Eternal Son-in-law

C288 Mr Xiao's Yin Yang Face

C288 Mr Xiao's Yin Yang Face

Thus, Hsiao Hee found out the secret he wanted to hear the most.    


Old Master Yin had also successfully killed his enemy. Although his inner demon hadn't been completely eradicated, it had returned to the time when the past had just passed.    


It could be said that if Old Master Yin wanted to completely recover, he could only kill that man called Xiao Zhantian with his own hands.    


This was probably impossible.    


Because from his words, Hsiao Hee understood that this Xiao Zhantian should be one of the big shots in Hsiao family.    


Moreover, this person's strength was even stronger than Old Master Yin's.    


After all, a person who could cause a Golden Core Stage expert to suffer such humiliation would at least have a strength above his.    


Taibai Mountain, Origin Gate …    


Hsiao Hee squatted down to check Old Master Yin's body. He pondered for a good while.    


"Come here."    


Finally, he let out a long sigh of relief, stood up and looked towards Yin Yuan and the others who were standing in the corridor.    


At this moment, Yin Xiangtian had already woken up. After finding out that he was saved by Hsiao Hee from his grandpa's hands, he had a weird expression on his face.    


The few of them walked over quickly. Yin Yuan and Yin Xiangtian bent over to help the old man up and brought him to the reclining chair where Xue Ren usually drank tea and rest.    


"Are you okay?" Yin Yuan looked at Hsiao Hee and asked in concern.    


Seeing Hsiao Hee smile and shake his head, she asked, "How is grandpa? It can't be that you're still unconscious, right? "    


"Probably not."    


Xue Ren answered the question for Hsiao Hee, at this moment, he was taking Old Master Yin's pulse.    


"Old Lord Yan's Qi and blood flow is unobstructed. Other than some damage to his meridians, it's nothing serious."    


Hearing that, Yin Yuan and Yin Xiangtian both raised their eyebrows.    


"You mean, grandpa is fine?" Yin Xiangtian looked at Xue Ren in disbelief, "Good boy, is it that magical? Just fight? "    


"Xiang Tian, don't talk nonsense!"    


Yin Chong rolled her eyes at her, and turned to look at Hsiao Hee, as if she was waiting for his final verdict.    


"The lordmaster is alright." Hsiao Hee nodded.    


Then, he seemed to recall something, "But the old gramps inner demons are still there, it's just not that serious. With a bit of a method and the old gramps own willpower, he should be able to suppress them."    


"Method?" What techniques do I need? Yin Yuan understood the meaning behind Hsiao Hee's words and asked.    


Yin Xiangtian was also very happy to see his grandfather improve. He quickly replied politely, "Yes, if there's anything you need, just say it. My Yin family is not here yet —"    


Before he even finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yin Yuan, "Yin Xiangtian, can you be more mature? Don't use your total Yin family, be like a popinjay."    


Hearing Yin Yuan's words, Yin Xiangtian's face froze. Luckily, he received news that his grandpa was getting better, he didn't mind arguing with this woman.    


On the other hand, Hsiao Hee smiled slightly and said, "Since Young Master Yin is kind, let's just turn the conflict into friendship. I'll give you a chance to ask for credit from the family, what do you say?"    


"Hsiao Hee —"    


Yin Yuan was slightly surprised at Hsiao Hee's magnanimity, but then she thought, not only did this fellow want her Yin family to owe him a favor, he actually wanted her to openly rope in the future Patriarch of Yin family?    


This method was too eye-catching, and Yin Yuan found it hard to accept.    


"Miss Yin is ambitious and determined, just like someone who is unable to accept a task with Yin family even if they were to marry into a family."    


Hsiao Hee looked at Yin Yuan with a smile. It was clear that he was flattering her and bribing Yin Xiangtian with benefits.    


However, Yin Xiangtian was really only interested in Liu steelmaking. His heart was hit hard by Liu steelmaking and he immediately slapped his thigh as he laughed, "That's right, what Wu steelmaking says is true. The task of Yin family still depends on this young master!"    


Hsiao? Why did he change his address so quickly?    


Was this the so-called friendship between men? Simple? Just like that?    


Yin Chong rolled her eyes at Hsiao Hee and said coldly, "Who cares!"    


"Don't care about it, that's good." Yin Xiangtian chuckled.    


He had his own plans in his heart. Right now, his grandfather was about to recover, and if he could remember this achievement, then his position as the successor to Yin family would be even more stable like Mt. Tai.    


Not only had he recovered all the face he had lost in the family, but most importantly, his grandfather would even have a whole new level of respect for him!    


Regarding the position of Yin family's future Patriarch, whatever it was that had their legs broken by Hsiao Hee, it was like passing clouds or floating clouds.    


The more Yin Xiangtian thought about it, the more excited he became, he hurriedly patted Hsiao Hee's shoulder, "Hsiao, from today onwards, you are my brother, we will never get to know each other without a fight, last time it was this young master, oh no, I was disrespectful to you, now I know, you are different from those bastards in Jiangbei Hsiao family, you are a real man!"    


This is bullshit!    


Even Yin Yuan felt a little embarrassed for Yin Xiangtian. This god-class guy strengthened his explanation, this Yin Xiangtian must have used all of his strength to speak nonsense.    


However, Hsiao Hee still smiled from beginning to end, as if he didn't believe Yin Xiangtian at all.    


This was the so-called Yin Yang face!    


As the saying goes, "the spectator sees clearly, the spectator is fascinated".    


To Yinyuan and Xue Ren, Hsiao Hee's smile was a big mockery of Yin Xiangtian!    


However, from Yin Xiangtian's point of view, Hsiao Hee's face was amiable. He had clearly turned his enemy into a friend and was indeed worthy of being called Jiangnan's Wu Steel.    


"Young Master Yin is magnanimous." Hsiao Hee said with a smile.    


"Hsiao, open!" Yin Xiangtian even blurted out his dialect.    


Then, he looked at Hsiao Hee with a flattering look, "Hsiao, look, this is the way to take credit —"    


"Has Young Master Yin ever been to the stone field and gambled with jade?" Hsiao Hee asked.    


"This —" Yin Xiangtian stole a glance at Yin Yuan and was a little hesitant.    


In front of Yin Yuan, he really didn't have the face to say that he had played before and often went to play.    


Because in terms of the entire Yin family younger generation, although Yin Yuan was a woman and didn't know how to cultivate, she was definitely the most hardworking person in the family.    


This was also why Yin family people disliked Yin Yuanyuan, but no one mocked and ridiculed her.    


Her hard work, not only Old Master Yin, even everyone in the family could see it.    


Yin family was a family that advocated the martial way, and their family members had the straightforwardness and boldness of the northerners.    


For a hardworking person, they could not use it, but they could not look down on it.    


On this point, Yin Xiangtian was taught by Old Master Yin since he was young.    


After a long while, Yin Xiangtian nodded, "I have indeed been there."    


"That's great. We are currently lacking a high-quality jade. Why don't we go to the black market and join in on the fun?" Hsiao Hee suggested.    


Hearing that Hsiao Hee had taken the initiative to invite Yin Xiangtian to the gambling den, Yin Yuan found it hard to understand.    


"It was indeed my negligence. I had forgotten about the matter of you and my jade the last time. But if you really want some good jade, you can always buy it with a lot of money. Why would you —"    


Before she could finish her words, Hsiao Hee had already shook his head.    


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