An Ultimate Martial Art



Su Ye had originally planned to go to the Snow Spirit Realm to get some Life Transforming Forbidden Technique aura from there to thoroughly study it, but now that there was a challenge, Su Ye was no longer in a hurry to go to the Snow Spirit Realm. Hai Kou had already boasted about it. Even if he didn't take the bet of 50 million Tier 7 Demon Lord treasures, he would still do it for face.    


Since Demon Marshall Slaughterer challenged Su Ye despite knowing that it would be difficult to defeat him, it was definitely not as simple as just finding a way for him to escape. Su Ye could not really ignore his opponent, so he had to buy some time to raise his cultivation.    


Su Ye planned to return to his new nest in Yuansu and secluded himself for a period of time, until he had exhausted all the heavenly materials that could be used to raise his cultivation.    


In other words, Su Ye was determined to raise his cultivation, and increase his cultivation as much as possible.    


Yu Feng raised an objection.    


The two of them thought that even if Su Ye planned to cultivate in seclusion, it would not affect Su Ye from entering the Snow Spirit Realm. At the very least, the Snow White Demon Spirit Clan, which was led by Xue Lan Tian, had already reacted quickly after receiving Su Ye's reminder. They had set up layers of restrictions in their respective controlled areas, isolating the aura of the Life Transforming Forbidden Technique, and not affecting Su Ye's cultivation at all.    


On the contrary, the more powerful the battle became, the more Demon Marshal Xin would think of ways to disrupt Su Ye's cultivation. If he knew that there was no guarantee of victory, then Su Ye would definitely be found outside.    


Instead, it would be better to follow the original plan and continue to head towards the Snow Spirit Realm, to find a place to cultivate in seclusion near the Snow Mist Heavenly Demon God. With the Snow Mist Heavenly Demon God here, even the White Emperor Tian Yun would not act rashly.    


If he had enough time, Su Ye would still be able to continue collecting the auras of the Life Reincarnation Forbidden Technique. This would save him the time to run around in the future and kill two birds with one stone.    


Su Ye thought about it, what he said was not without reason.    


Thus, he gave up on the idea of returning to Demon Lord Yuan Su's new nest and followed the two of them to the Snow Spirit Realm.    


They had arrived at the Snow Spirit Realm.    


Su Ye immediately frowned.    


At this time, the Snow Spirit World no longer had even the slightest trace of the quiet spiritual nature of the secluded lands. In this world, Su Ye could easily feel the aura of the Life Reincarnation Forbidden Technique. The density of this aura was extremely high, which could only be described as scary.    


With this concentration, even if it did not continue growing, it would still continue growing.    


In less than three hundred years, no one would be able to survive. All of them would be contaminated by the aura of the forbidden reincarnation technique, and the entire clan would become the offerings of the world exterminator. At that time, just how strong would the reincarnated World Destroyer be? It would definitely be beyond the imagination of many.    


In any case, from Su Ye's perspective, the World Exterminating Elder who was revived using the life of a Snow White Tribe would definitely not be a demon god. It was extremely likely that they would directly become a supreme Daolord, and they might not be an individual either.    


Thinking about the current Eternal Heaven and Earth, who seemed like a pile of loose sand, who was already in danger, what would happen if there were to suddenly appear two or three peerless Daolords who could destroy the world? By then, all the cultivators in Eternal Heaven and Earth would have sold out and no one would be able to play anymore.    


After that, Su Ye was brought to the training hall controlled by the Snow Mist Heavenly Demon God.    


This was also a mountainous area. Relatively speaking, this place lacked a lot of the aura of the Forbidden Reincarnation Technique, so it could be considered a pure land.    


However, Su Ye did not meet the Snow Mist Heavenly Demon God and it seemed like he was temporarily unable to appear while he was in closed-door training. Su Ye did not mind as well, he directly asked for too much help to find a suitable place to start his closed door cultivation.    


Cultivators raising their cultivation was actually not an easy task. Other than having enough cultivation experience, one also needed rich cultivation resources. Even if one was immersed in heavenly resources, refining heavenly resources would still take time. After all, heavenly materials also contained all sorts of impurities and needed to be removed.    


But Su Ye was not troubled by it.    


In terms of cultivation experience, he completely possessed sufficient levels of profundity, and refined heavenly and earthly treasures into Water of Chaos. This was an absolutely pure energy essence, and its absorption was simple and fast, but also had a good effect.    


As a result, after Su Ye had collected all the heavenly materials, he was the calmest to focus on cultivating in seclusion. In the eyes of the people watching him in the outside world, they might even think that Su Ye had only closed the useless gate once and wasted his time.    


So in the beginning, the person in charge of protecting Su Ye still maintained a calm state of mind when Su Ye went into closed door cultivation. However, when he realized that Su Ye had actually gone into closed door cultivation calmly and peacefully, he couldn't help but have the urge to peek in his heart.    


However, when he stealthily split up a bit of his consciousness to observe, he discovered that he could not see anything, and could not help but secretly be surprised.    


This went on for three months.    


Su Ye finally came out of seclusion.    


Seeing Su Ye again, he was too shocked to death by the aura Su Ye inadvertently revealed. The peak of the sixth stage Consecutive Demon Lord was infinitely close to a seventh stage Consecutive Demon Lord.    


In just three months, Su Ye's cultivation had almost risen by two realms, how terrifying was this? Before his closed door cultivation, Su Ye was already able to compete with Demon Elder Slaughter Xin, but after being promoted to two realms, what realm would Su Ye reach?    


With his experience, he could feel that Su Ye's strength had already completely surpassed the scope of the Demon Marshall, and was definitely comparable to those half-step Demon Gods of the legendary Thirteenth Pin Demon Masters. As for what kind of half-step Demon Gods he could compete with, or even if he could compare with those old half-step Demon Gods, who were only a step away from the realm of the Demon Marshall, it would be difficult for him to guess due to his world.    


But to ask him to test it out himself was to say that he lacked some confidence.    


In this state, whether it was Su Ye or Demon Elder Slaughterer, none of them were qualified to be Su Ye's opponent anymore.    


He finally understood why Su Ye would say those words in front of Demon Elder Slaughterer. Those words were not crazy words, if Demon Lord Slaughterer met Su Ye three months later, it wouldn't be enough to take care of Su Ye with one hand.    


This brat did not know how monstrous Su Ye was, so he chose to fight with Su Ye, and accepted the wager of 50 million pieces of Level 7 Demon Elder Heavenly Treasures. Let's see how you plan to end this then.    


However, they did not know that Demon Lord Slaughterer had been waiting in White Emperor Tianyun's training hall for three months. He had been loyal to the White Emperor Tianyun.    


The moment he saw the White Emperor Tianyun, Demon Slaughterer started to wail to the White Emperor Tianyun about how he had been humiliated by too many people. As he finished speaking, he even described the matter of him taking the initiative to battle Su Ye as a plan he had thought of due to the extreme helplessness he had. This was so that he could regain face for the White Emperor and the Heavenly Cloud Demon God in the future. However, he actually did not have the confidence to defeat his opponent in half a year. Thus, he requested for help from the White Emperor Tianyun, hoping to receive some pointers from him.    


That's right, there was no perfect way to win against Su Ye when Devil Lord Xin Xin Xin made an appointment to fight. Other than the fact that he desperately needed a way out, he could only think of a very risky plan at that time, which was to kidnap the White Emperor Tian Yun and turn the arranged battle with Su Ye into a pinnacle showdown between the two of the Demonic Gods, the Snow Mist Heaven Demon God and the White Emperor Tian Yun Demon God.    


This way, White Emperor Tianyun wouldn't just sit back and do nothing. At that time, he would receive guidance from the White Emperor Tianyun. Adding to the fact that the bottleneck he had faced after his battle with Su Ye had been eased, he could very well advance to the Thirteenth Tier Demon Lord in a short period of time and become a true half-step Demon God.    


If he fought Su Ye with half a step into the Demon God Realm, wouldn't that be as easy as playing with a child? Fifty million seventh-grade Demon Lord heavenly resources would also fall into his hands. He would gain both face and money, and a large basket of benefits.    


The only trouble was that he couldn't hide his scheme from the White Emperor Tianyun. If the White Emperor Tianyun wasn't feeling well and punished him, then he would feel cold.    


After the crying, Demon Slaughterer was also a bit depressed. He did not dare to meet White Emperor Tianyun's gaze at all.    


But luckily, he was lucky.    


The White Emperor Tianyun didn't seem to want to quibble about the scheming and scheming matter with him. Instead, he became very interested in the gambling match between Demon Sovereign Xin Xin and the Snow Mist Heavenly Demon God Sect.    


"Are you saying that the person you promised to fight in a draw isn't too bad, but is another unknown Demon Lord?"    


"Reporting to the Lord Demon God, this is indeed not too good. However, the other party should not be an ordinary Demon Marshall. He should be the same as that Yu Feng, the Great Demonic Lord, but much stronger.    


"Yet another Great Demon Lord? Heh, this is interesting. Looks like this fellow Xue Lan Tian really hid quite a number of things during these few years. Since that's the case, let's have a fight. "    


The White Emperor Tian Yun's words caused Demon Marshall Slaughterer to heave a sigh of relief.    


"However, I want to change the date of this arranged battle and the wager. You must be prepared, the wager will be very large, including my face, so when the time comes, you can only win and not lose. If you lose, you must be prepared to meet Lord World Exterminating God!"    


White Emperor Tianyun said indifferently.    


Just as he heaved a sigh of relief, Demon Slaughterer became nervous again, his heart hanging in his throat. However, at this point, he had already been forced to the edge of the cliff. It was impossible for him to retreat any longer, so he could only brace himself and say yes.    


"It's good that you understand. From now on, you can follow me and go into seclusion. One year later, you will have a fight with the other party and decide life and death."    


Instantly, a gust of wind formed and turned into a streak of divine light, whistling through the air. In a short while, it arrived at the Snow Mist Heavenly Demon God's training hall, and upon receiving the gust of wind, the expression of the Snow Mist Heavenly Demon God, who was in closed-door seclusion studying the forbidden technique of reincarnation, immediately changed, and became extremely solemn.    


"Where is he? Come quickly and meet this god!"    


"Eh? Brother Su, Lord Xue Lan summoned me. Why don't you come with me to meet Lord Xue Lan ?"    


"Alright then!"    




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