An Ultimate Martial Art



Everyone was shocked by Su Ye's sudden announcement.    


He had not expected this at all.    


Very, very unexpected.    


No matter who they were, no matter how they thought about Su Ye, they could not imagine that Su Ye would actually hook up with such a great power like the Hidden Clan.    


No one could directly judge what kind of power this hidden clan city was, but they could be sure that the hidden clan members that had been hidden for many years were finally unable to hold back and were prepared to return to Eternal Heaven and Earth to steal territory from the two great powers, the Eternal Heaven Clan and the Eternal Heaven Clan. Su Ye was undoubtedly a stone that was tossed out just before the return of the hidden clans, specifically to test the reactions of the two great forces.    


However, the two major powers, the Ancient and the Heavenly Race, that had dominated the Eternal Heaven and Earth for many years could be said to be sharing the world. How could they just sit idly and watch as the hidden races that were not weaker than them return to the Eternal Heaven and Earth?    


This was bound to be an unparalleled war.    


Many people could not help but become pale when they realized the series of consequences that lay behind this. At the time when the World Destroyer was about to appear again, if another great battle broke out among the Ancient, Sky, and Hidden races, then the consequences would be devastating and incurable.    


At the same time, many people also felt sad for Crimson Sky City.    


It was very obvious that since the Hidden Clan was supporting Su Ye, then everything that had to do with Su Ye was not something that a mere Crimson Sky City could handle. Everything that Crimson Sky City had done for Su Ye was for nothing.    


Sky Sovereign Black Abyss was also aware of this. His entire old face was green, and even though his teeth were about to shatter, there was nothing he could do. In the end, the only thing he could do was to call the Scarlet Sky City Demon Marshall, who was already terrified, to leave.    


Su Ye did not stop him.    


His original goal was not to slaughter Crimson Sky City, but to find a suitable opportunity to spread the news of him cooperating with the hidden clans to establish the hidden clan city, in order to have the greatest impact. Now that the effect had been achieved, within three days, this news would spread throughout the entire Eternal Heaven and Earth.    


It was not difficult to kill Sky Sovereign Hei Yuan's group. The problem was that killing them would definitely give people an overbearing impression, causing people to misunderstand that the methods in the hidden clan city were too intense and would affect the hidden clan city's recruitment of cultivators.    


In this regard, Su Ye had always been the one who clanged his abacuses, the one who would never lose out the most.    


After Crimson Sky City withdrew, the forces that were forced to follow the city also retreated in a hurry. White Flame City quickly regained its tranquility.    


Meanwhile, outside of the Blizzard City in the Crimson Dragon Tomb and even in the various Eternal Heaven and Earth outside of the Crimson Dragon Tomb, it was all a mess.    


The news of Su Ye wanting to build a hidden clan city spread even faster than he had expected. In less than half a day, more than half of the Eternal Heaven and Earth had already heard of this great news. Naturally, it attracted the attention of countless forces.    


On this day, the high ranking members of countless forces who had been in closed-door training for a long time came out one after another. They held all kinds of emergency meetings, specifically to discuss the heavy matter of the hidden clansmen returning to the Eternal Heaven and Earth.    


In the current Eternal Heaven and Earth, other than the hidden clans, nothing else was counted. The Ancient Clan, the Sky Clan and the Wan Yu Union were the three biggest powers. However, none of these three forces were like an iron board. Their internal organs were all divided into different types of mountains with numerous benefits and contradictions.    


Therefore, when facing the heavy weight of Su Ye wanting to build a hidden clan city, his attitude would naturally not be uniform. Whether it was to suppress Su Ye and stop the hidden clan from returning to the Eternal Heaven and Earth, or to make a good relationship with the hidden clan and reach an agreement with them, it was not something that could be made in a short period of time.    


Because of this, after the news completely spread, the Eternal Heaven and Earth had actually calmed down. The common tribal conflicts and power disputes seemed to have disappeared overnight. It was as if the entire Eternal Heaven and Earth had become harmonious, so harmonious that it was hard for people to believe it.    


Some cultivators who didn't have much knowledge or knowledge of this undercurrent after the tranquility felt as if they were in a dream, and were actually in a much happier mood than others.    


However, all of these things had nothing to do with Su Ye, or, it could be said that he was not concerned with these at all.    


After that, there would definitely be an unprecedented storm, and at that time, it would truly be the test for him and the hidden clansmen. And if he wanted to survive this storm, the only thing he could rely on was his own strength.    


In the end, nothing in the world changed. In the end, only the strong were respected in this iron law. To put it bluntly, if he had already become a supreme Daolord, then he would be able to completely ignore all the so-called powers. The so-called structure and everything that had been planned out in front of the mighty supreme Daolord was laughable.    


He could easily command the world, take control of the entire Eternal Heaven and Earth in his hands, and let the entire Eternal Heaven and Earth develop according to his wishes.    


As for those who disagreed with him, he would just kill them if he didn't accept it. Cultivators were not ordinary people. There was no need to waste words on meaningless matters. The only thing left to do was to kill those who were unconvinced. The only thing left was to be convinced.    


Unfortunately, this was only a hypothesis. He currently did not have that kind of strength, so he had to obediently follow the rules.    


After announcing the establishment of the hidden clan city, Su Ye immediately handed over all the matters concerning the construction of the hidden clan city to Xu San Dao to take care of. With the cooperation of the Snow Demon Sovereign and a portion of the hidden tribe's Demon Sovereign, the construction of the hidden clan city was completely activated.    


This was divided into two parts.    


On one hand, there were things. On the other hand, there were people.    


The so-called thing was the construction of an hidden clan city, and the so-called person was to recruit cultivators.    


These two things worked at the same time. With both of them operating at the same time, it could be said that they were moving forward in an orderly and swift manner.    


Su Ye then took the chance to return to his cultivation state.    


This time, Su Ye's cultivation speed was still as fast and as quick as it was before. But regretfully, Su Ye's cultivation was stuck at the peak of the third grade Acupoint Charging Demon Lord in one go, just a hair away from the fourth ancient Gold Thunder that sounded.    


This is due to insufficient resources.    


The tens of millions of heavenly materials in the spirit medicine great world that he obtained, under his crazy consumption and distribution of them to Su Qingwu, Head of the Illusionary Void Clan and the others, other than preserving some heavenly materials that were specially aid for cultivation such as the Cloud Sea Seven Star Tea, he had already completely used up all of them.    


Su Ye had once again become a pauper, and one that was quite thorough.    


At this point, it was impossible for him to break through to a fourth-grade Acupoint Charging Demon Lord in a single breath. Thus, he had no choice but to leave his seclusion.    


However, at this moment, his condition had reached an unprecedented peak. Not only did he exhaust all the resources to push his cultivation to the limit, but he also absorbed all the blood essence in his body, excluding the essence from the blood of the Mysterious Palm.    


Although these bloodlines did not allow Su Ye to continue awakening new bloodline inheritances, the combination of a large number of special bloodlines gave rise to an unprecedented level of power in the quality of the condensed strange blood.    


After all these had turned into true combat power, Su Ye was no longer afraid of any top tenth stage Demon Elder. Even though a normal Dao Lord was strong, he would need to be at least at the fourth tier Dao Lord realm to be able to do so.    


In other words, although Su Ye had not yet stepped into the middle grade of the Acupoint Charging Demon Lord, his strength had actually already reached that level.    


This progress had already made Golden Jue and the other three martial artists who were still stuck at the middle second stage of the Road of Harmony feel despair. The five of them couldn't help but sigh. In this world, there were truly some monstrous geniuses that no one could ever envy. As for jealousy, it was even more meaningless.    


After he came out of seclusion.    


Su Ye did not plan to stay idle either, so he asked Xu Sanjian about the progress of setting up the hidden clan city, and also inquired about the movements of various forces through the hidden clan Devil Sovereign. After finding out that there were still no movements from the Ancient Clan and the Sky Clan, he directly went to Gu Yan and asked him for his wish to go to the hidden realm.    


To Su Ye, nothing in this world was more important than cultivation. The threat of a World Exterminator was too great, if he could not use all of his strength to increase his strength before the World Exterminator attacked, then everything would go down the drain.    


He no longer had enough resources to cultivate, and it would be difficult to find high-grade treasures in other places. Therefore, he could only focus on the hidden realm, hoping that the ancient ruins and forbidden lands in the hidden realm that had yet to be explored would allow him to make another windfall.    


This was one of the agreements between Su Ye and the hidden clans. Now that Su Ye had suggested it, Gu Yan naturally had no reason to oppose it. However, with Gu Yan's character being so calm, he still suggested that they first ask for instructions from the Star Origin Ancient Lord.    


This was a small matter. Su Ye did not think that the hidden clansmen would renege on their words, and naturally would not make things difficult for Gu Yan and the others over such a small matter.    


Just as Su Ye was waiting for the Hidden Clan to return the information, the Snow Goblin Demon Elder suddenly found Su Ye and reported something to him in a serious tone: She suddenly received the order from the Snow White Spirit Clan to immediately give up everything and return to the Snow White Spirit Clan.    


Su Ye couldn't help but be shocked. When he had subdued the Snow Goblin Demon Lord, he already knew that the Snow Goblin Demon Lord was from the Snow White Goblin Tribe, and this White Snow Goblin Tribe was also a powerful race. They were like the Hidden Clan, hiding in a secret space and time, it had been many years since he last visited the Eternal Heaven and Earth, summoning the Snow Goblin Demon Lord was an absolute surprise.    


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