Dragon Vein Martial God

C316 Tibetan Holy Land

C316 Tibetan Holy Land

However, how could Jiang Ting give up just because of these few words? He couldn't help but sneer: "Your Lotus Root, has always been a cultivation resource. If you do not wish to have the fate of being refined like this, in your next life, do not be a Lotus Root! "    


After saying that, Jiang Ting worked even harder to absorb the Lotus Root's spirit energy.    


In the end, this Lotus Root didn't even have the strength to speak. In less than an incense stick of time, it had turned into a spotlessly white Lotus Root, and landed on the ground!    


Jiang Ting then picked up the three Lotus Root s and brought them to himself. Even though they had already turned into their original bodies, the spirit energy inside was still extremely pure.    


Because all of the Lotus Root had been beaten back to their original forms by Jiang Ting, in the air, the pure white lotus threads gradually fell off, and the Seven Extinction Devil Sealing Sword immediately broke free from its original restraints, spinning happily in the air until it was in front of Jiang Ting.    


Jiang Ting reached out and took out his Demon Sealing Sword. He smiled slightly and sent a sound transmission to Meimei. "Meimei, are you alright?"    


But what surprised Jiang Ting was that Meimei still looked dispirited, and could only barely speak towards Jiang Ting: "Master, Meimei is fine, just rest a bit!"    


According to common sense, Seven Extinction Devil Sealing Sword had become so agile. As a Artifact Spirit, there was no reason for Meimei to be so listless. This strange phenomenon had already been discovered when Jiang Ting took the Seven Extinction Devil Sealing Sword out from the Nine Dragons Flying Star Formation.    


Just like how Meimei and this Seven Extinction Devil Sealing Sword were not that harmonious, causing Jiang Ting to even suspect that Meimei was not the real Seven Extinction Devil Sealing Sword!    


Now was not the time to be conflicted about this. Therefore, Jiang Ting kept the Seven Extinction Devil Sealing Sword.    


Jiang Ting immediately picked up the most pure spiritual energy Lotus Root, and with a "kacha" sound, he broke it into two pieces. Looking at the pure white Lotus Root, Jiang Ting had a great appetite.    


"Just a little bit more!" Jiang Ting was about to cry. Looking at his own Dantian, although it was filled with spirit energy, there was no sign of it breaking through!    


The second Lotus Root was also eaten by Jiang Ting, but before it was completely swallowed, Jiang Ting could feel that his dantian had undergone a tremendous change, and it felt like it was about to break through again after a long time!    


Jiang Ting immediately sat cross legged, waiting for the familiar feeling of pain, that kind of change that was extremely anticipated!    


After experiencing pain that was even more horrifying than the previous breakthrough, Jiang Ting slowly felt that his dantian was once again expanded by the abundant spirit energy. His meridians were also wider, and the most important thing was his bones, which were once again washed by the spirit energy.    


Opening his eyes, Jiang Ting smiled. In the fourth level of the Bone Refining Stage, even if that Palace Chief of the Coiling Dragon Mansion, Luo Yue, were to come back, he would not be afraid anymore.    


The sweat on his body was not just sweat. There was a sticky feeling, but it was much less than the mucus that appeared when he broke through last time!    


Perhaps, this was the reason why the impurities in his bones were becoming less and less.    


From within his Exquisite Ring, Jiang Ting took out a set of dry clothes to change into. Only then did he stand up, looked at the last piece of Lotus Root on the ground, and didn't refine it, but kept it into his own. With so many remaining Spirit Stone, Jiang Ting didn't move, and directly kept them inside his own Exquisite Ring!    


Looking at the empty warehouse, Jiang Ting felt very comfortable. He really didn't know what would happen if the Palace Chief of the Coiling Dragon Mansion saw this scene.    


He turned around and saw that the restrictions had returned to their original state. With a thought, he removed his own restrictions. The night was still as calm as before, as if nothing had happened!    


Jiang Ting stood at the foot of the stairs, his lips tightly pursed. He knew that his father was injured by an expert here, and after escaping back to the Coiled Dragon Island, he wouldn't be able to recover from his illness. Today, he was standing here, and he wanted to take back all the treasures within the Sacred Grounds!    


Although Jiang Ting's heart was a little shaken, reason still held the upper hand. He did not rashly take a step forward, but rather moved both of his hands, his ten fingers flapping in the air. At the same time, a huge Inhibition Formation landed on top of this Scripture Building.    


This Scripture Building seemed to be a lot stronger than the restrictions that were placed on the warehouse just now, so, when Jiang Ting's restrictions landed on this Scripture Building, it did not seem to be as smooth as before. The restrictions on the Scripture Building were a little unstable, as though they wanted to tear apart Jiang Ting's restrictions.    


Jiang Ting could not help but frown, as countless Hand Spell s fell on top of the Scripture Building.    


It was only then that the restrictions on Scripture Building were suppressed.    


"Hehe, I finally understand!" Seeing that he had suppressed this restriction, Jiang Ting actually laughed and said these words.    


Even Jiang Qianqiu was a little confused, and asked: "Brat, what do you understand?"    


"Uncle Jiang, the place just now, was not the most important place for Coiling Dragon Mansion. Jiang Ting said indifferently, "Moreover, from the restrictions at these places, I can see that you shouldn't think that this Palace Chief Coiling Dragon Mansion is so easily taking out a Black Talisman. His restriction techniques aren't anything special, his copying ability isn't small after all."    


"The Inhibition Formation on this Scripture Building is the most primitive kind of Inhibition Formation. All of the restrictions on the Black Talisman s in the Coiling Dragon Mansion are made by following this example and imitating a tiger's image. I also finally understand why the Black Talisman outside are so chaotic, it should be a waste product the owner of this Coiling Dragon Mansion is practicing." Jiang Ting said as he looked at the Scripture Building in front of him.    


"Really?" After hearing what Jiang Ting said, even Jiang Qianqiu could not understand it.    


"Uncle Jiang, the seal inside the Scripture Building was set up by an expert, it is definitely not Luo Yue's masterpiece. It can be seen from the Black Talisman he refined." Jiang Ting said with absolute confidence.    


"It looks like this Palace Chief of Coiling Dragon Mansion and that Mansion Master from before can no longer be talked about in the same breath." Jiang Qianqiu lamented.    


"Then, the Palace Chief of the Coiling Dragon Mansion back then, was he dead or …" Jiang Ting asked.    


"He went into seclusion after being heavily injured. I don't know where he went." Jiang Qianqiu said.    


"Then this Inhibition Formation, was it originally set up by the Palace Chief of the Coiling Dragon Mansion?" Jiang Ting asked.    


"Jiang Ting, the restrictions on your Uncle Jiang are not that good. I don't think I saw the might of the Palace Chief of the Coiling Dragon Mansion before, it shouldn't be, there are a lot of experts in the Coiling Dragon Mansion, maybe it was set up by someone else." Jiang Qianqiu was not sure who did it.    


"Maybe this person did not even put Coiled Dragon Island in his eyes, so he casually set up this kind of restriction. Otherwise, if I wanted to break apart this person's seal, it would definitely not be a simple matter!" Jiang Ting said solemnly.    


Jiang Ting took a deep breath and walked up the stairs to the Scripture Building's door.    


Gently pushing the door open, Jiang Ting slowly walked into the three story building.    


What appeared before him was a large hall, and in the middle was a long table. Surrounding it were many bookshelves, and on top of the bookshelves, there were tens of thousands of books.    


Jiang Ting walked in front of the bookshelves, only then did he realise that he was not in a place to collect battle skills, but rather, a place to collect all kinds of ancient books. Jiang Ting did not think that there would be so many books in the Coiling Dragon Mansion!    


Presumably, these books were not important things, because Jiang Ting could clearly determine that there were no restrictions here. Those small Inhibition Formation s, in front of Jiang Ting, were simply child's play!    


Therefore, Jiang Ting casually deciphered it, and looked around the first level once, thinking that these books were actually quite helpful.    


Therefore, Jiang Ting decided to bring these books along as well.    


"Where did these books come from?" "So many?" Jiang Ting said while complaining.    


After finally moving all the books away, Jiang Ting finally reached the staircase. While breaking the restrictions there, he revealed a disdainful smile.    


He thought to himself, there are some restrictions here, which should have been added by this Palace Chief Luo Yue later on.    


Jiang Ting smoothly entered the second floor of the Scripture Building.    


When he stood on the second floor, Jiang Ting was truly shocked. Even if the number of books here was too little compared to the first floor, and there were only a few thousand to see them, this place was definitely filled with battle skills. Although this place was filled with Yellow Ranked battle skills, these many of them still gave people a huge shock, making them want to take a deep breath!    


After casually cracking open all the restrictions, Jiang Ting then walked over to the bookshelves. It turned out that Coiling Dragon Mansion wasn't simply staring at and suppressing the Jiang Family, he had completely exterminated all the thousand years of Endless Sea that he knew, because the battle skills here were originally labeled as techniques by the aristocratic families, and were then categorized into different categories!    


It was an entire three bookshelves. Compared to the other families, the resources for the Jiang Family should be the richest, most abundant, of all the battle skills!    


There were many aristocratic families that Jiang Ting did not know about, but there were some Uncle Jiang s that were still able to reveal their origins. There was one Ye Family that attracted Jiang Ting's attention, and the battle skill from the Ye Family was also filled with two bookshelves, which ought to be the clan of the Ye Fei that appeared in the Coiled Dragon City. Ye Fei's pride and arrogance, was actually quite something, and from the battle skill alone, Ye Fei's clan had once had its own glory!    


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