Dragon Vein Martial God

C61 Can You Have a Snack

C61 Can You Have a Snack

Could it be that the person he met was someone who possessed such a powerful skill?    


"Wow, Jiang Ting, did you see that, he's a beauty!" Four-eyed Chicken's eyeballs were about to fall out, his sharp voice sounded out in Jiang Ting's mind, and what reverberated in the quiet cave was unexpectedly the unstoppable "gege" sound of Four-eyed Chicken!    


"Can you say something reliable!?"    


Originally, when he encountered such a strange matter, Jiang Ting was very shocked. But when Four-eyed Chicken said this, Jiang Ting really had the impulse to beat him up!    


Right at this moment, this divine sense spoke. The sound seemed to come from far away.    


"I don't know who you are, but I know that you are definitely not my daughter Bai Qige. You must have obtained the thing that I refined for my daughter. The voice of this divine intent was very pleasant to hear and very light. Involuntarily, it would cause you to listen attentively to her. "Since that's the case, I have a presumptuous request. I only request that you help my daughter."    


In front of Jiang Ting's eyes, another stream of light flashed and a book appeared. This book was pushed right in front of Jiang Ting by a ray of spiritual energy and landed in Jiang Ting's hands!    


Using spirit energy to communicate with spirit energy, and with such precision, really surprised Jiang Ting. Could it be that this talisman came from the hands of Bai Qige's mother as well?    


If that was the case, then Bai Qige's mother was an expert!    


The divine intent once again spoke: "The moment you see the words on this book, it will be the time when your Power of Divine Consciousness becomes strong enough, and the book will be filled with my lifetime's experience in alchemy, and this will count as a gift from me. Finally, according to the formula used to nourish the Spirit Pills, please refine a pill for my daughter, and use it to strengthen her meridians, allowing her to step into the path of cultivation. Although I do not want my daughter to become too strong, but I also want her to have the ability to protect herself.    


Jiang Ting nodded his head, showing pity to his parents. As his mother, even at the last moment, she was still thinking about his daughter, but, according to Bai Qige, didn't her mother go into closed door cultivation to refine the pill for his father? How did I end up in this place?    


And, only a strand of divine sense was left?    


Just when Jiang Ting was confused, the divine intent once again spoke out: "You may find it strange that I landed here, but don't tell Qige. She thinks everything is fine, I don't want Qige to feel too sad. If you accidentally stumbled into this place, then quickly go back. The Dragon-Breaking Rock's gate of life is just based on the word 'dragon', and only with a strong spiritual sense can you walk out safely and study my books, which will be helpful to your Power of Divine Consciousness's tempering. "    


After he finished speaking, this stream of consciousness flashed and instantly disappeared. If not for the book in Jiang Ting's hands, he would have thought that he was dreaming!    


Jiang Ting saw that the book in his hand was actually multicolored, and it was very beautiful. However, with just a single glance, Jiang Ting was already surprised, and just as Bing Bing had said, just reading this book made his own Power of Divine Consciousness feel a little different.    


Jiang Ting's consciousness couldn't help but twirl around the color of this book. Sometimes he felt pressure, sometimes he felt tension, and his senses constantly changed.    


But at this time, Jiang Ting was disturbed, and the words of the Four-eyed Chicken came to his mind.    


"I never thought that this would be Bai Qige's mother!"    


Four-eyed Chicken's eyes were still straight.    


"I can't blame Bai Qige for being so beautiful. So, my mother was actually that beautiful!" Four-eyed Chicken let out a sigh as he continued to gulp down the saliva in his mouth.    


Jiang Ting kicked him: "You always take advantage of others, didn't you feel afraid just now?"    


"Don't mention it!" Four-eyed Chicken looked around!    


Then, Four-eyed Chicken hid behind Jiang Ting and desperately grabbed onto the corner of his clothes with his pair of wings.    


No matter what Jiang Ting said, the Four-eyed Chicken did not let him go. In the end, Jiang Ting had no choice but to ignore it and flip open the book with anticipation.    


Jiang Ting could feel that this book had a strange aura, if he did not use the Power of Divine Consciousness, he would not be able to see anything, and even if he used spirit energy, it would be useless. But when the Power of Divine Consciousness gathered on the book, Jiang Ting gradually saw the blurry words, and when the Power of Divine Consciousness condensed, his words became clearer!    


What surprised Jiang Ting was that the contents of this book were truly too rich. One part of it was an introduction to the medicinal ingredients of the Coralline Continent, including the places where all sorts of precious medicinal ingredients grew, the medicinal effects, and more, and another part was a prescription. These prescriptions were all things that Jiang Ting had never seen before.    


Jiang Ting secretly made up his mind that when he left, he would definitely refine a pill like this for Bai Qige.    


Jiang Ting's storage ring had a lot of herbs, but compared to this recipe, there was still one less herb called Cloud Grass.    


Jiang Ting had never seen this kind of medicinal herb before, he could only wait outside and search for it.    


The two of them continued to walk forward. As they moved forward, the cave suddenly became wider!    


The air was also gradually filled with a delicate fragrance.    


Even Jiang Ting couldn't help but let his feet walk. This feeling was extremely refreshing, making him feel relaxed and happy.    


"Smells so good, smells so good!" Four-eyed Chicken continued to jump in front of Jiang Ting, "Is there any kind of treasure or treasure?"    


"I think you're even more of a miser than I am!" Jiang Ting shook his head.    


At this moment, from an unknown place, a girl's laughter suddenly sounded out. This laughter was very clear, like a melodious song, like a pure river flowing into your heart, making people stop and not want to continue walking!    


"Beautiful girl!"    


Following Four-eyed Chicken's exclamations, not far away, there seemed to be a woman dancing. Her water sleeves were fluttering, and she was extremely beautiful.    


Jiang Ting only felt as if something beneath his feet was holding him down, and instantly, Jiang Ting realized that this should be a type of plant Demonic Beast, and right now, he should have already walked into the territory of this Demonic Beast.    


"Jiang Ting, I'll go up ahead and show you …" The Four-eyed Chicken did not care about Jiang Ting, and ran towards the girl like a wisp of smoke!    


Jiang Ting reached out but did not stop it, that thing ran really fast!    


decided that he might as well go ahead and see what it was. Following the Four-eyed Chicken, he walked towards the woman.    


The lady did not seem to see Four-eyed Chicken dancing with Jiang Ting at all, but her dancing got more graceful, and she repeatedly sent Qiu Bo to Chu Su Yang, causing the Four-eyed Chicken to jump up in anger: "Why can't this elder sister see me?"    


"This is the Demonic Beast, you can't not know, right?" Jiang Ting was so angry that he scolded, "If this thing did not open a Spiritual Wisdom, you would have already become my cultivation resource!"    


"Hehe, I naturally know. Don't I have you? You are the nemesis of the Demonic Beast, anyway you have to collect the Demonic Beast's Yuan Dan and Blood Essence, anyway you have to come over, why not watch the beauties? "Let's go!" Four-eyed Chicken said indifferently.    


Jiang Ting waved his hands: "Go and take a look, I don't have that kind of hobby!"    


"Do you have a problem with that?"    


"I'm different from you, you are a Demonic Beast, I am a human."    


Jiang Ting mercilessly attacked the Four-eyed Chicken.    


"Ugh …" Seeing that Jiang Ting was really not going any further, the Four-eyed Chicken could not help but ask, "Why are you not going any further?"    


"If you keep walking, I'm sending you to someone else's mouth. If you want to go, then go, I'm not going!" He had long seen through the power of Jiang Ting's Power of Divine Consciousness!    


Four-eyed Chicken was so frightened that he shrank back and said: "Is this little guy so sinister? This is too much! "    


"Hua …"    


While the two of them were talking, the beautiful woman in front of them was still dancing, but the other sights had changed. Countless thick vines were moving, and along with Demonic Spiritual Energy s, they had instantly surrounded the two of them!    


Jiang Ting laughed coldly: "You're already impatient! "Then I'll take your Yuan Dan now!"    


Facing the countless flexible and stiff vines, Jiang Ting was not flustered at all. He pulled out the Golden Unicorn Sword, spirit energy surged in his palm, and the Golden Unicorn Sword emitted a dazzling golden light!    


"Sword Walk Bias!"    


The treasure sword in Jiang Ting's hand released a golden sword beam, and wherever the golden sword beam passed by, streams of green liquid would instantly flow out. The thick vines that were circling Jiang Ting earlier, fell to the ground in an instant.    


It was just that there was an extra huge plant in front of him, and there were many vines on top of it, as if there were countless arms curling up. The woman who was dancing just now also revealed her original appearance, and that was that the plant's Demonic Core was only the size of a grain of corn.    


There was a giant flower blooming on the plant, with its mouth wide open!    


Four-eyed Chicken shrank his neck: "Jiang Ting, you can even see this clearly? It's simply too powerful! "    


"Enough, enough, stop flattering me. Quickly go and collect these Demonic Beast s for me!" As Jiang Ting instructed the Four-eyed Chicken, he squatted down and carefully looked at this plant. He had never seen it before!    


Four-eyed Chicken was carefully collecting Demonic Beast s, and just as he was about to pour it into the bottle, Jiang Ting suddenly shouted: "Don't put it in that bottle, let's do it alone!"    


The Four-eyed Chicken trembled and actually directly let go of the bottle that was filled with countless Demonic Beast and Blood Essence!    


Jiang Ting's hands were quick, he stepped over and reached to grab them, only then did he become the Blood Essence that saved the Demonic Beast, and turned his head to glare at Four-eyed Chicken and roared: "Can you use some snacks? If you were to waste these Demonic Beast s, I will roast you to eat! "    


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