An Ultimate Martial Art



Not for nothing? If he didn't do it for nothing, then it would be beneficial?    


Su Ye would never reject something that had benefits. At the very least, he wouldn't reject something that was so strong.    


Su Ye did not try to hide it and directly said: "Alright, then I'll listen to it. What benefits do you, the Hidden Clans, have in mind to bribe me to help you do this? "You can rest assured, I have always liked to make fair deals with others. Even if I fail to do so, there will still be justice and justice in this transaction. I just hope to cooperate next time and will not maliciously break it."    


The blue-clothed Demon Elder was obviously surprised by Su Ye's businesslike tone, but he didn't feel that anything was amiss. This time, their race had come to find Su Ye to ask for help, but wasn't it actually just a deal?    


"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Su. After you've heard the conditions of our hidden clansmen, you'll definitely agree to cooperate."    


Su Ye still smiled, as if he was all ears.    


"First of all, we, the hidden clans will openly establish a city, which will serve as the base of the hidden clans in the Eternal Heaven and Earth. The location of the city will be decided by you, and you will be the city lord of the hidden clans, with the identity of an elder of the hidden clans.    


With this identity, both the Ancient and the Heavenly Race will view you as a hidden race. Even if the Nine-headed Race wants to kill you again, they will have to think carefully.    


"Secondly, if there is any trouble that you can't get through by helping the hidden clan, we, the hidden clan, will not sit idly by and do nothing. If necessary, we will send out experts to help you, even if it means the intervention of the demon gods."    


"Also, the most important thing is that every ten years, you will have the chance to listen to the demon god's dao. Afterwards, you can ask the demon god about any questions you have regarding cultivation. If your aptitude satisfies the demon gods, they can also accept you as their direct disciple a hundred years from now. "    


After listing these three conditions, the blue-clothed Demon Elder looked at Su Ye with a smile, as if he was waiting to see Su Ye go crazy with joy.    


It had to be known that these three conditions not only helped Su Ye resolve the Nine-headed Clan's threat, they also ensured Su Ye's safety. Furthermore, it gave him a chance to become a direct disciple of the Demon God. Let alone Su Ye, even he himself was extremely moved. He wanted to become the direct disciple of the Demon God more than anyone else.    


But who would have thought that Su Ye's face was calm and not moved in the slightest.    


"Oh, just these three conditions and nothing more?"    


The two higher levelled hidden clan Demon Honored Warriors were stunned, they were anxious too. What did Su Ye mean by saying this, was these three conditions not enough? He appeared so calm, could it be that these three conditions were not in Su Ye's eyes?    


The two of them were so anxious that their hearts almost spouted fire, and they almost couldn't resist standing up and spitting at Su Ye.    


Su Ye smiled lightly: "If there are only these three conditions, then I'm afraid I won't be able to agree to them."    


These three conditions were nothing more than to ensure his safety and to give him hope, but they were just like empty painting cakes with no real meaning at all.    


With such a condition, if Su Ye had just logged into the Eternal Heaven and Earth, he might have agreed without hesitation and thought that this would be a great opportunity, so he would definitely bear it no matter how big the risk was.    


But now?    


Forget about only giving him a strand of hope, he wouldn't even agree to immediately become the Fiendgod Primordial Chaos's direct disciple. With three sets of Legacies from the Demon Gods, the ingredients stored in the Fiendgod Primordial Chaos were not as rich as he was, so what ability did he have to help him cultivate?    


On the contrary, he had to be restricted by the so-called master demon god. Would he choose to become a disciple of the demon god only when he had a bad brain?    


As for ensuring his safety, there was no need to talk about it. Although it could save him a lot of trouble, as he grew stronger, he might not care about the retaliation of the Nine-headed Race. If the Nine-headed Race didn't have the courage to go all out, he would become his food instead of dying. What was he afraid of?    


Therefore, the three conditions that the hidden clansmen proposed were extremely joyful and could not even be sought for by others. In his opinion, they were useless, so how could he waste his cultivation time because of them?    


When the two hidden clan Demon Elders heard Su Ye's words, they immediately confirmed that Su Ye had rejected them. Rejecting such tempting conditions was not only because they did not appreciate Su Ye's kindness, but also because they were disregarding the hidden clans. No matter how good their self-control was, the two of them could not help but feel that it was unbearable.    


Fortunately, they were in control of themselves and were able to suppress their anger.    


The blue-clothed Demon Marshall gritted his teeth and asked, "Then tell us, how are you willing to agree to this cooperation? Since you feel that this is a deal, why don't you tell us your conditions?"    


Su Ye hesitated, "Alright, then I'll modify the conditions a bit."    


"Go ahead." The two Hidden Clan Demon Honored Warrior stared at Su Ye, wanting to see how Su Ye would not stop until he shocked everyone.    


Su Ye said indifferently: "Firstly, I can barely accept the first two conditions you have put forward, but I actually do not think that they are conditions. Since you have asked for my cooperation, for the sake of the future of your hidden clansmen and their survival, it is natural for you all to help me when I am in trouble, you do not object to this, right?"    


The two hidden clan Demon Honored Warriors looked at each other. To be honest, they really couldn't refute Su Ye's words. Since he wanted to cooperate with Su Ye, then he naturally could not sit idly by and watch Su Ye get beaten to death. Otherwise, even if they could find other replaceable people, perhaps they wouldn't dare to cooperate with the hidden clansmen.    


But since Su Ye had brought it up so straightforwardly, it could be seen that Su Ye was truly a shrewd person. He was definitely not easy to fool, and also not someone who could be fooled.    


The two of them were straightforward, "What you say makes sense. There's no objection to that."    


"Since you do not object, then these two conditions actually do not exist. Taking your part as a condition is also a form of humiliation to you. Therefore, there is only one condition, and that is to listen to the Demon God's teachings and decide whether or not to become the Demon God's direct disciple in a hundred years' time, in accordance with the Demon God's mood. "    


"I'll change this one. I do not need the teachings of the demon gods, nor do I look forward to becoming the direct disciple of the demon gods. I only need the hidden clan to agree to one condition. "    


"What condition?" The two Invisible Demons were very curious as to what kind of conditions Su Ye would put forward.    


"I heard that there are many mysterious forbidden lands in the hidden realm. You have also obtained many benefits from them over the years. "I am interested in these forbidden lands, so as long as the hidden tribes can agree to give me two rights to explore the forbidden lands that I have yet to explore, I do not need the hidden races to be responsible for the safety of the forbidden lands. As for the cultivation resources and treasures I have obtained from the forbidden lands, they all belong to me.    


"How about it? As long as you agree to my condition, we can immediately cooperate."    


Su Ye smiled as he looked at the two Hidden Clan Demon Honored Warriors.    


The two Invisible Demons were stunned. They didn't think that Su Ye's offer would be that big of a deal. On the contrary, they felt that Su Ye's condition was slightly worse than theirs.    


After all, although the Forbidden Land of the Hidden Realm was rich in resources, no one was more clear than they were about the dangers of the Forbidden Land of the Hidden Realm. Cultivators had to protect themselves. If they couldn't save their own lives, then no matter how many benefits they obtained, it would be meaningless.    


In contrast, it would be better to listen to the demonic god's teachings, raise his strength, and win the favor of the demonic god. According to the requirements of the Hidden Clan, Su Ye could listen to the Demon God's teachings ten times in a hundred years. If he wanted to meet the Demon God ten times in a row, perhaps it wouldn't be possible for Su Ye to become the direct disciple of the Demon God, but the possibility of him becoming an honorary disciple was rather high.    


In this world, what resources could be better than becoming an honorary disciple of a demon god?    


The two of them did not understand why Su Ye would make such a condition. Or was it because he did not trust the Hidden Clan and was worried that the Fiendgod Primordial Chaos would not impart him the Great Way of the Profound Truths and in the end, get nothing out of it and work for the Hidden Clan for nothing?    


"Fellow Daoist Su, may I ask, why did you put forward such a condition?" The blue-clothed Demon Elder could not help but ask.    


Su Ye laughed, "That is how everyone has their own aspirations, everyone has their own starting point, everyone has their own will, don't you think so? So you can understand me as a person who is more curious and more interested in the forbidden area of the hidden realm. "    


"Alright! This condition is acceptable to both of us, but in the end, we still have to wait for Senior Star Origin Stage to report it to the demon god. Therefore, if you have such conditions, you will have to wait patiently for a while. "    


"No problem. I have plenty of time. I'm very patient."    


Su Ye laughed, his expression suddenly changing as he shot an ice-cold gaze towards the entrance of the cultivation grounds. Almost at the same time, the two reclusive Infernals also looked in that direction, their expressions immediately becoming playful.    


At the entrance of the training grounds, a figure suddenly appeared. A surging aura immediately spread out and filled the entire training grounds, as if there was an enormous pressure that wanted to blow up the entire training grounds.    


This was the aura of a high level Demon Lord, one that was not any weaker than the two hidden forces. Moreover, it was different from the two hidden forces. It was clearly filled with malice, and it could be said that killing intent surged like lava.    


"Su Ye smashed it into pieces, killed my Nine-headed Clan Demon Elder, and hid here as though he was a turtle hiding in its shell. Now that this sovereign has come, let's see where else you can run to. Hurry up and get down here to die. "    


As he shouted, his figure quickly became clear. He had finally stopped harboring those thoughts in his mind.    


The moment he saw the Demon Sealing Elder, the two hidden clan Demon Honored Warriors' expressions became more and more playful. The red-clothed Demon Elder, who had been holding back his anger towards Su Ye and had been standing at the side the entire time, spoke up, "Fellow Daoist Su, it seems like the Nine-headed Clan has a really strong desire to kill you. Even a seventh-grade high level Demon Elder came out personally. What do you think? Do you need our help?"    


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