An Ultimate Martial Art



Hearing this, Demon Marshall Ye's eyes were filled with killing intent, "Old devil Xing Yuan, are you trying to stir up trouble?"    


Although it was very taboo for the Hidden Clan, Demon Marshall Ye definitely couldn't back down when it came to slots for the Demon God Ancient City.    


Jiang Wengong was also somewhat helpless. "Brother Xingyuan, honestly speaking, I don't want to cause any more trouble, but if Brother Xingyuan really wants to pester us, then we'll have to see the truth from the bottom of our hearts."    


As soon as he finished speaking.    


A large group of ancient and Sky race demon lords immediately rushed over, all of them releasing their powerful auras. The hidden clan Demon Honored Warrior also did not want to be outdone, so they all stepped forward.    


However, no matter how you looked at it, the hidden clan was much weaker than the demonic realm. The number of demon realm experts from the ancient clans and Sky Clan added up was at least three to four times greater than the hidden clan. If they really fought, the hidden clansmen would definitely be finished. Of course, with the great battle that had erupted between Demonic Lord experts, their methods were far too unusual. Even though the Ancient and Sky races had many people, it was still impossible for them to completely win.    


Furthermore, with so many Demon Sovereign melee battles erupting, the surrounding Demon Generals became even more miserable. They would definitely be affected.    


As a result, the atmosphere became rather tense.    


However, who would have thought that in this situation, Senior Xingyuan was not the least bit worried. He still spoke to the Demon Lord with a tone full of ridicule and contempt, "What, bullying Su Ye? You want to bully this daddy with your numbers again? "Fine, start fighting. I can't guarantee anything else, but I can only watch you fight after I start fighting. I can still do it after I beat you to death. If you don't believe me, can you give it a try?"    


He had never seen such a scoundrel before. As a top rank 12 Demon Lord, this Star Origin Gu Zun was definitely the most shameless and the most difficult to deal with. He was simply a fugitive, a lunatic.    


However, he had no choice. With his understanding of the Star Origin Ancient Sovereign, he knew that if he dared to say that, he would definitely do it. Once the war broke out, then that old geezer, the Old Man Xingyuan, would really kill him without a care for his own safety.    


As for him, his family members knew his own business. He definitely didn't have the courage to risk his life and fight against the Star Origin Ancient Lord. Even if there was, he wouldn't be able to fight against the Star Origin Ancient Lord. In the past, he had fought with the Star Origin Ancient Man three times, and this time, he was able to defeat him with an obvious advantage. If he really risked his life, the one who would die would definitely be him.    


Thus, Demon Marshall Ye decided to simply stay silent.    


However, it was clear that Star Origin Ancient Lord did not intend to let him go, so he continued to mock him, "You're not talking anymore? Scared to death? Tch, it's not that I'm looking down on you, although your Demon Marshall Shen Ye is also a top twelfth stage Demon Marshall, you're also a useless trash. Other than bullying small fries like Su Ye, what else can you do? "    


"You ?" Demon Lord Ye was extremely angry as his body trembled.    


"Never mind, I'm too lazy to talk too much to a good-for-nothing like you." The Star Origin Ancient Lord waved his hand, showing that he didn't care.    


Then, he suddenly changed the topic and threw out a heavy bomb, "Ancient clan and Heavenly clan, I still have twenty slots to bet on the twenty slots to enter the city of the Demon God Ancient City. I don't know if you dare to bet on these twenty slots, but do you have any interest in betting on them?"    


"What? Twenty spots?"    


The ancient races, Sky Race and the other Demon Generals were all shocked.    


Didn't they say that there were only a hundred slots to enter the Demon God Ancient City? Where did this Star Origin Ancient Lord get twenty slots?    


Jiang Wenju was stunned for a moment, his eyes fixed on the Star Origin Ancient Lord, "Brother Xingyuan, are you sure you're not joking? Where did you get twenty spots? "    


The Star Origin Ancient Lord laughed and took out an object that looked like a token, "That's simple, because I found the Illusory Night Demon God's remains a few years ago and obtained this item. This item was personally made by the Illusory Night Demon God. When it opens in the Demon God Ancient City, it will increase the number of slots by 20. "    


"Originally, I wasn't going to bet with you. After you enter the Demon God Ancient City, our hidden clan can easily send twenty people into the Demon God Ancient City with this thing. But I feel that my hidden clan is handsome, and we only have twenty spots, so I want to make a bet with you guys! "    


"You say that that thing was made by the Illusory Night Demon God? You think you can just increase the number of slots by 20? "    


"You don't believe me? You're the useless one. Laozi didn't think you would dare to bet with laozi at all, right? "It's better that you take the time to hide. If there are so many Demon Generals around out of boredom, you can just grab another person to bully. This is your specialty anyways ?"    


"Shut up!" Old ghost Xing Yuan, don't go too far! You kept saying that I was bullying the Demon Generals, when did I bully them? It was clearly Su Ye, that evil beast, who took advantage of the chaos to kill Demon Elder You Luo.    


"Come on! Why don't you take a piss and look at yourself in the mirror? Do you think you're ugly or do you think you're some sort of eternal king? That brat Su Ye, was either an Eternal Two or your subordinate, why did you punish him? "    


"You bastard, Su Ye killed my Eternal Demon Elder, don't tell me I shouldn't interfere ?"    


"Hahaha, you speak as if you can rule for the ancient people, do you want to make me laugh to death? Do you think you're too awesome? Alright, then your father will ask you this. Back then, why did your Nine-headed Clan leader lead people to besiege Great Honored Warrior Xiang Yang? Do you need me to say it out in front of everyone? What about the benefits your Nine-headed Race has promised others ? "    


The words of the Star Origin Ancient Lord were extremely vicious. Back then, the Nine-headed race's chief gathered a large group of Eternal Demon Honored Warriors and promised them all sorts of benefits as they surrounded and attacked the Sunlight Sect's Great Honored Warrior. In the end, he was run away by the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang, and the head of the Nine-headed Clan actually turned hostile. Although he didn't know much about this matter, he did know quite a bit about it.    


For this reason, the Nine-headed Race did not have much of a reputation over the past tens of millions of years. Other than the loyal followers of the Nine-Headed Clan, those who had heard of the reputation of the Nine-Headed Race over the years gradually became distant from the Nine-Headed Race.    


This matter had almost become a stain on the Nine-headed Race.    


However, he couldn't tell if it was real or not.    


If this matter was brought up in front of everyone, it would be no less than picking off the scars of the Nine-headed Race. It was so infuriating that Demon Marshall Ye felt the urge to crawl into a crevice. He was so angry that he wished he could just rush in and tear apart the Star Origin Ancient Lord alive.    


Unfortunately, the Star Origin Ancient Lord didn't care about the Demon Lord at all, nor did he care about the Nine-Headed Race. His hidden race did not belong to the Nine-headed Race, so what could the Demon Elder do if he was angered to death?    


Jiang Wenjian couldn't help but give Demon Marshall a strange look, his eyes clearly carrying a trace of ridicule. Honestly speaking, even he could not understand what the Patriarch of the Nine-headed Race had been thinking all those years ago. Even among the ancient clans, the Nine-headed Race was the first tier, and their strength was tyrannical beyond compare. Even the small and medium-sized ancient clans did not dare to provoke them, but the Nine-headed Race did not lack resources. The benefits he had promised would be fulfilled, so why ruin his reputation for those resources?    


And this Demon Lord Ye, he did not even know Su Ye's personality clearly and thought that he was trying to kill Su Ye. One must know that ants can even secretly live, let alone be humans. The human Su Ye is about to be killed by you, why would he care about you being a top level 12 Demon Elder?    


In the end, he had been thrown away his face in public, and he had even gone into a fit of rage and hysteria. What a joke!    


In the end, it was still because the Nine-Headed Race had been kings for too long that they became carefree. They didn't think much of others, and as a result, others naturally wouldn't think much of them.    


However, this was none of Jiang Wenju's business. He wanted the Nine-headed Race to be even more stupid, and the more stupid the better.    


"Hehe, Brother Xing Yuan, how do you plan on betting?"    


After all, this was not the time to watch a show. Jiang Wenjian was worried that if the Heavenly Demon Lord was provoked by the Star Origin Ancient Lord, the Sky Clan would have no advantage in a chaotic battle.    


Star Origin Ancient Lord laughed, "Easy, I will donate these 20 slots. However, my hidden clan will send sixty Demon Generals to challenge the people on the Absolute Demon General Ranking, and we will decide for ourselves who to challenge. Every time we win a match, we will take one spot, and if we lose, there will be nothing left.    


Jiang Wengong's eyes flashed, he shook his head and laughed, "Brother Xingyuan, you really have a good plan, let's just treat it as if your twenty places are real. Just twenty places and you have to exchange for sixty challenges. There's a total of 120 places, and your hidden clan just took half of it. How are the rest of us supposed to deal with this? "    


"Haha, don't say it like that. You even know what would happen if you win all of them, but what if the probability is extremely low?! These 100 peerless Demon Generals, no matter what, are all top tier Demon Generals that have fought their way out. Although I have confidence in my hidden clan's Demon Generals, I don't think they can win all the matches.    


Jiang Wenjian shook his head and said, "Brother Xingyuan, don't say that. With my understanding of you, you wouldn't do something that you aren't confident of. If you dare to make such a bet, you must be confident. "Unless..."    


"Unless what?"    


"How about this, my Heavenly Clan will bet with you for this gambling match." Amongst the hundred ultimate demon generals, there are a total of fifty-three of us from the celestial race. Fifty-three peerless devils will challenge you to a battle with thirty of you, and you will each win a spot. How about it? "    


"No way!"    


"No way!"    


As soon as Jiang Wenju finished speaking, two voices sounded at the same time. One of them was of course the Star Origin Grand Master, while the other one was unexpectedly the Demon Lord Ye.    


The reason that Ancient Emperor didn't agree was obviously because Jiang Wenjian cut the 60 challenges down to 30 matches, suddenly reducing them by half. This made him feel like he was at a disadvantage.    


On the other hand, the Divine Night Demon Sovereign could not tolerate Jiang Wenji displacing the ancient races. What a joke, there were 20 extra slots, so how could they let a clan of the Heaven Clan bet with the hidden races? If the Heaven Clan won, with 20 more slots, who knows how many more benefits they would get?    


Therefore ?    


The three parties began their quarreling.    


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