An Ultimate Martial Art



What surprised Su Ye was that the entrance to the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan's secret spacetime was actually in the Valley of Indestructible. This place was located on the other side of the mausoleum, more than two billion miles away. Strictly speaking, this was already the territory of the Heaven Tribe's Violent Snow Mountain Tribe.    


In other words, in order to reach the Albino Valley, one had to traverse almost the entire territory of the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe. This would be even more impressive.    


Su Ye had long since found out from the hidden clans that when Crimson Sky City had ordered the various powers to surround and attack White Calm City, many people from the Violent Snow Mountain Tribe were furious. They believed that Crimson Sky City had sided with the Nine-headed Clan and was willing to become their lackey, because the benefits of the Violent Snow Mountain Tribe had severely conflicted with their interests. At that time, there were even many Devil Sovereigns from the Violent Snow Mountain Tribe who proposed to give Crimson Sky City a painful lesson.    


However, they were stopped by the leader of the Violent Snow Mountain Tribe, Demon Marshal Han Yuan. The reason was that the depth of Su Ye's forces was still unknown, and Scarlet Sky City might not be able to fulfil his wish if they rashly made a move.    


The truth was that Demon Marshall Han Yuan's judgement was correct. It was fortunate that the tribe did not intervene at the time. Otherwise, they would not have been able to gain the favor of the tribe if they did not make sufficient preparations.    


That incident had practically become Su Ye's stage. Scarlet Sky City had paid a terrible price and returned in defeat, but Su Ye had suddenly appeared out of nowhere and forcefully announced his cooperation with the hidden clansmen. He had chosen to build a hidden city on the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range.    


If the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe found out that Su Ye, the founder of the Scarlet Dragon's Tomb, had disguised himself and entered the territory of the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe, they would definitely explode. They would definitely capture Su Ye at all costs.    


As long as they could capture Su Ye, the so called hidden clan city would be a joke. Even the hidden clans would become the laughingstock of countless people. This was something that both the ancient clans and the celestial race would love to see. At that time, there would definitely be people willing to stand up for the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe.    


To the tribe, this was a business that would destroy the hidden cities in one fell swoop and take advantage of the situation without taking on much risk.    


Su Ye was well aware of the dangers of this trip, and naturally would not act so arrogantly and brainlessly. Ever since he stepped out of the hidden clan city, he had kept a low profile and even tried to act like a follower when he entered the range of the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe.    


Especially since Su Ye had used his blood to change his own aura, he had truly and thoroughly changed himself from a root into someone else. If one did not point it out, even someone familiar with Su Ye would not be able to recognize him.    


After all, they had already stepped into the territory of the tribe. And because of the establishment of the hidden tribe city, the tribe became more alert, as if they were afraid that the hidden tribe would take advantage of the situation and invade the territory of the tribe.    


There were experts from the Violent Snow Mountain Tribe everywhere, patrolling the area under the command of the top Demon Generals. From time to time, they would even see the shadow of the Demon Lord passing by.    


In this situation, not to mention a human, even a fly would find it hard to fly without making a sound.    


On the evening of the same day that they entered the territory of the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe, Su Ye and his team ran into a group of patrolling teams.    


The aura of Su Ye's group who were not celestial race s immediately attracted the attention of the patrolling team, and they immediately stopped.    


Even though this was the territory of the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe, the truth was that the celestial race was not the only one in motion. There were also many cultivators from the Wan Yu Union who had come to the Crimson Dragon Tomb to look for opportunities and opportunities.    


Towards this kind of situation, the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe would always turn a blind eye and would not expel these cultivators. After all, the territory was too big. No matter how many people there were in the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe, it was impossible for them to not be disturbed by other cultivators at every inch of the land.    


There was a group to be chased away and the next group to come. Even if the Violent Snow Mountain Tribe were to kill all the cultivators that entered the Blizzard Mountain Realm without permission, they would only run for their lives and would not have the time to cultivate.    


Because of this, the tribe was very smart and adopted another strategy. As long as the cultivators of the outside world were not here to cause trouble or to harm the tribe, they would be allowed to exist and lead them into the various cities to consume. In this way, the arrival of these cultivators would instead increase the income of the tribe.    


Because of this, it gradually evolved into a large caravan, forming a violent snow mountain tribe and the Crimson Dragon Tomb region's great circle of interest.    


In order to promote the growth of this circle of interest and the continuation of their life force, the tribe even declared that they would support cultivators of the Red Dragon Ridge in exploring the unexplored areas of the territory of the tribe.    


It had to be known that the Heaven Clan's territory was vast, and the area it occupied was many, many times larger than the land occupied by the Wan Yu Union in the Western Region. There were even many ancient ruins hidden, and these were things that the Violent Snow Mountain Tribe was unable to completely develop. Allowing cultivators to explore these opportunities, was equivalent to using the Crimson Dragon Tomb's cultivators to find treasures for them.    


Su Ye and his group stealthily entered the Snowy Storm Mountain Tribe as if they were searching for an opportunity. Meeting the patrolling team of the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe here, naturally there was nothing to be nervous about, so they did not even need to intervene and directly let one of Su Ye's entourage, Demon Elder Feng, deal with it.    


Demonic Lord Sou Feng was the high level 7 Demon Elder that Su Ye had volunteered to join the Hidden Clan City. After a few tests, he could be considered as trustworthy.    


Before submitting to the hidden clan city, Demon Marshall Sou Feng was a rogue cultivator who frequently entered and left the Snowstorm Mountain territory. She was already familiar with the various matters that happened in the Snowstorm Mountain territory, so dealing with a group of patrolling Demon Generals was not an easy task.    


With a few words, he dismissed the patrolling team. The identity that they had fabricated was also taken away by the patrol.    


This encounter didn't even count as a thrill and directly passed by. No one took this matter to heart, but they secretly paid attention to the Blizzard Mountain Tribe's patrolling troops who were more concentrated than before, and continued to move towards the Unchanging Valley. Wherever they went, they would choose the barren wastelands and valleys that no one else had set foot in, and from time to time, they would deliberately stop to search for them to deceive eyes and ears.    


Although it was a bit of a delay, in some of the barren wastelands, Su Ye had used his extraordinary knowledge and methods to find some of the hidden treasures. Even including a fourth tier Demon Lord's stalk of scarlet grass, it could be considered a small gain.    


Except, no one had thought that trouble would come unintentionally.    


Just as Su Ye and the rest were passing by a swamp, because Su Ye sensed some hidden restriction fluctuations, he suspected that there might be an Ancient Era's Remnants inside the swamp.    


But before Su Ye could begin his exploration of the marshland, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky. The person who came was a high level Demon Lord, a high level eight Demon Lord.    


After he appeared, his gaze swept past Su Ye and the other five and directly landed on Su Ye. It was obvious that he had a clear target, and was going straight for Su Ye. If it weren't for the fact that they were in the territory of the Violent Snow Mountain Tribe, no one would have known if any powerful Berserkers from the Violent Snow Mountain passed by here.    


"Fellow cultivator, I, Dan Peng, am honored." I have seen your journey and gained some benefits from many of the Desolate Lands' valleys. "Fellow Daoist, you seem to be exceptionally skilled at exploring these kinds of hidden fortuitous encounters, so you came here uninvited. Can you help this humble one to get along with you?"    


When everyone heard this, they let out a sigh of relief, but they also felt depressed at the same time. They should not have any problems and would not be noticed by others. However, because they acted too low profile, they overdid it, and in the eyes of some people, it had become a high profile again.    


It was clear that the Single Roc Demon Marshall was not the first person to realize that Su Ye was not ordinary. They had met or brushed shoulders with many experts on their way here, so how could they not meet the other people?    


Everyone could not help but look at Su Ye secretly and sigh inwardly. Indeed, no matter how powerful a person was, they would be like fireflies in the night, and the darkness would not be able to hide the light they were emitting.    


However, this way, it would be troublesome.    


They hadn't come here to explore lucky chances in the first place. The five of them had travelled through the snowstorm mountain region just for the sake of heading to the Amorous Valley. Exploring lucky opportunities was only for hiding their identities.    


Not to mention a stranger. With this stranger by their side, no matter how good of a cover they had to hide, there would always be a time where they would be exposed. At that time, Su Ye's secrets would be leaked, who could take on this responsibility?    


Without waiting for Su Ye to reject, one of the higher level Demon Elder stood out and rejected him, "I'm sorry, we five have been working together for a long time and have developed a tacit understanding with each other. We are not used to having more people. Moreover, what we are looking for is only some small benefits. Since the five of us are split among ourselves, it will be difficult for us to satisfy our cultivation needs.    


Initially, the cultivators who came here to look for opportunities paid attention to one benefit, and it was even more natural for them to reject strangers from joining them. They did not need to care about the matter that they did not offend, but there was one thing that made him seem anxious.    


Because of this, Demon Marshall Dan Peng's expression immediately turned unhappy. "This is my friend. When did I inquire about you?"    


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