Eternal Son-in-law

C477 Wide Narrow Mouth

C477 Wide Narrow Mouth

"This is definitely a misunderstanding —"    


Hsiao Hee turned around awkwardly to look at Yin Yuan and quickly explained, "I don't know anything about this, I didn't arrange it."    


"It's not like I said you arranged it." Yin Yuan narrowed her eyes and looked at Hsiao Hee, "I only came to be Young Master Hsiao's assistant because the higher-ups decided on a temporary basis. I don't think that Young Master Hsiao planned this long in the beginning, so he asked Uncle Zheng for me to go with him."    


"How is that possible?"    


The embarrassment on Hsiao Hee's face instantly increased, "I, Hsiao Hee am not that kind of person."    


"Then what kind of person is Young Master Hsiao?" Yin Yuan maintained a very comfortable position on the sofa as she stared at Hsiao Hee with interest.    


"Can I not be a human?" Hsiao Hee joked as he walked to the opposite sofa and sat down.    


"Of course not."    


Yin Yuan's breath tightened at Hsiao Hee's words and the alcohol on her face seemed to have increased a little. It was red and alluring.    


In addition to her unique mature temperament, she was simply like a budding red rose with a unique charm.    


"Why don't you hurry up and rest?" Hsiao Hee asked tentatively.    


He did not want to joke around with such a woman in such an isolated environment.    


Although Hsiao Hee had not been near a woman's beauty in the last ten thousand years of Immortal Cultivation World, he still felt that the emotions that were quiet for a long time had signs of stirring up.    


Perhaps it was because spring was coming?    


Hsiao Hee muttered in his heart, but in his heart, he knew what was going on.    


Ever since he had reincarnated into this world, he had wanted to cherish these rare feelings even more compared to the law of the jungle in the Immortal Cultivation World.    


This was what he lacked when he was an Immortal Emperor.    


Perhaps, this was also the reason why he did not successfully come to the Divine Throne?    


After all, even the heart was incomplete.    


Hsiao Hee became a bit absent-minded as he thought about it.    


It had to be said that, from the moment he had first entered the Immortal Cultivation World, he had been left completely alone, and then he had ascended to the territory controlled by the Immortal Emperor.    


He had always been a lonely person.    


"What are you thinking?" The mocking smile on Yin Yuan's face gradually disappeared.    


It was because she noticed that Hsiao Hee had an indescribable sadness on his face.    


This hundred years of loneliness, why did it appear on such a young Hsiao Hee?    


Yin Yuan looked at Hsiao Hee in confusion. Then, she stood up, "I'm going to sleep. Young Master Hsiao should also go wash up and sleep."    


With that, she did not stay any longer. Moving her graceful posture, she turned around and entered the bedroom.    


Hsiao Hee sat alone on the sofa in the large living room. Facing the cold moonlight, he quietly looked out of the French window.    


In the middle of the night, Rome was still brightly lit. Only the figure in front of the window seemed to be somewhat alone and out of place in the world.    




As the saying goes, "all roads lead to Rome", as the economic blending area of the old era, in the new era, Rome was even more proud to accommodate different ethnic cultures.    


There were too many local people gathered here. Hsiao Hee came all the way here by car and he felt like he was entering a city that was blended with culture.    


In the east corner of the Van Ty Garden, there was a rather busy street called "Long and Narrow Alley". On both sides of the road, there were Chinese signs and Chinese signboards.    


"This really makes me feel a sense of familiarity." Hsiao Hee let out a long breath. Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar street, he laughed and teased.    


"Yeah, this is everyone's shelter."    


Yin Yuan was obviously well-prepared for this trip. "The establishment of Chinatown was initially unpopular among the Roman aristocracy. Although there were a few people who were curious and interested, most people still rejected it."    


"That's nothing. After all, everyone has their own custom. It's not an easy thing to continue and integrate culture." Hsiao Hee said with a smile.    


"That's right. Clearly, we are now forcefully merging two cultures." Yin Yuan sighed.    


Everyone was well aware of the difficulty in doing so.    


"Chinese medicine and Western medicine are both medicine, so everyone should take advantage of each other and improve together. They should not mutually reject each other." The transvestite man firmly said.    


The integration of western medicine into traditional Chinese medicine is Xue Ren's lifelong research topic.    


As his son, he had been influenced by this sort of will since he was young. Naturally, the man had to take this matter more seriously than others.    


"The transvestite is right, but the prerequisite for common progress is mutual respect." Hsiao Hee agreed with the demon man's words, but shook his head, "If they don't treat our traditional Chinese medicine on the same level as western medicine and don't show due respect, I think, it wouldn't be a cultural blending, it would be a very shameful act of robbing."    


To look down on, even slander, and then forcibly expropriate the medical knowledge within, if this wasn't a bandit, then what was it?    


As the three of them chatted, the car had already slowly entered the wide and narrow alley.    


There were two people talking about something.    


"Old Lu, you aren't framing me, are you? Why isn't Mr. Hsiao here yet? " An old man with gray hair on his sideburns was looking at the intersection, impatiently complaining.    


Lu Guotao, who was standing beside the old man, raised his wrist and looked at his watch.    


"It should be about time. The hotel isn't too far away from here. Maybe it's a traffic jam?" Lu Guotao guessed.    


"Old Lu, are you kidding me here?" The old man angrily blew his beard as he stared at Lu Guotao, "This is Rome! Rome! You're too old for this! "    


"Oh, Old Li! What are you so anxious for! "Mr. Hsiao was personally received by me yesterday, can I still run away?"    


When Luo Guotao saw that the old man had scolded him, he was so angry that he even shouted out in dialect.    


"I'm not afraid that Mr. Hsiao will run away …"    


The old man with the surname Li stroked his mustache, "The few people in my family are all Mr. Hsiao's fans. You called this morning and they even took a day off from work!"    


As the owner of the Tongluo Pharmacy, Li Weian had always paid attention to current affairs in the country, especially news related to medicine, even though he was doing business in Rome.    


Therefore, not long ago, Su Hua's medical and health products, the poisoning incident, and his colleagues highly attention.    


Mr. Hsiao, this title had been engraved in the minds of these zealous people since that time.    


Looking at Old Man Li's excited face, Lu Guotao pouted, "Old Li, is there really a need? We old guys have never chased a star in our lives.    


"What do you know?" The old man surnamed Li angrily retorted, "For our Chinese medicine to produce such an outstanding young man, it is because there will be a successor! How can I not be happy! "    


"Alright, alright. You have the final say!" Lu Guotao was too lazy to explain to this old man.    


At this moment, Hsiao Hee's car just happened to drive up.    


Yin Yuan sat near the car door.    


The car door slowly opened and just as she stepped out, a pair of old hands reached in through the crack.    




Yin Yuan was shocked by the pair of wrinkled hands. Her face immediately lost color as she shouted, "Hsiao Hee —"    


Hsiao Hee sat in the innermost seat. It was too late for him to react.    


The old hands were already firmly in Yin Yuan's hands!    


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