Unyielding Defier in Martial World

C408 Second checkpoint

C408 Second checkpoint

While Chu Chen was waiting in peace, a new round of battle started among the other forces. Everyone had also found a pattern, and at night, the Nether Soul seemed to be afraid of something and didn't dare to appear.    


However, on the second day, all the major forces encountered an accident. Dry corpses appeared and killed more than a dozen martial practitioners one after another.    


As for the corpse that attacked, it was extremely powerful. It was simply unable to catch up. It was basically killed in a single move, and then directly retreated.    


After the news spread, an uneasy atmosphere rapidly spread and everyone felt a trace of heaviness.    


"Could it be that person?"    


Guan Xinghai, who had just received the news, muttered to himself. The person he was talking about, was outside of Nether Ancient Capital, the mysterious murderer who killed the disciple of the Heaven Martial Pavilion that night.    


However, it should not be a dried corpse, because it was outside of the Nether Ancient Capital. It was impossible for a dried corpse to appear there, just like the Nether Soul.    


"Chu Chen is gone, is he going to be …" Lin Dong asked in bewilderment.    


"Crow's beak, I don't believe that with his high cultivation, there will be trouble." She absolutely did not believe that something would happen to Chu Chen. Even if it was, she was unwilling to admit it.    


That night, Chu Chen said he would look for firewood, but he never came back. At this moment, after looking for half a day, he still did not see anyone, and everyone thought of a bad possibility. Chu Chen, maybe something unexpected happened.    


At this moment, knowing that some dried corpses had appeared and killed some warriors, this undoubtedly made Chu Chen's disappearance clear.    


Everyone thought of this possibility, but no one said it out loud because they didn't want to believe it.    


"He must be fine. Maybe he just went astray. Let's not think too much about it." Huan Xingran said calmly.    


"Kill the Nether Soul first, and then find Chu Chen to get to the Nine Heavens Tower as soon as possible."    


If Chu Chen still did not appear even after arriving at the Nine Heavens Tower, then, he would not have much luck.    


Although it was bad news that ten people had died, the major powers did not choose to retreat. They only ordered them to be careful.    


It wasn't until late in the evening that the team from the Heaven Martial Pavilion discovered a blood blade on one of the walls. It wasn't damaged. After it was pulled out, a sharp killing intent exploded out. Without a doubt, it was a treasure! The Tianwu Pavilion was extremely excited.    


After the news spread out, the rest of the people's eyes became incredibly red. As for the uneasiness of having ten people killed, it was washed away by quite a bit.    


In front of a treasure, even if it was a dragon's lagoon or tiger's den, they still had to give it a try, not to mention a mere heart of fear.    


As night fell, the fierce killing during the day consumed a lot of elemental energy. All the teams began to look for a place to rest.    


When the others were resting, Chu Chen had just finished his training. He looked at the sky outside which was filled with evil qi, which was getting denser and denser. The sky was completely dark.    


A pale moon suddenly appeared in the sky, shining on the cold light.    


This place was extremely strange. There was no sun during the day, and the sky was covered with Baleful Yin Force. However, at night, a moon appeared.    


"The black armored soldiers should be arriving soon." Chu Chen retracted his gaze and looked at the array.    


Time slowly passed. More than two hours later, the nine stone columns suddenly began to vibrate.    




The Darksteel Chains emitted an ear-piercing sound as it shook.    


Nine was the number of supreme experts. The nine stone pillars represented an extraordinary number. They shone with a brilliant light, and the nine stone pillars returned to one.    


As the stone pillars were wrapped around, a strange power appeared. On the stone platform, the array formation was injected with power and began to revive.    


The lines all glowed with a strange light, and in the blink of an eye, they all lit up.    


Just then, Chu Chen's eyes squinted, "It's here!"    


On the formation platform, a figure suddenly materialized. A soldier dressed in black armor walked out with a majestic aura, his face hidden. He then walked off the formation platform. She turned a blind eye to Chu Chen.    




With another burst of sound, a second black-armored soldier appeared. He walked down from the array stage and stood side by side with the first black-armored soldier.    


"Boom boom boom!"    


Soon, one after another, explosions rang out as fifty black armored soldiers formed ten rows. Five men in a row walked out of the hall in unison, as though they had received orders.    


"Time to move." Chu Chenlu's face revealed a look of anticipation, he took a look at the array platform and realised that the light was gradually fading, following that, he snuck into the midst of the black armored soldiers and left the manor together with them.    


In the dark night, the group had strong auras, all the Nether Soul avoided them, and walked straight towards the center of the Nether Ancient Capital.    


"Boom boom boom!"    


The sound of footsteps in the silent night was very shocking.    


Six hours later, they arrived at the same place as yesterday. Without any surprise, red armored ghost soldiers began to appear, carrying scythes in their hands, bloody broadswords, ancient lances, and a body of fiendish Yin energy that soared into the heavens.    


Without any words or delay, the black armored soldier picked up his shield, held his saber, and charged towards the red armored Yin Soldier.    


The red armored ghost soldiers also charged towards the black armored soldiers. The battle immediately began.    


The attack power of these ghost soldiers were around the same as the ninth level of Bloody Martial Stage. observed for a while before taking out his Violet Thunder Sword and rushed towards the red armored shadow soldier.    




With an ear-piercing explosion, Chu Chen was shocked, this sword was actually blocked by the red armored Yin Soldier, the opponent used a spear to quickly block it, the intense trembling felt through the sword, causing his arm to go numb.    


"What an exquisite battle technique." Chu Chen was slightly surprised. The battle strength and reaction speed of these red armored Yin Soldiers were even more powerful than a real person. He immediately stopped looking down on them.    


Slashing out with his sword, Chu Chen leaped up into the air and flew forward to kill!    




Under this attack, an enormous force suppressed the long spear. Soon after, the blade of the sword was raised and struck out in a slanted manner, causing a loud bang to ring out.    


In the end, this sword strike struck the red shadow soldier's body. The powerful force caused the armor to split apart.    


"Still not dead?"    


Chu Chen was truly shocked. The armor was actually this tough, with his own strength and the speed of the Violet Thunder Sword, even though it was broken, the lethality of the armor was still offset. As a result, he was unable to directly kill the red shadow soldier.    


"The third slash!"    


Chu Chen continued to attack. The red-clothed ghost soldiers who had lost their armor could no longer resist, and was killed by Chu Chen with a single slash. Their bodies turned into strands of black Qi and disappeared.    


Immediately after, Chu Chen killed six more red shadow soldiers. When he rushed towards the seventh target, a bronze hammer suddenly smashed down from the sky with an incomparably tyrannical aura.    




Chu Chen immediately dodged to the side, and had no choice but to give up his seventh target.    




A hammer slammed onto the ground, causing smoke and dust to billow about. The power contained within was incomparably terrifying.    


"Spiritual Martial Stage!"    


Chu Chen swept his gaze over, only to see a red shadow soldier whose body was shrouded in an extremely dense, rolling, and baleful aura. Its attack power had reached the second level of Spiritual Martial Stage.    


"This red armored shadow soldier should be the leader, and also the strongest one." Chu Chen muttered in his heart, but he did not mind it at all. With his cultivation at the sixth level of Spiritual Martial Stage, it would not be difficult to kill him.    


The red armored shadow soldier held a bronze hammer in his hand as he walked towards Chu Chen, bringing with him a strong aura of death.    


Chu Chen was still using his sword, his body quickly moved, and quickly killed.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


In just three moves, Chu Chen had finished off this red shadow soldier. With his help, the black armored soldiers quickly gained the upper hand, and in less than two hours, all of the red armored soldiers were finished off.    


The first thing Chu Chen did was look at the color of the sky. Fortunately, there would be a period of time before the sky brighten.    


After killing the red-clothed soldiers, the remaining thirty-six black armored soldiers lined up again and continued to walk without delay. Chu Chen followed behind them and turned left and right.    


However, it was almost daybreak, and they had yet to arrive at their destination. At this time, the black-armored soldier suddenly stopped and silently looked in front of them.    


"Can it be that we've arrived?" Chu Chen's heart skipped a beat. In front of him was an empty area with three streets intersecting. It was extremely spacious and was filled with a dense killing intent.    


Chu Chen's pupils contracted as she cried out in alarm, "Not good!"    


Among the killing intents, large black figures suddenly appeared one after another. They charged 300 feet into the air and landed on the ground, immediately turning into 10 feet tall giant soldiers.    


"The red shadow soldier has been killed, and now the giant soldier has appeared. There's more than one checkpoint leading to the final destination." Chu Chen's heart sank.    


Perhaps, the giant soldiers were killed, and there were other soldiers behind them.    


He looked at the thirty-six black armored soldiers. Even if the other fourteen soldiers didn't die, they were still no match for the giant soldier.    


The auras of these giant soldiers were extremely strong. As for their specific level of power, it was hard to estimate.    


The red shadow soldier had a battle power around the ninth level of Bloody Martial Stage. In comparison, the giant soldier must have the battle power of Spiritual Martial Stage.    


A total of forty giant soldiers, equivalent to forty Spiritual Martial Stage Warriors.    


"The disparity is too great. A black-armored soldier is absolutely not a match for someone like me." Chu Chen thought, but he was unable to stop the black armored soldier.    


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