Eternal Son-in-law

C429 Trust Is Mutual

C429 Trust Is Mutual

Hsiao Hee carefully stroked the relationship between these characters.    


The Dragon King and Ji Qianfeng were brothers in life and death.    


However, because of a woman, these two brothers began to confront each other in broad daylight.    


Then, were these two enemies or friends?    


Could it be that when the Dragon King was young, he was actually a popular figure of his generation?    


Hsiao Hee was a little excited when he thought about how he planned to visit the Dragon King after a while.    


If he accidentally leaked it, what kind of expression would the Dragon King have? What kind of expression would Yaolyi have?    






Ye Li?    


There was a Li in each name!    


Hsiao Hee suddenly felt that he couldn't continue thinking about it anymore and quickly shook his head.    


"No wonder he's called 'Crown Prince'. So it turns out that he really is a 'Crown Prince'." Hsiao Hee sighed and smacked his lips.    


"Ji Ye was able to reach this stage not only because of his background. His mother, Ye Li, is the most important person." Sun Yanran reminded him.    


Hsiao Hee looked at Sun Yanran, waiting for her to continue.    


"I don't know how powerful she is exactly, nor have I seen her in person. In short, even Grandfather is full of praise for this woman."    


Sun Yanran's eyes were filled with longing.    


To be able to live like a fish in water among the higher-ups in such a situation, who would not be envious of such a woman?    


Hsiao Hee thought about it and had a lot of questions.    


Yaolyi had once said that he was one of the three founders of the Dragon that had made the slovenly old man who lay in front of the gate when they had first arrived at the courtyard where the Dragon King lived.    


However, it was obviously not Ji Qianqian.    


How could two men who had fought so hard for a girl be willing to guard the door for another person?    


Then, the question arose.    


"Since this Ji Qian Kuang is the creator of another dragon, why hasn't I heard of him before?" Hsiao Hee asked.    


"Dead." Sun Yanran curled her lips.    


"Dead?" Hsiao Hee was shocked.    


People at this level, coupled with the fact that they are wargods of the three armies, their strength must be unfathomable, so how can they die?    


"I heard that he died in a war outside this region." Sun Yanran shook her head in deep regret.    


"…" Hsiao Hee was silent for a while.    


Sun Yanran sighed and said, "Although he is no longer here, the country has given him the honor he deserves."    


"People who die for their country are worthy of respect." Hsiao Hee said sincerely.    


"That's right. Before Ji Qianqian died in battle, the two of them were still fighting." Sun Yanran said, "Ever since Ji Qianrou died in battle, Long Xiao may have felt sorry for his brother. He has been depressed all day and took special care of Ye Li and Ji Ye."    


"No wonder." Hsiao Hee nodded.    


No wonder Sun Yanran had initially said that it was possible that the dragon would not stand on his side this time around.    


So the identity of the crown prince was actually this special!    


It seemed that the Dragon King had also been injured in that battle, as did the slovenly old man lying outside the courtyard gate.    


Just what had happened in the battlefield outside the borders back then?    


"Now, I think I can understand why he is so against you." Sun Yanran looked at Hsiao Hee and said.    


"Why?" Hsiao Hee asked.    


"Because I'm jealous."    


"Jealous?" Hsiao Hee spread his hands and smiled, "What do I have to be jealous of?" "Other than Su Yun, there's nothing else I can do."    


"Please shut up!" Sun Yanran rolled her eyes at Hsiao Hee.    


This guy was the number one beauty in Jiang-Nan. Even at a time like this, he still had the leisure to act so cheap and elegant.    


"Ji Ye spent so much effort to get what he wanted, yet you got it with ease." Sun Yanran continued.    


"What did I get?" Hsiao Hee was puzzled.    


"Respect from the dragon." Sun Yanran answered, "Ji Ye also entered the dragon, but he was expelled by the dragon. Strictly speaking, he is someone who has been blacklisted by the dragon. "    


He was pulled into the blacklist by a dragon?    


Isn't that expulsion?    


No wonder that kid had such good skills. So he also came from the dragon.    


This way, he would have to be even more careful in the future.    


The dragon was a terrifying existence. Even though he had been expelled by the dragon, the skills he had learned from it were still terrifying.    


The more you settle down to understand this extraordinary organization, the more difficult it becomes for you to calm down.    


It covered too many levels, just like the North River Hsiao family in the north, where the dragon controlled the entire China.    


However, this was not control, but loyalty. They were loyal to their country and were willing to go through fire and water for it.    


Hsiao Hee also wanted to know the reason behind Ji Ye's expulsion. "Do you know why he was expelled?"    


Sun Yanran smiled and shook her head. The requirements to join a dragon was extremely harsh, but to be able to enter meant that they had passed through many trials. One had to know that Ji Qianqian was the creator of the dragon. Even though his father was no longer around, his power was still there. If he hadn't committed a great sin, how would he have been exiled? Perhaps, you can go back and ask the Dragon King. Only he has the right to issue such an injunction. "    


Hsiao Hee thought about it and said, "It is not easy for the Dragon King to make this decision. If he wasn't willing to accept Ji Ye, from the very beginning, he could have refused to accept him as a member of the Dragon clan. However, since he'd accepted Ji Ye's offer, he must also have great expectations. As for the final order for expulsion, it is indeed easy to be criticized. "    


He looked at Sun Yanran and asked with a smile, "Have you ever thought about it, that he was trapped by his love wounds all those years ago and purposely made Ji Ye look bad?"    


She smiled embarrassedly and explained, "A lot of people are suspicious of him. I've only heard the rumors about what kind of person this Dragon King is, and I've never seen him myself. And he's been living in seclusion for many years, so I can't help but be suspicious."    


"He's not that kind of person." Hsiao Hee shook his head and said with a firm tone.    


Seeing the determination on Hsiao Hee's face, Sun Yanran's heart skipped a beat and she said, "Hsiao Hee, you're so nice."    


"Hmm?" Hsiao Hee turned around in confusion.    


"You will unconditionally trust your friends, your loved ones. Even if it's me, even if we can only be friends, I'm still very happy. Because I know that at any time, whatever happens, you'll believe me, won't you? " Sun Yanran's expression suddenly darkened.    


"Trust is mutual." Hsiao Hee said with a smile.    


Sun Yanran nodded and said, "Yes, I also believe in you. I especially believe in you!"    


"When I see you again, I feel that you've changed a lot." Hsiao Hee looked at Sun Yanran and said with a smile, "It seems like you grew up quite a bit overnight."    


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