An Ultimate Martial Art



"Everyone, what do you think we should do now?" The Devil Lord Crane tried his best to calm himself down, but it was impossible. His voice could not help but tremble. It was possible that the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang had returned, causing him unprecedented fear.    


"What else can we do? We have to inform the Nine-headed Race. If the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang really did return, no one else but the Nine-headed Race can resist. All of us together will not be able to withstand a single finger of the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang. " A high level Demon Lord asked with a trembling voice.    


"Notify the Nine-headed Race? Hehe, I'm afraid the Nine-headed Race might not even protect us after hearing this news ? " Great Rock Demon Sovereign said with a sneer.    


These words caused everyone's hearts to sink, but no one dared to refute.    


Back then, in order to deal with the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang, the Patriarch of the Nine-Headed Tribe summoned the experts of the ancient clans and offered them all sorts of promises and benefits. For the sake of benefits and for the sake of the Nine-headed Race, many people took part in the siege.    


But who would have thought that Xiangyang University would respect the Nine-headed Chief so much that he would be able to escape from the encirclement? Not only did the Nine-headed Race turn hostile and refuse to acknowledge others' promises, they even rejected the request of the Great Honored Xiangyang Clan to protect them from retaliation.    


This immediately caused many of the experts who had responded to the Nine-headed Clan leader's summons to feel extremely aggrieved. However, they had no choice but to do so, and their relationship with the Nine-Headed Race became extremely bad.    


Now, it was possible that the great master Xiangyang had reappeared. It was impossible for him to have the Nine-headed Race come out and protect them.    


Many people were filled with regret at the thought of this matter. They regretted not believing in the promise of the Nine-Headed Chief and not reaping any benefits in the end. Instead, they had provoked a world-shocking enemy like the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang.    


"I don't think there's a need to tell the Nine-headed Race about this ?" Another high ranking Demon Marshall said angrily as he was truly infuriated.    


During that siege, the Nine-headed Race was the true culprit. Now that the Xiangyang Great Honored Warrior had returned, although he might not dare to directly attack the Nine-headed Race for revenge, the Nine-headed Race was definitely the biggest target of his revenge.    


Now, the Venerable Smoke had brought the news to them, not the Nine-headed Race. The Nine-headed Race could be said to be completely unprepared. Under these circumstances, if Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang really wanted to take revenge on the Nine-headed Race, it would be enough to make the Nine-headed Race suffer. To them, it was more than enough to vent their anger.    


Everyone understood this logic.    


However, everyone knew that without the Nine-headed Race in front of them, there was no way for them to survive when faced with a world-shocking enemy like the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang.    


This was a contradiction.    


"How about we tie up Su Ye?" Suddenly, a Demon Sovereign suggested.    


"Bind Su Ye up?" Everyone's expression changed slightly.    


"The Venerable Smoke is right. Why would the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang appear when the Venerable Smoke is about to kill Su Ye? Is he just trying to get the Venerable Smoke to give us a piece of news? It might not be that simple, and it definitely wasn't a coincidence. The person behind this Su Ye might really be Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang. "    


"With Hierarch Xiangyang's strength, for him to secretly raise a top Demon General isn't too difficult. There must be a reason why he was putting so much effort into nurturing Su Ye. As long as we tie Su Ye up, maybe we can have a bargaining chip with Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang. "    


Hearing what the Demon Lord said, everyone was tempted.    


Against a powerful enemy like the great master Xiangyang, it was impossible to count on the Nine-headed Race. His only hope was to negotiate, to use negotiations to eliminate the killing intent of Great Honored Xiangyang. Although the probability of success was not high, but at least it was a slim chance of success?    


However, the Crane Saint still had his doubts, "Bind Su Ye? Would this anger the great Honored Warrior Xiangyang? If Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang had directly wanted to take revenge on the Nine-headed Clan, but he was angered because we kidnapped Su Ye, he would have turned against us instead. Wouldn't that mean ?? "    


"Besides, have you all thought that the Venerable Smoke could also be lying? That guy is after all, a celestial race. If this kind of news comes from the mouth of a Sky Clan Demon Elder, the credibility of it would be at a 50% discount. "    


"If this is really the Venerable Smoke's scheme, then it's extremely likely that all of us will be tricked by him."    


Demon Marshall Crane's concern was not unreasonable.    


Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang, who had disappeared for several tens of millions of years, had appeared earlier or later. When they were suspecting Su Ye's background and told him about it through the mouth of the Venerable Smoke, this itself was worthy of suspicion.    


"But if we don't tie Su Ye up, what should we do? This news is too scary. We would rather believe it to be true than not. "    


"No, there's one other way." Great Rock Demon Sovereign suddenly said.    


"Brother Great Yan, what do you think?" Demon Marshall Crane looked at Demon Marshall Great Cliff.    


"We can pretend that this news is true, or we can think that Su Ye's background is Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang for the time being. But we might not only have to tie Su Ye up and threaten Great Honored Xiangyang with us, we can also become friends with Su Ye! "    


"Make friends with Su Ye?" Everyone looked at Great Rock Demon Sovereign in surprise. This was truly a surprising thought.    


"Right, think about it. If Su Ye was really groomed by Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang. Then why did Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang cultivate Su Ye? The answer is simple. Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang needs a helper. He needs a helper if he wants to take revenge on the Nine-headed Race. "    


"If we were to befriend Su Ye and use him to befriend Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang, and even take the initiative to help Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang, would you say that Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang would accept us?"    


Great Rock Demon Lord's crazy thoughts made many people panic. According to the Great Rock Demon Lord's plan, they were helping Great Honored Xiangyang to take revenge on the Nine-Headed Race. This meant that he had to directly stand against the Nine-headed Race. Just thinking about it made his scalp tingle.    


"Brother Great Yan, I admit that you are right, but don't you think this is too risky? First, let's not talk about whether the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang would agree to let us be his helpers. Even if we do agree to go against the Nine-headed Race and help Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang take revenge on the Nine-headed Race, just how good will our outcome be? " The Demonic Crane shook his head and did not quite agree with Demon Marshall Great Rock's suggestion.    


Great Rock Demon Lord said, "But, have you ever thought about it? We've long been stuck between the Nine-headed Race and the Great Sage Xiangyang. We can't count on the Nine-Headed Race. We've lost our choice long ago, haven't we?"    


"This ?"    


"This is not the point. The point is, you're all missing one thing. The reason why the Nine-headed Race is so terrifying is because they have the Fiendgod Primordial Chaos guarding them. All of us do not dare to have any thoughts towards the Nine-headed Race. However, the truth is, how could the Fiendgod Primordial Chaos do anything so easily? If the Nine-headed race's Fiendgod Primordial Chaos attacked back then, how could the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang escape? "    


"So now, even if we join Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang and help him deal with the Nine-headed Race, as long as the Nine-headed Race does not perish, the Fiendgod Primordial Chaos of the Nine-headed Race may not take action. So what's there to be afraid of? "    


"Moreover, even if we become the helpers of Great Honored Xiangyang, we might not have to openly fight the Nine-headed Race, right?"    


Everyone thought about it, and this made sense. As long as the Nine-headed Race was not exterminated, the Fiendgod Primordial Chaos behind them would not necessarily appear. After all, the Fiendgod Primordial Chaos was not completely bored, he was just waiting for the Nine-headed Race to become their bodyguards.    


Coupled with the fact that the Nine-Headed Race had betrayed them and had suffered the vengeance of the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang, the Nine-Headed Race would find it difficult to find any more helpers. Standing on the side of Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang was truly a favorable position. At the very least, it would be a good thing to eliminate the killing intent that Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang had towards them.    


"Alright, then we'll follow your suggestion to become friends with Su Ye first. We will send people to contact Su Ye now? " Demon Marshall Crane asked.    


"No, absolutely not. We are still not sure whether the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang has appeared yet, and we are not sure if the Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang is truly standing behind Su Ye. It would be a good thing for us to come into contact with him. We have to take a detour, and this matter has to pass through Liu Yan. " Great Rock Demon Sovereign said.    


"Liu Yan?"    


Everyone pondered for a moment and immediately understood. Why did Liu Yan choose Su Ye, who was unknown, as her participant in the battle? Liu Yan must have already known that Su Ye was strong, or maybe she had even known about Su Ye's background.    


The effect of going through Liu Yan was definitely much better than meeting Su Ye directly.    


"So for the time being, let's pretend that we don't know. How about the Demon General Competition and how about we?" Step by step, if Liu Yan really obtains the tickets, even if we lose the bet, we can use this opportunity to ease our relationship. If Su Ye loses, we can win, and we can avoid losing Liu Yan's bet as a condition to ease the relationship between us and Liu Yan, and neither of us will lose out. "    


"That's good. Not bad, let's do it."    


When the Demon Lords reached an agreement, their minds were much steadier and they were no longer as anxious.    


After Venerable Smoke, who came to send off a piece of fake news, left, he returned back to his home as an expert of Yun Qi Tribes. After making a few turns, he sneaked into the Peach Blossom Forest when no one was looking.    


Not long after, Su Ye received a secret message.    


"That old fogey, Smoke Tree, wants to see me. Is there something urgent?" Su Ye's expression became suspicious, even though the Venerable Smoke was bowing and bowing in front of him, completely flattering him. But Su Ye had never dared to look down on him. No matter what, he was a genuine mid-ranked Demon Elder.    


Furthermore, the Venerable Smoke, who was able to be submissive and ignore face as if it were nothing, was definitely an old cunning fox who would use any means possible to achieve his goals. In his heart, he still maintained a strong vigilance against this person.    


At a time like this, when the Venerable Smoke suddenly wanted to see him, Su Ye would naturally feel suspicious. However, after thinking about it, he still decided to meet his. No matter what, he had to see what the Venerable Smoke had to say first.    


Following that, Su Ye secretly informed Meng Junyao and the rest, and found an opportunity to slip into the Peach Blossom Forest.    


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