An Ultimate Martial Art



"Who sent you a message from the Snow White Spirit Clan?" Did I tell you what I wanted you to do back there? "    


Su Ye faintly felt that there were some articles here that were not underestimated. However, the Demon Lord shook his head, not knowing what was going on.    


Before Snow Demon Lord met Su Ye, he might have had a reputation in the vicinity of the Blizzard City, but in reality, she was an unremarkable nobody within the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan.    


The Snow Demon Sovereign just walked out of the Snow White Spirit Clan about 7 million years ago. At that time, it wasn't a normal outing either. That year, she was still a ninth grade Demon General. Because of some conflict with one of the Demon Generals in her clan, she accidentally caused some injuries. In order to protect herself from retaliation, she escaped from the Snow-White Demon Spirit Clan.    


It was precisely because he escaped that he was able to successfully ascend to the Demon Lord through a few waves of fortuitous encounters. Only then did he arrive at the Crimson Dragon Tomb.    


After so many years had passed, the Snowy Demon Spirit Clan did not send anyone to look for her, and she also never thought of returning to the Snowy White Demon Spirit Clan. If not for the fact that she was frightened by Su Ye and had to tell him everything, she would have almost forgotten the words' Snow White Demon Spirit Clan '.    


But now, she had somehow received a message from the Snowy Demon Spirit Race, using a very urgent urging tone. This caused her to be at a loss. She seriously suspected that the reason why the Snow White Goblin Tribe urgently summoned her was related to Su Ye establishing the Hidden Clan City.    


"Mister, why don't I just pretend that I don't know? There's no need to bother with it. It's not like I plan to return to the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan anyway."    


To be able to escape an entire race by himself, that was an experience that no ordinary person could understand. The Snow White Demon Spirit Clan no longer had much of a sense of belonging to the Snow Demon Elder. In her opinion, the one who truly gave her the the greatest opportunity in this world was Su Ye, not the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan.    


If the Snow White Tribe dared to scheme against Su Ye using her, she would definitely not let the Snow White Tribe go.    


In any case, when she escaped from the Snowy Demon Spirit Clan back then, she was already a traitor in the eyes of those people. At worst, she would just betray them once, so what?    




Su Ye thought about it but still shook his head and rejected the Snow Goblin Demon Elder's words. Indeed, he could ignore the summoning of the Snowy Demon Spirit Race, but he could not find out the exact plan of the Snowy Demon Spirit Race.    


Now that the world exterminator had appeared and the ancient race and Sky race had been infiltrated by the world exterminator, the seemingly calm Eternal Heaven and Earth was actually riddled with holes. The situation was extremely complicated.    


If he were to ignore the Snow White Tribe like this, he might just fall down at some crucial moments. As such, after some deliberation, he decided to allow the Snow Demon Sovereign to return to the Snow White Tribe. Of course, this was not to allow the Snow Demon Sovereign to return alone.    


In any case, he is currently waiting for the repayment from the hidden clans. Since he has nothing better to do, he might as well take a trip to the Snowy Mountains to see for himself. Most importantly, he had some expectations for the Snow Demon Sovereign. The Snow Demon Spirit Clan taking the initiative to summon the Snow Demon Sovereign could be considered as an opportunity.    


However, Su Ye's decision met with strong opposition from the hidden clansmen. Including the two top twelfth grade Demon Generals, Iron Fang and Tong, as well as the five others like Jin Jue, Red Si, and Gu Yan.    


It was not because they interfered with Su Ye's freedom, but because they strongly opposed taking the risk Su Ye.    


As a result, the Iron Tooth Demon Marshall, a top rank 12 Magus from the Hidden Clan, had even invited Su Ye to one side of the room. He was frank and open with him and gave him advice.    


"Fellow Daoist Su, the hidden clan city has been established. As the city lord of the hidden clan, you are a guest elder of the hidden clan, and you are the center of cooperation between us ? I won't say too much, but you must know your own limits. Even if it's only because of this, you should absolutely not get into trouble. "    


"Moreover, your potential ? To put it bluntly, you have already completely entered the eyes of the demon gods of my hidden clan. I can be responsible and tell you the truth. At this moment, a lot of us from the hidden clans, from the Great Demon God to the Demon Lord, are already filled with anticipation for your future. "    


Do you know what the Star Origin Ancient Lord said about you at the meeting of the upper echelons of the Hidden Clan? He said, the future of Eternal Heaven and Earth is bleak, and the future of the Hidden Clan is bleak. Only you, Su Ye, are the only light that the Hidden Race has seen so far!    


Su Ye was dumbstruck. Was he a light that the Hidden Clan had clearly seen until now? The heck, is it that exaggerated? He was not a member of the hidden clan, did he not fear that the upper echelons of the hidden clans would be dissatisfied with the fact that the Star Origin Gu Zun had praised him so much in the higher ups of the hidden clans?    


Even if he did not, Su Ye himself felt embarrassed.    


"Dao friend Irontooth, your words are too exaggerated, how could I dare to accept?" Su Ye waved his hands, he was not being modest, he was just avoiding trouble, after all, he was not a hidden clan member, there was no need to get into trouble.    


"This is not an exaggeration. At the very least, I personally agree with the words of the Star Origin Ancient Lord. Even some of the Demon God Lords did not refute this statement. I know that's a bit too much for me to say, but I hope you can believe the sincerity of our hidden clansmen.    


"So I sincerely hope that you will not be in danger. After all, the place where the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan is located is a hidden space. The Snow White Demon Spirit Clan has not appeared for many years, no one knows what their current situation is. If you rush in, no one can predict what will happen.    


Su Ye waved his hands, not allowing Demon Marshall Tie Ya to continue speaking, "I know what you mean, and I know the risks involved. But I really need to go to the Snow White Tribe. "I won't hide it from you. Actually, I have other plans for this trip."    


"Hmm?" Since Su Ye had already said all that, it was already difficult for him to say anything more to stop Su Ye from going to the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan.    


However, letting Su Ye go to the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan wouldn't do as well. If something were to happen to Su Ye, he would also have to suffer the wrath of the Hidden Clan Demon God. What he had just said to Su Ye was really not his own imagination, but the truth.    


Earlier, when Su Ye had killed the Sunset Sword Sect's Heavenly Sovereign, Su Ye had completely alarmed the demon gods of the Hidden Clan. With regards to Su Ye's strength and potential, even the Demon Gods and Lords were full of praise. If not for the fact that they were afraid of causing a misunderstanding with Su Ye, they would have sent their demon gods to protect Su Ye, in case the Nine-headed Clan or the Sky Clan tried to kill Su Ye.    


But even so, the Demonic God of the Hidden Clan still gave the two peak twelfth stage Demon Masters, Tie Ya and Tong Tong a death order. No matter what happened, the Demon Lord would not let anything bad happen to Su Ye. If even the hidden clan Demon God had personally spoke, then it could be imagined how important the hidden clan higher ups were to Su Ye.    


Demon Marshall Irontooth truly didn't dare to take such a risk.    


However, convincing Su Ye to give up and go to the Snowy Demon Spirit Clan was already impossible.    


First of all, Su Ye could go to the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan, but he could absolutely not reveal it to the public nor could he go with his identity. Instead, he had to conceal his identity, change his appearance, and pretend to be the subordinate of the Snow Demon Elder.    


Secondly, he couldn't go there for too long. At most, he could go there for half a month. When the time came, no matter what scheme Su Ye had in the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan, whether he succeeded or not, he would still have to withdraw in time. In order to ensure Su Ye's self-awareness, the Hidden Clan would also send two Advanced Demon Elders to accompany them. In a situation where it was absolutely necessary, the two Advanced Demon Elders would have to cover Su Ye's escape with everything they had.    


Furthermore, Su Ye had to bring a special message talisman personally crafted by the Demon God of Concealment. During his journey to the Snowy Demon Spirit Clan, he had to keep in contact with the Steel Teeth Demon Elder at all times, not stopping for even a minute.    


The three conditions sounded rather troublesome. Especially the last one, the Snow White Spirit Clan is not weak either, they also have some powerful existences. Entering into the territory of the Snowy Demon Spirit Clan, trying to keep in touch with the outside world right under their noses is really quite difficult.    


But Su Ye thought about it and agreed. He wasn't an emotional person, he knew that this trip to the Snowy Demon Spirit Clan was risky. The reason Demon Marshall Tie Ya put forward these conditions was for his safety, he had no reason to go against him.    


As for the third condition, he discussed it with Demon Marshall Tie Ya, but changed it slightly. When he enters the Snow White Spirit Clan, he will actively maintain contact with the outside world. However, in order to not alarm the Snow White Spirit Clan, he would not keep in touch all the time. Instead, he would decide when to contact and when not to contact based on the actual situation.    


This change was not too excessive. After carefully considering it, Demon Marshall Tie Ya finally agreed.    


After they reached an agreement, on the second day, Demon Elder Xue Yao left. There were only four people accompanying him, two high level Demon Elders from the hidden clans and two high level Demon Elders that he had recruited from the hidden clans city. Among them, one of them was Su Ye.    


The departure of Snowfiend Lord and the others did not cause much of a commotion, and not many people knew of it. Their departure seemed like a quiet breeze to the hermit city. The hidden tribes continued to do what they were doing.    


On the other hand, Tie Ya had already sent the news of Su Ye going to the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan back to the Hidden Realm, which meant that he had sent the news to the demon god of the Hidden Clan. Even so, he and the two peak twelfth grade Demon Generals still tensed up.    


From the moment Su Ye left the Hidden Clan City, the two had been feeling restless. Even drinking a mouthful of tea felt tasteless. But the two of them could do nothing about it, with Su Ye's men gone, there was no point in saying anything. The two could only look at each other and bitterly smile. They only hoped that Su Ye would be able to return in time from the Snowy Demon Spirit Clan and not have any accidents during the process ?    


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