behalf, perhaps he will come and help you assassinate me."    


"If I tell you the answer, I will not be a qualified killer. I will no longer be able to establish myself in this industry. Xiong Bao said.    


"You seem to have overlooked a problem. Even a dead person can't be a killer. "Also, isn't it better not to be a killer? In that case, you can focus on being an animal protector. " When you have accumulated enough merit, you can go to heaven in the future. "    


Violent Bear thought for a moment and felt that it was reasonable to say, "You seem to have convinced me."    


"Then, what is the answer I want? Hsiao Hee returned to the topic.    


"If I tell you that you won't kill me," he said. Violent Bear asked.    


"Yes. Hsiao Hee said.    


"You swear on your reputation and everything you care about. Violent Bear emphasized.    


"I swear, I won't kill you. "But I will break your legs."    


"No. If that's the case, I won't be able to protect myself. " When I walk out of here, I will be hunted down. "Violent Bear shook his head.    


"You don't have the right to bargain. Hsiao Hee's patience was worn out again.    


"What if I promise you one thing? "I will do one thing for you for free. How about it? Violent Bear said, "In the world of assassins, when other people invite me, they will at least start with five million USD."    


Hsiao Hee thought for a while and said," In that case, it's a deal. "    


"Yemen Leit. Violent Bear said, "He's the one who found me."    


Hsiao Hee did not ask who Yemen Rite was because the Dragon Society found him immediately.    


"Is he alone? Hsiao Hee asked again.    


"Only he contacted me. Violent Bear thought for a while and said with certainty.    


"Okay, now is the time to fulfill your promise. You promised to do one thing for me for free. " Now, I want you to go back to Europe and kill him immediately. "    


No. Violent Bear shook his head desperately. Before he could finish his words, he heard the sound of a gust of wind blowing against his mother's ear.    


Whoosh -    


Hsiao Hee flicked his finger and the chopstick in his hand shot out. In the blink of an eye, it penetrated Violent Bear's shoulder. That was where the human shoulder was. The sudden intense pain caused Violent Bear's enormous body to violently twitch.    


"Against what? The image and rules of an assassin? Hsiao Hee sneered. "You are no longer an assassin. You are an animal protector. If you want to go to heaven, you should just abandon these ridiculous ideas."    


"Deal. Violent Bear stared at Hsiao Hee with his big blue eyes and said with a serious expression.    


He suddenly realized that the dark purple haired guy in front of him was more like a devil than a killer.    


"Very good! Hsiao Hee smiled and said, "I am glad that smart people make smart choices."    


"Hsiao, don't tell me you want to let the tiger go back to the mountain? Silver Wolf looked at Hsiao Hee in surprise. "He is an international criminal, and -"    


Silver Wolf was halfway through his sentence. He came to Hsiao Hee's side and said in a volume that only the three of them could hear, "Besides, the news of us capturing the Violent Bear has been released. We have received confirmation from many countries outside of the country. If we let him escape, we will lose all face."    


"That's right, Hsiao. We already know each other's name. The bespectacled man analyzed the situation and advised, "There is no need to put the violent bear back to take the risk. Can't we just leave it to the dragon?"    


However, Hsiao Hee shook his head. He stood up with a smile, squinted his eyes and looked at the Violent Bear, and said.    


"A tiger that fell into a trap can no longer be considered a tiger. There will be a mark on his body and a humiliating wound will be left on his body."    


As Hsiao Hee spoke, he lightly stepped on the Violent Bear with his left foot. A ray of light appeared, like a formation, more like a magic formation in a fairy tale.    


However, the ray of light was a strange blood-red color. It gave off an extremely evil aura, which made people feel a chill down their spine.    


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