An Ultimate Martial Art



In the pre-ancient times, once the Almighty Demon Lord succeeded in joining the Dao, the cultivated Demon Lord's divine power was known as the Demon Lord's divine power. This meant that the power of the Demon Lord was not a root without a source, but was built on the foundation of the great Dao of evolution in the Heavenly Passage, possessing the origin of the great Dao.    


Once one mastered the Dao Origin Stage, then in terms of quality, one would be able to directly compare to a high level Fiendgod's divine power, which was created by creating life runes and walking down the path of the Grand Dao of Life.    


Although Su Ye was still far from being able to comprehend the path, it was just the first step in completing it. His Demon General's power had already started to transform into the Demon Lord's power, and in terms of quality, it was already close to an ordinary sixth grade Demon Lord's power.    


With this kind of high quality God Power, coupled with the fact that Su Ye was continuously digesting the three great demon god legacies and constantly increasing his abilities, even if a normal sixth stage Demon Lord came, Su Ye would not be afraid. In other words, although he had not officially become a Demon Elder, Su Ye was already standing at the same height as an ordinary Demon Elder of the sixth stage.    


The transformation of the system into a Great Dao was nearing completion.    


Su Ye was even less in the mood to pay attention to the competition.    


He was like a patient farmer who had waited a long time for the moment when he could finally grow up. His mood also became excited as the critical moment approached.    




After the last wave of purple colored halo of the Water of Chaos was used up, the system Su Ye cast was completely merged into the Heavenly Passage World, and completely turned into the Heavenly Passage World, becoming a great dao within the Heavenly Passage World. However, this did not mean that Su Ye's system disappeared, but rather, it meant that Su Ye's system was truly one with the Heavenly Passage World he created.    


The moment the Great Way of the Buddha was successful, it started to operate in an extremely mystical manner, giving off an extremely powerful consciousness. Following the activation of the Great Way of the Buddha, strands after strands of God Power that was even more superior than the Devil General's God Power, was then transferred out from the Great Way of the Wonderland with even higher quality God Power, filling up every corner of Su Ye's body with an extremely surging power.    


And it was also at this moment that Su Ye was pleasantly surprised to discover that the last weakness on his body had actually been fixed as well.    


The original Su Ye, although relying on the high quality Demon General's Mystic Might was comparable to the Demon Marshall, but in reality, the amount of Demon General's Profound Spirit Qi was far less than the Demon Marshall's. Therefore, if he did not rely on all these methods to kill the Demon Marshall in the shortest amount of time, fighting for a long period of time would actually be very lacking in strength.    


Now that he had succeeded in evolving the Great Celestial Way of the Wonderland, the Demon General's divine power began to transform towards the Supreme Daoyan's divine power. The divine power had an even larger source, as if there was an extra engine that specialized in making divine power in his body, causing the amount of divine power to rapidly increase.    


After making up for his lack of divine power, Su Ye could be considered to be fearless against a sixth stage Demon Elder.    


"I've finally succeeded ?"    


Su Ye was secretly delighted, but he quickly suppressed his joy and released his consciousness to sense the harmony between his heavenly passage and the outside world.    


The so-called Path of Harmony was the process of using one's Heavenly Passage to coordinate with the outside world. As long as the harmony was 10%, one could be considered a First Tier Demon Lord. Even in the pre-ancient times, a powerful first stage Acupoint Charging Demon Lord was immediately comparable to a seventh stage Demon Lord.    


However, what was said here was not to create a world that was exactly the same as the outside world. It was simply impossible. The outside world was vast, and cultivators were like grains of sand in the world. Even if one were to swallow the entire world into the cave, it would be difficult to evolve an identical world.    


The 'fit' here was only on the level of the Dao.    


No matter how talented a cultivator was, no matter how long they lived, they would never be able to comprehend everything. Even the supreme Daolords who stood above the Fiendgod Primordial Chaos wouldn't dare to say that they had mastered the dao of heaven and earth.    


If a supreme Daolord could see through the heavens and earth, he wouldn't be trapped in Eternal Heaven and Earth, nor would he become a sinner in the eyes of those who had destroyed the world.    


The true connection was the resonance between his heavenly passage and the outside world.    


Among the three great inheritances of the demon gods, this aspect was described very clearly. As long as the heavenly passage world's grand dao evolved enough and the entire heavenly passage world was full, it would naturally cause the external world to resonate with it. Once the resonance was formed, the Eternal Heaven and Earth's boundless dao of heaven and earth would transmit its power through the air and cause the world to sound like golden thunder from ancient times.    


The so-called eternal sound of golden thunder and lightning; it was formed by Demon Lord He.    


In other words, when the first clap of ancient golden thunder resounded within the Heavenly Passage, Demon Lord He Daozi would be able to accomplish it. Afterwards, the ancient golden thunder would transform into a golden pillar of sky within the Heavenly Passage. This was the true source of demonic divinity, and it was also the most powerful pillar of the Heavenly Passage World. The Heavenly Pillar was immortal, and the Heavenly Passage could not be destroyed.    


Now that Su Ye's first evolution into a Great Way of the Wonderland had succeeded, it was naturally impossible for his to draw out the ancient golden lightning directly. However, if one looked carefully, they would realize that while the Great Way of the Wonderland was circulating, deep in the sky, white clouds were floating and a unique golden multicolored light was appearing, as if a lotus at the beginning of hell was about to bloom.    


This was the sign that the ancient golden lightning was about to strike, which also meant that Su Ye had truly stepped onto the great road of the Acupoint Charging Demon Lord, and was about to step into the next level.    


Through the golden light's reaction, Su Ye was pleasantly surprised to discover that the golden light was already sixty percent thick. From the first sound of the ancient golden lightning, there was only a difference of four minutes.    


"To think that it would happen so quickly ?"    


This time, Su Ye was truly pleasantly surprised, as if he was frightened by his own genius. How long had it been since he walked the path of the Great Demonic Lord? He was already on the path of the Great Demonic Lord? How could those supreme second generations of the Primordial Era, who had the guidance of a supreme Daolord, endure this?    


With just a calm mind, Su Ye quickly realized that this wasn't him being a genius, but rather, his circumstances were truly too shocking.    


In truth, there were two main reasons why the path of Demon Lord He Dao was so difficult. On one hand, there was the problem of resources. On the other hand, there was the problem of one's own cultivation.    


The Great Way of Evolution was not created out of thin air. Rather, the cultivator used their own system as the source of the Great Dao, and supplemented with a vast amount of resources as the source of energy, transforming their own cultivation system into the Great Dao of Paradise.    


This required that the cultivator walk this path, as long as they had enough resources to support them, and secondly, that the cultivator had enough profound cultivation experience. Thus, before they could evolve into a heavenly passage, they had to have a sufficiently powerful cultivation system.    


As for Su Ye, with the mysterious treasure, Return of Chaos, he could continuously refine heavenly materials and earthly treasures into the purest and most easily absorbed Water of Chaos. Using Water of Chaos as a resource to support the evolution of the heavenly passage, his efficiency was far higher than directly using various heavenly resources that contained different attributes and different impurities, and he was completely on a completely different level. Just this point was enough to allow Su Ye to take advantage of everything.    


Secondly, he obtained three complete sets of the Devil God's inheritance, which were imprinted directly into his bloodline's memories. He was born with the various profound truths of the Great Dao, so he would be able to comprehend many things in a short amount of time.    


This allowed him to silently create an extremely powerful cultivation system. The depth of his cultivation was much greater than that of any other genius cultivators. After all, even a genius cultivator with the guidance of a supreme Daolord wouldn't be able to master the Grand Dao of Heaven and Earth so easily. Even the most formidable of geniuses would need time to master it.    


Su Ye didn't need to spend too much time to slowly comprehend and obtain profound cultivation experience. With Water of Chaos as the resource, it was as if he was dying. If he wasn't cultivating fast, it would simply be a thunderbolt in the sky.    


Even so, Su Ye was satisfied.    


After the initial evolution of the heavenly passage Great Dao, it was close to the level of the Path of Harmony. There was no way for him to not be satisfied. The danger of the destruction of the Eternal Heaven and Earth had already begun to show itself. The faster one cultivated, the more each day, the more precious each second would be. In the future, it was extremely likely that there would be a difference between life and death.    


Then it went smoothly.    


As long as Su Ye continued to deepen his cultivation, and continuously perfected the Great Way of the Heavenly Passage, it would be enough.    


What gave him a headache was the various abilities that could be used in battles. After his Great Celestial Way had evolved, making up for his lack of divine power, the four great abilities that he could use in battle seemed to be somewhat lacking.    


The three great supernatural powers ? the 'Three Light Destroyer' divine ability, the Primal Chaos Bell, the Yellow Sand Illusion Divine Kingdom, and the Limitless Prison. To him, these four great supernatural powers were already far too difficult to perfectly display the strength that he should have.    


Fortunately, with the inheritance from the three demon gods, he wasn't worried about this. He already had some ideas, and all he lacked now was opportunity.    


As the cup of tea entered his mouth, Su Ye suddenly smiled slightly. Snow Demon Elder, who was making tea for him, was puzzled. She did not know why Su Ye was laughing. But when she raised her head to look at Su Ye, her eyes suddenly lit up with a strange light.    


As the Demon Lord, she had also discovered that just from the cultivation method around the cup of tea, Su Ye seemed to have once again undergone some kind of terrifying transformation. This kind of transformation caused her to feel an incomparably terrifying sensation, and even though the Su Ye in her eyes was seated in a leisurely manner, it seemed like an incomparably vast world was evolving, trembling, endless amounts of dao auras intersected, and with a smile, her eyes were all emitting endless mysteries, as though her entire body was attracted to Su Ye like a black hole, and it was almost causing her to sink into depravity.    


Only then did she wake up. She turned her head to see that Demon Marshall Yin Zhen had already been defeated by Xu Sanjian. He was half-kneeling on the side with a pale face, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth and a face of shock.    


However, the Snow Demon Lord did not care about this. She secretly glanced at Su Ye from the corner of her eyes and realized that the boundless, intertwined aura on Su Ye's body had already disappeared. He looked extremely ordinary and ordinary, without any trace of his aura.    


But this made her even more terrified.    


Because she knew that it wasn't an illusion, it was real. Su Ye had already reached a point where a single glance and a smile could annihilate an ordinary Demon Elder.    




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