An Ultimate Martial Art



In reality, it was not that Su Ye was unable to create his own powerful Killing technique, he had even created a technique that was at a high level like the Path of Illusion. His skill in killing was actually much stronger than the Path of Illusion, it would be a joke to say that he was unable to create his own Great Killing technique.    


The reason why he had yet to create such a powerful divine ability was not because he could not, but because he actually did not want to.    


At the end of the day, Su Ye's ambition was simply too big.    


As everyone knew, if a cultivator were to comb through their own killing systems and then create a great killing technique, what would be their main foundation? It was the power of slaughter.    


It all depended on how many types of killing and killing powers a cultivator could create, as well as the perfect combination of all the different types of killing and killing powers.    


A great killing ability that could perfectly gather a hundred types of killing power was naturally not something that could be compared with a killing technique that could only gather two or three types of killing power.    


What Su Ye wanted was to create a powerful killing technique that could perfectly integrate all of his killing power. However, how many types of killing power were there in his body? More than a thousand. How could it be so easy to create a great killing ability that could gather all a thousand different types of killing power at the same time?    


Until now, the most powerful Demon General in the entire Eternal Heaven and Earth had only perfectly gathered nine hundred and ninety-seven types of killing power in one strike. And who was the person who created this world-shaking Demon General level killing power?    


Although Su Ye's abilities were not small, it wasn't that simple to surpass the son of the Demon God who had been bathed in the light of the devil god since he was young.    


Since he couldn't create a killer move that could gather over a thousand different powers at once, then he might as well create his own killer move, which could gather a small amount of killing move, and then slowly increase the content of the killer move, was that not okay?    


Not really.    


The power of killing was different from other forces. The power of killing was too aggressive and sharp. If the different powers gathered together, without a perfect system to support it, it would turn into chaos.    


Once the path of slaughter was sorted out and a killing technique was created, the power of rejection would become even stronger. Those powers that weren't contained within the killing spells would constantly be pushed back. In the end, they would directly collapse, and it would become more and more difficult to recover them in the future.    


Therefore, these great killing techniques were basically the same principle. Either they were not created, or they were formed after they were created. In the future, one could only use the killing techniques they grasped to increase their killing abilities.    


This was the biggest contradiction that Su Ye had right now.    


Therefore, Su Ye's heart was unavoidably shaken at this moment.    


However, this wavering was only for a short while, and Su Ye quickly persevered.    


He still believed that as long as he persisted, sooner or later he would be able to create a great killing ability that would perfectly gather all of his killing power. It was just a matter of opportunity, and he was willing to wait for this opportunity.    


Other people didn't have a true killing ability that they could use. It would be difficult to travel the world and deal with all sorts of opponents.    


However, he was different. He had the Demon General's Divine Powers that were not inferior to the ordinary Demon Lord's Divine Powers. Even by continuously activating the various small killing techniques, he was still able to unleash a considerable amount of power. If it really wasn't possible, there was still the third level, the Divine Origin Light. That was definitely a great killing tool that could threaten the lives of ordinary Demon Elders. He was not a weak chicken.    


"I can only do this for now. I need to research a new Water of Chaos ?"    


After taking a deep breath, an instinctual fire appeared in Su Ye's eyes.    


To be honest, he had always thought that Water of Chaos were the kind of Water of Chaos that he had originally. It was only after he killed Demon Marshall You Luo and obtained a portion of the Water of Chaos that had a faint purple glow, did he realize that the Water of Chaos were different.    


This made him, who was worried that he would soon lose all of his resources, excited. How could he not be full of expectations?    


After combing through the Primal Chaos, Su Ye unhesitatingly took out a small bunch of light purple colored Water of Chaos s, which were about a hundred drops.    


After probing deeper, he quickly discovered that this kind of Water of Chaos with a light purple halo contained vitality, energy, and profoundness. All of them were above the original Water of Chaos, and were definitely higher quality Water of Chaos.    


However, just how high the quality of the item was, it was hard to tell with just one's perception. After all, the benefits brought by absorbing the Water of Chaos were actually more comprehensive.    


Therefore, Su Ye continued to absorb these hundred drops of Water of Chaos.    


In just a few seconds, Su Ye was shocked.    


This kind of Water of Chaos with a light purple halo was actually more difficult to absorb than the original Water of Chaos, and the absorption speed was even slower. This slowness seemed to be due to his weak physique.    


But Su Ye did not dare to stop the absorption, he endured the shock and continued absorbing, the astonishing result was revealed.    


He had just broken through to a first stage Demon General, and now he had jumped from an early stage first stage Demon General to a mid-stage Demon General. What was even more terrifying was that his physique, vitality, and even his comprehension and thinking ability had all increased by a level.    


This shocked Su Ye too much.    


He silently calculated that the effect of these hundred drops of purple colored Water of Chaos would probably require at least three hundred million drops of the original Water of Chaos. From this point of view, this Water of Chaos with a light purple halo was three million times stronger than the original Water of Chaos.    


This was simply horrifying.    


Even Su Ye believed that there must be some heaven and earth treasure in the vast Eternal Heaven and Earth that had a cultivation effect better than Water of Chaos s. However, he would never believe that there was any heaven and earth treasure that was three million times stronger than Water of Chaos s.    


However, after he calmed down a little, Su Ye knew that he shouldn't charge the bill like that.    


Water of Chaos with a light purple halo definitely had stronger quality than Water of Chaos like before, but if it was really 3 million times stronger, that would be too exaggerated, and definitely would not happen. The reason for this illusion was mainly because of the actual effect.    


It had to be known that Su Ye had been absorbing Water of Chaos to grow up, but he had already been strengthened to an extreme level by the original Water of Chaos, so the effect of that Water of Chaos towards him was getting weaker and weaker.    


On the other hand, Water of Chaos with this light purple halo, because it had never been absorbed before, naturally the first time it was absorbed, it also displayed an extremely strong effect. One was weak while the other was strong. These two extremes created the illusion that there was three million times the difference between them.    


Of course, even so, Su Ye was still very excited. The appearance of this purple colored Water of Chaos had completely dispelled his worry that he did not have any resources to continue cultivating. The problem now was not that he did not have the resources to continue cultivating, but to figure out where the Water of Chaos had gotten its light purple halo.    


Immediately, Su Ye retrieved a hundred purple colored Water of Chaos drops from the Primal Chaos Wheel. This time, he did not absorb them for cultivation and instead, carefully studied them, going deeper and deeper, more thoroughly. He hoped to understand the formation mechanism of the Water of Chaos.    


Unfortunately, it was a bit difficult.    


After all, he obtained it by chance. Su Ye had meditated for an entire two days but was still unable to comprehend it. It was only a faint guess that the divine light had grinded his life force before forming a higher quality Water of Chaos.    


But if that was the case, it would be troublesome.    


Demon Marshall Silent Night Demon Sovereign was a top-tier Demon Elder. If he really needed to grind a top-tier Demon Elder's life force in order to create such a light purple halo of Water of Chaos, how would he be able to get this kind of Water of Chaos in the future?    


Hunting a peak Demon Elder?    


This was simply hilarious.    


Don't think that it was easy to kill a top-notch Demon Elder just because Su Ye had successfully killed Demon Elder You Luo. As soon as the Demon Lord entered the top tier of life, he had already stepped into a very profound realm. The strength he possessed would only cause others to revere him and despair.    


At that time, if it wasn't for the fact that he wanted to attract the attention of the underworld, and if Demon Marshall Quiet had been injured by Xing Yuan, no matter what, he wouldn't have dared to make a move against Demon Marshal Quiet. Moreover, even if he did make a move in that situation, he would still be seriously injured.    


In fact, if he hadn't been able to use the third level of the Divine Returning Light and send it into the body of the Demon Sovereign, it would have formed a strong restriction on him. There was no telling whether he would have been able to kill the Demon Lord back then.    


Now, if Su Ye really wanted to kill a top-notch Demon Elder, it would definitely be a success. Even if he possessed the Demon General's divine power that was comparable to that of an ordinary Demon Elder, he would not have any chance of success at all. The probability of success was close to zero.    


"Sigh ? "Forget it, we'll just have to take things one step at a time. At least there's hope now."    


Helpless, Su Ye let out a heavy sigh as well. After that, he returned the hundred drops of Water of Chaos with faint purple luster back to the Primal Chaos Wheel. Right now, he did not have much of these Water of Chaos with a pale purple aura. After killing Demon Marshall You, he only had 800 drops. Now he needed to use every drop less, just in case.    


Furthermore, he did not plan on relying on this light purple colored Water of Chaos to cultivate. The benefits had to be maximized. Since the ordinary quality Water of Chaos had not lost its effect on him, he had to continue to cultivate using the ordinary quality Water of Chaos, all the way until there was truly no effect. Then, he would cultivate using the light purple colored Water of Chaos, and that would truly be not wasting any of the normal quality Water of Chaos.    


However, he did not have any ordinary Water of Chaos on him. Before he escaped, he had already distributed all the ordinary Water of Chaos to Meng Junyao and the others. He had to think of another way to obtain the Water of Chaos.    


Because of this, Su Ye turned his gaze towards the ancient castle a thousand meters away. He believed that he would have a chance there.    


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