Unyielding Defier in Martial World

C266 You're really weak

C266 You're really weak

"Brother Zhuo Yun, you're really getting stronger and stronger. That punch just now, if I had used my full strength, I would definitely have been blown away. I wouldn't have been able to stop at all." Calming his breathing, Zhao Hong said in admiration.    


"Brother Zhuo Yun hasn't used his full strength yet?" The group of people were astonished, and upon seeing him nod his head, they began to exclaim in admiration one after another. The few girls in particular even had stars shining in their eyes.    


"Brother Zhuo Yun is so powerful, I believe you will become an expert of your generation." The purple-haired girl spoke shyly with a smile on her face and her watery eyes that were as small as crescent moons.    


"The strong are the targets that I pursue. However, I haven't put in all my effort in today's sparring. How about one of you come and train with me again?"    


After being praised by the purple-clothed girl, Zhuo Yun felt extremely proud in his heart. He wanted to display his strength once again.    


However, when faced with his strength, everyone shook their heads. "Brother Zhuo Yun is too powerful. We can't beat him. Even training partners can only get beaten up."    


"Eh, there's someone over there. He should be a martial artist. Let's just let him come." Zhao Hong suddenly shouted and looked into the distance.    


The person he was talking about, was none other than Chu Chen.    


"That person looks unfamiliar. He's not from our Allied Guild, right?" A person asked doubtfully.    


"It doesn't matter whether he is or not, we'll just accompany him in the training. We won't injure him, so we can take a look at Zhuo Yun's strength."    


"It might not be so good." The purple-clothed girl was scared and felt that what she did was inappropriate.    


"What's not good about it? It's not a duel, it's just a sparring session." Zhao Hong interrupted her.    


"Hey, kid, come over here quickly."    


Chu Chen was confused, he had just passed by the place and only took a glance, and did not care, could it be that he was so tyrannical, just because he looked at the place for trouble?    


"What is it?" Chu Chen's expression remained calm.    


"I told you to come over, so come over. Don't worry, it won't do anything to you." Zhao Hong shouted.    


"Zhao Hong, be a bit more polite when you speak. Even though he doesn't seem to be from the alliance, it would be bad if he's a customer." The violet-robed maiden frowned.    


"Qianqian, don't worry. How could there be such a customer in our Union Guild? He's so young, and he's not even an expert." Zhao Hong didn't mind.    


Hearing this, Qianqian wanted to say that it seemed like Elder Tong had brought back a guest ten days ago. Perhaps it was this young man, but after careful consideration, she felt that it was impossible so she did not say it.    


After all, Elder Tong had asked him to come, and this place was Bai Yuhan's house, so it was polite. Chu Chen did not show any rudeness, and directly walked towards them.    


"Are you a martial artist?" Elder Zhao Hong asked.    


Chu Chen nodded slightly, his expression calm.    


"Then that's good. Our Brother Zhuo Yun just broke through and just happened to be unable to find someone to spar with. Since you're a martial artist, why don't you spar with him?" Zhao Hong clapped his hands and said.    


Before Chu Chen could say anything, Zhuo Yun spoke first, "Don't worry, I won't heavily injure you. Even if I am heavily injured, I will give you Primeval Stone as compensation afterwards.    


He was extremely generous with his words, but to Chu Chen, these words were extremely ear-piercing. What did he take me for, to directly say that I would be his sparring partner, in reality, is just a target, even if you are injured, I will send you off a little Primeval Stone.    


"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested. You should look for someone else." Chu Chen flatly refused.    


If it was anyone else, he could have left immediately. But saying these words, only Bai Yuhan and Elder Tong had face, and it was already enough to show respect.    


"Brother Zhuo Yun's cultivation is very high. If you can get his help, you won't even be able to get it from ordinary people. You don't agree?"    


Zhao Hong reached out his hand and pressed it onto Chu Chen's shoulder. It looked like they were close, but in reality, he was secretly grabbing on to Chu Chen, "Brother, are you really not willing to think it through?"    


"You forced me to make a move?" Chu Chen's expression did not change.    


"How can I force you to say these words? I only wanted to ask you to accompany me for training. Primeval Stone s, giving me pointers, these are all good benefits.    


Chu Chen swept a glance at Zhao Hong, and then turned around to look at Zhuo Yun. His eyes flickered slightly: "Are you sure you want me to spar with you?"    


This sudden question startled everyone. What kind of tone was this? Was he an expert or was he afraid of injuring Zhuo Yun?    


How could this be? Zhuo Yun's innate talent was only second to Bai Yuhan in the Allied Trade Association. With Meteorite Academy, he could enter with his aptitude, but he was more used to cultivating in the association.    


"I'm sure." Zhuo Yun chuckled. This person was interesting, but he actually asked her without being sure. It was as if he was very powerful.    


"Fine, since you said it like that, I have no reason to refuse. Make your move." Chu Chen said straightforwardly, as if he did not take this seriously.    


"It's been prepared already. Qianqian, after this, you have to see my true strength."    


"Okay, Brother Zhuo Yun." The matter had already come to this, and although she felt that it was not appropriate, Chu Chen had agreed to it himself, and Qianqian did not say anything more.    


"Hurry up, I still have to go see someone." Chu Chen urged.    


"You actually urged me to hurry up and make my move. You are quite interesting." Zhuo Yun sneered coldly.    


Originally, he did not hate Chu Chen, but at this moment, he did not like this fellow, and he was so afraid that he did not even dare agree.    


Zhuo Yun was furious, but ignored Chu Chen's words. He wanted to see someone, who would he meet?    


Zhuo Yun let out a fierce shout and fiercely rushed over. He did not use the Collapsing Mountain Heart Fist, so against this fellow, he had no use at all.    


To be able to send Chu Chen flying with a single punch, that scene must have been extremely shocking. Qianqian must have felt even more respect for him, and when she heard the praise from the beautiful woman, it would have been such a refreshing thing.    


"Zhuo Yun's punch is so powerful. He must be afraid of hurting his opponent, so he doesn't use any martial skills."    


Zhuo Yun clearly disdained using martial skills against Chu Chen, but in the eyes of the crowd, he gave in and instead praised him.    


"Your strength is too weak." Chu Chen shook his head.    


"What, this guy actually said that Zhuo Yun's strength is weak? He's at the first level of Spiritual Martial Stage after all." The group of people were dumbstruck, and they were immediately stupefied.    


This guy wasn't a fool, right? He had accidentally barged into the Alliance and ended up getting pulled by them as a target.    


He said that he was a cultivator, but how could he believe a fool's words? If not, then he would be seriously injured.    


"I'm weak?" Zhuo Yun was startled and then sneered. He already disdained to say anything, so he would be able to use the truth very soon.    


"I'm really very weak. I'm not lying to you." Chu Chen said with a serious face.    


However, in the eyes of the crowd, it was rather comical. A strange expression appeared on their faces.    


"I forgot to ask this guy what he's doing in the guild. He might be able to figure it out."    


Seeing Zhuo Yun rushing towards him, Chu Chen calmly made his move, his large hand instantly moving to intercept him.    


With his cultivation at the fourth level of Spiritual Martial Stage, his elemental energy was incomparably surging, and the moment he made his move, an incomparably sharp aura rushed out.    


With a crack, Zhuo Yun was suddenly alarmed. His fist was actually directly grasped by this kid. He was unable to break free from the force.    


"He held Brother Zhuo Yun's fist?" The group of people were shocked. They were originally exceptionally worried that if this person was a fool, he would be severely injured by this punch.    


However, the scene that had just occurred had completely overturned all the guesses in his mind. Even his brain had been short-circuited.    


Not only was he not surprised, he only used one hand and calmly blasted out, blocking Zhuo Yun's fist.    


It was like a giant pincer, firmly clamped down.    


"Release me." Zhuo Yun roared as his face turned red.    


He was an expert of the Spiritual Martial Stage, and was extremely talented in the Allied Trade Association.    


Although Bai Yuhan couldn't compare to him, he was still a strong existence. To be raised like a seedling, he was still the idol of Qianqian and the rest.    


However, at this moment, a warrior who was younger than him grabbed his fist, feeling inexplicably angry.    


The spirit energy vibrations were like the raging waves of the ocean crashing against the shore. At this moment, they were released without restraint.    


With a "chi" sound, a stream of air blasted out from his arm.    


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