An Ultimate Martial Art



The Great Horned Demon Sovereign's eyes immediately reddened. The move of his subordinate, the Demon Sovereign, to plead for him had moved him and also made him feel extremely humiliated. He suddenly felt extreme hatred for Demon Marshall Qi Mo, and he also hated the Crimson Sky City to the extreme. He hated this force that had been respected in the Crimson Dragon Tomb for so many years, yet had never truly considered anything for the cultivators of the Crimson Dragon Tomb.    


But there was nothing he could do.    


The strong were respected, and the world was innocent. Being weak was a sin.    


You may refuse to accept this, but if you refuse to accept it, then you will die!    


As long as he did not want him and the entire Horned Flame City to be destroyed by Demon Marshall Qi Nightmare, he could only endure the humiliation and bow his head to Demon Marshal Qi Nightmare.    


"Great Horned Demon, and all of you, listen carefully for this sovereign. Since this sovereign has come, I am definitely not here to listen to you pretend to be stupid." If you say anything useless, none of you are allowed to. If you say even half a word more, you will die. "    


"A month from now, someone will take the lead to expel Su Ye from the Crimson Dragon Tomb. At that time, each and every one of you will have to stand out and respond in the name of Hornless Yan City."    


"As for the specific date, when the time comes, I will send you a message, using my message talisman as the benchmark." But, this sovereign will put the ugly words first. Before this matter is truly carried out, no one is allowed to leak the news, otherwise, when the entire city sits down, either all of you scram out of the Crimson Dragon Tomb, or all of you will die! "    


The Qilin Devil Lord did not argue too much with Horned Flame City. With an incomparably cold and unquestionable tone, he tossed down an order and directly left Horned Flame City. Aside from being shocked and furious, what was left for Horned Flame City was panic.    


However, because of the disagreements, the Demon Lord of Hornless Flame City had become even more furious. A considerable portion of his people had originally insisted on going to the Scarlet Sky City and the Nine-headed Clan to suppress Su Ye, hoping to win the favor of the Scarlet Sky City and the Nine-headed Clan and obtain the support of these two great forces.    


However, when they truly met the Venerable Amazing Nightmare, they discovered that what they wanted and what Crimson Sky City was willing to give were two completely different things.    


They actually wanted to use Su Ye to please the Scarlet Sky City and the Nine-headed Race, but the Scarlet Sky City was clearly seeing them as cannon fodder and not as collaborators with mutual interests. Furthermore, they were not allowed to resist.    


The difference between the two was simply too great. It was practically two extremes.    


This was troublesome.    


The dozens of Demon Masters in the entire Horned Flame City didn't know what to do. No one was willing to just be cannon fodder for no reason before reaping any benefits. They directly went to the side of Su Ye and had no confidence in him, so they were more worried that the Scarlet Sky City might be digging a pit for them and send people to monitor them from the shadows. If they were to make a move, it would bring about a huge disaster.    


All of a sudden, they all fell silent.    


However, similar incidents did not only happen in the Horned Flame City. With the city as the center, within a radius of ten million miles, almost every force that was qualified to be called a force, even those that hadn't built a city, were all found by the experts of the Crimson Sky City.    


Crimson Sky City was completely different from the domineering attitude from before. No matter who it was, there was no difference. It would directly order them around. It was simple, brutal, and there was no way to refute it. He wanted everyone to understand one thing, that was, that the decision to expel Su Ye from the Crimson Sky City this time was exceptionally firm.    


For half a month.    


The entire area had suddenly turned silent. An atmosphere that was filled with a storm was enveloping the entire area. The endless haze gave the cultivators a feeling of anger and pressure they had never felt before.    


However, Crimson Sky City did not care about that. The experts they sent out still followed their own tempo and constantly searched for the next power. It was as if they wanted to completely link all the forces in this area.    


It was impossible to hide such a huge movement from him. All sorts of concealed spies, scouts, and spies quickly reported the movements of the Crimson Sky City to the forces behind them.    


? ?.    


At the other end of the Crimson Dragon Tomb, three billion miles away, in a vast snow-covered mountain range filled with a vast expanse of wilderness snow, in a large palace that seemed to be one with the snowy mountain, a tall and sturdy man dressed in a white robe, after he finished reading the message from the scout, revealed a disdainful sneer on the corner of his mouth.    


He was the leader of the second largest tribe of the nine meridians of the Heaven, Demon Marshall Han Yuan, a top twelfth grade Demon Elder who had lived for a long time.    


Most of the territories on the other side of the mausoleum were under the control of the tribe. For an extremely long period of time, the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe had been suppressing and contacting the various powers in the Crimson Dragon Tomb, and could be said to have seized a tremendous amount of wealth from the mausoleum.    


For this reason, the Crimson Dragon Tomb could be said to be under constant surveillance by the Violent Snow Mountain Tribe. To Demon Marshall Han Yuan, the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe would never truly subdue the Crimson Dragon Tomb, but they would also never allow something that surpassed the control of the snowstorm mountain to happen.    


It was precisely because they knew about this that Crimson Sky City, who was regarded as the head of the Crimson Dragon Tomb, had never truly unified the Crimson Sky City. Crimson Sky City understood that they could secretly control the Crimson Dragon Tomb and even draw up an order for the major forces of the Crimson Dragon Tomb.    


This time, there was a change in the Crimson Dragon Tomb. First, there was a great earthquake, followed by the great battle between the two cities, and then there was the Nine-headed Race trying to establish the White Hill Village as the bridgehead to intervene in the Crimson Dragon Tomb. These series of changes naturally couldn't escape the monitoring of the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe.    


The Nine-headed Race possessed immense strength. Although it was impossible for them to go all out just for a mere Crimson Dragon Tomb, their attempt to interfere with the Tomb of the Crimson Dragon and split up the benefits that originally belonged to the Violent Snow Mountain Tribe still made them feel pressured.    


This caused Demon Marshall Han Yuan, who was in closed-door seclusion for a long time, to have no choice but to stop his closed door seclusion and personally pay attention to the situation in the Crimson Dragon Tomb.    


"Crimson Sky City, what a great Crimson Sky City! This noble one has underestimated your courage and determination. "    


After he finished reading the news he just received about Crimson Sky City sending experts to force all of the surrounding forces to join hands to expel Su Ye, Demon Marshall Han Yuan snorted coldly and casually tossed the message talisman to the Devil Lord of the Violent Snow Mountain Tribe below. He himself looked towards the direction of the Crimson Dragon Tomb through the air, his eyes revealing a fierce glint with dense killing intent.    


"Crimson Sky City? What is Crimson Sky City trying to do? These bastards, they must be tired of living. Did they really think that my Snow Mountain Tribe didn't move against them for so many years? Damn it, this bunch of damn bastards. "    


"Is Crimson Sky City planning to deal with Su Ye? Why is it so urgent? "    


"Su Ye's strong appearance in the Crimson Dragon Tomb would inevitably pose a threat to Crimson Sky City. It seems reasonable for Crimson Sky City to kill Su Ye now ?"    


"That's reasonable. Think about it carefully. If you were the City Lord of Crimson Sky City, what would you have done at this time?"    


Some people understood the mystery behind Crimson Sky City's actions as soon as they saw the city's actions. Others were a bit confused, as they didn't think that there was anything wrong with Crimson Sky City's actions. Their faces were still full of confusion and they didn't know where the furious Fierce Snow Mountain Demon Sovereign had pointed to.    


Until someone explained it.    


The goal of the Nine-headed Race to enter the Crimson Dragon Tomb under the guise of dealing with Su Ye was already very obvious. The Snowstorm Mountain Tribe who viewed the Crimson Dragon Tomb as a forbidden zone would definitely not let the Nine-headed Race accomplish their goal so easily.    


As far as Crimson Sky City was concerned, shouldn't they be waiting for their tribe to break off from the Nine-headed Race? Only by doing so would they be able to benefit Crimson Sky City the most. It was impossible for the people of Crimson Sky City to not know this.    


But now, the Nine-headed Clan was defeated by Su Ye and lost in the rumors. Their fame had almost reached its lowest point in history, yet there was no response. The tribe chose to stay put because the Nine-headed Race didn't have any movements.    


When the two forces that should have made the most big movements hadn't made a move, Crimson Sky City, which should have been the one that hadn't made a move the most, suddenly jumped out impatiently. It was as if Su Ye's existence had threatened Crimson Sky City and wanted to kick him out of the Crimson Dragon Tomb.    


Was this normal?    


This was definitely abnormal. Either everyone in the entire Crimson Sky City, from the top to the bottom, was a fool, or the Crimson Sky City was ordered to do this.    


But would everyone in Crimson Sky City be a fool?    


The tribe did not order Crimson Sky City to do this either.    


There was only one possibility left, and that was that the actions of the Nine-headed Race were all directed by the Nine-headed Race. The Nine-headed Clan seemed to want to expel Su Ye from the Crimson Dragon Tomb for their own benefits, but in reality, they were fighting for the Nine-headed Race.    


How could the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe tolerate this?    


The Demon Lords of the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe, who understood the profoundness of this place, instantly became furious. There were people clamoring on the spot to destroy Crimson Sky City.    


From the perspective of the Demon Marshall of the snowstorm mountain, the reason Crimson Sky City was able to gain a firm foothold in the Crimson Dragon Tomb and become the head of the Crimson Dragon Tomb's major forces was entirely because the snowstorm mountain had deliberately turned a blind eye to it.    


The Violent Snow Mountain Tribe had raised Crimson Sky City. Crimson Sky City wasn't thinking of repaying them, but was actually colluding with the Nine-headed Race. Wasn't this the same as returning kindness with enmity?    


It was intolerable.    


If they didn't destroy Crimson Sky City, the Snowstorm Mountain Tribe would become a laughingstock.    


In an instant, all of the Demon Generals of the Violent Snow Mountain Tribe looked towards Demon Marshall Han Yuan.    


"Leader, no matter what, this Crimson Sky City must die. We must destroy it, we must capture that so-called City Lord and kill him in public, otherwise the cultivators of the Crimson Dragon Tomb will think that our tribe is easy to bully. When everyone defends against the Nine-headed Race, what benefits do we have to discuss? A great profit like this will be taken away by the Nine-headed Race ?"    


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