Dragon Vein Martial God

C63 Mysterious Barrier

C63 Mysterious Barrier

"Jiang Ting, Jiang Ting, wow... haha, I can finally make a comeback!"    


Four-eyed Chicken jumped, laughed, and even spoke incoherently as he tightly protected Jiang Ting's thigh, rubbing against his whole body of chicken feathers!    


Jiang Ting knew that it was definitely because the Four-eyed Chicken sensed his Origin Core, so he did not blame it for its actions. In the end, he was still happy for the Four-eyed Chicken and asked: "Four-eyed Chicken, did you find your Origin Core?"    


Four-eyed Chicken raised his wings and shouted excitedly: "It's over there, it's over there!"    


Four-eyed Chicken was almost unable to control his excitement!    


Jiang Ting raised his head to look. In front of him, there was a huge ice pillar, standing in the middle of the cave in a straight line, the ice pillar was extremely transparent, and in the middle of the ice pillar, there was a light blue fruit sealed in ice.    


On top of the light blue fruit was a white pearl the size of an egg. The pearl emitted a faint light, making the surroundings of the pearl hazy. Even the bone-chilling ice could not approach it. The pearl had its own space!    


"Four-eyed Chicken, is that your Origin Life Pill?" Jiang Ting asked quickly.    


Four-eyed Chicken was so excited that he didn't want to give up. He nodded and sent a trembling voice message," Yes, it's my Origin Core Pill. I've finally found you, wuu … " Four-eyed Chicken was too excited.    


He spread his wings. He had never been so fast, but this time, he flew over like a gust of wind!    


However, when he was still three steps away from the ice pillar, where did Four-eyed Chicken hit him? Then, it fell down in a gorgeous fall!    


Jiang Ting immediately walked over and picked Four-eyed Chicken up: "What happened to you? You're not hurt by the fall, right? " The current Four-eyed Chicken did not have any cultivation at all, all he had was that his lifespan was longer than that of an ordinary big chicken.    


Four-eyed Chicken shook his head: "I almost told you, what is this!"    


Only now did Jiang Ting look at the place where the Four-eyed Chicken had collided with just now, and he couldn't see any of the figures just now. Now, a layer of transparent thing gradually appeared, and it gave off an ancient aura.    


Another change was that the freezing environment from a moment ago seemed to have lost its source of frost. It was just cold, and had no bone-piercing intent.    


Even the ice from the blue-blooded lemon was cut off!    


"Jiang Ting, help me out and smash him into pieces. Your daddy's Yuan Dan is right in front of you, isn't that just asking for my life!?" The Four-eyed Chicken flapped his wings, about to enter berserk mode, and did not notice this small change at all!    


"Calm down, calm down!" Jiang Ting comforted Four-eyed Chicken.    


"Calm down? Calm your head! " Four-eyed Chicken was truly anxious this time as he roared, "This Life Yuan Pill is extremely important to me. You should know this very well.    


Jiang Ting shook his head. He still maintained a bit of rationality and calmly said: "I'll give it a try, but, don't have too much confidence. I feel, it's not that simple."    


With great difficulty, the Four-eyed Chicken calmed down and said: "Jiang Ting, I understand. You just need to give it a try, and I can accept any result …"    


Seeing Four-eyed Chicken like this, Jiang Ting could not help but laugh, and teased: "Can you really accept anything?"    


"Wu … Anyway, I can't accept it since I can't absorb the Origin Pill!" Four-eyed Chicken suddenly felt like he was about to collapse!    


Jiang Ting stroked Four-eyed Chicken's head and comforted him: "Since we have reached this point, we definitely cannot let you return empty-handed. I'll try first!"    


Four-eyed Chicken was touched, he never thought that Jiang Ting would be so loyal, he flapped his wings at Jiang Ting and said, "From now on, I will follow you, you are truly good to me!" Four-eyed Chicken made a gesture to hug her.    


Jiang Ting immediately dodged far away and said: "Don't be so emotional, I'm most afraid. Otherwise, I won't even be able to release a single battle skill!"    


Four-eyed Chicken abruptly stopped in his tracks and said: "Big Brother, then hurry up!"    


Jiang Ting carefully observed this strange thing. A few small holes seemed to have appeared on the spot where the Four-eyed Chicken had smashed into. It was as if a few pockmarks had appeared on the bright and clean glass cover.    


Therefore, Jiang Ting decided to fight with all his might just for this place!    


He did not know if there would be a reaction, so Jiang Ting activated the Yang Refining Palm.    


A fire dragon flew over, and with a "boom", all the power of the Yang Refining Palm struck the strange object.    


What shocked Jiang Ting the most was that this thing did not move at all. The only difference from before was that this thing's surface had more and more pockmarks on it!    


In the end, it was all over the surface!    


Jiang Ting reached out to push it, but it still did not budge.    


Turning his head to look at Four-eyed Chicken, Four-eyed Chicken's chicken head was about to hit the ground. He was extremely depressed as he said: "Jiang Ting, how could I be so unlucky to actually have met a barrier!"    


Jiang Ting had also heard of barrier, that was something out of legends. Never would he have thought that a barrier would actually appear in front of him.    


"Four-eyed Chicken, you know barrier? Are you sure? " Jiang Ting asked.    


"I have a part of my memories, this should be a barrier that an expert set up."    


The Four-eyed Chicken looked like he had nothing to live for, even though he knew he could not break this barrier, he still continued to beat up the barrier!    


Seeing Four-eyed Chicken acting like this, Jiang Ting was also somewhat helpless. He promptly pulled Four-eyed Chicken over and comforted him: "If it's a barrier, then there should be a way to break it. Don't worry, we'll look for it!"    


The Four-eyed Chicken didn't say anything, only stared at the barrier blankly. He kept on shouting and shouting, but to no avail.    


Jiang Ting's gaze landed on the little spots, the distribution was irregular, the threads connecting them were useless, suddenly, an idea struck Jiang Ting, if something was placed inside, would it work?    


What could it be? Jiang Ting looked around, he did not see anything that fit this shape at all.    


Demonic Beast Yuan Pill!    


Jiang Ting suddenly had this thought, the more he thought about it, the more reliable he felt, because the barrier might be sealing the Four-eyed Chicken's Life Yuan Dan, then, could it be that the thing he needed to open the barrier was the Demonic Beast Yuan Pill?    


Thinking to here, Jiang Ting took out a few of the Demonic Beast's origin cores from his ring and carefully placed them in the holes.    


In an instant, the Demonic Core that was placed inside formed a line with the Four-eyed Chicken's Life Yuan Dan. It was very thin, but it did have a reaction!    


"Four-eyed Chicken, look, there are so many small pits, and they need Demonic Beast Yuan Pill to fill them up!" Jiang Ting immediately said as he pushed the Four-eyed Chicken.    


When Four-eyed Chicken saw this situation, he immediately became spirited.    


Jiang Ting then took out all of the Demonic Beast Yuan Pill s in his storage ring generously. After the two busied themselves for a while, they filled all the holes in the ring with Demonic Beast Yuan Pill s.    


Fortunately it was enough, Jiang Ting put away the remaining few Source Pills.    


Looking at this barrier, more than ten thousand Demonic Beast Yuan Pill, they all had a connection with the life origin pellet of the Four-eyed Chicken, and all of them were connected by an extremely thin thread.    


Slowly, the shape of a palm appeared at the center of the barrier. It flickered with light, as if the barrier seemed to have gained some sort of vitality.    


Jiang Ting and Four-eyed Chicken looked at each other.    


"I really don't know about that!" The Four-eyed Chicken said to Jiang Ting through sound transmission.    


Jiang Ting took a deep breath and said resolutely: "I can only try, move away a little!"    


With that, Jiang Ting walked to the front of the barrier, extended his hand and pressed onto the huge barrier!    


The moment Jiang Ting's palm came into contact with the barrier, he felt an extreme coldness. A force instantly sucked his palm in, making it impossible for Jiang Ting to retreat even if he wanted to!    


Jiang Ting did not have any intentions of resisting, because inside the bottle was the Four-eyed Chicken's Life Yuan Dan. Then, he should not be hostile to his, and so, Jiang Ting was not afraid.    


"Phew …"    


In the blink of an eye, the barrier seemed to be activated!    


Jiang Ting only felt his own spirit energy being absorbed by the barrier through his palm and then being hit by the extremely cold spirit energy!    


"What the f * ck!" Jiang Ting frowned, it was a little chaotic, the Blue Snow Lemon's cold Qi was messing things up!    


Jiang Ting's meridians could not handle it anymore.    


What to do!    


Nine Transformation Dragon Arts!    


Jiang Ting's eyes lit up as he remembered Uncle Jiang's warning to him: Do not stop cultivating the Nine Transformation Dragon Arts!    


At that moment, the power of Jiang Ting's bloodline was activated, the blood red snake behind him was releasing red flames, and the Nine Transformation Dragon Arts was also being activated by Jiang Ting with all his might!    


When the Four-eyed Chicken by the side saw the power of Jiang Ting's bloodline being pushed to the extreme, it perfectly interpreted one word, and that was to be as dumb as a wooden chicken!    


Four-eyed Chicken thought that Jiang Ting was only a Power of Divine Consciousness but he didn't expect that he would actually have a pure seventh bloodline. This bloodline was very domineering, and it would definitely have a limitless potential!    


When Jiang Ting's Nine Transformation Dragon Arts began to circulate within his body, Jiang Ting felt that his blood vessels had activated the devouring mode, and instantly absorbed the cold spirit energy of the Blue Snow Lemon that had been roaring all this time.    


Such a huge barrier, the spirit energy in Jiang Ting's dantian would soon dry up. Now, with the Indigo Blood Lemon seemingly solving this problem, Jiang Ting could directly absorb the strange spirit energy from the Indigo Blood Lemon to replenish the spirit energy in his dantian!    


In the time it took for an incense stick to burn, Four-eyed Chicken's natal pellet instantly emitted a blinding white light. The many Demonic Beast Yuan Pill who were previously quietly making contact with the natal pellet were already violently trembling, the natal pellet was also frantically absorbing the Demonic Spiritual Energy s!    


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