Dragon Vein Martial God

C157 Change of Clothes

C157 Change of Clothes

Xiao Wuming knew that Xiao Qin had already left the Flame Moon Island for many years.    


When Jiang Ting saw Xiao Wuming's vigilance, the affability level instantly dropped. He thought to himself, looks like this Xiao Imperial Family is also extremely arrogant, looking down on people from other places, and although he says that he's a guest, he might not think this way.    


However, Jiang Ting lowered his head to look at himself, and he was truly in a sorry state. Not only were his clothes completely covered in dust, his pants were also torn apart, and he was barefoot.    


Jiang Tingze thought that he should first change his clothes when the time was right!    


Xiao Qin did not think too much about Xiao Wuming's question. He only nodded and replied: "Yes, when I met an elder whom I respect outside, I acknowledged him as my teacher and learned from him. Big brother, when I first left, I already said that in the future, if I were to return here, I would definitely do it this way. So, my current identity …"    


"Little brother!" Xiao Wuming did not seem to want to talk too much with Xiao Qin, he extended his hand to stop his brother and interrupted Xiao Qin: "Xiao Qin, come, follow me to my palace, we can have a good talk."    


At this moment, Xiao Qin had also noticed his elder brother's attitude towards Jiang Ting. He could not help but open his mouth and say: "Big Brother, this junior brother of mine …"    


"Young Master Jiang, I have something to say to Xiao Qin. I'll be troubling you, I will personally arrange for people to come receive us." Before Xiao Qin could finish his words, Xiao Wuming had already turned pale again.    


This point, Jiang Ting could clearly see it. If not for the relationship between Xiao Qin and himself, Jiang Ting would not have let things end like this.    


Seeing this, and also seeing the comforting look Jiang Ting gave him, Xiao Qin only nodded his head deeply, and did not say anything else.    


Jiang Ting did not care either, because he had experienced the special relationship between Xiao Qin and himself and he was willing to give the two of them some time.    


Xiao Wuming instructed the people around him on the spot: "Let our Xiao Imperial Family's Elder Xue and Elder Jiang personally receive Young Master Jiang!"    


The guard beside Xiao Wuming immediately went down.    


Xiao Wuming nodded at Jiang Ting and said: "Excuse me." Then, he led Xiao Qin deeper into the Xiao Imperial Family.    


As he walked, Xiao Qin could not help but think to himself, if there was someone from the Xiao Imperial Family who dared to neglect this Jiang Ting, it would be very lively. There might be someone who would knock on the Xiao Imperial Family a few times, he did not say anything and followed his big brother inside.    


After a while, a man dressed in the uniform of a guard arrived in front of Jiang Ting and said: "Young Master Jiang, please follow me."    


Although the man's words carried some respect, there was no respect in his expression, so Jiang Ting did not say anything, and followed him into a room.    


It had to be said that Xiao Imperial Family was a powerful family that he had never seen before.    


Jiang Ting could see that this was only a very ordinary room inside the Xiao Imperial Family, but the furnishings inside the room were still eye-catching. Even the most ordinary cup was carved out of a piece of jade.    


The interior of the house glistened brightly as he raised his head. The entire roof was inlaid with Deep Sea Night Pearls, and according to the color of the buildings, it was formed into a very beautiful design.    


Just as Jiang Ting was thinking about how luxurious this place was, the guard who brought him in said: "Young Master Jiang, please wait here for a moment."    


After saying that, without giving Jiang Ting any chance to speak, he left.    


Jiang Ting looked at this place and touched it. There were many things that he had never seen before, and he had even forgotten to change into a new set of clothes.    


Although he had never seen these before, they were meaningless for cultivation. Thus, Jiang Ting would naturally not think about these things.    


However, Jiang Ting was more interested in a Blood Refinement Stone on the wall. A huge Blood Refinement Stone that covered the entire wall was something that was rarely seen, and Jiang Ting uncontrollably moved closer to it. While touching it, he also looked at this Blood Refinement Stone's Blood Refinement Stone, why did it feel like it was a map!    


Just as Jiang Ting was researching, a lady's voice came out from the door: "Where are you from, why are you being so rude? Are you trying to steal something? "    


When Jiang Ting heard this, he immediately became so angry that even his nose became crooked. This person with Xiao Imperial Family was so unreasonable? He called himself a thief?!    


Turning around, he saw a woman walking in. She was not that old, but her entire body was composed and a few maids followed behind her.    


The guard who led Jiang Ting here earlier could not help but approach his and say to the lady: "Elder Xue, this is the person prince mentioned a moment ago."    


Elder Xue then looked at Jiang Ting up and down with a face full of disdain. He just snorted and his face showed that with this kind of clothes, saying that you were a thief would raise you up, you are just a beggar!    


Jiang Ting did not get angry. Instead, he smiled and said: "I left a footprint in front of your Xiao Imperial Family's entrance, and walked in openly, yet you call a thief even though the prince of your Xiao Imperial Family had personally arranged such a person? Are you boasting that your eyes are too vicious, or do you doubt the eyes of your princes? "    


With that, the woman was rendered speechless. Only then did Jiang Ting slowly turn around and casually sit on the chair, looking at the person who had arrived without saying a word.    


Just as the two of them were in a stalemate, a man dressed as a maid walked in hastily from outside. Just as he was about to speak to Elder Xue, he felt that the atmosphere was not right, and his gaze wandered between Jiang Ting and Elder Xue.    


The woman revealed a sweet smile before she opened her mouth, she then smiled at Jiang Ting: "Young Master Jiang, welcome to Xiao Imperial Family as a guest, you have ascended the stairs of my Xiao Imperial Family, causing my Xiao Imperial Family to shine!" While she said that, the woman still had that kind of smile on her face as she turned to Elder Xue, "prince specifically asked me to come and tell Elder Xue that he must use the best Wushan Tea that is unique to our Flame Moon Island to receive you!"    


Jiang Ting's face did not have much of an expression, but deep down he was very satisfied with this small maid. This little girl was different from the others, the smile on his face was filled with sincerity.    


Hearing prince's instructions, Elder Xue could only nod his head and say: "Miss Hanyue, I understand. The key to storing the Wushan Tea is with me.    


Hanyue bowed to Elder Xue respectfully, then smiled to Jiang Ting, and said: "I still have some matters with prince, so I will be leaving!"    


Hanyue left, and Elder Xue also gave Jiang Ting a fierce glare before he left. It was just that the maid she brought with her stayed behind.    


These maids seemed to understand Elder Xue's intentions very well as they stared fixedly at Jiang Ting. Jiang Ting had only casually made a single movement, but they had already turned the little girls' gazes as if they were facing a great enemy. Jiang Ting was so angry that his nose was crooked, he had actually thought of himself as a thief and kept his guard up!    


Jiang Ting stood up with a "whoosh" and directly took off his outer clothes, throwing them to the side.    


When Jiang Ting stretched his hand out to untie his silk ribbon, and was about to take off his pants, one of the maids couldn't take it anymore and shouted in a sharp voice, "What are you trying to do!"    


As if he had just seen them, Jiang Ting said with a frown, "Why are the maids of your Xiao Imperial Family looking at me like this? Are all the women here so bold? But I don't care! " Jiang Ting acted as though he was going to continue what he was doing.    


Change clothes?!    


This caused the group of maids to lose their minds one by one. After exchanging glances with each other, they left one by one!    


Only then did Jiang Ting take out a set of clothes from his storage ring, and a pair of shoes. As he changed into them, he could not help but sneer: "I am unable to cure you little girls!"    


After Jiang Ting finished changing his clothes, he sat on the armchair with his legs crossed. None of the servants dared to come in to take a look!    


Just as Jiang Ting was feeling complacent, a roar came from outside the door. It was Elder Xue's shrill voice.    


"What are you all doing out here? "Why aren't you guys in there? If you lose something, you guys are the only ones to ask!"    


As he spoke, he strode into the room.    


The few maids did not care about being scolded just now, as their Clan Elder Xue barging in like that was simply too much of a waste of a reason, so they hurriedly pulled her back, telling her that Jiang Ting was changing clothes inside.    


Elder Xue was also stunned for a moment. Did this guy even have any morals? He was actually changing his clothes here?! But when Elder Xue thought about it again, maybe Jiang Ting said that intentionally!    


Thus, Elder Xue was prepared to force his way in in a shocking manner. With a bang, he pushed open the door!    


All the maids closed their eyes, afraid that they would see something that they shouldn't have.    


But when Elder Xue saw Jiang Ting sitting there comfortably, he was so angry that his nose almost crooked. "Jiang Ting, you did it on purpose, didn't you!"    


Jiang Ting blinked his eyes, thinking, isn't this woman too intrepid? She clearly knows that a man is inside changing his clothes, but she still dared to barge in?    


Jiang Ting immediately stood up and put on his boots, then said to Elder Xue: "Luckily I only have boots left, if you had gotten there earlier …" Jiang Ting could not continue.    


Elder Xue felt that if he were to pester Jiang Ting on this topic, he would definitely not take advantage of him and might even get taken advantage of by Jiang Ting. Thus, Elder Xue wisely chose to ease the atmosphere.    


His expression softened as he said to Jiang Ting at first: "I'm in charge of law enforcement based on Xiao Imperial Family, so sometimes I'm a bit strict. I'm used to it, Young Master Jiang please don't take it to heart."    


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