Eternal Son-in-law

C552 He's Not More than a Second Handsome

C552 He's Not More than a Second Handsome

"That's more like it! Sun Yanran saw how sincere Hsiao Hee was, and the pain on her face lessened a little. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.    


Pain and happiness.    


It was usually that simple.    


Looking at Sun Yanran who had jumped onto Hsiao Hee's back happily, Yin Yuan pursed her dry lips.    


She had to admit that Hsiao Hee was an excellent man.    


He was so outstanding that no matter what kind of girl he was with, they all complemented each other.    


Seeing the man she liked carrying other women at such a close distance, Yin Yuan suddenly felt that the man she liked was carrying another woman on his back. She felt very uncomfortable in her heart, and her mouth also felt a little bitter.    


However, in the next second.    


"Ouch!" Sun Yanran slapped Hsiao Hee's head with a bang. "You hit me to death! Hsiao Hee, you are going to die!"    


Hsiao Hee apologized again and again with an awkward expression. He had forgotten to count Sun Yanran's height just now and let her head hit the beam of the car door.    


"Stupid to death! It hurts so much, I'm even carrying a bag! "Hsiao Hee," Sun Yanran said, pouting. Did you do it on purpose?    


"Didn't you believe me?" Hsiao Hee asked. Hsiao Hee smiled apologetically.    




"Okay. Hsiao Hee shrugged and put Sun Yanran on the seat. He went out to pick her up and said to the driver, "Master, let's go to Western food."    


" "Okay." The driver, who had been tense all this time, finally felt relieved when he saw Hsiao Hee finally get on the car. "Mr. Hsiao, ladies, please wait a moment. We will be there in a moment."    


After saying that, the car started up and drove steadily on the wide road again.    


Sun Yanran still did not want to let Hsiao Hee go. She chattered in his ear about the problem of her head hitting a bag.    


Hsiao Hee was already used to this' nagging '. Instead, he leaned back in his chair calmly and thought about the cause and events of the incident in his mind.    


He had too many enemies. He was not sure who would want to kill him during this period of time.    


The mysterious organization behind Yan Lyu was the most suspicious.    


They were too mysterious. They were so mysterious that people could not figure it out.    


It was also because of this strangeness. Hsiao Hee had always remembered this group of people. He had never let his guard down on them.    


They wanted to destroy TCM, but Hsiao Hee blocked their path. He could not help but destroy their plan and army.    


It could be said that the organization hated Hsiao Hee to the core.    


These Western Drug Group in Europe were also very suspicious. They were not kind people. After all, Hsiao Hee had dug a big mouthful out of their cake. It was only normal for them to take revenge.    


Even the Roman government and the police department had reason to do such a thing.    


Hsiao Hee's mind was in a mess. He thought about it helplessly.    


If it was the Western Drug Group's revenge this time, these hidden dangers would be a headache.    


"This assassin is also a beast tamer? Yin Yuan asked curiously as she looked at the mastiff crouching there.    


"Beast tamer? Do you mean this thing? Hsiao Hee looked at it and asked.    


"The mastiff. When I was young, I saw a record of a strange beast in my grandfather's study. It was recorded that it was a creature like this. They were violent by nature, and it was difficult for ordinary people to get close to them. "The fact that the killer is able to tame it and order it to work for him with a whistle is enough to show how powerful he is."    


Yin Yuan said with lingering fear. She couldn't help but think highly of Hsiao Hee in her heart.    


Not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary ancient martial artists would not be able to survive if they encountered such an extremely violent beast.    


It was imaginable how terrifying Hsiao Hee's strength was for him to be able to fight two beasts so easily.    


"Yes, it's a rare beast. Unfortunately, I used too much strength back then. I don't know if I can save it or not. Hsiao Hee's face showed a bit of pity.    


"I don't care if this thing is saved or not. Anyway, they shouldn't do this to you. Sun Yanran's face was gloomy. She said angrily, "I must find out who is behind this."    


Sun Yanran looked at Hsiao Hee. The more she looked at him, the more her heart ached. Did this guy usually come here before the gates of hell?    


Hsiao Hee shook his head and said, "Perhaps it will be very difficult to find out. If the attacker belongs to a certain organization, we will be able to find out the real culprit. However, this person is obviously an assassin. The nature of the assassin is that whoever is willing to pay, they are willing to help kill."    


"Unless I get an answer from an assassin. Sun Yanran said.    


"That's even more impossible. Yin Yuan shook her head and said," The first rule of the Assassin Code is to keep it a secret. " Keep your own secret, keep the organization's secret, and keep the identity of the employer a secret. "    


" Didn't you already join the dragon? They had no other choice? Sun Yanran looked at Hsiao Hee and asked.    


"I will ask them when I have time. Hsiao Hee replied with a smile.    


Yin Yuan nodded in agreement.    


She thought for a moment and said, "The other party has lost the Ghost Face Mastiff. He will definitely come looking for us in the future. Thinking about how there's such a killer staring at us from behind, it really makes one's hair stand on end."    


Hsiao Hee looked at the mastiff and said with a smile. "I'm going to take it with me and see if I can become an excellent beast tamer."    


"It'll be dangerous once it recovers. "Sun Yanran said worriedly.    


"Don't worry. Hsiao Hee indicated that she was fine. He comforted her, "With my ability, it can't escape from my palm. "Of course, perhaps one day my patience will be worn out, and I will have a fresh meat pot on the spot. It can be considered a great achievement."    


Accomplished? Sun Yanran rolled her eyes at Hsiao Hee and said snappily, "I suddenly feel that you are more frightening than this ugly woman on the ground."    


"I am scary, but I don't eat people. Hsiao Hee said helplessly.    


Sun Yanran Yan looked at Hsiao Hee and giggled. "It doesn't matter even if I eat people. Anyway, my skin is rough and my flesh is thick. It doesn't suit your taste. "Go and eat Sister Yuan Er! "Her skin is fair and beautiful. One look and you can tell that she's very delicious!"    


... "" Hsiao Hee was speechless, and Yin Yuan was also speechless.    


What kind of woman was this?    


She had just escaped death, and she was already thinking about how to eat people when she turned around.    


Although Hsiao Hee's car was equipped with a satellite positioning function, it was too far from the embassy.    


It was not until Hsiao Hee and the others came out of the western restaurant that Lian Hao rushed over with the embassy guards.    


Even the ambassador was in the car, accompanying them personally.    


Seeing Hsiao Hee, Sun Yanran, and the others eating contentedly, the group was stunned for a long time before they finally relaxed.    


The ambassador ran over and asked Hsiao Hee, especially Sun Yanran, for a while.    


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