An Ultimate Martial Art



Before Su Ye could do anything, the other party had already discovered him and appeared immediately. However, the other party clearly saw him as a member of the Snow White Spirit Clan.    


It was the three High Exemplaries.    


The moment he arrived, he looked extremely arrogant, with his eyebrows raised and eyes slanted, as though looking down at Su Ye would cause him to have a hard time.    


There was no need to even mention his tone. It was just a single word: stiff!    


He impolitely pressed against Su Ye, asking for his name and origin, as well as Demon Elder Su's motive. He seemed as if he was about to suppress Su Ye without clarifying anything.    


He did not even care about the majority of the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan that was hidden here. The only ones that could enter his eyes, who he was a little afraid of, were the three peak rank 12 Demon Masters. Those three peak rank 12 Demon Masters should also be the leaders of this group of Snow White Demon Spirit Clan.    


However, the three leaders did not stand together, but chose to stand separately, with a certain distance between each of them, Su Ye did not know the depth of their strength, and was not confident that they could take down all three leaders at the same time, thus they were not able to capture the thieves first.    


But it didn't matter.    


With his current perfect disguise and his understanding of the Snowy Demon Spirit Clan, it wouldn't be a problem for him to beat around the bush with these three Demon Masters.    


However, the situation had developed beyond Su Ye's expectations. He also did not know where the loopholes in his answer came from, so these three high levelled Demon Honored Warrior did not wait for him to finish speaking before they made their move.    


Divine abilities whistled through the air as they fiercely attacked him.    


The three high levelled Demon Honored Warriors had the attitude of wanting to kill Su Ye on the spot.    


Su Ye was also shocked by this sudden change and was almost dumbstruck.    


But since he had already taken action, he could not just stand there and receive a beating. No matter how he fought, he would first have to retreat before fighting back.    


The three Advanced Demon Masters were obviously given a fright by Su Ye's quick counterattack, but they were even more furious, appearing more and more like wolves and tigers.    


However, how could the three Advanced Demon Masters be a match for Su Ye? With just a few strikes, Su Ye had taken care of them all.    


This was because Su Ye did not want to cause the three leaders in the shadows to immediately react so violently that they would run away, so he purposely gathered some of his strength when he attacked, and even used the First Tier Demon Elder's divine ability to cover up many of the changes, so that it did not look as imposing as before.    


As expected, the moment they made a move, the other party did not notice that Su Ye was that invincible. Seeing that three of the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan members had been suppressed, the people who were hiding themselves all rushed out, including the three peak twelfth stage Demon Generals that Su Ye had noticed a long time ago all appeared.    


To Su Ye, what he was afraid of was not that he couldn't beat them, but that they would escape. Now that they had appeared, everything was easy.    




Su Ye was now like a ferocious beast with its fangs bared, unleashing Heaven Suppression Technique instantly, causing a dozen or so Snow White Demon Spirit Clan Demon Rankers, including the three leaders of the top twelve stage Demon Rankers, to be swept into the Divine Powers Stellar River.    


Immediately, all of them struggled as if they were drowning, but to no avail. After ten breaths' time, they followed the same steps that the three Advanced Demon Masters had taken, and were suppressed by Su Ye to the bottom of the mountain.    


At this point, the group of Snow White Goblin Tribe experts were all completely terrified, and they all looked at Su Ye with terrified eyes.    


"Man is the meat of a fish, the winner will be the king while the loser will be the thief. I don't need to emphasize this to everyone, right?" You, tell me, why did you all attack me ? "    


Su Ye casually pointed to a high level Demon Elder who was being suppressed, scaring the high level Demon Elder to the point that his face turned pale. However, due to his instinct for survival, the high ranking Demon Elder had honestly explained everything. The answer was truly out of Su Ye's expectations.    


It wasn't that Su Ye had spoken the wrong words when they were trying to flirt with each other, but on the contrary, his reply was flawless. Even now, these Snow White Spirit Clan people did not suspect Su Ye's identity at all, and still felt that he was a member of the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan.    


The reason why the three high ranking Demon Elders suddenly attacked Su Ye was because: Su Ye was not a pious believer of the World Exterminating God.    


This was too funny.    


As a great power that hid in a secluded world and never participated in any disputes, it was laughable that it wanted to become a devout devotee of the World Exterminating God. If it wasn't for the fact that it was going to be attacked by the devout devotee of the World Exterminating God.    


However, after understanding the actual situation, he would feel that this was not funny at all.    


They could only feel grief for the Snow White Tribe.    


Just as the Snow-white Heavenly Demon God judged, the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan has already been contaminated, and this contamination is from the soul directly penetrating the blood vessels.    


This secret technique was similar to the Life Forbidden Life Techniques. This was actually also recorded in the Demon God's inheritance that Su Ye had already gradually digested.    


This kind of forbidden life technique was built on the caster's very life. Before dying, he would risk all his life and burn all of his life essence, turning it into a forbidden technique, and seal it inside the corpse. This way, the corpse would appear normal on the surface, and even cultivators who didn't know this forbidden life technique wouldn't be able to see anything wrong with it.    


In the future, when the corpse was discovered and the Forbidden Life Technique was activated, it would turn into an extremely concealed aura that was similar to the mortal world. This allowed the cultivator to insensibly absorb the energy from their body through breathing, skin contact, and other means.    


Gradually, cultivators would unconsciously change their minds, their perceptions, and their personalities. It was as if they had been infected by a virus, but it was far more terrifying than being infected by it.    


As the time of the cultivators' poisoning deepened, a powerful God would inexplicably appear in their brain and automatically become a pious believer. Eventually, these believers would voluntarily sacrifice their own lives and the caster would revive after a long period of time by obtaining the power of these sacrifices.    


This was an extremely strange reincarnation technique.    


In other words, when the Snow-White Demon Spirit Clan found the three corpses, they had unknowingly become someone else's sacrifice.    


It was just that he didn't know how many of the Snowy Demon Spirit Clan were willing to sacrifice their lives right now. He didn't know how far they had progressed in their long resurrection process.    


However, was this life forbidden technique unbreakable?    


No, of course not.    


There was no such thing as an unbreakable secret art. Even a supreme Daolord's Daolord's divine abilities could be broken through. How could this sort of Forbidden Reincarnation Technique not be able to be broken through?    


According to the inherited information of the Demon Blood Saber God, before this forbidden technique was completed, the most taboo thing was to obtain strong willpower and life essence from others.    


The strong will of others could directly interfere with the devout faith of believers, resulting in those believers no longer sacrificing their lives. By seizing the life essence, he could directly cut off the source of power of the Forbidden Life Transformation Technique.    


However, these two taboos were very inconvenient to use.    


First of all, I should borrow the powerful willpower of others to interfere. I should wake up those so-called pious believers who had been contaminated. It was actually easier said than done. It was actually very difficult to implement. This was because after these types of forbidden reincarnation techniques truly began to show their might, many people would be contaminated at the same time.    


The Snowy Demon Spirit Clan had been hiding in the Snow Spirit World for countless years, silently fermenting with forbidden reincarnation techniques, which had contaminated many people. There were even demon gods of the Snowy White Demon Spirit Clan who might have fallen for it, and to directly interfere with it by relying on their powerful wills, it would have to be an extremely strong one.    


Second, it was more difficult to take away the life essence. One or two were already contaminated, so they gritted their teeth and tried to kill, but they completely took away the two lives essence and saved the whole tribe. In terms of benefits, they were worth sacrificing.    


But what about a large area of the Snow White Tribe? Killing all the polluted people, wouldn't that be extermination? Even Su Ye would not be able to kill someone without any grievances or grievances, let alone the Snow White Goblin Tribe themselves.    


If he couldn't get through either path, then there was only one way left. It was a very complicated but extremely time-consuming path, and that was to secretly rescue those who had already been contaminated, one by one, and steal the time from the Reincarnation Technique in the end.    


However, the end result of this path is probably not something that the Snow White Tribe can handle.    


Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Su Ye finally came up with a possible method to succeed after thinking for a long time while merging with the legacy of the Demon Blood Blade God. That was to seize a part of the power of the Life Reincarnation Forbidden Technique and analyze it to understand its flaws. In the end, he would destroy it in one go and completely cut off the circulation of the Life Reincarnation Forbidden Technique from its roots.    


It might be difficult for others to seize a part of the power of the Life Transforming Technique, because once it was activated, it would scatter into the air and become like light. It would be invisible and hard to find.    


It could even be said that people like Xue Lan Tian who felt that they weren't contaminated could be contaminated with this kind of power.    


But to Su Ye, this was not a problem at all. He had already discovered that the power of the Life Reincarnation Forbidden Technique had already penetrated deep into the bloodlines of many of the Snowy Demon Spirit clansmen, and it just so happened that he was able to refine the bloodlines of others. In the process, he could completely filter out the power of this Life Reincarnation Technique.    


To him, these ten or so Snow White Demon Spirit Demon Honored Warriors in front of him were even more excellent test subjects. There was no saving any of them anyway, so Su Ye did not have any other thoughts. He straightforwardly sent a beam of Primordial Divine Light to cover one of them ?    




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