An Ultimate Martial Art



By the time Su Ye returned to the outside world, the third round of the Demon General Competition was already over.    


Many of the spectators were discussing the victors and losers in the previous round of the Large Competition. Some were praising while some were sighing, but Su Ye was still able to hear much about him.    


These discussions about him were naturally not good news. After all, no one would believe that a Demon General who had already offended a large portion of the Ancient Devil Lords. In the eyes of the vast majority of people, there was nothing else but waiting for Su Ye to die or flee for his life.    


Although the other small group of people did not believe that Su Ye was dead for sure, it was only because of the Hidden Clan. However, they were not sure whether the hidden clans would change their way of doing things and openly stand out to protect Su Ye.    


As a result, when Su Ye reappeared, the majority of the people still looked down on him, and as a result, no one took the initiative to greet him. Instead, they were afraid that he would take them, and intentionally or unintentionally, they would distance himself far away from Su Ye, so much so that an open area appeared at where he stood.    


This sort of situation naturally fell into the eyes of the Divine Night Demon Sovereign and the others. These people all secretly sneered and secretly felt proud of themselves. Rushing into them in the territory of the ancient clans and still thinking about living a good life, that was just a dream. First I'll let you taste the fear of being rejected by everyone, then I'll come and take care of you.    


However, there were also differences. These people were the Demonic Crane, the Great Rock Demon Lord and the others.    


"He really does have some confidence. After swearing at Demon Marshall Ye in public, he still acted as if nothing had happened." He was now more and more convinced that there was an existence behind Su Ye that was able to shake the world. If he was Su Ye, then he definitely would not dare to go against the Divine Night Demon Sovereign in that kind of situation without something to rely on, let alone ridicule him in front of him, and make the Divine Night Demon Sovereign completely lose face.    


"I didn't expect such an unexpected turn of events. Brother Great Yan, what do you think we should do next?" Demon Marshall Crane asked.    


"What can we do? He couldn't afford to offend either side, so he decided to just wait and see. To be honest, I am a little curious right now. If the Demon Lord chased after Su Ye to kill him, would the mysterious master, who possessed such a terrifying existence, appear before us? "    


Hearing the Crane Head Demon Elder's question, the Great Rock Demon Sovereign's eyes narrowed, a cunning light flashing through them.    


The Crane Saint's heart trembled. "That's right, why didn't I think of that? Isn't that brat playing the fool with us and not introducing us to his master? I want to see how he will avoid the Heavenly Night Demon Lord's chase this time! "    


At the same time, Venerable Smoke who was hiding in a corner was also full of smiles. Initially, he had sought the Demon Elder Crane Head and the others to throw out the so called Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang, hoping to use this sham called Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang to lure the Demon Master Crane Head and the others to deal with Su Ye and ascertain whether or not the Fiendgod Primordial Chaos existed behind Su Ye.    


In order to perfectly realize this plan, he had even prepared a "Great Honored Warrior Xiangyang" to appear at the right time.    


However, he never expected that before the Demonic Crane could make a move, Su Ye would actually provoke a top twelfth stage Demon Elder like the Demon Lord. Furthermore, he had stimulated the Divine Night Demon Elder to the point that his dignity was swept away, immediately forming a huge grudge with him.    


Right now, it was obvious that Su Ye was about to be ostracized, and he was extremely happy. After the chaos in the Demon God City had dissipated, the Demon Lord and the others would definitely free their hands and chase after Su Ye crazily. At that time, it would naturally be clear whether or not Su Ye had the blessing of a Demon God or not.    


Thinking of this, he even hoped that the matter regarding the Demon God Ancient City would end soon. He couldn't wait to see a big show.    


Regarding the thoughts and plans behind the Demon Marshall, Su Ye did not know about them. He indifferently looked at the start of the final round of battles, and felt the gazes from afar slowly fade. Su Ye suddenly turned around, and the moment everyone's attention was focused on the Demon General Competition, and he was ignored, he once again entered the Peach Blossom Forest.    


This time, he did not want to meet someone in the Peach Blossom Forest. Instead, he ran towards the direction outside of the Peach Blossom Forest.    


Yes, he was leaving.    


With the Demon General Competition having reached this point, Liu Yan's ticket had already been confirmed. No one could overturn the rules and cancel Liu Yan's ticket. There was not much point in him continuing to stay here. As for the hidden clansmen's subsequent actions, although he was somewhat curious, he did not plan to stay and watch them.    


For him, the most important thing right now was to escape, and make the best use of this time to increase his strength.    


Towards this Peach Blossom Forest, Su Ye was already familiar with it, it did not take much effort for him to already walk out. Furthermore, through the subtle connection he had with the illusion of the Yellow Sand Field, he easily found a door of light and directly passed through it and returned to the illusion of the Yellow Sand Field.    


For others, wanting to completely leave the Illusionary God Forest wasn't easy. Perhaps they would have to wait until the matter of the Demon God Ancient City ended. However, he was different. Relying on his miraculous resonance with the Yellow Sand Plains' secret plane, he was confident that he could go back through the Yellow Sand Plains' secret plane.    


When he once again returned to the initial world of yellow sand, Su Ye clearly felt as if he was a fish leaping in the sky and a bird soaring in the sky. Without the pressure of the Demon Marshall of Primal Chaos, who could take his life at any time, and without those faint gazes, Su Ye felt as if he had returned to his own world.    


The illusory paths, trails, and even the mysteries of killing were everywhere in this dreamland of the Yellow Sand Field. It was as if the air itself was being emitted in all directions. Su Ye, who had already created his own life runes and advanced to a first stage Demon General, was even more at ease.    


He did not know if he would ever have the chance to return here again. To him, this could very well be the last chance he would have to absorb the mysteries of this place as he wished. Therefore, regardless of whether the mysteries he absorbed would actually benefit him or not, he would just accept them and suppress them. At most, he could just wait until he left this place and find a hidden place to undergo closed-door training to digest them.    


In this way, there would be an early consequence.    


After it entered his body, although it was temporarily suppressed, it still swelled up. This kind of swellings almost caused his body's shape to change, and his originally slender and slender figure actually turned into a huge fatty who weighed at least 300 kilograms in just half an hour.    


At this point in time, Su Ye had the feeling that he was full and couldn't eat anymore. Helpless, he could only choose to leave.    


Fortunately, the change in his body did not hinder his movements. He continued to nimbly search for a way out of the yellow sands, gradually moving further and further away.    




But after walking for an unknown amount of time, Su Ye suddenly stopped. He suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart, and subconsciously looked towards a certain direction in the Yellow Sand Plains. There seemed to be a vague feeling, as if there was something there that was attracting him.    


Su Ye hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he decided to change the direction, and rushed towards the direction that made his heart palpitate.    


? ?.    


Outside the ancient city, after Su Ye slipped away for about fifteen minutes, someone finally discovered that Su Ye had disappeared and reported it to the Divine Night Demon Sovereign.    


At first, the Divine Night Demon Marshall did not think much of it, because he had long known that Su Ye had also entered and left the Peach Blossom Forest before. He believed that this time, he should have entered the Peach Blossom Forest to meet with some people, and was probably discussing how to deal with him.    


However, the person who reported this to him told Demon Marshall Ye that he had already investigated. Su Ye's former comrades had all returned to their sects. After returning, they had also spread the news that they wanted to draw a clear line between them and Su Ye.    


Even Demon Elder Liu Yan had returned to his seat. Although he didn't say anything more, it was enough to prove that she wouldn't meet Su Ye in the Peach Blossom Forest again.    


Therefore, there was something fishy about Su Ye not being able to see him at this time.    


The Demon Elder's eyes became stern, "Are you saying that Su Ye escaped while no one was looking?"    


The reporter did not say anything, but it was clear that this was his intention.    


"This sovereign thought that Su Ye was really a fearless madman, but now it seems that he is no different. However, he's afraid now. If he wants to escape, isn't it too late? "    


He immediately ordered: "Immediately send people into the Peach Blossom Forest to chase after me. This sovereign does not care what you think, but you must capture that evil beast Su Ye.    


Although the Divine Night Demon Marshall did not believe that Su Ye had the ability to escape before the end of the Demon God Ancient City. If they didn't capture Su Ye as soon as possible, and let him charge around randomly, who knows how many limbs they would use to capture Su Ye in the future if they really let him escape.    


As a result, under strict orders, they immediately dispatched ten ordinary Demon Generals, led a hundred top-notch Demon Generals into the Peach Blossom Forest, and started searching for Su Ye from different directions.    


The Divine Night Demon Lord's actions did not go unnoticed by Star Origin Ancient Sovereign and he had even pretended to ignore him, who had actually been secretly watching over Su Ye the entire time. When Su Ye had quietly retreated, he had already noticed it. However, he remained calm and collected, waiting for Demon Marshall Ye to react.    


Although the Divine Night Demon Sovereign was slow to react, he had a reaction after all. Furthermore, his reaction was a big one, so he couldn't help but secretly rejoice.    


He waved his hand and summoned two Demon Generals from behind him, "Yao Mountain, Yu He, the two of you follow them. Do not disturb anyone. Once you discover Su Ye, all of you should wait and see. Unless it is absolutely necessary, unless it is absolutely necessary that Su Ye dies, none of you should show himself. "    


It was very easy for the two to understand the meaning of Star Origin Ancient Lord. The Star Origin Ancient Lord obviously wanted to use the Night Demon Lord's hand to investigate Su Ye's background and determine whether or not he had the power.    


The two nodded, retracted their breath, and quietly went into the Peach Blossom Forest.    


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