An Ultimate Martial Art



Previously, in order to establish himself in the Crimson Dragon Tomb, Su Ye made use of his free time in cultivation to secretly come to the Crimson Dragon Tomb to take in some cultivators as pawns. With his help of pointers and resources, in a short span of two years, the strength of these pawns had increased by leaps and bounds.    


One of the many chess pieces was the City Lord of Radiant White City, City Lord Xu Sandao.    


The original Xu Sanshuang was only an ordinary First Tier Demon Elder. Among the nine Deputy City Lords of White Star City, whether it was in terms of ranking, prestige, or power, he was at the bottom.    


As a result, he was often suppressed by the crowd and could be said to be depressed.    


More importantly, before this city became a city, it was just an ordinary manor in the Crimson Dragon Tomb. At that time, the owner of the manor was none other than Xu Sandao's father." Due to the gradual strengthening of the villa and the frequent battles in the Crimson Dragon Tomb, Xu SanDao's father had died in the hands of the Heavenly clansmen. At that time, he had not yet advanced to the Demon Lord realm, so he had very quickly lost control of the City of Brilliance.    


Right now, the influence of the White Blaze City was not weak. The fact that Xu SanDao was able to become one of the Nine Deputy City Lords as an ordinary First Grade Demon Marshall was because of his special status.    


However, it was precisely because of this that he became increasingly unreconciled. This was clearly something that he should have naturally been able to obtain. How did it become a charity given to him by someone else? On the surface, everyone treated him as a Vice City Lord, but in the private, no one took him seriously.    


However, even though he was unwilling, Xu SanDao was a smart person. He did not express his dissatisfaction in public, but in private, he did not complain about anyone at all. He maintained a sincere smile towards anyone. It was not that he was a hypocrite, but he was very clear that if he did not do this, he would unknowingly die a violent death.    


Moreover, the strong were respected in this world and the White Radiance City was already occupied by outsiders. The reason why he lost all of this was because his strength was lacking and everything else was useless.    


Therefore, he had secretly thought of all sorts of methods to cultivate in order to raise his cultivation.    


When Su Ye secretly came to Bai Xing City, he found out about Xu San Dao by a very unexpected opportunity, and after he found out about Xu San Dao's identity, he observed Xu San Dao for a period of time, and believed that Xu San Dao was a smart person who knew when to advance and when to retreat, so he showed himself.    


After using a series of methods, such as using large sticks and sweet dates to cultivate, he succeeded in taming Xu Sandao, making him an important chess piece for Su Ye in White Star City.    


Now, more than two years had passed and Xu Sanjian had already quietly advanced to a second-grade Demon Lord. His life force, life system and many other aspects had also greatly increased. His true strength could even contend with a third-grade Demon Lord without any problem.    


It had to be known that due to the years of chaos in the Crimson Dragon Tomb, cultivators who were able to establish themselves here were veterans of hundreds of battles. They had experienced a great number of battles and had experienced life and death baptism, so their strength was much greater than the cultivators in other places.    


Xu Sanjian was able to fight a third-grade Demon Lord head-on. If he were placed in any other place, he would be able to match up to a third-grade peak third-grade Demon Lord who was on the verge of breaking through to the mid-fourth-grade.    


It was simply impossible to achieve such a huge improvement without cultivating for hundreds of thousands of years. However, it had been achieved in merely two years under Su Ye's guidance. In comparison, Xu Sandao was filled with reverence for Su Ye.    


So much so that when Su Qingwu and the other three arrived at White Star City and revealed their identities to Xu Sanjian, he did not dare to be negligent in the slightest and directly arranged for Su Qingwu and the other three to stay in one of his secret residences.    


On the surface, it appeared to be an ordinary villa. The person who came out to run this villa was also the relative of the old servant of Xu Sanjian's family, and was deeply trusted by Xu Sancheng.    


In the Manor.    


Su Qingwu and the other three were patiently waiting for Su Ye, since they were not worried about food and drinks, and with Xu Sanguan being so polite, the four of them discussed cultivation techniques together, helping to comprehend the Legacy of the Demon God, and their lives were quite happy.    


However, Xu Sanjian did not have such a good life.    


Although he had been constantly suppressed and ostracized, he was still a vice city lord in name. The earthquake this time was too sudden. Although the City of Brilliance was protected by a strong wall and was quite far from the epicenter of the earthquake, it did not destroy the city. Even so, the losses were not small.    


As a deputy mayor, he naturally needed to do some things like counting the casualties. He was so busy with all sorts of trivial matters that his feet wouldn't touch the ground. He originally wanted to have a good chat with Su Qingwu and the other three, to find out just how deep their relationship with Su Ye was.    


This was already the fourth day since the four of them arrived at Xu San's secret residence. There was a sudden incident that caused Xu San Dao to have no choice but to meet with Su Qingwu again.    


"Miss Su, can you tell me when mister will arrive? I have an urgent matter that I need to report to mister ?"    


Xu SanDao hurried over, the moment he saw Su Qingwu, he immediately asked about the time Su Ye had arrived. This did not surprise Su Qingwu at all. She knew that Su Ye had buried many chess pieces in the vicinity of the Crimson Dragon Tomb, but had never revealed his true identity to anyone, nor had he even revealed his true identity.    


Su Ye could accurately find every single one of them, while Xu SanDao and the rest could not contact Su Ye on their own.    


"If there are no surprises, it will be in the next few days. Why was City Lord Xu in such a hurry? Could it be that something unexpected had happened? If you do not mind how weak the four of us are, you can all talk about it with us.    


The one who spoke was not Su Qingwu, she, who had a cold personality, would not speak so much to Xu Sanjian, but the one who spoke was Head of the Illusionary Void Clan. Amongst the four of them, Head of the Illusionary Void Clan had the most interaction with Xu Sandao.    


After all, he was the Demon Lord. Su Qingwu could tell at a glance that he was a Demon General, and his cultivation was not very high as well. But because of their relationship with Su Ye, they looked at each other in another light.    


However, since he had come, he had no intention of hiding the sudden turn of events.    


"Brother Huan, to tell you the truth, I just received news that the City Lord Xing Yuyuan encountered an enemy on his way back. He fell into the encirclement of three top sixth stage Devil Lords of the Sky Clan and died on the spot. I think the other deputy city lords will also receive this news. I'm afraid this White Calamity City is going to be in chaos. "    


Xu SanDao's face was filled with worry.    


The City Governor of Poisonfeather, as he spoke of, was the City Governor of this city. Xing Yuan's sudden death was definitely not good news for Xu SanDao. Although he desperately wanted to regain control of the city, he hoped to take it back in a more peaceful manner, and not in a chaotic war. If he did, the city would also become a third-rate city, which was not what he wanted.    


Now that Xing Yang had suddenly fallen, those ambitious deputy city lords would definitely not be able to hold back, and would fight desperately for the City Lord's throne. Right now, the White Radiance City had just suffered a great loss. If they were to continue to endure this battle, it was likely that they would fall apart.    


"There's nothing to be anxious about. Since it's a mess, you should take advantage of the situation. Even if you can't win the Mayor's position, increase your influence, raise your prestige, and grasp more power, it won't be a loss."    


As the leader of the clan, Head of the Illusionary Void Clan was naturally familiar with these things that contended for power and benefits. As far as he was concerned, this was a good opportunity. He would make his move when the time came, and there was nothing to hesitate about.    


Hearing that, Xu SanDao could not help but smile bitterly: "The point is that I am not prepared enough, moreover, I do not wish for this White Calamity City to become chaotic."    


Huan Xu was even more disapproving, and laughed, "You wish, you know that this is your wish. But you must understand that reality does not shift according to your will. No matter how much you hope, the ambitions of the other Vice City Lords will surely burst forth, and this is something that you can't control at all. "    


"The most important thing is, how are you going to display your strength without going through a great mess? Without a bloody battle, even if everyone held you in the position of City Lord Bai Qi, how can you even face those ambitious City Lords? Do you even dare to trust them? "    


"So since we're destined to be in chaos and we can't avoid a bloody battle, what's the use of you worrying about all this?"    


Xu Sandao was instantly rendered speechless, he had no choice but to admit that what Head of the Illusionary Void Clan said was reasonable. He desired to use an even gentler method to make the citizens of the City of Whitesnow willingly worship him as the City Lord. It was simply unrealistic; he had been overthinking things.    


But he was still troubled.    


Insufficient manpower and insufficient preparation were still a fatal flaw.    


Previously, he was only a first grade Demon Lord. Let alone the fact that he was the lowest ranked amongst the city lords, even some of the ministers in the city could easily suppress him. Under these circumstances, he didn't have anyone he could use his hands on.    


In the past two years, he had trained with all his might. Even though he had secretly increased his strength, there was no time to recruit his subordinates. In this kind of situation, even if he participated, he would only end up with no subordinates.    


"Brother Huan, you're right. When the time is right, we should attack. I just want to ask for everyone's help to look into the details and see if there's any way to delay the chaos in the City of Blazing Light for two years before it erupts again. If that's the case, I ? "    


Before he finished speaking, the Head of the Illusionary Void Clan was already dissatisfied, "Are you not prepared? Wasn't it just that he didn't have any helpers? If you say that in front of us, do you treat us like thin air? "    


Xu SanDao was stunned and did not know how to respond.    


Just these four Demon Generals were only ordinary Demon Generals. What could they do to help? He would already be thankful if they didn't encounter any trouble in the city. Unless he had a bad brain, he would not dare to let these four help him fight for the city.    


However, how could he say such words? If he said these words, regardless of whether he meant it or not, he would offend someone.    


At this moment, a sneer suddenly sounded out. "Haha, it seems like Vice City Lord Xu is very worried. Even a lowly First Demon General has more courage than you. This shouldn't be Vice City Lord Xu's style ?"    


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