An Ultimate Martial Art



"Heh, it really is a spiritual medicine world ?"    


After stepping into the concealed space, he had only swept a glance at the environment, and even Su Ye had revealed a smile.    


The hidden space was not that big, about ten football fields or so. The terrain was basically a flat plain with rare heavenly materials planted everywhere. It seemed to have been growing for a long time.    


Su Ye gave it a rough estimate. There were around 200,000 of them in total, with about 150,000 of them being lower ranked than Demon Lord and 50,000 of them being higher ranked than Demon Elder. Overall, it was not as shocking as the tens of millions of heavenly materials that Su Ye had previously obtained, but it was still a considerable amount of wealth.    


With this amount of wealth in his hands, in the form of Water of Chaos, Su Ye could directly become a fourth stage Acupoint Charging Demon Elder.    


Originally, Su Ye had placed his hopes of advancing to become a fourth grade Acupoint Charm Demon Elder in the forbidden grounds of the Hidden Clan. Now, it would be better for him to advance his cultivation.    


The remnant world vein that Su Ye had previously felt was now in the center of this dimension. It was sealed in a fairly profound seal, and was supplemented with spirit energy extracted from the origin channels by an array formation to nourish these heaven and earth treasures.    


One could say that the reason why this space was able to produce 200,000 heavenly resources was all because of this remnant World Origin Vessel.    


However, due to the long time he had to absorb spiritual energy, the remnant world origin vein was already somewhat empty, and the damage to its source energy had already reached 70%.    


If Su Ye had not coincidentally bumped into it, and allowed this remnant World Origin Vein to continue being exhausted, it would not be long before this World Origin Vein would completely dry up and become a crippled meridian. Unless there was an especially large change in the Mountain and Sea Realm, it would be impossible for it to revive again.    


This also meant that there wasn't much meaning for Su Ye to continue absorbing this remnant world's origin vein. With a origin vein that was 70% damaged, even if Su Ye forced himself into his own heavenly passage, it wouldn't be able to bring him much progress.    


It would be better to extract the original vein and use it as the foundation to refine a space treasure to form a medicine garden, which would be used to grow heaven and earth treasures.    


Coincidentally, Su Ye had inherited the knowledge from the three Demon Gods that there was a miraculous medicine garden array, the Spirit Recovery Array. Using the Spirit Returning Array to lay down the medicine garden, not only would one be able to draw out the original veins to nurture the growth of all sorts of heavenly materials, but the natural treasures would also be able to use their unique vitality to return the damaged world's original veins.    


This Spirit Recovering Array could be said to be a model of the world. The profundity and profoundness of the Spirit Recovering Array originated from a person from the pre-ancient era who was known as the Spirit Return Daolord.    


He had revealed the secrets of the formation to Daolord Allstar, who then, based on a summary of its mysteries, had restored the formation and passed it down to the twelve true heirs of the Myriad Star Sect.    


Up till now, Su Ye had grasped the spirit array. If the Spirit Returning Daolord did not leave any legacy, Su Ye would probably be the only cultivator who knew how to use the Spirit Returning Array.    


With this method, Su Ye naturally would not waste this opportunity.    


With the plan to refine a Secret Treasure in the medicinal garden, he naturally didn't have to spend too much effort to pick these heavenly materials, because refining the Secret Treasure in the medicinal garden first required a stable, natural world. Using the natural world as a material, he would peel the natural world off and then condense it into a Magic Treasure in order to form the medicinal garden world.    


The space in front of him was naturally a ready-made natural world.    


However, the process of refining the medicine garden was a little cumbersome. Su Ye still had Demon Lord Gu Te to deal with, so he decided to refine the medicine first after taking care of Demon Marshall Gu Te.    




Su Ye once again brought the Venerable Pangolin out of space and returned to the Snow Valley. He undid the cover of the warning formation, and directly smashed at the barrier ruthlessly. In an instant, an invisible yet sharp ripple spread out, and a ray of light that was inadvertently mixed in with the ripple broke through the air.    


Su Ye squinted his eyes for a while, then laughed in satisfaction and brought the Venerable Devil Turtle back to the hidden space.    


At the same time, in a certain great hall far away from the Magnificent Cloud Market, Demon Marshal Gu, who was discussing matters with his clansmen, suddenly stood up. His expression changed, and he abruptly stood up. The surrounding experts, who were also High Rank Spiritual Master Snowy, were all shocked and immediately asked what had happened to Demon Sovereign Gu Bing.    


Although they were of the same race, the Snow White Tribe was not truly close to each other. It involved a hidden space that contained two hundred thousand heavenly resources, and it was discovered by only Gu Tuomo. He naturally didn't want the second person to know about it.    


Demon Elder Gu Bing didn't speak the truth. He made up an excuse and at the same time declined the help of the others. He turned and left the Magnificent Cloud City, heading straight to the White Demon Bear Valley.    


After exiting Shengyun Market, the originally slightly smiling face of Demon Marshall Gu Bing immediately darkened as his killing intent completely replaced it.    


"You dare to touch this sovereign's Spiritual Medicine World? No matter who it is, no matter if it's intentional or not, this sovereign will kill you ?"    


That was a total of two hundred thousand heavenly materials. This was definitely a considerable amount of wealth, not to mention that he had even discovered a remnant of the World Essence. All these items were enough to help him break through to a peak tenth grade Demon Lord.    


From a high level ninth grade Demon Elder to a top level tenth grade Demon Elder, even though it was only a first grade improvement, it was enough for him to directly rise from a high status Snow White Demon Spirit to become a big shot. It could increase his rights, status, and even treatment.    


This was related to his future prospects. He absolutely could not allow anyone to destroy it, even if it was just a tiny bit of hidden danger.    


Just as Demon Marshall Gu Ping's killing intent grew stronger and stronger, and as he got closer and closer to the Valley of White Demonic Bears, Su Ye had already begun laying down seals in the concealed space. Ancient runes that Demon Marshall Peng couldn't understand flew out from Su Ye's hands, and like a living bird, they flapped their wings and flew to different corners, marking the space crystal wall and disappeared.    


This was an incomparably powerful splitting symbol with an extremely powerful splitting force. It was able to perfectly separate a natural world from the vast world it was born in.    


This was an ancient technique that only existed in the ancient times. With Demon Marshall Peng's shallow knowledge and knowledge, he naturally could not understand it, nor could he understand it. But this did not stop him from observing and comprehending from the side. He was like a dry sponge absorbing water with all his might, continuously absorbing the profound mysteries from Su Ye's methods.    


His eyes were unblinking. Even if he could not understand, he still tried his best to memorize. Being able to remember even one rune was better than nothing.    


Su Ye had the intention to bring the Pangolin Demon Elder along, so he took advantage of the fact that he was releasing Runes to point out some of the runes and their profoundness, causing the Pangolin Demon Elder to be overjoyed, and feel extremely grateful.    


About a quarter of an hour later.    


When Su Ye's Rune was half done, it stopped.    


This was because Demon Marshall Gu Bing had already arrived. He was standing right in front of the spatial entrance, staring intently at the stone wall within the snow valley.    


At this moment, the stone wall was no different from normal. Aside from the fact that it had been hit, there was no other change.    


Demon Marshall Gu Bing was extremely puzzled.    


If someone had discovered the mystery of the stone wall, why did they stop after a simple test? Could it be that the other party had discovered his warning restrictions after a test and decided to run away, fearing that they would be blocked?    


However, if the other party escaped, why was it that he did not discover any traces of people leaving the Valley of Demonic Beasts until he entered the Valley of Demonic Bears?    




The expression on Demon Marshall Gu Bing's face changed drastically. He had thought of one possibility, and that was that a highly skilled person had discovered the restriction. Furthermore, he had probed it to the point where he had opened the hidden door on the stone wall and stepped inside.    


As he thought of this, Demon Marshall Gu Bing's fury surged. He wished that he could immediately charge into the space and kill his opponent.    


However, as soon as he moved, he stopped.    


He couldn't help but think that when he had accidentally discovered this place, he had spent a lot of effort before opening the door to enter the hidden space to discover the two hundred thousand heavenly resources inside. If there was someone who could discover and open the portal more easily than him, then this method would not necessarily be weaker or perhaps even stronger.    


If he were to enter again, he would have to suffer a tragic blow to his opponent, and might even take his life.    


This was a matter of life and death, Demon Marshall Gu Bing had no choice but to be careful.    


He forced himself to calm down and think of the best and most advantageous way to deal with it.    


About two minutes.    


Demon Marshall Gu Tuo heaved a sigh of relief. He decided to test the waters first to see how the other party would react.    


At that moment, Demon Marshall Gu Bing also made a hand seal and quickly opened the hidden door on the stone wall. However, he did not completely open it, but only opened a small crack.    


He then snorted angrily at the crevice, "Who is this cultivator that dares to trespass into the spiritual medicine world exclusive to Demon Marshall Sin Tap!"    


His voice was filled with anger as it rumbled into the crevice. It sounded like a thunderclap in a hidden space as wind and lightning surged.    


At this moment, at the entrance of the Demonic Bear Valley, a few sounds of movement came from behind him, followed by a loud laughter.    


"Haha, Brother Gupta, you're not right. You're in control of a spiritual medicine world, and you're still afraid of us knowing. Don't tell me you're afraid of us sharing the benefits with you?"    


As the sound of his voice faded, all six of them appeared in front of the mountain rampart in an instant. Their gazes landed on the hidden door that had been opened by Demon Lord Gu Tuo, their eyes blazing with fire.    


Demon Sovereign Gu's face immediately darkened. This was truly something he did not want the most. There was a wolf in the front and a tiger in the back. This situation caused the rage he had suppressed to erupt once again.    


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