Eternal Son-in-law

C354 Zhenqi Transfer Needle

C354 Zhenqi Transfer Needle

"Auntie, nothing will happen to Tao Su."    


Sun Yanran held her mother's hand and pretended to smile. "This is just a small operation. Before the operation, I will give her an injection of anesthetic. It will be done very soon. It's even easier than an appendectomy."    


"I, I'm just worried —" The mother sobbed. "I don't want her to participate in any more crappy activities. I just want her to be healthy and happy."    


Sun Yanran looked at her mother and took a deep breath.    


Like the other doctors, Hsiao Hee wore a long white coat and surgical mask and stood inside the operation room after having been sterilized.    


At this moment, there were quite a few people standing in the operation room. Other than the professional surgical staff, there was also Brooke who was standing to one side as the instructor.    


Since there were already a lot of people surrounding the sickbed, Hsiao Hee and Xue Ren just stood at the periphery near the door.    


After all, they were the doctors and nurses who needed to operate the surgery. With such a comparison, it seemed like they were here to observe it.    


"Has Young Master Hsiao's trip to the north gone smoothly?" Xue Ren asked with a smile as he looked at Chen Zhijun, who was busying himself with the operation table.    


"It went smoothly." Hsiao Hee smiled and looked at Chen Zhijun, "Doctor Chen is a good doctor. Perhaps, you two can interact more in the field of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine."    


"Haha, that's right. When I first arrived, Doctor Chen was still holding my hand, looking very excited." Xue Ren laughed.    


Although it was Hsiao Hee's first time entering a surgery room with western medicine, he didn't seem to be very reserved.    


"Mr. Hsiao, are you sure you want to use acupuncture and anesthetic?" Chen Zhijun looked at the quiet pastry on the operating table and asked again uncertainly.    


It was customary for the anesthesiologist to anesthetize the patient before the operation.    


By the time the patients were brought to the surgical bed, they would have lost consciousness.    


However, she listened to Hsiao Hee's words and chose acupuncture and moxibustion anesthesia on the spot.    


Of course, Chen Zhijun was clear that if he succeeded in the acupuncture and moxibustion, there would be no side effects. It would be more effective for the health and recovery of the human body.    


However, as far as he knew, the risk of anesthesia in TCM was relatively high, because from the point of view, once the pain was felt beyond the limits of acupuncture suppression, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


If the operation were to suddenly fail, then the immediate threat would be the patient's brain. It might even cause his heart to stop due to the severe pain, leaving behind all kinds of side effects.    


Hsiao Hee looked at the pastry on the operating table and asked with a smile, "Are you sure?"    


"Yes, I'm sure." Peach Blossom nodded.    


She smiled at Hsiao Hee, then looked at Xue Ren, who had come forward, and said, "I believe in Divine Doctor Xue, you can do it, right?"    


Divine Doctor Xue glanced at Hsiao Hee and nodded at him. He smiled and guaranteed, "Rest assured, Miss Peach. I will guarantee your safety."    


In fact, as an Apricot Forest Sacred Hand, how could Xue Ren not know the advantages and disadvantages of acupuncture anesthesia?    


At the beginning, when Hsiao Hee proposed using acupuncture and moxibustion to anesthetize Xue Ren, his attitude was rejecting it.    


But later, under Hsiao Hee's insistence and confidence, Xue Ren nodded.    


He wasn't worried about anything happening to Miss Tao Su at all.    


Even though the little brat in front of him couldn't cure his illness, he was a first-class expert who could save lives. He could really be considered a "living corpse".    


Hsiao Hee stood at the side and also nodded with a smile. He said to Peach Blossom, "Close your eyes and feel the flow of temperature between my fingers. After a night's rest, the sky will clear."    


As he spoke, he lightly stretched out his right hand. A ray of light appeared on his index finger, and he lightly tapped it on the center of Tao Su's brows. Afterwards, he slowly drew a small circle.    


After that, she felt her eyelids grow heavier and heavier, her head grow dizzy, and soon she fell into a deep slumber.    




In front of the operating table, all the doctors and nurses had their mouths wide open under their masks. Their jaws almost dropped to the ground in shock.    


"He fell asleep just like that?" Chen Zhijun's face was filled with disbelief.    


"I'm asleep." Hsiao Hee spoke while hinting to Xue Ren that they could make their move.    


Xue Ren nodded and took out a silver needle from the medicine box on his waist.    


"Phew — it's done."    


Xue Ren heaved a sigh of relief. It could be seen how serious he was about this acupuncture anesthetic.    


Hsiao Hee had been standing at the side and observing Xue Ren's technique and strength. He couldn't help but nod his head and praise with a smile.    


"Two out of ten, with balanced strength. As expected of Elder Xue."    


However, Xue Ren did not look relaxed at all. He turned around and looked at Hsiao Hee.    


"Young Master Hsiao, due to Miss Tao's thin body, weak body, blood vessels and meridian channels being very thin, acupuncture anesthesia is okay for a while, I'm afraid —"    


"No worries, I have my own ways."    


Hsiao Hee smiled and gestured Xue Ren to move aside before stopping in front of the operating table.    


"All of you, move aside."    


Everyone looked at each other and tactfully took a small step back.    


Hsiao Hee took in a deep breath. As he inhaled, the aura from his entire body slowly spread out.    


At this moment, a strange light could be seen with the naked eye. Even under the illumination of the surgical lamp, it was still extremely eye-catching.    


Hsiao Hee slowly stretched out his palm and stopped on her face. Surging Spiritual Energy covered her like the cold air in a freezer.    


His entire palm was like a scanning machine. From top to bottom, he could see everything.    


Due to the fluctuations of spirit energy, the silver needles that had been stabbed into Tao Su's body began to vibrate one by one.    


In the end, all of the spiritual Qi on the peach cake was absorbed by a few silver needles into the acupuncture points, and the operation room quieted down once again.    


"No problem, you can start now." Hsiao Hee smiled and gestured an invitation towards Chen Zhijun.    


This is the Zhen Qi meridian?    


No one's heart could be described as shocked anymore. It was as if they were all in a dream.    


In just a few minutes, not only did they witness Xue Ren's superb acupuncture techniques, they also witnessed the legendary 'True Qi Crossing Needles'!    


"Chinese Kungfu!" Brook shouted in surprise.    


He crazily pulled Chen Zhijun who was beside him, "MyGold! Rally? "    


Chen Zhijun was also dumbfounded. He was actually the first to wake up after being shaken by Brooke.    


"How long can this anesthesia last, Mr. Hsiao?" Chen Zhijun probed.    


Hsiao Hee replied with a smile, "As long as we don't pull out the silver needles, she will forever lose consciousness and fall asleep."    


"It's really amazing!" Chen Zhijun's face lit up, "This way, I have plenty of time for surgery!"    


"Hurry up and start." Hsiao Hee reminded him with a smile, "There are still a bunch of people waiting outside, scratching their hearts."    


"Good, good good good …"    


Only then did Chen Zhijun turn around and speak to the other doctors, "Get ready, we will start the skin grafting operation right away."    


When everyone heard this, they were all full of energy and began preparing.    


Hsiao Hee pulled Xue Ren and Blue to the back, watching the operation quietly.    


"Old Chen." Chen Zhijun's assistant gestured an "OK" at him.    


Chen Zhijun nodded and instructed the doctor beside him, "You can begin cutting the skin."    




The doctor in charge of cutting the skin nodded, and then began to cut the skin.    


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