An Ultimate Martial Art



"What did you say?" You suspect me of being the disciple of Great Honored Xiangyang? "What kind of joke is this? And who is Great Honored Xiangyang?"    


When he obtained this information from the Venerable Smoke, Su Ye's first reaction was to make a fool of himself, followed by suspicion.    


What Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang? He had never even heard of Great Honored Warrior Yue. How could he suspect that he was the disciple of Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang? Wasn't this nonsense?    


However, even if he was suspected by the Venerable Crane Saint and the others, for such secretive news, how did the Heavenly Demon Elder, Venerable Smoke, find out?    


Looking at Venerable Smoke's old face that was filled with flattery, Su Ye suddenly felt a strong sense of conspiracy. He kept having the feeling that in this so-called suspicion, even if the Venerable Smoke was not the instigator, he at least had a certain role to play.    


He just could not understand, even if this so-called suspicion was really made by the Venerable Smoke, what did the Venerable Smoke want to obtain, and what benefits could he get? This fellow was truly someone who could not afford to take any advantage. He had to get up early to plan something, he definitely wouldn't do it for nothing.    


However because of the lack of information, Su Ye had no way of determining for the time being. He could only pretend that he did not care, and casually inquire the Venerable Smoke about Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang's background.    


The Venerable Smoke would naturally not hide anything, and with a few words, he gave a general idea of Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang's background and experience.    


After Su Ye heard this, he was extremely surprised, there was actually such a powerful person in this world?    


A top twelfth grade Demon Marshall, under the combined attacks of three other peak twelfth grade Demon Masters, nine top eleventh grade Demon Masters, ten top tenth grade Demon Masters and several hundred high ninth grade Demon Masters, could actually heavily injure the top twelfth grade Demon Lord, the Nine-headed Clan Chief, and then escape from the encirclement.    


If this was true, Su Ye didn't doubt that this Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang had reached a peak state far beyond his cultivation back then, and had even reached the threshold of the Thirteenth Pin Demon Elder. He could be said to be an expert that was below the Demon God Realm.    


It had to be known that the Ninth Tier Demon Lord was said to be the limit of most of the Demon Generals. It had already surpassed the limits of the Ninth Tier, and every tiny bit of advancement was beyond its limits.    


A top twelfth grade Demon Lord was now known as the highest rank Demon Lord. It was no different from tens of millions of years ago. As a result, many of the Demon Saints had already determined that the Twelve-Pointed Demon Lord was another Demon Lord with the highest cultivation base after the Nine-Pointed Demon Lord. If he could break through, the Great Way of Life would definitely have a stronger upgrade and transformation. Even if he couldn't directly reach Fiendgod Primordial Chaos, he would at least be able to lay the foundation for advancing to the Demon God Realm.    


For Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang to actually reach the threshold of a Thirteen Pin Demon Sovereign was truly astonishing. There was no one below the level of a demon god that could compare to him.    


For such a character, even Su Ye had to give up all hope.    


"The suspicions of those people are naturally nonsense. How could you be the disciple of Great Honored Xiangyang? However, Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang was a man of great importance. Once those people came to the conclusion ? "Oh no, as long as there's even a trace of doubt, I will not let you go. I will definitely think of a way to deal with you or find the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang through you. You must be careful."    


Venerable Smoke had a serious and concerned expression, as though he was truly concerned for Su Ye's safety from the bottom of his heart and was doing his best to consider for Su Ye.    


"Alright, I understand. Then do you have any news of the Great Honorable Xiangyang? "As a top twelve-rank Demon Elder, has he really disappeared for tens of millions of years without a trace?" As if accepting Venerable Smoke's reminder and concern, Su Ye casually asked.    


"No, but if you are interested in the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang, I can help you find information in private. Maybe there will be some news?" Venerable Smoke flattered.    


Su Ye's expression immediately turned playful, "Are you confident?"    


"Of course... "No." The Venerable Smoke was shocked by Su Ye's expression and cursed in his heart. This damned Su Ye was really cunning, to actually have doubts about him.    


Venerable Smoke had to be more alert.    


"Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang has disappeared for tens of millions of years. Tens of millions of years is enough to change a vast territory. The seas will dry up, the rocks will rot, and the land will sink into the ocean. Not to mention a single person. After so many years, there was still no news of Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang. Not to mention me, I'm afraid that even the Demon God might not be able to find him. How could I be sure? "    


"However, I still have some power under my command. I can't do anything else, so I can always be of some help when it comes to finding people. There is an additional possibility for me to help find more people."    


Su Ye laughed, "That is true, one more person is more likely. Then I'll have to trouble you to help me look for it. Once we leave the Illusory God Forest, you can look for me in the Black Panther City. "En, I'll just treat this bit of spirit liquid as your hard work. I also don't have much spirit liquid left, don't think that it's too little ?"    


Su Ye smiled as he took out another twenty cups of Water of Chaos, which was about two thousand drops. This kind of Water of Chaos was not even a hair of his body. He was thirsty to the point of making mineral water to drink, but he would never let Venerable Smoke know the true origin of his Water of Chaos.    


Seeing the Water of Chaos again, even though he had mentally prepared himself, Venerable Smoke, who had already tasted the sweetness, couldn't help but light up his eyes. He had already obtained two Water of Chaos s from Su Ye, but regarding Water of Chaos, he did not bring them up to anyone, not even Empyrean Yun Chen.    


Both times, the Water of Chaos were absorbed by him alone. He could already clearly feel that his life force had not improved in the past hundreds of thousands of years.    


A treasure that could directly raise the life force of a Chaos Devil Lord was definitely a rare treasure in this world. He really did not doubt that if he had enough spiritual liquid, he would be able to advance to a high level Demon Lord within a million years. In the end, he could step past his limits and reach the peak realm as a Demon Lord.    


Facing the Water of Chaos, Venerable Smoke would naturally not reject it. He did not even say a word of false politeness and immediately accepted it. At the same time, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Su Ye should not have noticed his scheme, otherwise, he wouldn't have given him such a precious spirit liquid.    


As for whether they would notice it in the future, that didn't matter.    


Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang was too sensitive, and the grudge between him and the Nine-headed Race was not as simple as it seems. By the time Su Ye realized that this was his scheme, he had already sunk into a pit of mud. By that time, it would be impossible for him to escape.    


Only then did Venerable Smoke leave with a flattering smile, satisfied. Su Ye did not leave immediately. Instead, he sent a message to Liu Yan in the Peach Blossom Forest and found a place to sit down.    


After a while, Liu Yan arrived.    


Compared to Venerable Smoke, Liu Yan did not hide anything. With his current relationship with Liu Yan, other than the fact that their relationship wasn't suitable to be revealed, there wouldn't be any problem for him to appear close to her.    


"What happened? Why are you so anxious to see me?"    


Liu Yan walked over with a smile. In the blink of an eye, she had arrived at Su Ye's side, and very naturally hooked Su Ye's arm.    


When the gentle, fragrant and soft jade approached, Su Ye's heart could not help but feel a ripple. Liu Yan was indeed an extremely charming woman. With just a single movement of his hand, he could make anyone's heart heat up. It was no wonder that high level Demon Lords or even peak level Demon Masters would want to take her in.    


Su Ye embraced her, "Have you heard of Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang?"    


Although he already had some understanding of the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang matter, Su Ye did not trust the Venerable Smoke. He still wanted to find out more from Liu Yan before he could relax.    


"Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang? Hiss ? Why did you suddenly mention him? " Liu Yan's expression changed upon hearing these words. Her reaction was quite intense. Although she did not have the qualifications to participate in the attack on the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang from tens of millions of years ago, the events that had transpired were too shocking. The words, Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang, still had a huge impact on her.    


Naturally, there was nothing much to hide from Liu Yan. Su Ye immediately told his about the news that the Venerable Smoke had given him, and didn't even try to hide his identity.    


Liu Yan listened patiently, her expression changing again and again until her expression finally became one of anger, "Damn it, this Venerable Smoke is definitely worried and kind. I have my suspicions right now, the matter of the Demonic Crane Saint and the others suspecting that you are a disciple of Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang, it is most likely just him talking to himself. It might even be this fellow who ran in front of the Demonic Crane and the others to provoke them. "    


Su Ye was surprised, "That Smoke Tree fellow is a Heavenly Demon Elder, he actually dares to meet the Demon Elder and the others?"    


Liu Yan sneered.    


"I won't hide it from you or me, do you know how many people in the Eternal Emperors have connections with the celestial race in secret? Those people would do anything for their own benefit. The so-called eternal clan and the heavenly clan are enemies, and have long since become a joke. "    


"Only the cultivators at the bottom level who don't know the truth are still foolishly trying to think of all sorts of ways to fight the celestial race."    


"Venerable Smoke has secretly contacted Demon Elder Crane Head and the others. There is nothing strange about this."    


In the end, she was still a high ranking member of the ancient clan. Liu Yan didn't need to know too much about the things that the ancient clan had done in private.    


Su Ye took a deep breath, "In that case, I somewhat understand. This matter was most likely caused by that guy, Smoke Tree. This fellow probably wanted to use the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang to push me into a quagmire. He was testing me, but he could also fish in troubled waters. In the worst case scenario, seeing tens of ancient clans fall into chaos would not even cause any harm to the celestial race, right? "    


"Damn it, this smoke tree is truly vicious." I must not let him go. Find a chance to get that guy out and I'll deal with him. No matter what tricks this fellow has up his sleeves, we can't let him off easy! "    


Liu Yan's killing intent was awe-inspiring. In her opinion, the reason Smoke Tree did this was to swindle her man. The man that swindled her deserved to die, so she would not hesitate to kill him.    


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